
Now And there's no more chakra left!

There is no time to calculate and think about it!

The "ten" character formed by the cross of hands vertical fingers slowly loosened, and the eyes of Chiba slightly turned, and once again took a glance at the grassland in the night.

In the night, the silver grass waves and the more and more bright moonlight reflected his eyes as bright as day. He could not hear any other sound except the sound of slow water in the huge water ball in front of his head, that is, the footsteps of clouds retreating.

Then, after the scan, his eyes could not help but take a look at the cloud hidden troops who were retreating orderly.

It is worthy of Yun Yin's elite!

At this moment, seeing those yunyin ninjas who are biting their teeth to retreat and withdraw themselves, Chiba heartily comes up with such an idea.

In fact, the Tu Tai guess is right. Some of Chiba's actions in the previous battles really wanted to hit their morale, and caused some losses because of their unstable military morale. After all, after all, there was an accident in the rear of yunyin, and the loss reached a certain level. After all, the pressure on the front line of Muye would be reduced, causing losses to yunyin in the rear, which is also a kind of guiding wood Ye's means to victory. However, although his military spirit has been shaken several times, these yunyin's psychological quality is worthy of the name of elite, and they all quickly stabilized. After several attempts, Chiba does not intend to deal with these yunyin any more.

After all, dealing with these clouds is not the first thing.

First of all, it is the third generation of thunder shadow. Even at this moment, he is in the state of Yin seal. With the art of creation and regeneration, he has a super strong resilience and nearly immortal body, and his combat effectiveness has been greatly improved. However, compared with the three generations of thunder shadow, he is still a little inferior in combat effectiveness, even not now Can break three generations of Lei Dun chakra coat, he must first deal with three generations of thunder shadow.

Although it seems that he has no need to fight any more, Chennai and Hongyan have been rescued. He also has some capital to escape. Considering the fate change plan, he should not fight head-on now, but prepare to withdraw.

However, as a ninja who has been able to confront, or even suppress, the three generations of thunder shadow, Chiba now knows very well that if he turns around and runs away, the chance of escape will be less than 10%.

And if we go on fighting according to the plan and operate properly, the probability of escape will be more than 90%.

After all, his speed is not as good as that of the three generations of thunder shadow. If the three generations of thunder shadow are determined to kill him, he will certainly not run away!

Even, the end will be very sad!

Maybe, Hongyan and Chennai are still there. He will try his best to escape immediately and take Chennai and Hongyan out of this dangerous area at the fastest speed at all costs. But now, turn around and run?

If he didn't make a calculation mistake

That would only kill faster!

Think of here, Chiba slowly exhaled a breath, hands curled up the other fingers slowly extended.

There is only one chance. After this attack, if it is not successful, then I will face the situation of ten dead without life.

After all, the Yin seal chakra is not endless. The consumption of the upgraded version of hard vortex water blade and the use of water escape invisibility skill just now, even under the tail beast level chakra, is not completely negligible.

In the waterless land, water escape is always the most consuming skill of chakra.

Don't mention this kind of extreme compression chakra's water escape Ninja!

And, most importantly

There are so many shadow parts! At this moment, as like as two peas in mind,

's eyes turn around and no longer cares about those clouds that are retreating. Now, in his eyes, the reflection is the circular fog that dissipates the white fog that surrounds the water sphere in the air. The twenty steps are thrown out of the body, and the right hand is the shadow of the right hand. The figure of the same thing is thrown into the hands of.

The art of multiple shadow separation!

At the same time, trapped in the art of heavy water prison, the three generations of thunder shadow frowned suddenly and created so many shadow parts in a moment. There is no doubt that it is the forbidden technique created by the second generation of fire shadow of Muye. There is no doubt that the multiple shadow separation technique is no doubt!

Moreover, each shadow avatar uses the upgraded version of S-level water escape Ninja!

This kid, what do you want!

This eyebrow a frown, three generations of thunder in the eye is also flashing a trace of vigilance, the heart is also a tight.

However, he did not think that the 20 shadow incarnation's 20 upgraded S-level Ninja would do him decisive damage.


Even if 20 water escapist spears and spears burst together, they can't cause decisive damage to him!

At this moment, he is already in the water ball. Although it seems that he is at a disadvantage because of the strong pressure of the water pressure, he still has the initiative. Moreover, although the water ball is the carrier that trapped him, it is also a protective cover. The reason why the water ball produces the water pressure that can crush his Lei Dun chakra's coat is that what means does this long Chiba use to make the density of the water ball It is much higher than the ordinary dungeon technique, which can produce stronger pressure and even crush his Leidun chakra coat.And this high density water ball will undoubtedly block most of the attacks.

Even if the 20 shadow parts of Chiba Taki can drive 20 water escape spears into the water ball and make them burst, it will not have a great impact on him, and even it will help him get out of trouble. This spear revolves inward at a high speed. Once it enters the water ball, it will disturb the water pressure, and even if it enters the water ball, it will explode immediately. After all, the spear gun explodes Outward, the water pressure is inward, and it will eventually disturb the water pressure. Then, the water pressure will be disturbed, and the pressure force will inevitably weaken. He is confident that he can get out of the predicament at that time, and he can get out of the predicament before the escape causes substantial harm to him!

That's where he doubts.

This one hand, not only can't cause substantial harm to him, but also can help him out of trouble. This is not an unwise attack that this kid will use!

It is this little monster that can't be unwise, which makes his intentions more elusive.

After eating this Chiba, the three generations of Lei Ying were more afraid and alert to this unpredictable attack.

He knows, this little monster, can't do useless work!

No matter how futile the attack looks!

So, next

At this moment, when the three generations of Lei Ying's eyes were alert, Chiba's eyes were also coagulated.

"Brush, brush, brush!"

In a flash, twenty invisible high-speed rotating hard vortex water blades suddenly throw out, with 360 degree trajectory without dead angle, in the sound of cutting through the air, inclined to think of the water ball straight away, in an instant, on the surface of the water ball!

Right now!

At that moment, the shadow of twenty thousand leaves stood up with two fingers, and the fine light in his eyes flashed, and his face showed dignified color!

"Bang, bang, bang!"

At that time, twenty water lotus flowers suddenly burst open on the surface of the water ball and burst into full bloom. All of a sudden, the water splashed and rumbled, like thunder, and spread away.


At this time, the body of Chiba's hands suddenly closed, crisp sound, ten fingers suddenly separated from each other, tightly held together.


At that time, twenty blooming lotus flowers solidified in the air, as if time had stopped!

Say it!

This moment, looking at the water lotus suddenly stopped, three generations of thunder shadow eyes suddenly stare, mouth is almost a exclamation, eyes are full of horror!

He wants it!


And in this moment, the body Qianye hums, the body suddenly a stretch, clasped hands slightly tremble.

Come on!

Beyond the art of heavy water prison The mystery of water escape!


The next moment, the 20 blooming water lotus flowers, as if time went back, suddenly closed up and pressed into the water ball. Suddenly, just at the moment when the water lotus pressed into the water ball, the water ball actually contracted again, and its volume was one-third smaller.

In an instant, in this shrinking moment, the body of three generations of thunder shadow in the center of water polo suddenly trembles, and Lei Dun chakra's coat is full of cracks in an instant! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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