Three generations Lord Lei Ying

The waves spread out, and yunyin ninjas all heaved up and down like waves. However, zhongyunyin was staring at the three generations of thunder shadow that swallowed the enemy's grain pills in front of him. His eyes flashed with unknown light, and his face was even more tightly stretched, and they all held their breath.

Poison me with military grain pills?

You don't have the guts!

And their hearts, is constantly echoing this no doubt, can not shake the words.

At this moment, their hearts are full of excitement, full of unspeakable heroism.


This is our third generation of thunder Shadow Lord! Ah!

Even if it is down, he is still the third generation of thunder Shadow Lord!

Do we need to worry?

Even if the little monster is so cunning and unreasonable, he never knows what he is thinking

However, will the three generations of leiying adults be reduced to the level of worrying them?

Will it be reduced to the point where they have to remind them to distinguish between safety and danger?

What's more, even if it's poison, can it really hurt three generations of Lord Lei Ying?

Is it possible?

With this little monster's poison and small means, can you hurt three generations of thunder Shadow Lord?

It's really

What are we afraid of!

What are you afraid of this little monster?

Following the three generations of leiying adults, we have had adversity, have had adversity, but, which time we failed!

Now it's just a temporary hopelessness!

Can you be afraid of this and that?

We are the elite of yunyin village!

The strongest troops in the five tolerance villages, the troops directly under the three generations of Lord Lei Ying during the war!

Like this, like what words!

When the heart is full of pride and the face is beginning to turn red, the light in the eyes of yunyin ninjas slowly condenses and becomes an unshakable color of firmness. Even, the body gradually stands upright and stands on the water.

At that time, a burst of high spirited gas came.

It is worthy of saying that the only known figure who took the lead in the Third World War of forbearance appeared on the battlefield. Compared with his son, Lei Yingzhen of the third generation is much stronger than his son. He is simply a model of a domineering leader. Although he has delicate thoughts that are not in line with his appearance, the bully is a bully after all. This kind of personality charm does not contradict the delicate mind.

Now it seems that yunyin's transition from the third generation of thunder to the fourth generation of thunder is actually a retrogression

But at this time, a little glance, saw the change of yunyin ninjas, the harmless smile of human and animal in the corner of Qianye mouth was slightly restrained, and there was a lot of emotion in my heart.

Only a word can restore the morale of the army that suffered a great defeat and saw its leader defeated with his own eyes

Even now, taxis are more exciting than before.

This kind of thing, like the three generations of fire shadow, the fourth generation of fire shadow, I'm afraid it can't be done so easily!

Only this kind of domineering, can inspire the charisma of heroic leaders, can we do it easily!

However, the saying of three generations of Lei Ying is also right. Killing him now will not only make me no profit, nor make any sense, but also put me in danger. This sentence has no courage to kill him. In a sense, it is correct.

Think of here, Chiba raised the hand slowly put down, slightly squint, looking at the eyes without hesitation to swallow the second grain pill into the stomach of three generations of thunder shadow.

Although it is a little bit worse than the general military grain pills, but the recovery speed is much faster than the general!

What's more, it seems to contain nutrients that are not available in general military grain pills, and the cells themselves are supplemented

In this way, it can speed up the extraction of body energy, and the nutrition that the general military grain pills do not have seems to be able to eliminate fatigue, so that the extraction of spiritual energy will not be slowed down by the tired spirit.

This military grain pill not only has amazing resilience, but also ensures the refining speed of chakra in a state of exhaustion

Sure enough, it can quickly restore combat effectiveness!

In this way, it should not be a problem to recover to 50% of the normal chakra level. If I were given more time, it would not be a problem to recover to 70%.

At this time, the third generation Lei Ying, who swallowed two special military grain pills, clenched his fist gently. Chakra, who had consumed 30% of the total power, was recovering rapidly, because the exhaustion of using the full power of Leidun chakra mode was also slowly alleviating. He knew that his physical strength was also rapidly recovering.

"How about it?"

And at this time, in front of the exudation of human and animal harmless, I do not want to fight the breath of Chiba asked.


However, in response to him, it is a cold hum of three generations of thunder shadow.

"Don't you use the redun chakra model?"

Chiba asked again.

"No need."

Conveniently throw away the cloth pocket in the hand, the eyes of three generations of thunder shadow touch with the eyes of Chiba, and make a brief opening.Then he seemed to think of something and continued, "what else do you want to tell me?"

"No, no more."

Chiba shook his head, saying that he had nothing to say.

"What are you doing here?"

Smell speech, three generations of thunder shadow is not polite to say, is already under the guest order!


Three generations of Lord Lei Ying, this is to

Let this kid go?

And as soon as this word came out, yunyin ninjas were all together, and their red and tense faces suddenly changed.

What's going on?

Why let this kid go?

"Don't you need to use me to further boost morale?"

At this time, Chiba, who was harmless to human beings and animals and didn't want to fight, took a look at the cloud hidden men whose faces were all changed and responded.


Hearing this, three generations of thunder shadow eyebrows slightly jump, but do not want to refuse.

"Lord Lei Ying of the third generation, you..."

At last, some people can't help but retort.

"It doesn't matter whether the boy stays here or not! Next, we don't have to focus on this kid anymore! "

However, before he finished speaking, he was stopped by the three generations of thunder shadow who seemed to know that someone wanted to refute.

"Don't care about this kid?"

"It doesn't matter?"


At that time, the whole cloud hidden troops began to whisper.

"As I said, the fight against this boy is meaningless. Next, the boy doesn't matter anymore!"

Hearing the whisper, the tone of three generations of thunder shadow deepened.

However, his eyes are to see Chiba, eyes no doubt the eyes burst out.

"Well, then..."

Touching the eyes of the three generations of thunder shadow, Chiba, who does not want to fight, shrugs slightly and raises his fingers slowly with a trace of pity.


Then, there was a sound of explosion. The figure of the boy, who was harmless to human beings and animals and did not want to fight, suddenly exploded into white fog.

The shadow of the body, release!


"The shadow is separated from the body!"

"This boy I've already run away! "

And this moment, the yunyin ninjas noticed this scene, Qi Qi was stunned, and then, exclaimed almost into a piece.

It turns out that Chiba long ago ran away!

What is left is just a shadow!

No wonder three generations of leiying adults said that he has no matter!

No wonder the third generation of leiying said that the battle is meaningless!


The battle is over, and the opponents have retreated. Of course, it is meaningless!

At this moment, yunyin ninjas have five tastes in their hearts. They understand it, and their faces suddenly fall.

"Don't slack off! He is not the only enemy we have! "

And at this moment, the three generations of Lei Ying's grim words came. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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