Natasha the Halve

10 – A glimpse into Natasha.

I continued eating my food in silence, thinking about the world, E’er, Elf thighs and Luzo breasts.

Alyssa and Lapia left me to my thoughts and caught up with each other.

Once we finished, I helped take the dishes to the kitchen and put them in the sink. Lapia rejected my offer to help clean the dishes, my strength too high to risk breaking the china.

“How much is known about Halves?” I asked, returning to my seat next to Alyssa.

“Not much beyond the surface.” Alyssa took my hand, playing with my fingers. “Nobody has seen a Halve being born. It’s not known if you are even born in the first place.” she traced my fingerprints with her claws. “You all 'wake up' in gathering spots. It’s known you are not born of flesh, however. The Laws of Life inside you are different.”

“Would that complicate things?” I looked at her. “With your healing, I mean.”

“Not at all. I’m thinking of a few ways to familiarize myself with you.” she blushed.

“It’s sex.” the Elf said from the kitchen, laughing after seeing Alyssa’s deep purple face.

“It is.” she admitted, her eyes looking down. “It’s the fastest way. Affectionate intimacy is extremely useful.”

“I’m all for it.” I smirked at the woman. “You’re pretty horny yourself.”

Alyssa covered her face with a hand while groaning. Lapia’s laughter turned into wheezing accompanied by claps.

“That was pretty good.” the Elf said, giggling and sitting on the table, giving me a high five.

“That joke is so old.” she shook her head, but she was smiling. “Anyway, Halves are known to not share much about themselves.”

“Well, you have one right in front of you.” I looked at both of them. “Anything you want to know? Don’t mind taboos or silly things like that.”

They both shared a look. Lapia nodded and turned to me.

“Do you have memories of a time before life?” she asked, they both stared at me.

“That sounds deep.” I said, nodding. “There was a ‘trial’ of sorts.” I said the first thing that came to mind, not even my life on Earth popped.

“So it’s true.” Alyssa nodded. “What’s it about? Where was it? What happened?” she asked in quick succession.

“Hell. Survive.” I simply said, shrugging. Their eyes opened wide. “Last night I had a dream, recalling memories of that time. It was brutal.” I sighed. “Apparently, I spent enough time there to learn the languages of Hell. I don’t recall much. It says time or interacting with trophies will bring the memories back.” I noticed their interested eyes. “Which I won’t do in the middle of a city. Whip out things taken from hell? What if everyone in Riverfield dies, gets possessed, or some eldritch bullshit happens?” I shook my head. “Couldn’t be me.”

“You… survived Hell?” Alyssa said in a quiet voice. “That’s…”

She stopped, not finding words.

“Fucking badass!” Lapia finished. Alyssa nodded. “You go, girl.” she chuckled, patting my shoulder. “So how come you had that reaction with the bandits?”

“I had no memories of Hell back then.” I shrugged. “Anything else?”

“What does it exactly say?” the Luzo asked. Lapia showed a complicated expression at her words.

“Let me check.” I searched for the Hellwalker title and read it out loud. Then, I nodded. “Word for word.”

Alyssa nodded and Lapia shook her head, sighing with her eyes closed.

“Pretty in line with Title acquisition.” the Luzo thought for a second. “So we have Lapia Pofeta, Flame of the East. Lightbringer Alyssa Pruvik. And Natasha Novak the Hellwalker.” she giggled. “Those are some great titles.”

Lapia relaxed and smiled.

“How did you get yours?” I asked them.

“Healed many people in dungeons.” Alyssa explained.

“Mastered Pyromancy and used it a lot on my way here.” Lapia supplied.

“Cool.” I leaned back on the chair and relaxed. "How many Halves are there? You mentioned having met one before. Are there enough to form a nation?" I asked.

I hadn't seen any of my kind. And if we're all as powerful as I am, I'd assume there'd be very few.

"There are five accounted Halves." Lapia answered. "Perculis passed away of old age a few hundred years ago."

"That's way less than I thought. You made it sound as if we were in the thousands..." I sighed.

"Those are the ones who have come into civilization. No one knows how many actually are there." Alyssa said. "Yulianna, Miraztor, Nilenna, and Desseyr. Now you, Natasha."

"Are we all gold like me?" I stared at my legs, the muscled limb emitting a soft golden hue.

