Natasha the Halve

12 – Invitation.

Some time later, I heard footsteps as I completed a forearm stand. Bending my legs back, I saw the golden soles of my feet. My body was beyond my expectations. The exercises came easily and did not strain my muscles, but made me sweat nonetheless.

“What are you doing?” I heard Lapia’s voice from my right.

“Shh. Seeking balance, I am.” I wisely answered.

I stretched my legs and slowly stood on my hands, my body straight. I shifted my weight to my left arm while spreading my legs, reaching my right knee with my right hand.

“What’s with the weird voice and speech?” she laughed. “That looks hard.”

I bent my right leg and touched the sole of my foot.

“Require concentration, it does.” I murmured. “Still sleeping, Alyssa is?” I thought that one for a second.

“Sound asleep, she is.” she sat in the sofa in front of me. “Day off, she argued.”

I fought back laughter. The Elf was quick to follow. She did earn a masters in wizardry. I thought of the diploma.

“Exercise, you should.” I inhaled and exhaled slowly, my muscles were starting to ache slightly. “Good for the body, it is.”

She giggled. “How long have you been at it?”

“A while, lost track of time.” I dropped the impersonation, returning my right arm to the ground. I slowly lowered my legs to shoulder level, muscles tightening. When my knees touched the ground I exhaled and lowered my head, keeping my arms straight and bending my hips.

Pushing my hips down, my legs spread and stretched, doing a split. My forehead touched the floor, my arms forward. I kept the posture for thirty seconds and stood up.

“You done?” she asked, her eyes on my stomach. “Had breakfast?”

I rotated my neck, shoulders, and hips, loosening the strain and relieving pressure on the joints. Not that I knew if I needed to. Better safe than sorry.

“I’m done.” I sighed, my clothes drenched with sweat. “Haven’t had anything yet.”

She stood up and hugged me. “Good morning.” her lips connected with mine.

“Morning.” I hugged her back, lifting her up and sitting on the couch.

“Ow!” she winced as her legs and hips bent to sit on my lap. “I’m sore all over again.” a pout directed at me.

“Who was it that slapped my ass and taunted me?” I inhaled her scent. Exquisitely salty and raw.

“I didn’t know you were that much of a sex monster.” she closed in and smelled my neck.

“Don’t sniff me!” I lifted her face. “I’m all sweaty.”

“Thanks for putting us to bed last night.” she gave me a peck on the lips.

“You’re welcome.” I giggled. “You looked like a rag doll.”

She blushed and squeezed my breasts. My eyes opened wide.

My reaction made her laugh and she gave me a kiss. She stuck a hand unter my shorts and tried to grab at lil' Nasha. Alas, the fellow had shrunk.

"EH?!" her voice trembled a little. "Did you use it so much it fell off?"

"No." I laughed, licking her lips. "It shrinks when I wear panties."

"..." her expresion turned extremely confused, then shook her head. “Anyway. Shower?” she asked, standing up.

“Shower.” I said, taking a hand she offered.

She failed to lift me, however. We both laughed at that.

I stood by myself, sweat running down my legs.

“I’ll go get Alyssa. She has to clean up all the sweat and fluids.” I said, and the Elf nodded.

“Good luck with that.” she chuckled and walked off to the bathroom, picking the dirty sheets I left on the doorway to her room.

I entered the room and saw a bulge under the bed covers. I stood still for a second, not making a sound. A clearly fake snore came out of the bulge.

“I spy with my little eye.” I sang as I approached the bed.

“Nooooo…” a whine left the bulge. A tail showed itself through an opening and pulled the covers tighter around the shape.

That looks useful. I nodded to myself.

“You’re awake.” I said, sitting on the edge of the bed. “Let’s go take a shower.”

“It’s a day off. Let me sleep.” she whined again.

“Aww.” my voice was sad. “I was thinking of sharing a cake I woke up with. I-”

“I’M AWAAAAKE!!!” she roared, standing up and throwing the covers off, her long white hair flipping all over.

Her glorious naked body was on full display in front of me. Red eyes wide open.

