I was wrong!

It's not that there is no movement!

It's about I happened to be in time!

Catch up, with soil and Kakashi wounded the name of the fire Yan Yin, to unlock Lin's magic time point!

It's no wonder that we can't hear the movement. It should be that the soil and Kakashi stopped moving, and the fire was playing dead. Naturally, there was no movement on both sides!

At this moment, looking at the white smoke and dust, Chiba tight face, ecstatic eyes, flashed a clear look and clear luster!



Then, in the moment that the thought turned, the tense and clear color on his face and the brilliance of the mixed color of ecstasy in his eyes suddenly dissipated, and a kind of cool color with high concentration of spirit slowly covered up all the expressions representing emotions.


At this time, the gap between the stone and the stone originally closed with the rising of the dust and smoke transpiration, split a crack.

"Click, click, click!"

Then, this crack, as if it was a signal, opened one after another of the originally closed stone gaps, and quickly spread out to the outside with the center of the rock at the top of the cave!


At this time, just as the crack was spreading, a figure suddenly flew out of the narrow entrance of the cave from Nabi. The figure flashed, and the others fell on the ground.


At the moment of landing, a cloud of smoke and dust sprang out from the entrance of the mountain, as if chasing a human figure. At the moment of rushing out of the cave, it suddenly spread to both sides, but one left and one right. From here, I looked up and wanted to have a look. My head was covered with rock hidden forehead, and his hair was slightly scattered and disordered. The young Yan Yin both sides flew away.


Just started ninja, has been so reluctant!

Time has come

But at least

At this moment, looking at the smoke and dust, Yan Yin's eyes narrowed slightly, and his mouth seemed to have a slight gasp. In his heart, such an idea flashed through his mind.



Then, in the next moment, the sound of two branches being crushed, from far to near, suddenly sounded!

How fast!

Who is it?

Just at this moment, his heart just turned the thought of the slightly gasping fire light suddenly felt a dark in front of him. Almost instinctively, a black figure leaped up behind him half squatting on the ground, and raised his hands to attack the coming picture.

At the moment when this picture appeared, his head had turned around, and his eyes had already moved to his eyes along with the turning of his head. In his eyes, he slowly reflected the "Pa Pa Pa" sound, patting the waist protection forehead of the clothes of the visitor's thighs.

Belong to, the protection of wood leaf!


With the shift of his eyes and the glittering metallic symbol of wood leaf in his sight, his eyes opened wider and wider.

Then, Jizhang's hand, gently pressed on his cheek

Completely, cover his sight!


The next moment, the chestnut fluffy and disordered hair head was severely pushed to the ground. In the dull sound of the heavy flesh contacting the ground, the "click" sound suddenly cracked the ground like a spider web, and instantly concave into a pit about one arm in diameter!


And then there was a crack in the skull, like a crack in the skull.


And in the next moment when the tiny sound of the bone and other hard objects cracked, the gravel flew out along the spider web crack in the hollow pit, and part of it rushed into the smoke and dust ahead.


At the same time, a foot, wearing a blue wooden leaf stoic that looked like the owner's young foot, stepped on one side of the skull.


Then, a knee wrapped in rags fell on the ground just passed by the gravel, and knelt on the left side of the foot, forming a standard half kneeling posture.

…… In an instant, the rock hidden by the name of firelight will retreat and rush out!

Chiba's cold face, with the formation of this half kneeling posture, with a very strong posture, suddenly fell down, nose and right foot that half kneeling arched knee is almost level. A wisp of hair, with the inertia of landing, slowly falls, in an instant, the whole face of this cold cover.

And this moment, Chiba's heart, is flashing the second half of the idea.

Then, the cold eyes covered by hair suddenly glanced up. At this time, the left hand, which had just floated along the inertia, had already changed a few fingerprints, and pressed down to the ground along the downward momentum."Pa!"

In the sound of a crisp palm pressing on the ground, the left hand of the last handprint was suddenly opened, and it was severely patted on the ground.


All of a sudden, silent as if to change the structure of the earth's roar, suddenly sounded.



At the moment of pressing the ground, a series of sounds of hard objects and hard objects, stones and stones rubbing and solidifying, came through the transpiration and desalination of smoke.


No mistakes!

As in the rehearsal, in the fastest reaction speed, made the most effective action!

Also in this moment, the sound of the moment, Chiba's heart, long out of breath.

Then, the body shape of Chiba was covered by the smoke from the entrance of the mountain!

"Pa! "

" Lola! "

just then, a series of sounds of branches breaking and falling down came from the virgin forest behind him.

The branches of the original giant trees nearest to the open space broke outward from the inside of the primeval forest and fell on the ground, sending out a series of sounds of friction between branches and branches, between green leaves and green leaves.

When the sound of these branches fell to a halt, the broken and fallen branches stopped on the ground. Because of the vibration brought by falling from high places, the open space in the forest ushered in a brief silence.


Then, in a sound of stones and stones, the last sound of consolidation, the impact of diffuse smoke, slowly fade away, and finally disappear, revealing the half kneeling on the ground, as well as the whole body inclined to the ground.

What's more, there is a slight depression at the top, which looks like a cave with a "concave" character!

At this moment, the cave, which was about to collapse, was firmly fixed!

Even the most central stone at the top of the cave, which collapsed the fastest and was about to collapse, has now solidified with other surrounding rocks, forming a concave shape!

The fastest response, the most effective action

While subduing the fire, control the collapsed Cave

Perfect success!

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