
The heavy and dull sound of skin and flesh spreads slowly from the place where the smoke and white fog dissipate!


At the same time, a sharp thing through the skin sound, also ring, mixed in the heavy dull sound of skin, far away.



Then, the sound of right shoulder and left back, as well as right chest and right shoulder collision sound, at the same time.


It is like the hands of a thousand birds, which is like the sharp chirping of a thousand birds, slowly rubs the ragged lapel of his clothes. "Tear and pull" sound. At the place where he passes by, the slightly ragged lapel is suddenly split into two, which is neatly torn apart, and the two pieces of neat clothes are suddenly separated and dancing up and down!


Then, there was a cry of astonishment that could not be suppressed. In this thunder light palm, the moment it crossed, it rang up.

Then, arms and arms, eyes and eyes crossed.


Almost a sound, two feet, across the rigid adult figure, crisscross, one on the left, one on the right, both landing.

"Cheep Squeak Cheep... "

The thunder light in his hands slowly dissipated, and his scarlet double gouyu writing wheel eyes slightly turned. Kakashi's eyes crossed the twisted and twisted neck of the rock and the face that had been completely turned to the face with all the facial features behind him, and fell on the other side of the boy's voice, which was like his own right hand.

"Your eyes!"

At this moment, a fist smashed out of Chiba, which rubbed the twisted cheek of the fire light, Yan reflected Kakashi's turning two gouyu's wheel writing eyes. He opened his mouth with a cry, and his heart leaped wildly. An inexpressible feeling surged into his heart!

The scar The eyes

In the end, it's still

And in his heart, it was such a thought.


At this time, Kakashi looked at Chiba, Chiba looked at Kakashi's eyes, and her eyes seemed to touch each other, but as if they were wrong, their other foot also stepped down one after another.


Then there was a sound of the arm pulling out of the flesh.


Then, the adult figure between the two slowly fell to the ground, muffled, fell to the ground, no sound.

Under the attack of the two people, the fire did not even hum a sound, only a desperate time, was killed.

"Chiba, you How do you... "

But at this time, Kakashi, with tears in his eyes, did not look at the rock hidden corpse. Instead, he was staring at the thousand leaves slowly falling down from his right hand. In his eyes, such as hard to set, incredible eyes flashed in his eyes. For a moment, he seemed to be unable to speak.

So far, he didn't expect to see Chiba.

"With With soil What about it? "

However, Chiba did not seem to hear his words at all. He was staring at the place where Kakashi came from, where the earth and stone had been turned over and exposed a hole. His brain was almost blank. The words in his mouth were trembling, as if he were whispering.


It's not true!

The battle has obviously changed. The timing of Kakashi's knife breaking and the way to end the fire have also changed.

How could

How can the soil be replaced by the original fate?


How can you die!

His mind, however, is a series of unbelievable, can not believe.

With soil!

But hearing the trembling murmur of Chiba, Kakashi's body suddenly trembled. The surprise and disbelief of Chiba's appearance here dissipated in an instant. His heart was also torn, but he opened his mouth and could not say anything. He just took back his eyes. While looking at the gap, Kakashi walked forward step by step with heavy but slow speed.

"Here he is..."

After a long time, he almost came to the gap. He opened his lips slightly and said in a serious and sad tone.

How could this be so How could this happen!

It should have changed!

It should have been different!

Although I was a little late, the battle has changed! The content of the battle has changed!

Why, still can be this kind of ending!


However, the voice of Kakashi, Chiba's feet seem to be rooted in the same can not move a step.

And in his mind, all kinds of emotions and thoughts intertwined together, disbelief, despair, anger Those forced to suppress the negative emotions have burst out, completely confused his reason, let alone step, his spirit is in a kind of extremely chaotic trance.He tried to clear his mind, but the negative emotions that came from him had occupied all his thoughts. He was in a trance and couldn't make any response.


However, the next second, from the gap came a familiar surprise girl voice, but it made the numerous negative emotions in the head burst instantly, and the crazy heart suddenly calmed down.

The brain seems like a flash of thunder, the whole person a tremor on the calm down.




How can I forget this matter!


It is true that this is the place where fate happened, but it is not this event that really blackened the soil!

It's Lynn!

Now is just a beginning, just a beginning!

Lin is the real key!

What's more, even if I'm depressed, even if I don't believe it or escape, there will be no benefit. On the contrary, it will lead to the inevitability of blackening with soil and the inevitability of all occurrence.

Perhaps in this matter, I have failed, with the soil has to fall into the hands of Yu Zhibo ban.


There is hope!

All, there is hope!

Chiba, Chiba!

Have you thought about it?

Change won't be so easy, even the probability of failure is great!

No, are you ready to fail?

Why, you have to be so flustered!

This moment, in his mind, this thunder flash, countless ideas have been used, in an instant, the heart of the original despair of the dark suddenly opened up, cheered up.

"What, Chiba is here! With the soil, with the soil, you wake up, Chiba also came

And at this time, when the heart of Chiba suddenly opened up, Lin's voice of surprise and surprise sounded in her ears.

In the critical state of injury gate mode, the sound of this distance is close to the ear in Chiba's ear.

Do you mean With soil, there is still help?

Hearing this strange voice of surprise and surprise, Chiba suddenly stepped out a step and met Kakashi's surprise eyes, which seemed to have thought of something, and ran away.


With soil, you may not die!

There are many kinds of fatal injuries. Lin's medical methods may not be able to cure them, but

I'm here!

And me!

At this time, the hope in Chiba's heart was burning.

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