Natasha the Halve

105 – A bit of Elena’s past.

“Good evening, Your Excellency,” the Elf greeted me with a bow. “My name is Adari Kovazh and I'm from the Faeton Elf Embassy.”

Ah, right... I nodded, then pointed out, “Took your time, though...”

Adari winced at my words. “Apologies, Your Excellency. The process took longer than we expected.”

I arched an eyebrow and inquired, “What made you come in person?”

“Right,” the Elf chuckled. “The circumstances demand we are sensible. Two Azh'avun are involved, after all.”

I blinked twice. “Sorry, two what?”

“Halves,” Adari explained with a smile. “Azh'avun means 'Protectors' in Elvish, Your Excellency.”

“Got it,” I replied with a nod. “I'll see if Elena is available.”

The Elf nodded and took a step back.

I closed the door and walked to the living room, then called out to the Elf in question, “Elena.”

She turned to me with a smile. “Yes, Your Excellency?”

I gestured at the door with a thumb. “Someone from the Embassy came to see you,” I explained.

Her smile turned to a frown and she nodded. “Finally,” she commented and stood up. “It's been two weeks.”

“I know, right?” I sighed, sharing the displeasure. “Wait at the table, I'll let them in.”

She nodded and complied.

Pokora's facial expression betrayed her discontent at having our conversation interrupted.

I opened the door and gestured for the Elf to come in.

“If you'll excuse me,” Adari said and walked into the apartment.

I guided the official to the table and sat down between Elena and Pokora.

Our guest sat down in front of us and produced a few documents. “Good evening, Lady Elena, Lady Pokh'Orra,” Adari greeted the two Elves. “My name is Adari Kovazh and I'm from the Faeton Elf Embassy.”

Elena nodded and greeted back, “Good evening, Gentleman Adari.”

Gentleman? I wondered in surprise. Maybe he's young? Or is Adari a male name?

The Elf in front of me was androgynous in my eyes.

Pokora simply nodded.

Adari cleared his throat and moved a document towards Elena. “Lady Elena, you were reported as a missing person two hundred and fifty years ago,” he began. “We were informed of your memory loss, so we've compiled the necessary information to give you context of who you were.”

Elena's eyes widened a little. “Right,” she muttered and took the document.

“Take your time, Lady Elena,” Adari offered.

The woman spent a minute reading the paper, then asked, “Who is this Denuri Trema?”

Adari nodded in understanding. “She's an Azuuli Luzo, Lady Elena,” he explained. “You, Anuri, Alina, an Ork, and Her Excellency Yulianna were partners,” he revealed. “Denuri and Alina have been looking for you, Lady Elena.”

Elena took a few minutes to digest the information.

I was surprised as well. This is turning to be pretty yikes.

Elena hesitated for a second, “Does this mean... His Excellency Perculis was my... partner as well?”

“That would be correct, Lady Elena,” Adari confirmed with a nod.

Ohh... I bit my lips.

Elena covered her mouth and took a deep breath. “I see...” she breathed out with a complicated face.

“I apologize we took this long to bring you this information,” Adari insisted, offering another document. “This is information on your family, Lady Elena.”

She took the paper with shaky hands and read it with apprehension. Her eyes went over the lines and her face relaxed, then let out a relieved sigh. “Looks like my parents have been busy,” she chuckled. “I have two new siblings.”

I covered my mouth and held back a laugh.

Adari let out a polite laugh, then cleared his throat and moved another document in her direction. “This is the information on your savings in Akuuhk, Lady Elena.”

The woman sighed and took the paper, then read it. “It's way more than I expected,” she muttered in surprise. “And figured it'd be seized after all these years so it's not shocking.”

Adari nodded. “You can take it back, Lady Elena,” he offered. “We can deal with it on our end if you wish.”

“That would be immensely helpful,” Elena replied with a nod.

Adari smiled. “Not a problem, Lady Elena. Your properties are a different matter altogether, however.”

Elena let out a sigh. “I understand.”

I tilted my head in confusion. “Why?” I inquired.

Adari turned to me and explained, “Lady Elena owned a house in Akuuhk that got seized after a century of her being reported as a missing person. The house was then sold to someone else. Naturally, the money will go her way, but the property can't be returned.”

My brows knitted. “Why?” I asked again.

“Someone else lives there, your Excellency,” Adari explained. “Unless they agree to return the house and all valuables, if they are still there, to Lady Elena, then the only compensation we can obtain is in the form of money.”

I turned to Elena. “You're okay with that?”

