More than an hour later, the Kakashi family.

"Well? What is this doing? "

Chiba, who brings out the dishes from the kitchen room, looks at the three Hongyan people who are surrounded by a corner of a short long table. They walk behind them, poke out their heads and ask.

"Oh, we are talking about how to rebuild our cabin. Anyway, we need to build a better one. The former one, however, is a bit old and crude, and the space is not big. It's a bit crowded for four people to live together."

Hearing Chiba's words, hongyantou, who had already distinguished Chiba's footsteps, did not lift, but said.

In Hongyan's hand, there is a half drawn structural map, while in the side of Chennai's hand, there are several rolled up scrolls. It seems that they have a lot of ideas.


After hearing Hongyan's reply, Chiba took a look at the seemingly complicated structural diagram and answered. Then he would walk away and put the dishes in a corner of the long table. After that, he thought for a moment and said, "do we have enough money?"


As soon as the words were said, the two young men, Hongyan and naixu, who had been drawing vigorously, were stiff at once. The hopes on their faces were also suddenly tightened and the corners of their mouths twitched.


It can be bigger, more spacious and more beautiful, but These seem to be rich! Even if it's handmade, the materials also need money. The house can be made of wood, and you can go to the woods to get materials. But some things, it seems, can't be made locally!

Wooden houses are not all wooden!


It seems that we are short of money!

At this moment, Hongyan and naixu found a real problem in despair.

"Chiba, are you ready? I'll help you. "

At this time, Chennai looked at the two people, a little smile, looked at the passing Chiba, put down the scroll in his hand, stood up and followed Chiba.

Let Hongyan and naixu look at the complicated structure drawing and hold their heads in despair.

"What's more, we don't have so much time. It's not appropriate to live in Kakashi's house all the time."

After a while, when Chiba brought out the second dish of dishes, he made another critical attack.


We don't have so much practice. According to our assumption, it will take at least 10 months to a year to build this house!

During this period, our family couldn't live. Even if we could live back, Chiba couldn't live in Kakashi's house all the time!

Still can't!

This time, two people's forehead heavily hit on the table top, issued a "bang" sound.

"What's the matter? What happened to Hongyan and naixu? "

At this time, Kakashi also brought out the dishes, looked at the two people's appearance, and asked the thousand leaves that passed by with him.

"They're talking about the redevelopment of the cabin, and then they find that the gap between reality and ideal is not something they can make up for."

Chiba smile a little, quite a bit of conspiracy to succeed, but the mouth is very casual answer Kakashi.

If you live in a place where you can keep out the wind and rain, what do you want to do with such luxury? You can make more space, but you can't drag it too long. Otherwise, what should I do with my training?

Besides, I still owe Kakashi a huge sum of money!

In his reply, such an idea crossed his mind.

"What kind of abacus are you doing?"

At this time, Chennai came out with the food, but Chennai's lips moved and said in a clear soft voice.

In an instant, Chiba's smile solidified on the spot.

"It doesn't matter. I don't have many people here. You can stay any time you like, but there is only one bathroom. It may be inconvenient."

Obviously, Kakashi heard Chiba's statement about time and expressed his state at the moment.

"Is it? Is that all right? "

Hongyan suddenly came to strength, and the whole person changed from the posture of dispirited in the corner of the table into a straight body.

"But the money problem..."

On the other hand, Nai Xu did not have such a happy view.


Hongyan "tie" a, poker face once again hit on the table.


Three people served the dishes, and soon put out a table of sumptuous banquet, and Hongyan and naixu finally came out of their ideal, and after confirming that there was no way out, they began to design a simple but spacious wooden house.

"Well, eat."

Looking at the stacked dishes, Chiba pressed her hands on their shoulders and said with a smile. She also put the scroll of design drawings that they put aside on the floor.


Hongyan and naixu should be a, will be the last stroke on, and then the design will be put down.

"The guy with soil, why did he go so long?"At this time, Kakashi opened the door of the harmony room and took a look outside. She was one of the members of their dinner party. After all, she promised Lin to have dinner together.

"Well, it's been a long time."

Chiba also went to the door and looked at it.

"Can something happen?"

At this time, Hongyan also came together, leaving Chennai and naixu two people to place the dishes and chopsticks there.

"What can happen?"

Kakashi asked.


Hongyan thought for a moment, but didn't answer.


At this time, the eyes flashing green Chiba pointed to the end of the road outside, where a young figure is holding what trot all the way.