"You come in two colors. You, Yulianna, and Miraztor are gold. Nilenna, Desseyr, and the late Perculis, silver." Lapia supplied. "I met Desseyr. He was a student of mine back home. He's... a complicated man." she chuckled.

"So there could be thousands out there in the wilds?" I asked.

"It's hard to tell. We only know of your existence when you show up near settlements, or meet people while roaming around." Alyssa said, resting her elbows on the table. "Perculis was first sighted chasing a Giant near the mines of Tolona seven thousand years ago. Not many people died, thanks to his efforts."

"The priestess... Clara was her name?" Alyssa nodded. "She said Yulianna and Perculis researched fertility or something."

"She was his assistant for a few centuries." the Elf said. "Nothing came out of their union, however. After his death she set out to Makah, a continent to the west. No one has heard of her ever since."

The plot thickens. I chuckled.

"What would happen if I have a child with you?" I asked, both blushed hard.

"A-about that. I would give birth to a demi. A Luzo with Halven might." Alyssa responded. "You would influence their affinity with E'er. It would not be as high as yours, however."

"Same here." Lapia cleared her throat. "An Elf with Halven might."

"Would they be gold as I am, or take after you?" my face heated up.

"We can't guess about that. My ch... child could have golden scales, or dark like mine. There aren't enough Halve offspring to reach a concrete answer." Alyssa fidgeted.

This is embarassing. I looked at my hands.

"Let's change subjects. I don't even know when my cycle will come." I scratched my ear.

Taking out a mint chewing gum from my storage, I put it in my mouth and went at it.

“What’s that?” the Elf perked up at the refreshing smell.

“Chewing gum. I don’t have a toothbrush, so I chew on these to clean my teeth.” I had done so before, but the last three days were hectic enough to make me forget.

“You can use E’er to do that.” Lapia pointed out from her seat across the table. “And your saliva is ‘strong’ enough to dissolve whatever is left.” she smiled widely, showing her sharp teeth. “Kissing you is very healthy, I discovered.” a light blush covered her face.

The more you know. I nodded, a grin forming.

“Why am I not surprised.” I said in monotone. I had certainly noticed my teeth to be surprisingly clean, but chalked it up to the food of this world being incredibly healthy. “E’er is pretty useful. Makes me want to be a wizard, even if a little.” I chuckled.

“I noticed that too.” Alyssa said, licking her fangs with her blue tongue. “My mouth is pretty clean.” she looked away, blushing. “Also… you taste pretty good.” she said in a quiet voice.

“I do?” I leaned forward.

“You do.” Lapia nodded. “Let me refresh my memory.”

Smirking, she stood up and walked over to me.

She took my chin and kissed me, her tongue invading my mouth and wrapping with my own. She parted after a few seconds and licked her lips. “Mhm. Mint. That chewing thing is masking your taste.” she pouted cutely. She tasted of chicken and vegetables.

“Then I better get rid of it.” I put it in the wrapping and stored it. “How about now?” I turned to Alyssa and gently pulled her closer, connecting our lips.

Her long tongue didn’t waste an instant and entered, licking my palate and teeth, which made me moan a little.

“Mint.” she licked my lips. “I prefer your natural taste.” Her red eyes were half closed.

She too, tasted like the food we just ate.

I cleared my throat. My cheeks felt like they were on fire.

“I bought a Ratnak.” I told Lapia the first thing that came to mind.

She gave me a knowing smile. “A good beast.” she nodded and turned to Alyssa. “You mentioned something happened?”

“Ah, right!” she said and burst into a series of giggles.

I felt the cold hand of regret grip my soul.

“Earlier… pff!” she couldn’t even form sentences. “When you sent a message through the bond, Natasha panicked and thought she was under mental attacks. Hahahahaha!”

She was clapping and gasping.

“HAHAHAHAHA!!” Lapia erupted in her own laughter.

Resting on my shoulders and bending over, her laughter was as loud as the Luzo’s. I sat there, embarrassed. Shaking my head in silence.

“What did she do?” Lapia asked in a really high pitched voice, fighting the laughter.

“She… KAHAHAHAHA.” Alyssa choked and continued laughing.

Finish your sentences at the very least! I shouted in my mind. I covered my face with both hands, my face burning like never before.

“She took her spear out… HAHAHAHA.” she grabbed her sides, her jaw opened to its limits.