She thought for a second, chewing her lips. “For now,” she decided.

“And we'll do as needed when the time comes if you change your mind,” Adari assured her with a professional smile. “If you wish to regain ownership of your properties, we will do what we can to make it so.”

I hummed and leaned back on the chair. We'll see if she's this patient when she gets her memories back.

“Next,” Adari announced and moved yet another document. “Is the question I need you to take your time with. Do you want to let your family and loved ones know of your status? Or would you like to resolve your memory loss before that, if you think it can be done?”

Elena rested her elbows on the table, then covered her face with her hands. After a few seconds she ran her hands on her red hair while letting out a long sigh. “I'd like to let them know, and also inform them Her Excellency Natasha Novak will aid me in regaining my memories,” she announced.

Adari nodded and wrote a few lines down on the document. “Perfect.” He nodded and moved another paper. “This document restores your status as citizen of the Monarchy of Akuuhk, along with all your rights and obligations. Do you need to go over them?”

Elena shook her head. “I remember them,” she chuckled and signed the paper.

“A'khov nalar, bazhi,” Adari said with a big smile.

“Ni'khov nalar, kazhi,” Elena replied with a smile as well.

The fuck does that mean? I wondered but kept quiet.

“Now, Lady Elena,” the man began with a serious tone. “We don't think we'll be able to contact Her Excellency Yulianna in the near future. Her whereabouts are unknown.”

Elena nodded. “I understand.”

“Leave that to me,” I joined the conversation.

Adari gave me an appreciative nod. “Will do, Your Excellency.”

I simply nodded back.

“Now, in regards to Lady Elena's needs,” Adari moved to the next subject. “Do I understand correctly that you chose to stay under Her Excellency Natasha's care, Lady Elena?”

“That is correct,” Elena replied with a nod.

“May I ask why?” He probed.

“No,” I denied him.

He nodded. “Understood. How are you receiving treatment, if any, Lady Elena?”

“Lady Pruvik treats me once a day,” she replied.

“Lady Pruvik being Alyssa Pruvik, correct?” He confirmed.

“That's right.” Elena nodded.

Adari smiled. “I see. That's great,” he chuckled and gathered the documents. “That would be it for my visit. We'll inform you about the state of your savings and will follow your wishes in regards to informing your family and loved ones. Your citizenship will be restored and you'll receive financial aid due to your status of mentally maimed. You can claim it at the various embassies around the world. Also, Lady Elena... if Lady Anuri and Lady Alina approach us and request to know your location, what would you like us to do?”

Elena thought for a moment, then replied, “Let them know.”

Adari nodded. “Understood,” he stated and stood up. “I will take my leave now. I wish you peaceful and happy times, Lady Elena, Lady Pokh'Orra, Your Excellency.”

I stood up as well, then showed him to the door.

“Please take good care of her, Your Excellency,” Adari requested with a bow. “And I wish you plentiful spoils of war.”

“Will do, and thanks,” I replied. “Have a good evening.”

He turned around and walked away.

I closed the door and went back to the table.

Elena was deep in thought, staring down at the table.

She's a tough one, I thought and sat next to her, then rubbed her back. “It'll be okay,” I comforted her.

Pokora nodded and patted her shoulder.

“Your Excellency,” Elena muttered, not looking away from the table. “May I ask for something selfish?”

“Sure,” I chuckled.

“After the Royal Banquet is over, could we go directly to the Gods?” She requested. “I know I'm out of line for asking this, but I'd like to be who I truly am.”

Oof... I winced. “Sure, we'll do that,” I replied.

“Thank you, Your Excellency,” she whispered. “My life was a little more... complicated than I thought.”

“Don't you mean fun?” I corrected her with a laugh. “Think about it. You bagged Perculis and Yulianna.”

“About that,” Pokora spoke up. “Wouldn't most people know? I mean... everyone knows Nilenna has two partners, but Yulianna's... love life for a lack of a better term, has been mostly secretive.”

I shrugged. “Maybe that's how she likes it,” I pointed out.

“Eh, true,” Pokora agreed.

“It's hard to imagine,” Elena sighed. “To think I was in a relationship with two Halves at one point... that must have been quite wild.”

“HAHAHA,” I leaned back and hugged my tummy. “That's one way to put it!”

“Or two,” Pokora chuckled.

“Pfft!” Elena choked and laughed.

The three of us laughed for a while, sharing jokes to lift Elena's mood.

Still, the woman was surely made of something else to take it that well. Definitely built different, as some would say.


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