Chiba flying in the forest, his face is grim, this task, perhaps he has received the most difficult task.

It's not to say how fierce the enemy will be. Chiba, who has been fighting with the S-class Ninja night moon and Chiba, who has been fighting with the six tailed jiuxinnai of S-level strength in the past two years, will not be shaken by a quasi-s-class ninja.

What really makes him feel tricky is the situation of the encirclement.

It can be said that this encirclement is the main battlefield of Muye, Yanyin and yunyin. For Muye, getting the layout map of the border of the land state can take it as a threat and make a big deal to avoid the joint attack of the land state and the land of thunder, and even further intensify the contradiction between the land state and the land of thunder.

For yunyin, the defense map can be used to break Yanyin's defense. On the other hand, it can also be used as a trade-off to ask Yan Yin to attack Muye together with him to solve this big problem. If there is a defense plan to make a deal, ask for an alliance, and let the land state send a dignitary as a hostage, the feasibility of this alliance can be guaranteed, and then we can work together to deal with the problem of Muye.

At the same time, we can also use the defense map to expand the results of the war against the rock. It can be said that once the defense plan falls into the land of thunder, yunyin will be able to obtain absolute dominance, and this war of Three Kingdoms is basically the bag of their thunder country.

No matter Muye or Yanyin will be subject to it, even if the final victory is not absolute, then the kingdom of thunder will also get the biggest results.

As for Yan Yin, no matter who is in charge of the defense plan, it will be a great disadvantage to Yan Yin and his native country.

First of all, no matter who they fall into, they must focus on the defense, especially those natural weaknesses. Even if they can't completely defend themselves, they should send enough ninjas. At that time, their active strength in the battlefield must be reduced. However, now they are fighting with Lei Zhiguo. They are on a par with each other. At the same time, they are also pinned down by wooden leaves.

After laying emphasis on defense, these forces will inevitably decline, and the front line will inevitably retreat. At that time, the battle may turn the land into a fish.

Even if we don't focus on defense, if one of Muye and yunyin attack the mainland by surprise, then the situation will inevitably fall into a huge disadvantage. Even if Muye and yunyin have no energy to attack the mainland, they should also be on guard. At that time, the front-line war will be bound to be completely passive.

It can be said that the fate of the land kingdom in this battle depends on this defense map. Even if Yan Yin is desperate, he will take the map back, no matter how much the cost is, no matter how crazy the means are.

Alas This is it!

Too much trouble!

Chiba sighed, flying in, the green light in the eyes slowly lit up.

At present, the forces of the three parties seem to be very simple. Yan Yin and Yun Yin surround each other in half, and Muye's intelligence team is trapped in it. They can only hide in Tibet and mediate. They can't get rid of it all the time. They are almost fish in a bowl and can't escape from the enemy.

However, under this simple situation, it is complicated and mutual containment, and this containment is even more solid and difficult than the Three Kingdoms containment strategy set by Chiba before.

This can be seen from the fact that a few people's Muye intelligence team can persist for such a long time under siege.

In the current situation, as long as Yanyin and yunyin shrink the encirclement network, it is just like catching a net. With absolute number of people, they constantly narrow the range of activities of Muye's intelligence team. Finally, they have to kill the Muye intelligence team with absolute number and strength. Even after the encirclement network is narrowed, they will continue to fight It's OK to take the initiative to fight annihilation.

But Why, why did they not take action, but only surrounded and killed, and even the encirclement network was strictly controlled to a certain extent, and they did not dare to go beyond the minefield.

Obviously, Yanyin does not allow yunyin to get the defense map, and yunyin can't let Yanyin snatch it back. And neither side wants to leave.

Therefore, yunyin and Yanyin are surrounded by half of you and half of me because of the common purpose of "don't want the leaves to leave".

At the same time, the encirclement is based on a strange balance, because "neither Yanyin nor yunyin want the other party to get the defense map, and the layout plan is very important and absolutely sensitive". Therefore, as long as there is any change in the other party's encirclement half circle, it will cause the other party's huge reaction, and it will become more and more intense. Either you increase troops, I will also increase troops when you attack, or you will reduce the package Encirclement, I also reduce the encirclement, even when you reduce the encirclement, I will add some ambush to you And so on, and so on. The possibility of this kind of thing is not clear. The five big tolerance villages have been fighting each other for nearly a hundred years, and there are many sinister tactics.

In this way, the result is not easy to say. It may be that the cloud is hidden, the rock is hidden, and the wood leaf is taking advantage of the two guys' blood to fight and slip away. It is also possible that the Muye army also participated in the Three Kingdoms melee, and this place became a whirlpool, constantly attracting the troops of the three countries, and eventually all three defeats were hurt!

Moreover, no matter yunyin, Yanyin or Muye have no absolute confidence that they can win a stable victory after causing chaos and breaking the balance. After all, who is in charge of the defense plan? The other two will inevitably fall into a disadvantage. Even if tuzhiguo takes back the defense map, the other two families will lose many ninjas in vain, greatly weakening their strength, It's not very cost-effective.Therefore, with the present balance, Muye does not dare to send rescuers. Yunyin should consider Yanyin and Muye, and Yanyin should consider yunyin and Muye. How can it not cause the three parties to overreact each other.

In the end, restricted by the three parties, there are only such opportunities as encircling yunyin and Yanyin, not killing them. And closely monitor each other and Muye, never let the other side take advantage.

For Muye, he was surrounded, mediated, and rescued. He fled without letting them find out, and sent this important defense map back to the village.

The three parties have restrained each other, forming a strange situation of encircling but not killing.

However, this tripartite containment is very strong and fragile. As long as there is a little imbalance, all relations will be doomed.

And they, no doubt, are just a little bit unbalanced!

Enough to shake this triangle relationship!

It's no wonder Nara Lujiu asked me to go by name. I'm afraid he would not be at ease about this matter for anyone. Even, choosing me is actually a helpless move. In Nara Lujiu's heart, there is no suitable person. It may be me

After all, after all, the war may be over after the deployment plan is started. And the layout plan is so sensitive.

However, Chiba himself has some ideas about how to set up defense plans for the land state.

"Are you here? Have you unconsciously entered the alert range? "

Qianye's eyes flashed, and then he stepped on the foot and turned down the branches after a meal.

"Whew, whew!"

At the same time, several bitter Wu shot from all sides.


Chiba half squatted on the ground, one hand to the ground, the moment his hand touched the ground, the four rock wall suddenly rose, hit several branches, and then stopped.

Tu Dun, the art of four column prison!

And the next second

"Boom, boom!"

Several flames and smoke exploded around the rock wall! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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