“And then?” Lapia wiped a tear, her voice shaky with joy.

“And then.” she breathed in, calming herself. “And then asked.” she took another breath. Lapia was waiting, her laugh escaping. Probably imagining what came next. “She asked ‘Alyssa is there a class that can fuck with my mind?’.”

Both exploded in laughter, Lapia crouched on the ground and Alyssa sprawled on the table, slapping the wood.

Though her impersonation was pretty good, the laughter ruined the tension I was supposed to be in. Six out of ten. I thought.

Their laughter was contagious, though. I soon found myself laughing alongside them.

“Alright, alright.” I said after ten minutes of us laughing. “You’ll faint if you don’t calm down.” I went to the kitchen and took a bottle of water from the counter and two glasses.

I poured them a glass each and set them on the table. They didn’t reach for the drinks, however. They both hugged me while trying to calm down, and showered my face with kisses.

“Ugh!” I tried to cover myself, but they took my hands and brought them around their waists. “Noo.” I whimpered in embarrassment at their affection.

“So cute.” Lapia said between kisses.

“Adorable.” Alyssa whispered in my ear.

My face was about to melt with how hot it felt. I was absolutely convinced that it showed even through my golden skin. I had the power to free myself, but it would be a lie if I said I didn’t enjoy it.

They both stopped what they were doing at the same time and took my face, lifting my head.

“Are you blushing, sunshine?” Lapia was surprised, her eyes wide open.

I pulled them into a hug and hid my face in their hair. My weak nod made them giggle. I took a deep breath to calm myself, the smell of lavender and lemons relaxing me slightly. I felt their hands on my hair, caressing my head.

“It’s hard to notice.” Alyssa’s deep voice was still shaky from the previous scene.

“It is.” Lapia chuckled. “I can’t imagine how she felt for it to show through.”

“Like dying.” I whined.

They giggled and tightened the embrace. The Luzo’s breasts were pressing against mine. I managed to calm down after a few moments.

“Alright.” I separated. “There’s a few things I need to check with you two.” I released the hug and walked over to the living room, gesturing for them to follow. As they did, I pointed at a large sofa. “Sit.” I said in my most convincing serious voice I could manage.

Alyssa followed my instruction instantly, Lapia looked at me warily.

“We didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable.” the Elf said.

“It’s not that.” I looked away. “I kind of like that sort of thing.” Lapia smirked at me. “Anyway.”

I stood in front of them. Arms crossed and posture firm.

“Show me what you use for combat.” I said. If these two women were going to be my long term lovers and companions, I was going to make sure they survived a nuclear blast if possible.

“Okay.” Alyssa said, summoning her Staff along with leather garments and metal boots with an opening for her toes. A couple of rings and jewelry sat on top of a white robe.

I crouched and took the staff, appraising it. It was a white metal pole with an eye at the top, the thing was golden and meticulously crafted.

[+5 Cardinal Staff (High)]

(E’er Efficiency B)

-INT + 45

-WIS + 50

-Dex + 30

My eyes widened to the point my visual organs threatened to fall off. I felt my hope in the world crumble. This is a starter item, if anything. The Luzo, however, looked pretty smug.

“Quite the item, right? It cost me fifty silver.” she smiled and straightened up.

“We’re gonna get Halved, aren’t we?” Lapia sighed, leaning back on the sofa.

“Yes. Whatever that means.” I scowled at the item. “Alyssa, were you scammed?” my worried face froze hers.


I summoned a Mythical staff for clerics. I had yet to check this one out, so my expectations were high. I hoped the passives hadn’t changed much.

I was disappointed. In a good way.

[+100 Crest of the Redeemer (Mythical) {Ascension Lvl 10}]

(E’er Efficiency SSS+)(Durability S+)

-Healing Power + 100% ({Lvl 10 Ametrine}x10)

-Spell effect duration +1500% (Enchantment)

-WIS + 300

-INT + 200

-DEX + 150

-Crest of the Redeemed will copy your healing spells on allies (Total Level/2)m around you as a wave every ten seconds

*Cost of copied spells is reduced based on your highest class level

(-0% at level 1 | -95% at level 500)

*Potency of copied spells is increased based on your highest class level

(+10% at level 1 | +1500% at level 500)

-INT + 250 (Transmutation)

-WIS + 250 (Transmutation)

-DEX + 250 (Transmutation)

-Using Pulk’Oz Conservation View, [(TW/TL)x10]% of E’er spent returns to you

It was beautiful. Two meters in length, a two colored jewel at the bottom. The golden pole had etchings on it and a gritty surface. The head was a flat stained glass circle around thirty centimeters wide supported by the same material as the body. A sun motif on it clear as day. A faint light coming off the glass, swaying like smoke.

