"Talk about it."

Three generations of fire shadow considered it and said.

The implication is the basis for Chiba to talk about his ideas.

This word a, but let the fire between the eyes.

The meaning of three generations of fire shadow is to be adopted?

No way! Are you kidding Just after the war, the alliance was formed in a twinkling of an eye. Even if we can cross the threshold, so many people in shayin village have died in our hands. Can they accept it?

When he was stunned and could not believe it, Chiba took a deep breath, turned around and looked around. His eyes fell on the map boards in the office which depicted the situation of the five countries. Then he walked to the side of the map board which depicts the situation of the five countries and moved it to the front.

After that, Chiba looked at the map, took a breath, and said, "Mr. Huojian is right. Indeed, although we have won, many things have been disrupted by the temporary mobilization of the kuoji mountain campaign, and adjustments are needed. Otherwise, the loopholes in the village's defense can easily be exploited."

Three generations of fire shadow nodded and said, "continue."

Chiba also knows what's at stake, but his idea is ridiculous.

Huojian agreed with Chiba's words, but didn't agree with his idea of supporting shayin village and alliance with shayin village.

"But now, it's not the time. Indeed, there are loopholes, but they are more critical than loopholes. At present, the land state has gathered thousands of ninjas on the border. This force is now presented to us in a defensive posture. But this should be the strategic intention of the land state when it attacked the sand hidden village of the wind country. If they had wiped out the sand hidden village and wiped out the trouble of a big country, what would tuzhiguo do if it had no worries about the future? " Chiba drew a circle on the map at the border of the land Kingdom, and then made a circle at the border of the land of birds and the country of rain at the junction of sand hidden rock and hidden rock.

Hearing the speech, the three generations of fire shadow frowned and nodded silently. And the fire looked at the map, his brow was also a wrinkle, vaguely, he seemed to feel something.

"There is no doubt that the land will use these thousands of ninjas to raid our wood leaves." Chiba said.

"However, if we adjust well, we will not be afraid even if thousands of ninjas from the land Kingdom attack us!" Said the fire.

"Yes, we are not afraid of thousands of ninjas in the land. What about Lei Zhiguo, which has been increasing troops to the border?" Chiba drew a circle in the direction of Lei Zhiguo and said: "look at the map, although the troops at the border of leizhi country are less than those of tuzhiguo, they are not much less. If the land state attacks, Lei Zhiguo will attack us through the land of Tian?" Almost before the voice of the fire fell, Chiba said.

"This..." The fire hears the speech a Leng, but is speechless.

It's true that there are thousands of ninjas in the land country. But if Lei Zhiguo is also in trouble at this time, it will be a little hard to resist.

Moreover, when the country of fire and the country of land fight, Muye and Yanyin will face each other, and the two countries will become the targets of the thunder country. As for which of the two countries will be the primary target.

There is no doubt that it is their wood leaves, their country of fire.

The country of fire is located in the center of the mainland, with fertile land, mild climate and abundant sunshine. It is the main road of communication between countries and occupies favorable economic and political positions. The territory of the state of fire coveted by these other powers is not a day or two. Whether it is the first or the Second World War of tolerance, it is almost all the other four countries against the country of fire.

Fortunately, the military strength of the state of fire, Muye village, is strong enough to defend itself. Although it also suffered heavy losses, it has won victories in all previous wars.

This war is the time when Muye village meets with the yellow. It can be said that compared with previous wars, Muye's strength is not at its peak, and even much weaker than that of the last war.

If one is not careful, it may be engulfed by other countries.

"So, should we unite with Sha Yin to stifle this situation?" Three generations of fire said.

"Yes, they allied themselves with Sha Yin, the country of wind, and supported them in their battle with Yanyin, the land state, to retain the remaining active strength of the country of wind to contain the land state. Let the land country always feel that it has a sharp edge on its back and dare not attack us easily. " Chiba nodded.

"However, shayin village may not be able to accept this condition." The fire retorted: "we killed so many sand hidden ninjas in the past kudzu mountain campaign. Even if we would, they would not accept it."

Chiba said that, his idea is also OK, but it is still too childish. How many people in shayin village lost their relatives and friends in the battle of kudzu mountain, which is so easy.

The fire shook his head in silence.

"They will definitely form an alliance with us."

Hearing the words between the fire, Chiba is determined to say.

"What do you say?"

Three generations of fire shadows asked.

"At present, the situation of fengzhiguo happens to be a big defeat, and many of its effective forces have been eliminated. Its military strength is at the bottom of the current situation. The reason why tuzhiguo attacks without scruple is that it is now a soft persimmon that anyone can grasp. In order to ensure its own security, it will certainly seek allies.""From our point of view, maybe they hate us now and it's hard to dispel them. But from their perspective, they are in dire need of an ally. What reason do they have to refuse if we send help in time of crisis and send us support and alliance?"

Chiba turned and looked at the fire and the three generations of fire. His eyes were burning, and even his mouth showed a trace of smile.

At this moment, Chiba's posture and figure, in the eyes of the three generations of fire shadow and fire, seemed to send out a light light.

It is true that our focus is on hatred and the contradictions after the war. However, for them, it is now a matter of life and death?

This thought, at the same time, in the hearts of both.

"So, what do you mean, to give support to the wind country is to win their favor, and on the other hand, to preserve the strength of the wind country, so that they can always threaten the land state?" After all, the fire shadow of three generations is also a generation of wise fire shadow. After this idea came out, everything was sorted out in his mind.

This child, more than I thought! This plan works!

Three generations of fire shadow silently nodded.

It turns out that Not aimless, Chiba I really look down on him. It's amazing! Is this child really just a seven year old?

Fire looking at Chiba, eyes do not hide their surprise, as well as shock!

Well, it looks like eight years old, Chiba.

And then there was the idea.

"That's right." Chiba nodded and said.

And then he said, "look at the fire shadow again."

What else? Is this just the beginning?

Three generations of fire shadow and fire at the same time.

With the narrating of Chiba, their eyes at Chiba are more and more surprised, and even in the end, the eyes between the fire still take fright.

When Qian Ye's narration is over, even the three generations of Huoying are still a bit tongue tied.

This child, is it to control this war?

However, this plan can not be implemented!

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