Natasha the Halve

107 – Seize the opportunity. End of Arc 6.

I returned to the bedroom and woke Yolin up. After that I fetched Pokora, Thelea, and Bonte.

Together we went down the building and to a backyard kind of spot to exercise for an hour.

After getting a good sweat out of the system, we went back to the apartment.

Alyssa and Lapia were up, but lazying on the bed.

With a bit of convincing, the four of us entered the bathroom for a shower.

Alyssa wrapped her tail around my waist and stood in front of me. “I'll clean you,” she offered with a smile.

I nodded and stood still. “Sure. Thanks.”

The Luzo turned to the tiled wall and touched the water droplet and flame circles.

Warm water rained on us, getting a satisfied group sigh in return.

“This is bliss,” Yolin chuckled and wiped her body.

Lapia nodded in agreement.

Alyssa walked around me and grabbed my hair, then tied it in a ponytail. She placed her hands on my shoulders and started wiping the little sweat on my body.

Her dexterous fingers and warm palms felt really good against my skin, followiong the shape of my muscles and limbs.

She cheekily squeezed my arms a few times while letting out little sighs of wonder and amazement.

I relaxed and closed my eyes, letting her do her thing.

After wiping my upper body, her hands went around my waist to my stomach, where she took her time rubbing and groping my abs. She pressed her body against my back and rested her head on my shoulder, enjoying the act.

Then, her hands went down to my groin, where she slowly, gently, and carefully, cleaned my genitals while giving my neck tiny kisses.

Naturally, there was a reaction.

She giggled and took her time cleaning lil' Nasha.

This is nice, I though while enjoying her caresses. A few sighs left me and my legs trembled a little.

Alyssa released me and brought her hands to my butt, then wiped it with her fingers.

Good thing I haven't pooped, I thought with a smile. Ah, perfect timing. “Alyssa,” I muttered.

“Yes?” She let my ass go and crouched to clean my legs.

“I haven't been able to poop lately,” I informed her. “Nothing comes out.”

“Hmm.” She hummed and thought for a second, going over my thighs with her hands. “Have you eaten anything out of the ordinary?”

“Gold,” I admitted. “Back in the dungeon I had a few bites.”

Her hands stopped on my knees. “What?” She laughed. “Gold?”

I nodded. “Yeah. Sonya ate some and I wondered if I could as well,” I explained.

“And you haven't been able to poop since then?” Alyssa inquired, rubbing the back of my knees.

“That's what I said,” I confirmed.

“I see,” Alyssa muttered. She stood up and cleaned my chest, massaging my breasts. “People can't digest gold, you see. The most that can happen is they absorb the E'er in the material and then poop it out without a problem.”

“Okay,” I sighed in relief.

“You're not 'people', however,” the Luzo continued, walking to the wall and retrieving soap from the compartment. She turned to me with a pensive expression. “You should have pooped it out a while ago...” She pointed out.

I winced. “I... won't die, right?”

Her lips curled into a smile.

Lapia and Yolin chuckled.

“If nikontia didn't kill you, I doubt gold will,” the Oni commented.

Alyssa nodded in agreement. “How's your appetite?”

I shrugged. “Normal?”

The healer rubbed her hands together, forming foamy suds. She walked to me and used her hands to cover my chest with the soap. “How about urine?”

“Normal as well,” I replied with a nod, enjoying her hands.

“Have you had difficulty sleeping?” Alyssa asked next, looking me in the eye while she ran her hands over my abs.

I shook my head. “Nope.”

Her hands went down to my crotch. “Anything of note during exercise?”

I sucked air through my teeth, feeling her long and scaly fingers fiddle with my lower half. “Nothing of note,” I replied with another shake of my head.

She walked around me and got started on my back. “How much did you eat?”

“Around two polupis in size,” I recalled. “I took two bites.”

“Okay,” she muttered and cleaned my butt.

My back tingled a little.

“Let me know next time you poop,” she commented while cleaning me. “I'll need to see it.”

“Alright,” I accepted my fate.

Alyssa could be considered a highly educated doctor so I had to follow her suggestions on the matter.

She finished cleaning me and then I cleaned her body, using the little brush on her scales.

After drying up we had breakfast with the rest.

I finished my drink and turned to Pokora. “I was thinking of inviting Hanna to the party. What do you think?”

The Archer shrugged. “Having an second scout would be nice.”

“Who's Hanna?” Lapia inquired next to me. Her eyebrows joined in confusion.