I offered Alyssa the staff and she took it, her jaw dropping. Six rings materialized in my hand an I placed them on her lap. Late game jewelry. Each giving fifty points in intelligence, wisdom, constitution and dexterity. For a total of three hundred for each stat.

We had ten fingers, so we could wear six comfortably. A seeveless white robe came next, similar in color to hers. Mine, however, had golden metallic sections that worked as armor. It was stretchy and breathable, but durable upon further inspection. Originally a costume, it also turned into a functional piece of protective gear.

[Garb of Purified Light (Legendary)]

(Durability SS)(Agile Movement)

I placed a set of leather garments next to her. A sleeveless vest, shorts with a hole for her tail, finger-less gloves and toe-less socks.

Well, well, well. It’s almost as if there were playable races that had claws. I chuckled inside my mind. You can’t escape me! Modern video games cater to all!

They were all endgame equipment. Boosting stats and durable defenses. These, however, were not as durable as mine. They were a weird mix of leather and breathable spandex. Stretchy and form-fitting. I placed a pair of black metallic boots and gauntlets at her feet. Both had openings for fingers and toes.

“Take these. And always fight with everything you have.” I looked her in the eye and she nodded. I took her chin and kissed her. “I don’t want to risk anything. This may be overkill, but I’d rather our travels be boring than dangerous.” I turned to Lapia.

“Makes sense.” she nodded and summoned her ensemble. A similar looking staff, but with a flame-shaped piece of iron instead. An unnecessarily revealing robe and some jewelry.

Her staff was just as poor, but it had better E’er efficiency than Alyssa’s.

I summoned another Mythical staff, this one specific for Pyromancer, being the most played class in the game due to its large area of effect spells and overall utility.

My, my. What a coincidence. I smiled. I might start believing in fate. I had all of the class specific weapons in the game, so not much coincidence after all. Four were Mythical and the rest were Legendary.

This is no game, though.

[+100 Eternal Flame (Mythical) {Ascension Lvl 10}]

(E’er Efficiency SSS+)(Durability S)

-E'er Efficiency + 100% ({Lvl 10 Ruby}x10)

-Spell Reach +200% (Enchantment)

-INT + 300

-WIS + 200

-DEX + 150

-Shifts Pyro Formula for T.E.C. values


-The more enemies burn by your fire, the faster you cast your spells

-When a burning enemy dies, it explodes. Width of explosion is (Total Level/5)m

-INT + 250 (Transmutation)

-WIS + 250 (Transmutation)

-DEX + 250 (Transmutation)

-Allows use of Yiama’s Wish once a day

The weapon became a cluster-fuck just like the Geomancer one. The thing two meters tall just like the one for Alyssa. The pole a flame orange with a gritty surface, and at the top, four short studs held a fifty centimeter long, ten wide red crystal encasing a white flame.

I presented her the staff and after a few seconds of reading, she choked.

“Holy shit!” she coughed for a bit and I rubbed her back.

She began saying things in Elvish. I moved on to the gear, placing similar items to those for Alyssa. I placed five rings, having already given her one this morning. And a properly covering set of clothes.

[Regalia of Pyroclast (Legendary)]

(Durability SS)(Agile Movement)

Been a long day. I sighed.

“Attention, please.” I snapped my fingers and they both looked up. “Which do you prefer? Helmet, crown, or tiara?” I had it all. One does not get to the top without commitment. “I have most wares for fine ladies such as you.” I imitated an old merchant, or tried to.

They giggled and relaxed.

“Can’t wear helmets.” Alyssa said, pointing at her horns.

“I don’t like them, too stuffy.” Lapia said with an apologetic smile.

“Not to worry.” I smiled, and summoned two helmets. Kind of.

They had an opening on top. The face had eye sockets for vision. On the sides, cuts allowed for long ears to comfortably fit the piece. The interior was a padded material, so it would absorb impacts. The items I gave them were my other character's equipment, so it was top notch.