“Shhh!” I waved at her. “The neighbors!”

“What do you mean?” she tilted her head. “The place is soundproof.”

“Eh?” I made a weird sound. “How do you know?”

“Ah… Lapia told me.” she smiled, her fangs showing.

“I see.” I said, standing up from the bed and opening my arms wide. “Well, let’s go shower. Come at me.”

She walked on the bed to the edge and took what looked like a hand brush from the night stand. Then hugged me, locking her legs on my stomach and wrapping her tail on my waist. Her abundant bosom on my face. I supported her back, my hands feeling her scales.

Her warm body had dry sweat and body fluids here and there. The soft skin and the hard scales were comfortable. She weighed less than my spear, I noticed. The wonders of a calm mind, indeed.

“Alright. This cake better be worth it.” she sighed.

I hope so too. Praised be Saint Valentine events! I chuckled.

Since Alyssa’s tits blocked my sight, I slowly made my way to the bathroom.

I heard a door closing followed by Lapia’s voice.

“Well, well, well. Looks like a monster caught a little Luzo.” she chuckled. “I just finished doing the laundry. Let me open the door for you.”

“Help me, master Wizard! I’ll be eaten!” the woman in my arms giggled.

I heard the door open and continued walking. My feet left the wooden floor and the cold tiled floor welcomed me.

Alyssa detached all her limbs from me and I slowly put her down. Lapia behind us sat on the toilet.

“Now, just stand still and let me clean you up.” I said, turning the shower heads on and storing my shorts. I pushed E’er into the soap/shampoo compartment and took the bar. Then, I turned around while posing for dramatic effect, my hair flew all around me.

Alyssa noticed my hotpants and froze.

“Eh?!” the Luzo covered her mouth and her eyes opened wide. “Where is your penis?!”

“Ah.” Lapia giggled. “I had the same reaction.”

“Come on. I was wearing a dress yesterday, the thing would have been noticeable with its ridiculous size.” I sighed. “Panties make it shrink. It’s more comfortable this way.”

“Ohh! That’s convenient.” Alyssa nodded, spreading her arms and legs. Her tail straightened diagonally to the ground.

The appendage was easily 180 centimeters long. The base coming out above her butt cheeks, continuing her spine. The thing hadn’t gotten in the way last night. My face heated up remembering her sweet moans and growls.

“Well then, I’ll begin.” I lathered my hands with soap and placed the bar in my bra.

"Here, use this to brush my scales." she blushed while handing me the hand brush.

I squatted and started with her feet, the scaly toes flexible and strong. Her soles were soft and I noticed her leaning back on her tail, keeping balance. I continued up her slender legs, the limbs pure muscle. Her thighs were softer on the inside, the scales receding and the skin a light purple. Her wide hips framed by scales were next. She sighed when I gently cleaned her vulva.

I circled her and carefully cleaned her butt and tail. I had no idea if the thing would detach like a normal lizard, so I took extra time with it. The underside was soft skin for around thirty centimeters. Then, scales covered the entire appendage. It was hard as a rock, the muscles strong and flexible. I cleaned it thoroughly with the soft hand brush.

Then I cleaned her abdomen from behind, sweet sighs escaping her. I held her breasts and admired their volume and weight while cleaning them. Her back was entirely covered by scales from her shoulders to the base of her tail. Strong muscles underneath.

With such breasts it makes sense. I thought while massaging her.

I moved to her arms and repeated the process. Her palms soft and warm. I finished by cleaning her neck and giving her a juicy kiss.

I call this ‘the Natasha special’. I smiled at her.

“If I get this by waking up early, I might just start doing it everyday.” she smiled back.

“I know, right?” Lapia sighed after a particularly tough turd.

I had turned the shower on, masking the sounds she was making. Not loud enough, I suppose. I chuckled.

“Okay, hair next.” I walked to the wall and took the balm out as I stored the brush.

I turned around and I found Alyssa sitting on her tail. The thing supporting her like an ordinary chair.

Holy shit, that’s useful! I was shocked immobile for a second, then moved behind her.