Bonte chuckled. “A fellow Scout we met yesterday. The missing person request thingy led us to someone's house. Hanna was eavesdropping and Pokora heard her. I went to check and she agreed to come along. Natasha questioned her and it turns out she had been looking into the Changeling business,” he explained. “You know, the whole trying to kill Natasha thing back in Lakeview?”

Lapia's eyes squinted. “Okay...”

“So,” the Tigea continued. “She had info about their hideouts and stuff. Then, we went-”

“Wait,” Bromisnar interrupted him, raising a hand. “How is Hanna and the missing person connected?”

Thelea nodded. “You skipped that.”

Bonte scratched his chin. “Right. Well... Ines, the missing woman, had been working at the Royal Palace. She was reported as missing a few months ago after getting involved with a group of Changelings. She was radicalized by Yugulari's group and joined them.”

The Satyr nodded. “Better. You suck at retelling things.”

The catboy shrugged.

Yolin rested her elbows on the table. “What happened then?”

Bonte nodded. “Right. After Natasha asked her some questions, she told poor me and Hanna to find Ines.”

I rolled my eyes.

“We snuck around and Hanna guided me to a meeting,” he continued. “Our cool skills allowed us to infiltrate easily. They had no chance of spotting us. There, a Changeling by the name of Kulmonari was leading the meeting. It was a shitshow,” he scoffed. “Anyway. After the meeting we met with the Changeling as part of some initiation thing I didn't really care to listen. After that we confirmed they were involved in trying to kill Natasha, and learned where Ines was. Hanna killed the moron and we took off to find Ines.”

Alyssa sighed. “That happened yesterday?”

Bonte nodded.

“So,” I interjected. “Hanna was a big help with that. As part of the group that tried to kill me, they were responsible for mind-controlling Elena.”

The woman in question nodded a few times. “I see. I'll have to thank this Hanna.”

“With that in mind,” I continued. “I was thinking of inviting her into the party, but I wanted to check with everyone first.”

Lapia nodded. “She killed one of the fucks that tried to kill you. That's a bonus for me.”

Alyssa had a scowl on her face, but nodded in agreement.

Yolin shrugged. “I'd have to see her skills for myself,” she commented.

“Bonte makes it sound like she's a good one,” Bromisnar pointed out. “That's all I need, to be honest.”

“Same,” Thelea agreed.

“Two tanks, two Scouts, a Warrior, an Archer, a Performer, two Wizards, and a healer,” Pokora recounted in a quiet voice. “Shaping up to be a full party.”

“So that's a yes,” I concluded, leaning back on the chair. “Nice.”

Pokora turned to me with a smile. “Shouldn't you go see if she's downstairs? I'd bet she got here really early.”

I sighed, realizing she was probably right. I stood up and gave the Archer a look. “Wanna come along? As a party leader, you should probably welcome her as well...”

Pokora's eyes squinted a little. “Sure...” she mumbled and stood up as well.

I turned to the group. “Wait a bit. If she's not there, then that's it.”

They nodded.

I put an arm around Poko-Poko's shoulders and left the apartment. On the way down the stairs, I brought up an important subject. “So, when are you going to ask Yolin out?”

The Elf whipper her head to me. “Wha-huh?” She stammered, turning red. “Later?”

I nodded. “Good. What will you say?”

The woman thought for a few seconds. “I don't know,” she admitted, covering her face. “I was thinking of going along with the mood.”

“The mood?” I repeated, a little confused. “Woman, you have to set the mood. Don't be a floor-mat.”

She scoffed. “I am not a floor-mat, thank you very much,” she blurted out. “But yeah, I guess you're right.”

“You know...” I began, sighing and running my free hand through my hair. “I don't mean to tell you how to do things.”

She shook her head. “Nah. It's cool. I was nervous if you'd be okay with it...” she admitted with a blush.

I looked into her eyes. “Do you remember how to kiss at least?”

Her eyes widened and her face lost the little color it had.

“Well, good luck,” I chuckled.

“Natasha...” she whispered with lost eyes.

“Yeah?” I tilted my head.

“How do you kiss someone with fangs and tusks?” Her voice trembled a little. “I don't want to fuck it up.”

I smiled and teased her, “Oh? So you intend on kissing my girlfriend? That's quite bold.”

Her face turned red and she glared at me.

“HAHAHA!” I leaned my head back and patted my stomach. “Well... it goes a little like this...” I chuckled and explained in great detail.

Her face turned from panic to shock, then to amazement, and finally embarrassment.

Kinda bratty, but cute, I thought while chatting with her.

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