I placed them on their heads and was satisfied with how they looked. Alyssa’s fit like a glove, the opening wide enough to allow her horns to go through. They stared at me through the gaps meant for vision. Their long ears poking out made for a funny picture.

“You look pretty silly, not gonna lie.” I giggled. “But better dull than dead, am I right?”

“This is…” Lapia said, not finding the words. She took the helmet off and stored it.

“You told me the world is dangerous.” I shrugged. “Think of this as me taking care of my partners.”

I chuckled at their blushing faces and pulled the Elf up. I hugged and kissed her.

Alyssa stood up and hugged us both. “So this is to get Halved.” she sighed, chuckling.

“Yep.” the Elf nodded. “To absolutely demolish our common sense.”

I laughed. That sounded pretty accurate to what I just did.

“Try them on, let’s see if they’re comfortable.” I urged them, sitting on the sofa.

They undressed, storing their clothes. Before I could get a glimpse of the Luzo’s body, she had already equipped the new gear through the magical process of storage dressing.

They comfortably shaped to their bodies. I gawked at Alyssa’s chest, the piece stretching beyond what I thought possible. I gulped.

The piece was sleeveless so her scaled arms were bare. Those scales could rip cloth, I bet. Some looked a little sharp. I smiled when she put the gloves on, her clawed fingers going through the openings for fingers. Thank all above lizard people are popular in most fantasy games.

Though the Luzo had Dragon-like features, her body was no different than mine. Aside from her tail and horns. They might even call it God-shape or something. I chuckled at the thought. A world with species older than humans would not call it ‘humanoid’. They might even link it to Halves, I don’t even know how a God looks like. I thought back to Earth’s eastern religions, their deities more animal than human.

As an individual originally belonging to a society of discussion, however, I asked.

“Hey, how do you call our body shape?” I asked while they fixed details on their gear. “I mean bipedal, erected back, head above shoulders, arms on the sides. You get it.”

“That is a very interesting question, considering the answer.” Lapia said, fixing a belt that kept her skirt in place.

“Halven Figure.” Alyssa answered, adjusting a belt under her breasts.

Right on the money. My shoulders sagged. I have to prepare myself in case I meet a cult out there worshiping my species.

“What does ‘Halve’ mean?” I looked at my hands. The tendons and muscles defined under my golden skin.

“That’s Celestial for ‘Protector’. God means ‘Mentor’.” Lapia said and stood in front of me, having finished fixing her belts and clasps. “How do I look?” she posed, aiming an open hand at me with her new staff in the other, as if she was about to cast a spell.

She looked like a proper wizard. The clothes were light blue accented with gold. The belts and gloves were purple, the skirt part of the dress reached halfway down her thighs. Her legs were covered by the spandex-like material, accentuating their thickness. The boots did their job properly, and a high neck protected her throat. Exquisite shoulder armor covered the joints, and flexible interlinked metals covered her back and front.

There shall be no bikini armor on my watch! I nodded.

“You look great.” I gave her a thumbs up.

Alyssa stood beside her, not saying anything.

The robe did wonders for her figure. It covered her from her neck to her knees. It had symmetric embroidery and golden interlinked pieces of metal that provided protection without restricting movement. Her upper arms were naked, the dark scales covering the outside of the limb, the inside and her armpits a light purple. Black metal gauntlets covered her forearms, the leather ones hidden beneath. Her tail lifted the dress a little, but the end of the fabric was loose enough to allow for comfortable movement. Her fingers free, she did a sign I did not recognize. A peace sign with an added thumb.

Unless she’s throwing gang signs.

“Lovely.” I smiled and clapped. “You two look amazing.”

“And yours?” the Luzo asked. “May I see your armor again?” her tail swayed a little.

Is she happy or testing the range of movement? I wondered while standing up.

Leather armor appeared under my dress. I stored the silk attire along with my boots and made the armor appear on top. A silver white helmet with no holes for vision materialized in my hands. The thing had a thick golden line where eyes should be, crossing the front from side to side. A small hole at the back I assumed would let my hair out. It had a few clasps and plates that suggested it was connected with the neck of my chestplate. The pieces mobile to allow wide movement and protection at the same time.

How do I see with this? I appraised it.

