
Looking at a young man who bows to the ground and knocks his head on the back of his back, Chiba's eyes are slightly widened and his face is hard to hide his surprise.

But Nai Xu on one side was also surprised. She opened her mouth and didn't know what to say. She didn't see the situation of the young man. But when she heard the voice of apology and the sound of flesh hitting the back of the back, she could imagine what had happened. Obviously, it was the visitor who apologized to Chiba.

At the same time, Chennai also widened his eyes, looking at the adults bowing to the children in front of him, stunned and speechless.

The act of apology came so suddenly that they could not respond to it. At the same time, they did not know why.

What is it? Let this man apologize to Chiba like this.

In the world of fire shadow, such a 90 degree bow apology is already a very high standard of apology. On top of it, there is only kneeling down to apologize.

But the young man closed his eyes tightly, his face did not know whether it was because of fear or pain. His whole body looked a little stiff, but it can be seen that this is a very sincere apology.

Moreover, young men also know what kind of mistakes they have made and where they are. They sincerely ask each other, that is, Chiba's forgiveness.

However, obviously this apology is both sudden and unexpected, Chiba three people are stunned.

Then, after the abrupt apology, the atmosphere returned to silence again.

And the young man has been holding this position, but with the passage of time, his body is becoming more and more rigid, and gradually a faint sweat has emerged on his forehead.

"Please look up, Captain Watanabe."

Seeing the young man's appearance, Chiba's face was complicated, but she still opened her mouth calmly and asked him to raise his head.

Captain Watanabe?

This sound also brought Chennai and naixu back from their surprise.

It's actually a leader of the army? Such a character should apologize to Chiba? Why is this?

And the next second, greater surprise appeared on their faces.

And who's the captain of the Watanabe?

Do you have anything to do with Watanabe?

Then there is a series of questions.

However, hearing Chiba's words, the young man's slightly stiff body coagulated, but he did not immediately straighten up, as if hesitating for a moment, then slowly straightened up, his face floating a layer of gloomy color.

He knew that the other party did not forgive himself, and this sentence is actually just a kind of soft hearted polite words that can't be seen down.

I didn't get forgiveness.

During this period of time, in the past two years, maybe three years, the war on the front line has made his concept of time a little vague. War reports, strategy meetings, battles When he returned to the camp, or when he was able to return to the camp, he almost fell asleep. The concept of time has been blurred, and there are only the concepts of task time and task interval.

However, in this hellish front-line days, there is one thing that he always remembers and remembers every day.

That is, before he came to the front line, he made a wrong decision on that defense mission, which killed many paoze and killed three children innocently.

Everything is because of his conceit and rashness.

Over the past few years, he has been living with guilt and regret all the time. Even though the frequent wars and countless dangerous deaths still exist, they can not be erased.

Finally, in an almost fatal injury, he finally knew that he had to apologize to those who cared about the sacrifice of his teammates and children.

Because it was the most difficult thing for him to solve when he was dying.

For the first time, he knew how heavy and unforgettable it was to bear the life of others.

It is this heavy and hard to let go of the arrogance and recklessness that he had unconsciously implanted in his heart before this defense mission.

It's really growing.

Then, just a few days ago, he received an order to return to that position again. However, the first thing he thought about was not the joy of promotion, but an apology.

He has to apologize well, to be forgiven by those people, and to be responsible for his mistakes.

Therefore, on the first day of his return, after the report, he went to apologize one by one. He had thought that he would certainly be blamed by those people who lost their importance. He was ready to bear everything and bear the name he should bear.

But, No.

Not at all

He was forgiven.

Some were emotional, some were silent, some were crying, but he was not scolded, he did not bear the name.

They, those who lost important people, finally forgave him.

Even the families of the three children

At that moment, the regret and shame in his heart deepened, and he felt his own insignificance and how serious his mistake was at that time.He felt that the weight of life on his shoulders seemed to be much heavier.

Therefore, he finally summoned up the courage to face a person who, in recent years, had already felt ashamed that he could not face, also the person who had lost "important person", and even despised or even vilified because of prejudice.

A child of ten.


Watanabe took a breath. His body was straight, but his head was slightly lower.

"I can't forgive you for some things, but it's not entirely your fault."

Looking at the scar on Watanabe's face that extends from the left cheek to the bridge of the nose and the scar from the right forehead to the left forehead, Chiba pursed his lips, and the stiffness of his face finally eased. From his gloomy but resolute face and the courage in his eyes, he finally did not blame, but did not choose to forgive.

Perhaps, sensibly, he will never be able to make the mistake of Watanabe's humility, but in reason, he knows that it is not entirely Watanabe's fault.

So, he can't forgive or blame.

Therefore, he interrupted Watanabe's words of repentance and his intention to leave.

"Come on, you can ask me for anything, as long as it is for the safety of the village."

So he said it again.

"Therefore, don't discuss with me in such a penitent posture on the issue of the village."


As soon as he said this, Watanabe's body almost shook, his head suddenly raised and his eyes opened strangely. He was extremely surprised. Obviously, he did not expect Chiba to say so.

"So, sit down and tell me what you want."

Chiba slightly took a breath, pushed aside the chair in front of him, that is, the chair that Watanabe kowtowed on his forehead, and sat down.

He can see that in addition to apologizing, Watanabe has more important things to look for. According to the current situation, Watanabe's more important thing than apology is the defense of the village, that is, the annihilation plan.

If it's just an apology, he won't be so hesitant and won't hesitate for so long to apologize.

"Don't look at me like that. I don't want to make mistakes or lose anyone like you."

Chiba looked at Watanabe's modesty and said without doubt. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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