"What the hell is this guy doing..."

After seeing this figure, Kakashi frowned for a while, quite a bit complaining.

However, before he spoke, the corner of his eyes jumped. By the way, Chiba and other people on the edge of his eyes were slightly stiff.

At this time, in their field of vision, when the figure of the teenager was getting closer and closer, there were several figures running slowly from the end of the path.

Er Do you mean

Those guys

At the same time, they have a slightly bad idea.

"Ha ha! Look what I've got

And soon, with the soil ran to their close, flaunting will hold the things in their arms to their body.

"This is not..."

See that bottle of things, Chiba's mouth pulled.


And his heart is a startle.

They are only in their teens now, not old enough to drink, at least his body can't drink!

"Oh, hey!"

"It took me a lot of time to steal No, I did. "

Hello, is that reliable?

Chiba once again pulled the corner of his mouth, and his heart was full of worry.

"With soil! No drinking

And the next second, a familiar yell came from behind Dai Tu's back. Soon, Lin's figure also came to the door with a bag of attractive meat fragrance in her hand. After seizing the wine bottle in Dai Tu's hand, Lin raised her hand, shook the bag in front of the public, and said, "Qianye's favorite special barbecue, do you want me to have this dinner?"


Smell the smell of meat Qianye busy nodding.


In this regard, the corner of Kakashi's mouth was pulled.

How do you feel Chiba has been tamed by Lin?

Then, he looked at Chiba and looked at what he wanted to say, but he didn't dare to say anything. He could only look at the soil in the wine bottle and said, "didn't you eat at home?"

"Hey, hey..."

Hearing Kakashi's words, Lin grinned and said, "I left half of my stomach."

"I said..."

Lin's answer, let Kakashi's eyes half narrowed up, eyes full of helplessness.

"Oh, Kakashi, I brought my new year cake."

And then, before Kakashi finished, ASMA shook her bag and went to the door.

"This is Shouxi Shao made by my mother herself."

Hubishou came directly from the pot.

"Meatballs, the best one!"

I don't know that huoxuan bit qianben and stood behind Hui Bishou, shaking the bag like ASMA.


Looking at the increasing number of people who came to eat, Kakashi's eyes narrowed and narrowed.

"Monsieur Chennai, this is your favorite bedding."

This is a figure completely covered by a quilt.

"Ah! Here it is! Thank you, brother snow hawk

Chennai was glad to hear the voice.

"Kakashi! Let's have a hot blood... "

At this moment, Kiana's passionate voice rang out.

"Well, well, I see. Eat, eat! You're all half full, and you're just eating! "

Hearing this, Kakashi's eyes suddenly opened, "pa" a, quickly pushed the door to the bottom.

At that time, people swarmed in.

"Er I'm not here to eat... "

Kaipo had some confused way.

"All right, come in and eat!"

At this time, some unsustainable Chiba started before Kakashi, grabbed Kai and pulled him in.

"I see. It's a battle to eat, isn't it?"

Kay was obviously wrong.

"Yes, yes, whoever eats more wins!"

Kakashi added.This hot blooded idiot Never let him succeed!

And Kakashi and Chiba two people in the heart of the same idea.

"Oh? What is this? "

However, at this moment, there was a voice of doubt, and the latecomers seemed to have found something.

"House map, our new house."

Hongyan explained.

"Let me see."

The man who found it answered and seemed to see it.

"I feel like I can dig a hot spring."

Said the man who found it.

"What, what!"

Obviously, his words caught people's attention.

"Chiba, their plan to rebuild the cabin."

The man seems to have delivered something he found.

"Is it? Then I want a baseball field. "

"Ah? Can you customize it? Then I Give me a training ground. "

"Then I'll have a tea room..."


Why do you say it's like you want to transform your home!

Listening to these voices, the back of his Chiba brain was sweating, and the corners of his mouth twitched.

It's so much trouble!

At this time, beside him, Kakashi was standing with his hands down, eyes half narrowed.

"Lord Chennai, where is your room?"

"Over there, thank you, brother snow hawk."

"It's OK. I'll leave everything to me. There's a small heater made by sister meiko for you..."

"Yes! Great, just put it there, brother snow hawk

The next second, there was a harmonious discussion between the two brothers and sisters.


They sighed a long sigh.

How can you feel tired after this meal

At the same time, the two people in the mind of such a worrying idea. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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