[Starforged Eternium Plate Helmet (Legendary)]

(Durability SSS+)(Weightless Wear)(True Vision)

I put it on and was surprised at seeing everything in front of me. Is this how Ir*nman's helmet would feel like? There was no interface, however. I touched the front and found no holes or the like. It’s good. I stored it and equipped it again through my storage. My braid came out the hole in the back. I took my spear out.

“How is it?” I twirled around and my long hair followed, the braid courtesy of Alyssa held firm. I then posed like J*suke, framing my head.

“Impressive. Sleek.” Lapia said and Alyssa nodded. “What is it made of?” she approached me and touched my arm.

“Eternium." I said back. “Ring any bells?”

Both shook their heads.

Originally, the costume was ordinary iron forged in a star. You can write whatever you want in a game, though. This world may have changed things for balance's sake. I thought about the many weapons and costumes, changing considerably from game to reality. Maybe it just didn’t make sense, and gave names according to what it recognized them as.

Now a fully functional piece of protective gear, the thing was pretty cool. I thanked all above for the fact the art designers didn’t like boob plate or bikini armor. Exposing skin while fighting is not a very good idea unless you use a shield, or a large enough weapon to use as one.

“Feels pretty comfy.” I squatted, the armor making very little sound, the pieces moving to ease the movement. “How about you?” I checked the knee plates.

“Comfortable, yes.” Alyssa nodded. I looked up at the Luzo from my squatting position. “The chest area stretched perfectly.” she blushed.

How has this woman not developed blood pressure problems blushing that often? I turned to the Elf.

“The hip area was tight, but I increased the size with the belts and clasps.” she smiled. “My stats went through the roof, though.” she chuckled.

“True, it feels… odd.” the Luzo tilted her head, silver white hair falling to the side.

“As long as you’re not feeling any discomfort, all is good.” I stood up without issue, the plates relocating.

I changed clothes back to my dress, the action instantaneous thanks to my storage. I ran a hand through my hair and undid the braid. My hair tickled the back of my knees.

“Ah. Need to go to the bathroom.” Lapia said, turning around.

“Me too.” Alyssa said in her lovely deep voice.

They both turned to me.

“I’m fine.” I said after double-checking. “I don’t need to go yet.”

“Alright.” the Elf said. “This way.”

She guided Alyssa through a hallway into the apartment.

I let out a long sigh. Looking around, I found a clock and spent a few seconds figuring the time. Someone invent digital clocks already! You have toilet seats! It was four ten.

I walked around the apartment, looking at the paintings. They were mostly abstract art I had no way to recognize. Some might even be real monsters. I chuckled at the notion of a diamond shape monster with smoke for legs, but shivered at the possible existence of such a being.

Above the fireplace stood a few small portraits. A young Elf girl with two adults, probably Lapia and her parents. They looked upper-class, her mother had light blond hair, her father the same shade of dark blonde Lapia herself had. They both had green eyes. She was sitting on a chair and her parents stood behind her, the three smiling.

The others had each individual by themselves. Her mother was quite the beauty. Not as beautiful as my girlfriend, however. Her father had more feminine features, giving him an air of aristocracy. Lapia was wearing some sort of uniform with badges and holding a diploma.

Looks like a photograph. I thought. The image perfectly still and crisp. I tried to remember the history of cameras, and tried to imagine if they’d be easy to come by in a world like this one. Perhaps a really skilled individual with a related class.

I moved on and looked at paintings depicting landscapes. A beach and a humongous castle floating in the sky were the only ones that were not lines, smoke, and odd lighting. They were pretty good. I’d fix some of the shading, but that might be the result of looking at them through the day and the suns changing position. A very common occurrence to beginners, especially if they’re outside.

Unless that’s what they actually look like. I could very well be wrong.

I continued and walket over to an upright piano. They have pianos, nice. Was it the 16th or 17th century when the first piano was invented on Earth? That feels like teenage years for people who live thousands.

I ran a finger on its surface. My finger came out spotless, I nodded in approval. I reached down and pulled the bench from under the instrument. It had a knob to adjust the height, so I sat and opened the lid. Fiddling with the knob, I got to a comfortable level in front of it.

What should I play? I wondered.

After graduating art school, I worked in a museum while doing commissions online. Fortunately, a writer contacted me and I ended up drawing a comic which made us both popular. The rest went up. I was making good money so I quit my day job and took up piano. I had always wanted to learn how to play since I was little.

