When it was nearly three o'clock, the warm and warm sunshine slowly dyed a layer of gold, and sprinkled the earth with a layer of light gold.

The last sign of the kingdom of grass near the border of the kingdom of earth and the last sign of shenwupi bridge on a regional detail, a bamboo forest, is coated with a light gold layer.


At this time, a foot, gently fell on the ground, in the towering was coated with a layer of light gold bamboo, dense extended to the end of the bamboo forest, stir up some dust, stir up a leaf belonging to this bamboo forest outside the bamboo forest.


Then, there was a sound of landing. Half a step behind the foot, the other foot stood on tiptoe and gently landed on the ground. Suddenly, a circle of light dust spread out in a circle, and several fallen leaves were pushed out in an instant.

A figure, half squatting on the ground, suddenly flashed.


Then, there was a long exhalation, Chiba slowly opened his eyes, and the cold killing intention in his eyes slowly faded into a relaxed look.

Finally arrived!

Then, he raised his head and looked at the gold and green bamboo, which seemed to turn into gold and blue. There was a kind of neat green bamboo extending from the front. His mouth showed a relaxed smile.

And in his mind, it flashed through the two or three hours that had come all the way.

In the past two or three hours, in addition to the three quasi Shangren Yanyin, which he solved easily, he has encountered a lot of scattered task forces of Yanyin, basically two or three people in a group, or patrol, or carry out intelligence spy, or carry out some secret tasks alone. In these two or three hours, more than 30 Yan Yin died in his hands First name.

Because he was in a hurry, he didn't choose the slow and hidden way of moving. Instead, he advanced at the fastest speed. Trampling on and breaking the branches was the necessity of every step. It was difficult not to be found out in the constant noise. Moreover, when they are found, the group of Yanyin is also difficult enough. As long as they are found, no matter what kind of state they are in, they will certainly pursue them, whether they are his opponents or not.

Even if he saw the strength gap, he didn't mean to run away at all. He was just fighting for his life, just like he was trying to get in the way of death.

Fortunately, after the first World War of three generations of thunder shadow, although there is no systematic reflection and experience, it may be that he has adapted to the speed of three generations of thunder shadow. In the critical state of injury gate mode, Chiba found that his dynamic vision seems to have a certain increase, and even under normal conditions, his eye power of catching people has also greatly increased. These rock hidden ninjas In his eyes, there is a "slow motion" feeling.

In the process of this progress, he can often use his eyesight and his own speed which is much better than those Yanyin ninjas to seize the opportunity and kill them at one blow, so as to solve the pursuit of Yanyin in the shortest time without wasting too much time.

Once again, Chiba feels the gap between himself and the ordinary ninja. This feeling of being able to solve it easily makes him have a self-awareness that he finally ranks among the strong. Although the defects of the eight gate model are still the same, he still can't fight for too long. However, under the eight gate mode, ordinary Shangren is no longer his opponent at all Reluctantly strong, he is also quasi S-level strength above, S-level strength about ninja.

Although it can't be compared with the Ninja at the top of S-level like Sanren and the shadow level combat effectiveness of wave, wind and water gate, at least, he has stepped into the S-level. At least in terms of pure combat effectiveness, he has S-level strength. No matter where he is, with pure combat effectiveness, he can create trouble for anyone.

Of course, compared with the various shadows, he is still the one who was abused in the state of no Yin seal. The three generations of Lei Ying have clearly demonstrated to him what kind of strength it is to be a ninja who can become a village shadow.

Also let him know, is what kind of Ninja, in terms of force, to support a village.

This also overturned Chiba's understanding of the film level masters in the original work, or the shadow of the big tolerance villages. He also deeply understood that he could not use "spot" as a reference to measure five shadows. Although under ban, five shadows were beaten like a child, he could still be beaten like a child.

Sometimes, in this world of fire and shadow, it is really impossible to measure a person's strength with the battle in the original book.

Because he is not the reference to measure that person's strength in the original book, but in the world with chakra's magical power, there are three kinds of endurance forces which are inclined to the way of deception, such as ninja, physique and illusion. Because of different ideas or different proportions of three kinds of Ninja power, everyone can develop thousands of tactics and thousands of them This kind of tactics will lead to a variety of endings, using yourself to replace one character in the original work, and then to measure the strength of another character

To tell you the truth, this kind of behavior is really a kind of behavior that tends to seek death.The strength of the characters in the original work, in this world of fire shadow, only if you have really fought, or seen and someone who is very familiar with them, can we truly measure the real strength of a character in the world of fire and shadow through all kinds of signs of actual combat.

In other words, what kind of threat coefficient is this character in the world of fire and shadow to him.

Is it easy to kill, or to be killed easily, or to make a draw, or is it the best to retreat Wait, wait, wait.

One of the biggest gains of Chiba in the first battle of three generations of thunder and shadow may be the Enlightenment on strength cognition.

"So, next..."

A series of pictures flashed in my mind, and I turned around a series of thoughts in my mind. I slowly stood up and glanced at the bamboo grove in front of me, and then compared with my clear memory, I quickly confirmed that this was the bamboo forest where fate happened.

Walking forward from this bamboo forest, we should be able to find the key river in that bay. At that time, as long as we make a comparison, it is easy to find the place where Lin was abducted.

Then, according to the original impression of the direction of rescue with soil, we can find the place of "death with soil".

As long as the "death with soil" is prevented, then history will be rewritten from this moment. Next, he will welcome a new tolerant world. Then, he will try his best to help the four generations of Huoying to bring the tolerant world into a real era of peace.

In that way, there will be no cruelty, no darkness, and no so many unnecessary sacrifices.

Everyone, the people he cares about, those who care about him, and those who he doesn't know or don't know him, can live the same life as he did in his previous life. Although there may still be unfairness, some are rich and some are poor, but everyone's life is guaranteed. What children have to do is play and go to school, and they won't go to war.

In that way, he can also live the life he wants in this world of fire and shadow, in his second life.

And that's the fate change plan

The scene of the final completion!

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