Her hair was silky smooth. The silvery white material easy to clean. Her scalp was light purple skin, much to my surprise. The shampoo frothed nicely and smelled like lavender, just like the one from the inn. I noticed her horns were pretty thick at the base. If I were to guess, around three centimeters in diameter. I used the brush again to clean them. Her head bobbed back and forth with the movement of my hands.

I helped her up and she walked under the waterfall.

I quickly washed myself after undressing. My unnecessarily long hair took most of my time. I then moved beside Alyssa under the stream.

The water was perfect. Hot, but not scalding.

“When are we leaving?” Alyssa’s voice brought me back to reality.

“I was thinking we could leave after we properly teach Natasha the basics. How does a couple of days sound?” Lapia answered.

“Huh?” I made a weird sound again. “What about your job?”

“I’ll resign tomorrow. Lord Punten sent a letter letting his son know that I was to rest.” she scoffed. “Nosy man. I figured we could hit the road as soon as I'm free. After all, I was supposed to be on my way to Ratunke.”

“Sounds good to me.” Alyssa said, I turned to her. “I have my possessions on me, I have little anyway. Going around the world has taught me to be mobile.”

“What about a scout?” I asked.

“Oh, you found one?” Lapia wiped her butt, flushed, and stood up. I handed her the soap and she began cleaning her body. “Since you didn’t mention any, I assumed none caught your eye.”

“No, I didn’t.” I took the shampoo and lathered her hair. “There were some. Mostly Human males, or women only interested in men.”

The Elf entered the shower and rinsed her body.

"While a scout is good to have, it’s not that essential. Not with a Halve, at least.” Alyssa turned off the water and looked at Lapia. “Can you dry my hair?” she hugged her.

“Sure can.” the Elf smiled and they kissed.

That’s hot. Viva la true polygamy! I grinned. Or was it polyamory?

“Why not with a Halve?” I asked when the two ended their act of affection.

“The scout branch is focused on, well, scouting. Finding traps, sneak around, infiltration, espionage. The more subtle side of things.” Alyssa’s hair swayed with hot wind coming out of Lapia’s hands. “With you, half of those issues become mute. You’re level one thousand three hundred and fifty, I doubts traps will be an issue, unless an entire mountain falls on you. Sneak around? We’ll charge in. Infiltration? Try annihilation. You get it.” she shrugged, her breasts raising and falling.

“Ah…” I nodded, staring at her chest. “That’d be an issue for a scout.”

Her hair dried pretty fast. Lapia aimed at me while hugging Alyssa.

A pleasant wind covered my head, the water sliding off my hair.

“So it was you yesterday.” I smiled at her. “Thanks.”

She winked at me and let out a sigh.

“You didn’t have to heal me.” Lapia gently told Alyssa and kissed her again. “Thank you.”

“You’re welcome.” the Luzo’s tail brought them closer and their kiss intensified.

Nice! I was marveled at the sight.

Lapia’s tanned skin molded to Alyssa’s dark scales. Their tongues entwining and their fangs and canines producing soft clicks every now and then.

They separated and smiled, licking each other’s faces. Pleasant growls escaping their throats.

The Luzo said something in Elvish, giggling and looking at me.

“What?” I blinked several times.

“I said we better stop or you’ll make us faint again.” she blushed.

I laughed. “Let’s go have breakfast.”

We left the bathroom and clothes appeared on my body and Lapia’s.

I chose a slim fit, white, cotton blouse and a red plated skirt. Belted boots covered my legs up to mid shins. It was a comfortable ensemble. White underwear covered my privates.

Praised be games targeted to males! All the sexy underwear created to satisfy your tastes serves a purpose now!

Lapia wore her regular revealing clothes.

Alyssa walked to the room and I saw her putting a ring on her tail, bringing it up to the base of the appendage. Black underwear covered her privates. The panties were quite kinky, but I quickly realized the strings that should cover the ass were on top of her tail. It would be useless otherwise. A white dress like the one from the day before covered her body. She didn’t wear anything to support her breasts.

