It's no use lamenting now. It's over. Hongyan and Chennai have been dragged into this dangerous situation. I can only do everything possible to make them return to the village safely and prepare for the worst.

Chiba took a deep breath, and the small water whirlpool in his hand broke up again with a "Bo" sound. However, this backwater blade was obviously much stronger. Besides, it also scratched a shallow scar on Chiba's arm, as if it had been scraped off a thin layer of skin.

Let's meet today. We still have some initiative. I can't worry too much about success and forget this point. The more time comes, the more attention should be paid to some details. It's better to find out the details that have been ignored by them and hit them by surprise.

Thinking, Chiba stood up and took a look at Hongyan and Chennai again. He was about to go and wake them up.

"Have you thought about it?"

"Has it been decided?"

Chiba just started, Chennai and Hongyan's voice is ring, and then, they slowly sat up and looked at Chiba.


Chiba's feet are hanging in the air, but they are stunned, looking at the two people who are standing up.

Are they awake? You know I'm thinking, so I don't speak?

"So, what about signal convergence? Or a few days later, the wild boar meat has not been finished, is it to continue to eat to nourish the energy? " Hongyan poker face squeeze out a smile, said.

Chennai smiles and says nothing.

But two people's eyes, actually shot out the firm vision.

No matter how you choose, we will support you!

Obviously, their eyes are meant to convey such a meaning.

Feeling these two eyes, Chiba's mouth involuntarily showed a smile. At this moment, the haze, worry and faint regret in his heart disappeared. Some of them were full of warmth and firmness.


The strength of the two of them is not weak. If they are one-on-two, I will surely lose. The victory of one-on-one is only fifty-five. If the three of us are together, even if the bloody battle is unfavorable, who can keep us?

I'm really concerned, but it's a mess!

How can I be timid before the battle starts? How can I ensure their safety and respond to their trust!

Besides, their eyes and expressions

They also know clearly that a bloody battle is inevitable. Only when we fight against them with absolute weakness in number, can they open up the situation and seize the opportunity without destroying the overall balance.

They are ready!

Now, it's waiting for me, get ready!

Thinking about it, Chiba took a breath and said with a smile: "cook the rest of the wild boar meat, we have a good meal, and then send the signal. Remember, the reason why we have been able to kill so many elite yunyin and Yanyin is that they didn't expect that we were so strong, or that they were surprised that we could grow to such a level. Therefore, it is inevitable that we were careless and unprepared. Although we annihilated those elite, it does not mean that we can crush them at will, let alone that they have no threat to us 。

It's just that they're not familiar with us!

In the next battle, they will be more careful, more careful, more cautious, and will be more full of killing intention. They will be more ruthless and will never be merciful. Therefore, we can not be merciful, nor can we retain our strength. We should give them a head-on attack and disrupt their positions!

Finally, we must go back to the village! "

In the end, Chiba is serious.

"Yes, Captain!"

Hongyan and Chennai looked at each other with a smile on their lips and said in response.

"Well, cook, then signal!"

Chiba gave an order.


An hour later, yunyin temporary base.

"Lord Haidou!"

The Ninja rushes into the tree hole and shouts when he opens his mouth.

"What's the matter?"

Seeing the appearance of Zha Tan ninja and hearing his cry, the strong man named Yeyue Haidou almost jumped up from his stool. His eyes were wide and his face was full of anxiety. He looked at him.

"Signal Signal... "

The Ninja takes a few breaths, but one sentence is incomplete.

"Slow down and make it clear what's going on!"

The night moon sea Dou eyebrows tight frown, the heart is not conscious of a tight, the heart beat faster a little, as if it is nervous, as if it is afraid, as if it is something that he has been looking forward to for a long time. It seems that he will finally say it from the mouth of the Ninja!

Hearing this, the Ninja took a few deep breaths, and then eagerly opened his mouth: "they They're sending the signal! It's a signal


As soon as he said this, the sound of a chair to the bottom immediately sounded behind the wartime command desk, which was abrupt and loud.

The night moon sea fight stabilized his body, but he didn't even look at the chair that he stepped back and accidentally kicked off. He didn't know whether his face was happy or sad, whether he was excited or nervous. His lips hummed a few times, and finally he said, "Damn it, finally his mother's action! Inform the front tracking team to attack as soon as they meet at all costs. I'll be there soon! "And then?

This word a, originally panting for breath to investigate Ninja a Leng, said: "sea fight adult also go?"

"Of course, how can we miss this opportunity? I don't know how long it will take for us to have the next opportunity. Because of this matter, how long we have been here, we just feel how heavy our shoulders are when we get up every day, no! Can't sleep at all! This time, of course, I'll do it! "

The night moon sea fight panted for a few gulps, the voice was high, almost cried out.


The Ninja is worried.

"Don't worry! Nothing will happen here! "

Night moon sea fight very affirmative say, speak, the corner of the eye Yu light also inadvertently looked at the back.

"Well That's great. With the quasi-s-class strength of Haidou, you can get the layout map! "

Obviously, zheten Ninja believes in the words of the night moon sea fight. What he says is what he says. After hearing that the encirclement is secure, he is in a state of excitement. There is one more quasi-s-class sea fighting adult. The wooden leaf bastards can't run away!


At the same time, Yanyin temporary base.


Shaking his fist on the command table, the corner of the mouth of the short and fat man named Ping Zuoshen slowly split open, and then the laughter became more and more big, almost turning into a laugh in the sky.

At last!

I thought it would take them another two days! This Chiba is really not simple. It's useless to drag it down!

Defense map, it's time to get it back!

"Give me an order. As soon as they meet, do it! Don't worry about anything! "

He spoke in a loud voice, with indescribable ease and confidence.


The Ninja answers and says he will leave immediately.


But in this moment, hirsutsuka suddenly stopped him, his voice was urgent, almost even the tone was a few degrees high.

The Ninja is stunned and looks up at him.

But see hirsuka Shen face seems to have some distortion, forehead is sweating, said to himself: "happy too much, almost forget."

With that, he went to investigate the ninja, leaned down to his ears, whispered for a while, then straightened up slightly and asked cautiously, "do you understand?"

"I see!"

Check out the Ninja's solemn nod.

"Well, you go."

Pingzhong Shen said as quietly as possible.


Check the Ninja's response, and then immediately leave, disappear in place.

"It's over, all this!"

With his hands on his back and his fists tightly clenched, he trembled and his eyes turned to the faint white smoke in the southwest.

Opportunity, at last! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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