
Taking a step, the three generations of thunder shadow on the ground stopped and suddenly turned back.

This kid Not dead yet?

This turns head, the heart of 3 generation thunder shadow is abrupt jump.

What's the matter?

But originally saw three generations of thunder shadow turn around to walk, the heart has been completely despair of the shadow of Chiba, see the three generations of thunder shadow turn head appearance, slightly stunned, doubts suddenly arise.

How did you turn around?

Is the noumenon not dead?

A wisp of hope suddenly rose in his heart.


Just now he bent down to check the condition of the noumenon. It should be confirmed that the noumenon is dead!

As the third generation of Lei Ying, he confirmed that a person's life and death should be a matter of his own hands, and he could not make mistakes.

But soon, this hope was extinguished by him.

At present, there is no hope at all. Chiba has inherited Chiba's memory and mode of thinking. He will not believe in meaningless hope. Even if he is going to die, he will only die in sober despair.

However, after the unrealistic hope was extinguished, Chiba's attention was focused on Hongyan's chest. In the pierced chest, the heart was beating weakly. The right lung had been regenerated by one-third, and another two-thirds could be completed. After giving him enough regenerative medical treatment, chakra treatment, the open chest wound was not too big Questions.

Only a few minutes, give him a few points, and then give him five or six shadow, he can cure Hongyan.

It's only a few minutes away, just a few minutes away from the shadow of chakra, and he'll be able to heal.

It's really just a little short, just a little bit!

If you don't have to face three generations of thunder shadow, he can basically cure without wind and danger!

Damn it!

Damn it!

Think of this, the shadow of the body Chiba teeth tightly bite up, he is just a shadow of the body, disappear disappeared, even, now the noumenon has disappeared, his disappearance is inevitable.

But he is Chiba after all, memory and thinking mode are Chiba, character and Chiba are the same, the bottom of his heart for the inability to save a close friend is the same.


At this time, his eyes fell on the ground, his whole face tilted against the ground, and his whole body presented a kind of "twisted" teenager. Lei Ying of the third generation frowned. Everything had not changed at all from when he turned around just now. His eyes were closed under his disordered hair and his chest did not fluctuate. The whole person was in a static state, belonging to the stillness of death Status.

It seems that I am a bit like a frightened bird!

After looking at it for a while, the third generation thunder shadow grinned bitterly. The slight "click" sound just now may be other things that can make such a sound, such as gravel rolling on to other things that can make this sound, maybe stones or other debris. After all, the battle is ending quickly, and many battles can't be said to have stopped completely 。

I'm worried too much!

Thinking of this, three generations of Lei Ying couldn't help shaking his head, turned around, and with a sense of ease, looked at the lying on the front of the yuzhibo people's imp, and the last shadow of the long Chiba.

Next, deal with it quickly!

After turning around, I can see the desperation and unwillingness on Ying Fen's thousand leaf face, and the pale and unconscious little ghost of Yu Zhibo. The three generations of Lei Ying have a more relaxed meaning.

He could see from the shadow's face that this time, no matter long Chiba or the yuzhibo people's imp, they were all poor in skills and had no successors.

The despair and unwillingness on that face are absolutely from the heart, and can not be performed.

To tell you the truth, the three generations of Lei Ying really have a feeling of relief now. The entanglement between the two little ghosts is still fresh in my eyes. Although the threat to him is small, their various tactics and their stubborn will, which are dead but not rigid, have indeed caused him considerable psychological pressure.

Compared with the eight battles he has now.

At the same time, apart from those regrets and regrets, he was very glad that the two gifted youths of Muye, who had not yet grown up, fell down like this, which should be a great blessing for yunyin and even the other three tolerance villages except Muye.

He couldn't imagine what kind of influence these two gifted teenagers would have on the tolerance world. Muye was the one with the strongest comprehensive strength in the five major tolerance villages. In addition, he was a super genius, a genius of yuzhibo, and another Qi mukakashi, known as super genius Even three generations of thunder shadow dare not think about it.

After all, the combat effectiveness and tactical talent of these two men can no longer simply describe their influence on the battle and even the overall situation of the war with their strength.

In particular, Chiba Taki was able to predict the next attack. His fighting skills were incredible. He had expected both of the last two attacks. The reason why the second attack would be hit was because the flame in his eyes suddenly disappeared. Maybe it was because the time limit of the secret arts or forbidden skills had passed Ye, the third generation of Lei Ying, also knows that in his elder brother's intelligence, the analysis of long Chiba's strength composition is basically the second most written. He knows that long Chiba mainly focuses on physical skills and has learned eight forbidden skills. His elder brother also speculates that this boy also has a secret skill that can increase chakra's power. As for whether there is a time limit, his brother decides that there is.It is very likely that the disappearance of this flame is the exhaustion of the secret arts and the end of chakra's increase, because the sudden disappearance of chakra's growth rate makes him unable to avoid this blow.

However, it is certain that his second attack might not have worked if Chiba Takara did not disappear at that time!

Fortunately, fortunately, it can also be regarded as the bad luck of Chiba, otherwise

Three generations of Lei Ying slightly breathed a sigh, and walked forward step by step. In his heart, he was glad that the distance between Hongyan and shadow Fenshen Chiba was only one meter. Soon, he would end the battle.

Really It's over!

Not reconciled!

Really, not reconciled!

At the same time, looking at the shadow of three generations of Lei Ying step by step into Chiba, he also sighed in his heart. Now he is unwilling to be useful. Absolute strength gap, absolute disadvantage. Even if he has one million reasons to win, but the reality is the reality. In this absolute situation, how difficult it is to change the defeat!

Damn it!

In the end, this desire for victory and countless reasons can only be turned into a gnashing heart of resentment.


However, just at this time, when Yingfen was completely desperate and ready to accept the failure, when the three generations of Lei Ying completely relaxed, they opened their eyes slightly, one moved his eyes to the left, the other suddenly turned back and looked in the same direction.

Body Chiba, the place to lie down.

You're kidding!

And the next second, the shadow of Chiba's face is instantly stiff.

Is this kid immortal?

It's not dead!

In the same second, three generations of thunder shadow's heart is also startled, the relaxed meaning on the face instantly solidified! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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