That’s nice. Scales make for a natural bra. I noticed I was staring and turned to the kitchen.

There, Lapia was heating water, holding a kettle on her hands. Cups and plates already on the table.

“I heard you’ll share a cake with us.” the Elf smiled. “Looking forward to it.”

We sat down on the table. I searched my storage and took out a medium-sized sponge cake. It materialized on my open palm and I gently put it on the table. Pink frosting and whipped cream covered the thing, heart shaped chocolate pieces crowned it with a generous amount of strawberries.

“Looks cute.” Alyssa said, her voice dead serious. “What are these shapes?” she pointed at a chocolate heart.

“Huh?” I made a weird sound once again. “Those are hearts.”

“Hearts? They look nothing like one.” she glared at the pastry. “Is that chocolate?”

“Y-yes.” I said.

Is this an other-world G*rdon R*msay?

“Hmph!.” she huffed through her nose. A kitchen knife materialized in her hand.

She cut the thing in half in a flash. Another cur, then a final one. Leaving six servings, all equal in size and amount of decorations.

She did it so fast and so accurately, I would have no doubts if she was a three Michelin Star chef.

I was holding my breath.

“Looks properly baked. Not soggy, and not too hard. Just firm enough.” she reviewed. Her scaly eyebrows raised and together.

Taking a fork from the table, she carefully cut a bite sized piece. She brought it to her face and took a small whiff.

“Smells sweet. Not too much, but enough to tempt.” she gave a short nod.

She finally put the damned thing in her mouth. Her eyes squinted as she slowly chewed.

Why am I about to shit myself? I felt my stomach twist. I unconsciously clenched my fists.

She swallowed and hummed.

“The sweet sponge does a good job to complement the sour cream. The chocolate just the right bitterness to balance the many strawberries layered between. I can taste the butter, eggs, milk, and a hint of vanilla in the sponge. Fluffy, light, and delicious.” a wide smile formed on her face. “Totally worth it. Eight out of ten.” her verdict fell.

I sighed in relief. Figurative sweat going down my back.

“Damn. That was intense.” Lapia said, sighing as well.

“Pastries are no game.” her eyes flashed with an almost murderous light, quickly relaxing and taking another bite. “So good.”

I cleared my throat. Thank all above she liked it. I felt a shiver run down my spine at the thought of it not pleasing her.

“G-good to hear.” I stuttered.

Lapia served tea, the water hot enough from her hands. A citric smell rose from the cups, the aroma relaxing. I noticed a little chamomile mixed in.

Taking a sip, I sighed. “Tasty.”

The cake was good. My palate was not as refined as Alyssa’s, so I missed what she meant.

“Better than the dumplings.” Lapia commented. “Those were good, but I ate enough to last a while.”

“Oh?’ Alyssa’s voice was deeper than normal.

She just smiled. Her red eyes like a predator staring into my soul.

I quickly produced a dumpling and offered it.

Keep the dragon happy, Natasha!

She took it and I noticed she had finished her share of cake. The plate sparkling clean.

That was fast! How is this woman not… her breasts! I had solved another universal mystery, but decided to cut the thought short in case she had a healing power that could read minds. If that was even possible.

Don’t risk it. I told myself.

She bit it and scowled. “Too salty.” was all she said.

The dumpling disappeared soon, though. Her maw made quick work of it, her tongue licking her lips.

I focused on drinking my tea and eating my portions of cake.

“What should we do today?” Lapia threw me a lifeline.

“I was thinking of riding Sonya. Then, we could go shopping for things we’d need for the road.” I was relieved at the change of topic.

“Mhh…” the Elf thought for a second. “How about I go shopping with Alyssa while you ride Sonya? That way, we can start earlier.”

“Start what?” I tilted my head.

“Your instruction.” Alyssa answered. “You are five days old, Natasha. I’ll teach you civil law and the basics of the Laws of Life.”

“I’ll teach you the Laws of E’er. Enough that you understand the world in general terms at the very least.” Lapia said, then drank some tea.

Well, shit. I smiled awkwardly.

