The next day, early morning.

Chiba got up early. After leaving Kai's ward with Kakashi yesterday, he did some daily training and then had an early rest.

This time, the boss was just doing business. He didn't use his fingers to guide Chiba to eat the special pork chop extra large steamed bread. However, Qianye was lucky enough to touch a special extra large steamed bread.

Good luck today!

Looking at Chiba all the way, the boss didn't speak, just doing business in silence. In the shop behind him, there was the voice of the owner's wife complaining: "what's the matter with you today? Why do you put all the special steamed bread on the table? It's for one day. Do you want to sell out in the morning

And Chiba has gone far away, is not heard.

At this time, Chiba is thinking about yesterday and Kakashi left, asking Kakashi about the tolerance test, Kakashi's answer.

Now Kakashi has been in tolerance, naturally he has also participated in the tolerance test, but Chiba did not get any substantive information from him. It's not Kakashi's concealment. It's just that according to what he said, the content of the test is different according to the examiner.

For example, the first test he took was a written test, and the examiner was Sen Nai's real number. The second test was the same as Chiba's. in the third test, it was a practical test and hostage rescue.

Therefore, there is no hint and experience to talk about, because this time the examiner is San Ren, they are the first time to preside over the tolerance test, and no one knows what test questions they will give.

However, Chiba also knows from Kakashi that there are only three tests in the Zhongren test, including pre selection test, retest test and final test.

He has passed the pre selection test. Now it is the second test. After this, there is a final test.

I don't know what the content of the second round is. However, the first drill ground should be about the same as the pre selection test.

Chiba looked up at the circular structure of the drill ground with the words "the first exercise field.". Outside the door, Chiba heard a lot of people inside.

Here Should be the Naruto that session of the test held in the place.

After the two Zhongren outside the door confirmed Chiba's identity, Chiba was allowed to enter it. It seems that the defense is also very strict.

After Chiba enters, the two gatekeepers talk to each other.

"Is this the son of the traitor? It's been seven years in a flash. " One of them said.

"True leaf..." Another murmured.

"Hello, array, don't mention the name again." Zhongren, who had spoken earlier, quickly stopped him.

"What's the matter? Can't that name be mentioned now? " Zhongren, named array, frowns.

"This is the order of three generations of adults, never mention the name again. The child is poor enough. Let the name be forgotten forever, and the child's situation will be better. "


They looked at each other and sighed.

However, Chiba, who walked into the drill ground, did not hear the two people's gossips. At this time, he was a little surprised.

At this moment, at this very moment, in the first drill field, which was used for the Naruto middle school entrance examination, there was a lot of noise, and it was undoubtedly louder than the voices heard outside.

Outside and inside, Chiba feels like entering two worlds.

"Yuzhibo, is there a contest for yuzhibo Hongyan today?"

"Yes, all of the Ninjas who participated in the experiment today will have the talent of the Japanese family and the Japanese snow eagle. I want to see his performance!"

"There is still a genius in the Japanese family.

"You mean Miss Cheney? I'm looking forward to it, but I'm more looking forward to the snow hawk game

"Wow, I'm so excited. What's the matter with the third generation of adults? They even announced the second test of Zhongren examination. Although there was only one test, I was so excited. I heard that yuzhibo Hongyan and RI Xueying would definitely bump into each other today. "

" Xizi, my family's Fengzi preliminary competition will be eliminated. Now I can't see it. Your family has passed through the summit. It's great to be able to compete in front of so many people. " A housewife said to her friend next to her, with envy in her eyes.

"My son is going to play! Be serious! It gives me a long face in front of the whole village! " A father stood up excitedly. He was wearing a horn and other gas appliances. He was talking to his two daughters and his wife. His two daughters and his wife seemed to be pulling a banner with the words "cheer up, please".


All around were voices discussing the experiment, and the audience was obviously looking forward to it.

Chiba glanced at the first exercise field, which is the same as that depicted in the animation. There are three high masonry walls around the high walls, namely, the stands and the battle stands. In the middle of the highest place, there is also a stone high back chair, which should be the seat of the fire shadow. In the buildings on the left and right sides, the audience has already been filled. Everyone is very excited Talking about something in a loud voice.Under the high wall, there is an open space. The ground is not brick and stone, but soil. The thousand leaves stepped on a little, which is very solid. Occasionally, a few clumps of green grass are distributed on the ground. At the edge of the open space, close to the high wall, there are clusters of green trees growing.

After a glance, Chiba glimpses two green figures. It is Maitreya and Maite Dai, with thick eyebrows, thirty-seven points and green tights Metday is also very easy to recognize, and the other side of the cry of youth, embrace each other Their father and son are really eye-catching.

Chiba pulled at the corner of his mouth.

Then the two hugging green tights yelled, "blinds! come on. As my (my son) forever opponent, come on! Burn your youth! Bloom! The young son of Muye

Their voices were really loud, which covered a lot of excited shouts, and almost all the players in the field heard them.

Chiba has a black line on her face. She looks like I don't know them. She rushes to Hongyan and Chennai, who are waving to Chiba, and are being made confused by the father and son of metday and maitekai.

"Chiba, is he the Maitreya who fought with you? Is that his father next to him? Are there any other players with the name of blinds? " Chennai asked, and Chiba had come to them.

Hongyan also looked over in doubt.

Chiba coughed gently and said, "we'd better leave them alone."

Said, Chiba also slightly back to the body, thoroughly turned the two people to the back.

But the father and son of Maitreya do not pay attention to each other.

"Father, it seems that Chiba didn't hear the cheering sound of our youth!"

"It must be that we didn't shout loud enough, Kay! Cheering for friends and fatalistic opponents is also a kind of youth. Come on, let's cheer up and shout louder. This is youth

"Yes! Father. "

Then, the two yelled louder, causing a lot of people began to look sideways.

Chiba felt the fever in his face and coughed several times. He whispered to Hongyan and Chennai: "don't pay attention to them. Don't pay attention to them. You will be infected by the youth virus."

Chennai and Hongyan looked at each other and blinked. Although they didn't know what was going on, they still listened to Chiba's words and ignored them.

Chiba, on the other hand, took another look at the field. In the last experiment, 21 people were eliminated and 22 people were left behind, which was much more than that of Naruto.

However, it is also true. After all, it is recognized by three generations of Huoying that they have excellent Ninja talents. It is normal that half of them are left behind after being screened by elites and the first experimental mode.

Chiba takes back his eyes, and then feels his eyes behind him.

Day snow hawk!

The intention of killing seems to be more intense. There are other emotions in it?

Chiba frowned, but did not turn to look.

At this point, two people came out of the field.

One, with white hair and braided hair, wore the word "oil" on his head to protect his forehead. It's from the beginning.

And there's another

The pupil of Chiba contracted slightly.

This is

However, there is another one, golden haired Junmei, who is the future four generations of Huoying, and now the elite Shangren.

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