Let’s start easy.

I pressed a few keys, testing the sound. It was properly tuned.

So, I began playing. The arrangement one of the first I learned at an academy after having earned enough money to pay for classes.

Beethoven, Moonlight Sonata. I thought, my hands going over the keys with ease assisted by my high dexterity. Maybe performers are dexterity based, along with constitution for the stamina needed. I wondered.

I was pleasantly surprised by the fact I could remember the music sheets vividly. Almost as if they were in front of me.

The first movement was going perfect.

In reality, it wasn't an easy one. It was quite the story.

A smile formed on my face.

The teacher had thought I’d waste her time, being an artist of another category already. So in order to discourage me, she gave me a few difficult arrangements and told me to choose one. I’d practice for two weeks and show my progress. My first performance was a complete mess. But so much better than what she expected, that she took me seriously starting that day.

What a bitch.

I chuckled at the memory of her astonished face. I started the second movement.

She had said I had incredible talent, and she would nurture it. I though she was exaggerating, but went along. Turns out, I did actually have a talent for the piano. More than I had for drawing, unfortunately.

I was in love with the pen, however, so I refused several offers to go to concerts and concourses. That made her mad.

The third movement started as the flood of memories came. My hands went over the keys as I relived them. The emotions weak and distant.

She insulted my art, called me a low-effort, and said I’d never amount to much. Even going as far as saying I was a waste of time. I called her a manipulative, lying bitch. That made her snap. She tried to slap me. Unfortunately for her, I had been going through some anger issues due to a toxic girlfriend at the time. I ended up breaking her nose and cheekbone.

We went to court, and I won. There were cameras in the building, after all.

I finished the piece and quickly began with another. A few memories returning.

After a messy breakup with the toxic girlfriend, I met a girl named Elise. Fitting, I had just finished learning another Beethoven piece. Für Elise.

I giggled. The universe worked in amazing ways.

At the same time, I had started working with a video game company. I was hired to do character and environment design, since that was my strength back then.

She was from Poland, we met in Vorónezh. I had accompanied a friend to watch a play, and Elise went with her sister. The relationship was good, but short, just like the piece.

She received a job offer from Indonesia. She was an Engineer. I never understood the specifics of her work, however. She took it right away and said she’d be financially stable enough to support the two of us.

I was young and scared of commitment. We fortunately parted ways in great terms. To the point of keeping in touch for years to come. I’d always remember her patience and caring nature.

I finished the second piece and began another. This one I hummed along. Liszt's Hungarian Rhapsody No. 2.

After leaving that bitch of a teacher, I enrolled into another piano school. They had heard of what happened with the previous one, the hag was famous. I had gone to anger management, so they decided to accept me in the end.

They too, were surprised by my piano skills. But didn’t push after I rejected invitations to bring my talent to the stage. I didn’t have the time, even if I wanted to. My job was doing great.

I immersed myself in the memories and continued playing the piano. I switched to Rachmaninoff, and then to Chopin.

I recalled the memories, but the emotions were weak. What if I forget? I’ll live for hundreds of years, thousands even. Will my mind be able to keep that many memories? I wondered as I began playing Winter Wind. I’ll have to see.

The sound filled the apartment, and I lost track of time with how many pieces I played.

I’m scared shitless. My eyes began stinging. I know nothing. People tried to kill me. Tears flowed. My fingers kept going, however. Breath it in, Natasha. Recognize it, and face it. I took a deep breath. I won’t die for while, at least. I can learn. I have time. I can adapt. I will adapt. I survived Hell for fuck’s sake!

I already died once. More tears came out. I’m not from Earth. I died on Earth. The energy of the world created me. I remember a life that doesn’t feel mine. I accept that. I took a deep breath again. I have killed people. And will do so again if the circumstances demand it. Whether King or God.

Tears stopped flowing and I calmed down.

I am Natasha Novak, a Halve born in Galeia.

As I pressed the final notes, a long sigh left me.

I needed that. I hadn’t had time for myself since waking up in this world. I couldn’t really guess at my mental health, and everything seemed to move too fast. Little moments like this make a difference. I felt lighter.

I forgot life could move so fast. Twelve years of isolation did a number on me, I guess. Fuck pandemics.

“There.” I whispered. I wiped my tears with some napkins.