“I’m not very good with numbers.” I admitted.

I looked down at the cup.

“Don’t worry, you don’t really need to dive that deep into it, unless you want a wizard or cleric class.” Lapia said. “I’d discourage pursuing one, however, your already high level is inclined to warrior classes. You’d benefit very little from any other.”

“How so?” I asked, drinking more tea.

“You have one thousand three hundred and fifty levels worth of stats focused on strength, constitution, and dexterity. It’s just not worth it.” she finished her tea and leaned back, stretching her arms. “For example. Let’s say you get three warrior classes and one wizard class to level five hundred each, and they all have a growth rate of five. You’ll have seven thousand five hundred strength, and two thousand five hundred intelligence. If I get four wizard classes to level five hundred with a growth rate of five, I’ll have ten thousand intelligence. Then, we fight each other. My spells will be way stronger than yours no matter their nature. I’ll be able to counter your strength as well.”

“…” I stared at her. “I don’t really get it. So if I get a wizard class, my spells will be shit either way?”

“Against monsters of your total level, yes. That will hold your growth back.” Alyssa supplied. She turned and looked at the clock. “It’s seven thirty. We should go shopping now.”

“Right.” I stood up with a sigh. “We’ll continue later.”

I took the cups and plates to the sink and tried to do the dishes, but Lapia was not having it.

“You’ll break the china.” she said, nodding to the door leading to her office. “Go ride Sonya, she must be hungry and miss you.” she chuckled, giving me a kiss.

“I’ll take Sonya out of the city and run a little.” I hugged Alyssa and kissed her. “See you later.” I gently slapped her butt.

She giggled. “Okay.” her tail hit my ass, making me chuckle.

I left the apartment, went through the office and came to the hallway.

I saw the same suit dressed lady from the previous day. She was talking with an old woman in front of the door to the next office/apartment. I noticed she was quite short.

“ I hope you can meet them.” the old woman smiled, her face wrinkly with age.

[Celez Human, Accountant Lvl 103]

[Tilen Human, Alchemist Lvl 225]

I turned to leave, but the lady’s voice reached me.

“Excuse me?” her tone was clear and strong. “Are you the Halve that arrived a few days ago?”

“Ka ka! Nay, I’m a five hundred year old vampire.” I turned to her while posing, but her face soured. “Yes, that would be me.”

She walked to me and I looked down at her. She barely reached my shoulders. The old woman made her escape as soon as the lady was focused on me.

Oh, no. Please be reasonable.

“My employer would like to meet you.” she said. “When are you free?”

“Okay, lady.” I sighed and rolled my eyes. “What’s your name?”

I looked her over one more time. Her suit looked professional, her hair neatly done. She looked like any ordinary human with Asian features, leaning towards the far east. This world’s Tilen. Her face paled at my question.

“Tay.” was her answer. She looked like she was about to have a panic attack.

“Who do you work for?” I scratched my forehead.

What a difficult woman. Who even sent her?

“Lady Dabrak. She wants to have a chat with you.” she crossed her arms. “When are you free?”

“Now we’re making progress.” I smiled. “Why does she want to meet me?”

“She didn’t say.” Tay looked away.

“Mhm. It’s hard having that kind of boss.” I checked my fingernails. “Why should I meet her?”

She let out a long sigh. “She’s part of the city council.”

City council? Like... local Government? How do I deal with a Noble, anyway?

“That doesn’t tell me much either.” I sighed. “I’ll be free tonight. Maybe tell her to drop by?”

“Huh?” her eyes widened to their limit.

“Not a good time?” I winced. “Maybe tomorrow night, then?”

“N-no. That sounds pretty good.” she smiled as if I had told her the purpose of life itself.

“It does?” I smiled back.

“Well, yes.” She nodded and stood there. "Thank you very much!"

Okay, then? I chuckled.

I gesture for her to follow me as I walked to the stairs. She moved beside me. “So, you're an alchemist. I read a book at the Church about the class, but haven't seen any so far."

"The class is not really popular, unfortunately. I pursued it thanks to my Grandmother. She taught me the art." she smiled.

