Is it too late?

The branches of trees fly back in the sight, flying in the forest with soil. The eyes behind the goggles are more and more dignified, the light in front of them is more and more intense, the exit of the forest is close to the eyes, and the pace is constantly accelerating. I don't know when his teeth have been tightly bitten up.

It will be killed if it goes on like this!

Is it time?


Anxious thoughts flashed in his heart. He stepped on the branch, and chakra burst open instantly.

And then


In a scream, his body jumped up high, with a long vine, across the air.


"Pa" a sound, fell on the ground, rolled several circles before it can stop, fell on the ground.


He coughed a little, raised his head, his face was full of pain, and murmured in his mouth, "have you arrived?"


At this time, a foot in blue shoes stepped in front of his face. The black shadow covered his whole body. In front of him, it was suddenly dark.

"No, you're late, take the soil!"

This is the figure of Kakashi holding his chest, his teacher sitting on the big stone at the left rear of Kakashi, and Lin, who is slightly on the left but has a look on his left, slowly emerges in his upward gaze. Then, Kakashi's indolent voice comes: "do you know what time the assembly time is? Now that you've become a ninja, it's a matter of course to obey the rules and the rules? "

"Ah, it's not late..."

Hearing Kakashi's voice, he suddenly sat up with soil, and said habitually, "it's just that on the way, I was pulled by a faltering old lady with luggage to ask for directions, and her eyes were covered with dust..."

As he spoke, he broke off his goggles and began to fumble in his harness bag.

"Well, these are lies."

But before he finished speaking, Kakashi interrupted his words and said straightforwardly.

"Don't say that, Kakashi!"

At this time, the wave wind water gate sitting on the big stone was smiling and turned his head, and said mildly, "I took the soil to accompany my grandmother, right?"

"And helped with the luggage!"

Hearing his teacher's words of defending himself, he took out eyedrops and began to clean his eyes with soil. He was very proud to add a sentence. In his words and attitude, he was very disdainful of Kakashi's words.

"Teacher, you are so honest that you will not always have people in need of help appear in front of the soil, right? A guy who doesn't follow the rules and discipline, as a ninja, is called a trash, isn't he? "

After a look at the soil of the eyedrop, Kakashi looked at the wave wind water door seriously, and opened his mouth. Obviously, he was very dissatisfied with the opening of the wave wind water door, and emphasized the rules and discipline. Obviously, he did not accept the explanation of taking soil.

Hearing Kakashi's words, as well as the serious eyes, the smile at the corner of the wind and water gate suddenly turned into a bitter smile, with a few astringent smiles.

"Is there no tenderness in your heart? Always say what rule probability, bored to death! The most important thing is self-control, right? "

At this time, he expressed dissatisfaction with Kakashi's words and emphasized his own ideas.

"All right, all right. You two are in the same team, anyway."

At this time, Lin looked at Kakashi holding her chest and her face, and said with a wry smile that she was sitting on the ground with the same look of earth as that of Kakashi.

"Lin, you're too spoiled. Today is an important day for me

Smell speech, Kakashi eyes turn, look at Xiang Lin, mouth way.

"Also And so it is! "

Hearing Kakashi's words, Lin said slightly bitterly,.

"What day is it today?"

And at this time, take soil a face blankly ask a way.

"Today is card..."

Hearing the question with soil, Lin looks like taking soil, subconsciously she will open her mouth.

"Wait a minute!"

However, before saying a few words, he was interrupted by the slightly serious words of Feng Shui men.

"What's the matter? Teacher Watergate

The break of the wave wind and water gate immediately made Kakashi alert. Then he looked at his teacher's solemn eyes in the woods. His whole body sank slightly.

Oh, no!

Found out!

But at this time, the eyes follow the action after falling with soil all the way to this side of the hidden Chiba three people's mouth awkwardly grin.

"Come out."

At this time, the wave wind water gate had already stood up from the big stone, walked a few steps towards the woods, and said to the hiding place of the three thousand leaves.

"No way. Get out."Since it has been discovered, Chiba doesn't want to hide. Besides, they don't need to hide. They are all companions of a village.


And heard the words of Chiba, Hongyan and Chennai also nodded.

Then, the three people jumped out of the forest and stood in front of the wind and water gate.

"Chiba? Hirohito? Chennai

At this time, the face showed a little nervous color, has stood up with soil a Leng, mouth exclaimed.

"Why are you here?"

After that, a question from Kakashi perfectly connected with the exclamation of soil.

"Er Carry out the task. "

Looking at the astonished Kakashi three people, Chiba scratched the back of the head, slightly some of the accost said.

How suspicious

Then, in exchange for the three suspicious eyes.


Suddenly, Chiba was a little embarrassed. After all, she hid in the woods and came out after being found out. It was really suspicious.

"Ah! I see. Are you the enemy's transformation? "

But at this time, take the soil to suddenly exclaim, in the hand already had already held up the bitter without.

"Are you a fool? Now they are not out of the safe area of the village. Where are the enemies? "

Then, his exclamation was despised by Kakashi.

"What are you talking about, card! Card! West

In the face of Kakashi's disdain, the flame in the eyes with soil immediately burned up and almost jumped.

"All right, all right, stop fighting and listen to Chiba."

Lin was busy in front of the two, afraid that they would fight.

No wonder jiuxinnai told me about flying Raytheon's lack of seal, and asked me to support him as soon as the coordinates appeared.

It turns out that It's Chiba. They have a mission.

And this moment, the wave wind water door heart across a trace of clear.

And it seems that Chiba is the leader of this team.

Looking at the Qianye in front, Hongyan and Chennai in the back of the shape, the wind water door mouth showed a slight smile.

Look at the three of them. Alas, it seems that I lost to Jiu xinnai in teaching disciples.

But in his heart, is the sincere emotion.

"Mr. Watergate, are you going on a mission, too?"

Chiba looks at Lin, who stands in the middle of Kakashi and Daotu, and then looks at the wind and water gate. He hesitates for a moment. Finally, he doesn't mention the same thing about carrying out the task of shenwupi bridge, but is ready to cover up the past.

Next, it's really good to cover up, because from here, even if they are out of the safe area of the village, according to the two routes shown in the war picture, from here, Kakashi, they go to one side and they go to the other side.


Wave Feng Shui door nodded and said gently.

"Yes Well, sorry, we are in a hurry, so we left first. Teacher Watergate, and come on, Kakashi, daitu and Lin! "

After a look at the Fengshui gate, Chiba bowed slightly and showed respect. After that, he took Hongyan and Chennai around the Fengshui gate and left in a direction.

"Oh! Come on, Chiba, Hongyan and Chennai

Hearing Chiba's voice, Kakashi three subconsciously opened their mouths, and then watched them leave. They seemed to notice something in their eyes, and their faces appeared slightly shocked.

These three children Is it the other way for us?

Watching the three people leave, the wave wind water gate slightly frowned.

Total feeling just now, what is Chiba hiding?

And that last look Chiba looked at Kakashi and their expressions, as if there was something strange.

Does this kid know something?

"Er Why, Chiba, they go to the mission, but also bring an iron pot? "

at this time, the three people of kakash finally could not help but start to make complaints about it.

"Well, let's go, too."

Looking at the three people more and more far away, wave wind water gate convergence mind, looked at the sky, opened the way.

"Yes, master Watergate!"

Smell speech, Kakashi three people all together should one.

Then, the Watergate class left in another direction of jiuxinnaiban. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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