Bamboo rafts flying back

Footprints covered by broken leaves on the ground

The bloody trace on the dead leaves

The grassland is suddenly open

A vast expanse of virgin forest

On the giant trees, we come face to face. We have no time to respond to the bitterness and the black clothes

Scene after scene of high-speed moving scenery, in the full of surprise color of Chiba's mind, and finally fixed frame in the black corner and in the eyes of the infinite expansion of bitterness, and then, slowly fade away.

The memory, like a lantern, stopped.

"Hoo --"

then, Chiba, who unconsciously held her breath, kept in a state of astonishment and breathed out after the memory stopped.

This is

After that, his eyes widened little by little, and the surprised expression on his face also changed with the changes of the eyes, and gradually transformed into a sudden color.

Someone's trail!

The footprints covered by the broken leaves, as well as the bloodstains on the edge of the footprints

Is that a coincidence?

At the same time, he had such an idea in his mind, and his mind was recalling the situation that he had seen when he bent down and pushed aside the suspicious leaves in this sudden walking lantern like memory.

My shadow body, the shadow of the original road back to the body, looking for these traces, is it the enemy who captured Hongyan and Chennai?

Footprints and blood

In Lin's narration, the enemy also left blood and footprints.

However, according to the memory passed back after the release of Ying Fen Shen, my Ying Fen Shen should have taken the opposite road to that enemy.

How could

Then, after the situation emerged, Chiba's heart was covered with a layer of doubt.

However, those traces are obviously new. I have been looking for them all the way before. Obviously, there are no such footprints in that bamboo forest. Moreover, the direction of the footprints is not completely leading to the road I came to, but turned around in the middle and went to another direction.

From these footprints and bloodstains, I and the owner of the footprints

Was it the wrong person?

Or, when I entered the virgin forest adjacent to the bamboo grove, did he leave on the route I came to?

Carefully recalling those sudden memories, Chiba kept filtering and analyzing them. As for these sudden memories, it is obvious that after he found out that things had happened in advance, he suddenly attacked and relieved the shadow Fenshen, which was divided into two parts: the shadow part and the water part. The shadow part's memory was transmitted back and forth.

Then, with the first person perspective and the visual and tactile sensory memory of the shadow sub body, Chiba is sure that the footprints and blood have just been left.

That is to say, now, at this moment, the person who hurls bitterness to kill his shadow is in that extremely tall virgin forest.

And that piece of black corner, although only a glance, but after all can be linked with the enemy in Lin's words.

In Lin's narration, the enemy is covered in a black cloak. At the same time, when he abducted Hongyan and Chennai, he also left footprints and bloodstains.

Therefore, Chiba almost subconsciously linked the owner of these footprints and bloodstains with the enemy.

Because the incident of Lin's abduction happened ahead of time, the enemy took Hongyan and Chennai before he came, and then they went in the direction of the river. Kakashi and their pursuit led to the abduction of Lin. in this case, it can be determined that the enemy left the river before he left and went to the opposite bank of the river.

Otherwise, Kakashi, they couldn't have traced him to the river and met the two crags.

If the enemy changes direction after the battle between Kakashi and the two Yanyin, and turns back from the other side of the bamboo forest and passes him by the wrong side, it makes logical sense.

It's just this kind of thing. It's just a coincidence.

However, coincidence is a coincidence. This kind of thing is not impossible in logic. Therefore, there is nothing wrong or fantasy in Chiba's thinking.

After all, it is a coincidence that someone else happened to be on his way when he arrived at the river and left footprints and blood like the enemy.

So In this case, if it is logically correct

However, after drawing such a coincidence inference in mind, Chiba did not get too tangled this time, but put down the double fingers again.


suddenly, as like as two peas, he began to explode, and a mist of white mist burst out beside him, and quickly dispersed, revealing a Chiba of the same shape.

The art of shadow separation!

"Well, you go there, or I go there, I go back, or you go back."Chiba as like as two peas, after revealing its shape, kept the same crouching movement as Chiba, and looked at his own body slightly.

And it sounds like, in the tone, quite a bit reluctant.

"What do you think?"

However, he did not get the positive answer of noumenon Chiba, instead, it was a rhetorical question.

"You've got a problem in mind, and you ask me what I'm doing."

The question of the noumenon Chiba soon aroused the sarcasm of Chiba Ying Fen, who did not want to think about it. When he was separated, he inherited all the memory of noumenon. At this moment, he naturally knew what the noumenon was thinking.

"Well, since you know I've got a problem, what do you want me to do?"

Then, Ying Fen's sarcasm quickly aroused the irony of noumenon Chiba, who, by the way, was also rejected by the noumenon Chiba, waving his hand to signal him to go quickly.

"Cut! You know how to summon people

Hearing the body's irony, seeing the body's impatient wave, and the more impatient expression with a slightly unhappy color, Chiba, who was very dissatisfied, complained a little, and then flashed into the bamboo forest and flew away towards the river.

Why do my shadow parts talk so much?

Seeing the shadow separate body disappearing in the bamboo forest, Chiba couldn't help but murmured a few words, then took a breath, without much nonsense, and went directly on the way to and from.

Obviously, this is the direction of Ying Fen Shen's escape to the enemy, while his noumenon goes to the direction of coming, that is, the direction of finding footprints and bloodstains in the memory of Ying Fen Shen.

Whether the footprints and bloodstains are the enemy who abducted Hongyan and Chennai in narin's narration, or another person, such arrangement is also a common means of Chiba.

In this way, both sides should be taken into consideration, and neither of them will be missed.

After all, these are the opposite directions, and we can't give up any clues. Chiba has no time to search back and forth.

This is also an application of Chiba's split tactics. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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