After saying that, I heard clapping behind me. Turning around, I found Alyssa and Lapia in tears.

“What’s wrong?” I asked, standing up. “I don’t think I’m that bad.” I closed the lid and pushed the bench back under the instrument.

My joke made them laugh, wide smiles on their faces. They had changed to their own clothes and sat in the living room. The piano faced a wall, so I hadn’t noticed them.

Got too into it. I thought. Good thing I played lighter pieces.

I walked over to them and they stood up, still clapping.

“That was beautiful.” the Luzo said, wiping her tears with a handkerchief. “I’m moved beyond words.”

“Same, it was quite the experience.” the Elf cutely blew her nose. “Good thing I kept the piano.”

“It’s not yours?” I tilted my head.

“Came with the place.” she explained. “I’ve no use for it. Makes for good decoration at least.”

“I’m glad you liked it.” I smiled. It felt good. “What time is it?”

“A quarter to eight.” Alyssa said, checking the clock. “You played for quite a while.”

Over three hours. It felt like thirty minutes. I nodded.

“Sorry, I made you wait.” I hugged them both and gave each a kiss.

I’m here now. In this world, with two beautiful women. I smiled. I can afford to forget.

“Hey.” Lapia whispered, kissing me on the neck. “Let’s go to my room.” her voice turned seductive.

Alyssa blushed and gave a small nod, looking down.

Damn, girl! I felt an exciting jolt run up my spine. Wait. It’s eight o’clock. Sonya.

“How about this.” I began. The elf pouted at my words. “I’ll go feed Sonya. The Ratnak.” I explained. “I’ll be back before you know it.” I turned to the door.

“We’ll wait for you.” Lapia smacked my butt, chuckling. Alyssa giggled at her action.

I left the apartment and searched my storage for the bag of feed I received from the farm. I went down the stairs with a light step. The butler from earlier was still standing near the front door.

“I’ll be right back, going to feed my mount.” I told the pretty boy. He looked like he could be in a boys idol group.

“I could take care of it, if you wish.” he bowed, a small smile on his face.

“She’s a Ratnak, level one hundred and fifty.” I told him, looking him in the eye.

“Ah. Good luck, then.” he blushed and took a step back.

I walked out of the building with a heavy bag full of metal pieces the size of tennis balls. They gave me ten bags. I had taken the information booklet anyway, reading its contents on the way.

“Feed two metal pieces, two times a day. Tell her to sit down before and to nod after.” I read to myself. “Feels like a dog.”

I reached the parking lot area and Sonya stood up when she saw me. The spot was still covered in shade. A constantly fed water trough encircled the space, keeping animals from dehydrating.

I approached her and scratched her chin. The beast releasing a pleased growl.

“I bring food.” I showed her a metal piece. She perked up and tried to take it. “No. Sit.” I pushed her head back and gently headbutted her.

She nodded and followed my instructions. I offered the food and she carefully took it from my open hand, her long teeth avoided my skin.

“Good girl. Nod.” I said, she obeyed.

I repeated the process, the beast didn’t try to snatch if from me again. I congratulated her and patted her large head. I headbutted her again, softer than before. She looked me in the eye with her blue ones, and nodded. She opened her maw and licked my face with the thick and long muscle. The smell of metal spreading to my nose. I laughed at the similarity to a dog.

“We’ll stay the night. I’ll come tomorrow morning to give you breakfast, but you have to be a good girl, and behave.” I rubbed her cheeks. She nodded and laid down on the ground.

I turned around and made my way back to Lapia’s, storing the bag and the booklet. The butler was talking to a lady wearing a sort of suit. I ignored them and made my way up the stairs.

I reached Lapia’s door and opened it, crossed the office, and knocked on the door leading to her apartment.

I heard footsteps and a few seconds later the door opened. Lapia was wearing a black silk bathrobe, her hair a little damp. A lot of exposed skin made her look really sexy.

“Go take a shower. We’re in my room.” she said, summoning a cloth similar to hers, but red, and giving it to me. “That way, last door.” she pointed at the hallway. She smacked my ass again when I turned around. “Hurry up.”

“You’re gonna get it.” I pointed at her as I walked. “I’ll make you faint.”

“Looking forward to it.” she gave me a wink and smirked.

I felt my cheeks burn. This woman is so fucking hot. I couldn’t avoid the excited smile that took over my face.

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