

"Dada, dada!"

The noise of landing was heard five or six meters or ten meters away from the steaming and rolling pink smoke cloud and the swelling and evaporating big white fog.

The earth platform and the cloud hidden ninjas fell to the ground one after another, or squatted on the ground, or bent slightly, or landed lightly. However, everyone's eyes were fixed on the evaporating and diffusing white fog without blinking.

This is The skill of sword shadow in hand!

Using the smoke of the shadow body explosion to create a smoke screen In order to achieve the purpose of covering the line of sight, the third generation of thunder shadow adults fall into the plot of this boy again!

At this moment, the earth platform, who raised his head slightly, suddenly understood what happened to the countless small white fog that suddenly exploded and the white fog which gathered enough to cover the three generations of thunder shadow and the Chiba rain.

The Dragon Chiba has many tricks, and now has an amazing undead body with amazing resilience. Its speed and strength have been greatly enhanced. It is hard to guarantee that there is any new killer mace because of the enhancement. Although it seems that Lei Dun chakra coat of the third generation of leiying adults has not been broken, it can not be ruled out that there is an accident.

This kid has too many tricks and even surpasses my tactical mind. It's hard to guarantee that there will be any problems

At the same time, Tu Tai's heart can not help but worry, and the rest of his eyes is a glimpse of the huge stone pillar lotus.

He knew very well that the stone pillar lotus must be the masterpiece of the Dragon Chiba. Before it was increased, he could use this kind of earth hiding skill. After the increase, with the ability of the little monster, he did not know what kind of Ninja would be used.

There was no way for him not to worry.

"Lord Tutai, do you want to return?"

But at this time, behind the voice of comrades in arms, it seems that a little hesitant to speak.

"Retreat, or retreat, but slowly retreat, guard your feet, and around."

Slightly looked back at the voice of the comrade in arms, but saw that he looked at the front of the white fog, a face of uneasiness, looked a bit at a loss, and then said.


Hearing the words of Tu Tai, yunyin ninjas all nodded at each other, and then began to retreat.

Although Tutai said that they were slowly retreating, they were still very fast and very quiet. In the process of retreating, every three of them formed a formation that could take care of each other. Even two people holding the wounded also set up a formation to guard around with the wounded. It can be seen that this is the strength of a cloud hidden army, which is absolutely equal Strong.

At the same time, we can see the caution and fear on their faces.

Obviously, they understood the meaning of the earthen platform. The white fog group not only blocked the sight of their three generations of thunder shadow adults, but also blocked their sight. The little monster often didn't play cards according to common sense, but every step was in a reasonable calculation. It can be said that during the battle, no one could guess what he was thinking. In case he suddenly gave up fighting three by virtue of the white fog group Dai Lei Ying Lord, turn to deal with them?

At that time, with their present state and strength, I'm afraid they may not have any good results!


At this moment, these elite yunyin people no longer feel that they can compete with Chiba. Even with so many comrades in arms around them, they can't compete with Chiba. They are only robbed and killed unilaterally!

Good, everybody understands!

At this time, with the people's pace, the Tutai heart was at ease. To tell the truth, he really felt that the long Chiba would use the smoke screen to deal with them. After all, I don't know why Muye sent this boy here to carry out the mission, but I can be sure that if you weaken them, he will be in the front of the battlefield It's much better.

Maybe, this little monster will use this fighter to weaken them.

This little monster is not only a tactical ninja, but also a strategic planner. This type of Ninja is the most difficult to deal with and the most difficult to guess his intention.

Moreover, this little monster is still a shadow level figure with amazing resilience. To tell the truth, even if he has no strategic and tactical ability, it is not impossible for him to kill them by himself, let alone give him enough time, let alone have the tactical and strategic ability!

Here, it is possible that the little monster will attack them instead!

What's more, killing them or killing a large number of people can also disturb the mentality of the three generations of thunder shadow adults, and use their death to stimulate the three generations of thunder shadow adults to create their flaws!

In a word, he can think of many reasons for the little monster to deal with them. Moreover, this distance is far from a safe distance, far from the safe range that shadow and shadow fighting should avoid!


Then, just at this time, when the idea of Tu Tai turned around, countless black thunder and lightning burst out of the white fog, and the black thunder pool burst out of the white fog!

NowBlack Lei Dun of three generations of leiying adults

Seeing this scene, the earth platform's face suddenly changed and suddenly turned back, which was a cry: "no matter, back away! The fastest retreat

Said, he retreats the speed suddenly a fast, also does not care what, in a hurry, as if run away!

"Come on

But before the earth platform roared, the yunyin ninjas began to fly back when they saw the thunder pool. When the earth platform voice dropped, they had already retreated two meters.

"Click, click, click!"

At this time, the ground outside the white fog group suddenly spread out countless cracks, "bang", the round ground that was not satisfied with the cracks suddenly sank down, the smoke and dust rushed out of the gap, mixed into the white fog, stirred the white fog into a yellowish smoke, rolling, steaming!

"Come on! Faster

At that time, the earthen platform almost roared.

In this case, it is obvious that both shadow levels are still fighting, and they may not even be able to take into account the surrounding fighting.

Whether it's the black thunder of the third generation of thunder shadow adults, or the incomparable force of this little monster, basically, the shot is of scope and powerful. If it is affected, it will be wronged!

Those behind him are all the elite of yunyin!

One less is a great loss!


At this time, the earth platform quickly landed on the ground. At the moment of stepping on the ground, a finger sized rotating hole opened on the smoke screen mixed with yellow and white.

All of a sudden, the hair on the back of the earthen platform suddenly stood up. A cold chill suddenly rose and went straight to his head. His eyes were almost staring, and he was shocked to lose color!

What's coming!


At this moment, he seems to feel a little strange, in front of him, very close to the place, there is something, straight forward.

It's invisible, but it's right in front of you!

It's going to hit him!

Then, in his heart, only one thought remained!


Will die!

The next second, it will die!

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