In the last attack, I even killed my shadow in order to make it impossible for me to make an effective response, so as to ensure the inevitable hit of the attack.

Moreover, this last strike was made sure that my chakra coat would be broken and hurt me

Originally, it is not too careful to attack with ontology!

It's just to make sure that it's the last shot. It's the last one!

All the tactics of this boy are just such a core idea!

The reason why he is able to use the split tactics well is that his tactical thought is the core idea of the split tactics!

What is the "separate tactics" is to use the body as the bait to lure the enemy to show the flaws, so as to ensure that the attack of the body can work!

In the final analysis, no matter how many variants of the split body tactics are, how many branches there are, how many tactics will evolve into. In the final analysis, no matter how many sub bodies are used, they all exist for this purpose!

This is only the tactical thought of Taki Chiba, but the final part of his thought is not to ensure that the ontological attack can work, but to strike the noumenon, which is bound to be the last strike. No matter how the tactics of Taki Chiba are changed, how rich and how unexpected, these tactical steps are actually for the "last strike" Yes.

This level of tactical thinking

It seems to be cautious and cautious, but in fact, it is a terrible idea of absolute control of the war situation!

Let not necessarily become inevitable!

Let possible victory become inevitable victory!

This is simply the most brutal control of the war!

The gray and black scene flashed by and quickly shrank into the eyes of three generations of thunder shadow. After the scenes in his mind flashed, a series of thoughts appeared in his mind, and finally turned into a helpless sigh.

In this war, even if Chiba Taki died because of prohibition of martial arts or secret arts, he was defeated, and he was convinced of his defeat!

At this moment, he seemed to understand his brother's mood.

At the moment, he no longer felt shame because he lost to a child who was only 11 or 12 years old. He even felt that his defeat might have witnessed the beginning of an era.

The opening of an era that none of our predecessors could have imagined.

The center of this era may not be the golden flash sweeping across the tolerance world, but the immortal little monster in front of us.

"Ah --"

thinking of this, the third generation of thunder shadow took a long breath, focused on the boy who indicated that he would not fight any more, and said, "well, you..."

"Boo Boo Boo

"Boo Boo Boo

"Boo Boo Boo

However, before he finished his words, the young man in front of him and his own attention were attracted by another change.

On his right side, on the left side of the Chiba, small bubbles slowly appeared on the water, which was slowly weakening.

Is this?

And at this time, looking at his left side of Chiba eyebrows slightly wrinkled, eyes showed a little bit of doubt.

Are these clouds hidden?

At this moment, he had such a slightly disappointed idea in his heart.

Yes, disappointed!

To tell you the truth, he was just thinking that with such great power and scope of Ninja, I'm afraid those yunyin elites will die. It's like killing two birds with one stone.

It not only defeated three generations of Lei Ying, and completed the real plan, but also weakened Yun Yin. To some extent, it reduced the pressure on Muye's front line and even created a possible counter offensive opportunity.

But now, it seems that these clouds have some way to preserve themselves, and looking at the dense bubble area on the left, it seems that there are still many survivors.

His idea of killing two birds with one stone seems to be wrong.

"Boo boo, boo, boo..."

At this time, a series of thoughts flashed in the heart of Chiba, and those bubbles were becoming more and more intense. Soon, a group of yellow color things could be seen under the water. With the speed of the bubbles, it became clear. Even the water began to ripple layer by layer, hitting each other and dispersing. The lake, which had begun to calm down, was not calm again coming.

It looks like they're OK!

At this time, the third generation of thunder shadow was relieved. These bubbles were obviously the proof that someone was underwater, and they were still floating up.

As for the appearance of the Yellow object, it made his mouth smile.

It is worthy of My most trusted confidant!

At the same time, his heart is also sincere appreciation.

"Hua Hua Hua..."

"Hua Hua Hua..."

Then, just as their thoughts turned around, the pale yellow spheres broke through the water and floated on the surface of the water. The Yellow sphere stretched out from the water.But looking at the ups and downs, Chiba and three generations of thunder can see that the weight of this spherical object is not light, it is estimated that there are heavy objects inside.

Even, both of them were familiar with the light yellow sphere, and the heavy objects in it could roughly guess what it was.

Melt away?

Seeing these floating spheres, Chiba's mind quietly emerged such an idea, and his mind already had several.

"Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa!"

"Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa!"

"Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa!"

Then, as he turned his mind around, the large yellow sphere suddenly split from it and turned into two. Half of it fell on the surface of the water and floated with the water. After that, there was a series of trampling on the water.

When the pale yellow sphere split and fell on the water, a series of dark shadows came out, trampled on the water, and then gasped.

When Chiba fixed her eyes on it, her face immediately showed such an expression.

These figures, of course, are those cloud hidden elite, no doubt!

"Lord Tutai!"

"Come on! Medical Ninja

"Master Tutai has fainted. The situation is very dangerous."

At this time, the panting sound has not subsided, the most central position of the cloud hidden ninjas trampling on the water broke out a burst of anxious screams, as if some very important person had fallen into a desperate situation, and even, the cry was a little hoarse and top-notch.


"This is..."

"I This... "

Then, the cry did not get a direct response or response, but to his mouth, tongue and body vibration.

When hearing the cry, the yunyin elites looked up or turned their heads one after another, but they were all stunned and stood in the same place. Their whole bodies were stiff after the shock. Looking at the eyes, they were all frozen!

Even, some people sweat from their forehead, and some people can't help but "Gudong" and swallow their saliva.

And at this moment, in their eyes, that look at the end, but are endless water color, sparkling light, endless!

That vast grassland, unexpectedly in this moment of time, turned into an endless huge lake! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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