"Is it true you were given government office?" I asked.

"Well, I'm working for Lady Dabrak."

"Ah... I see." I nodded.

We made our way to the first floor in silence. Once there, she turned to me.

“I… was given very little information. I offer my apologies if I came off too strong." she bowed and I almost visibly cringed.

“Don’t worry, Tay. I got here just recently. No hard feelings.” I nudged her arm and she smiled.

“I’ll let my employer know of your answer.” she gave me a nod and walked off to a carriage waiting outside.

That woman must have been stressed to pluto and back, talking to a person that can rip your head off with a slap must be nerve-wracking. I sighed. She got on the vehicle and the driver took off, cracking the reins. She did look terrified for a second there.

I made my way to Sonya and gave her breakfast. She behaved and I put the saddle on her after she ate.

“Okay, girl.” I mounted up. “Let’s go exercise.”

I followed some street signs and asked for directions on the way to the south gate. We got there earlier than I thought we would, she was pretty fast. I recognized the Watchers building from two days ago. I was surprised to recognize three faces.

The first mother I saw, the one with the child asking about my skin. The lady from the fruit stand, where Lapia bought the peaches. And the second mother, the one with the child asking why Lapia and I were kissing.

They were all standing together, talking about something. I noticed their eyes bloodshot, handkerchiefs wiping tears and snot.

I passed next to them and saw the Watcher that received me and Lapia walking out of the building, a stack of papers with faces drawn on them. She noticed me and subtly nodded. I reciprocated and looked forward.

Families of the merchants that died when Lapia was kidnapped? I was skeptical, it would have been too big a coincidence to have come into contact with them specifically out of millions of people in this city.

Maybe. I thought, shaking my head. They would have recognized Lapia, she’s pretty known, I noticed.

I got to the gate and the guards let me through with no problem.

Once outside, the expansive fields around Riverfield came to view. I guess that’s where the name comes from. I thought while braiding my hair.

Sonya picked up speed to a fast jog. I put my combat gear on, including the helmet. I had no idea if there were flying predators or stuff like that, and I was not going to take any chances.

With pike in hand, we circled the city to the west.

It was massive. Tens of kilometers wide, the walls felt endless. The fields saw little change, the forest around keeping the same distance to the walls.

Good thing I met Lapia. I sighed. I probably would have taken a turn somewhere, missing the city.

I turned my head to the wall and, for a split second, thought about using a skill to break through. I shook my head and chuckled. Not a good idea.

I enjoyed the wind, the speed making my braid sway around. Birds flying high in the sky led my eyes to the horizon, where massive clouds lazily floated.

“Cumulonimbus?” I had drawn that type of cloud many times before for media. “Didn’t those form near the sea or something?”

I thought about Lapia and Alyssa.

“They’re amazing, aren’t they, Sonya?”

A low growl was all I got back. I took it as confirmation.

“80, and 104 years old. And they’re young for their species.” I laughed, happiness bubbling inside me. “Smart, charming, beautiful, and so very loving.”

No woman I had been with could compare to their beauty. No offense, girls. You were just human. I laughed again, my helmet covering my mouth in case any cheeky bug tried to become my snack.

“What could they be buying anyway?” I asked Sonya. “A carriage? Camping equipment? Food? Water?”

She just growled back.

In the distance I saw a ravine about a hundred meters wide, the forest a good distance behind it.

“Okay. Sonya, let’s do it.” I pushed E’er into Preparation and Initiation, a transparent film surrounding us for a split second then fusing into us.

I felt Sonya’s feet as if they were my own, her breathing and heartbeat clear to me.

“Jump!” I commanded when the ravine was five meters in font of us.

She pushed herself off the ground and we took into the air.

I made a huge mistake. I should have known better, it was a ravine. Of course that would have happened. I admit to being an idiot.

I looked down.

The pit of my stomach almost came out of my mouth. My body went cold and I screamed to the top of my lungs.

“FUUUCK!!” My voice echoed through the ravine, my eyes locked to the bottom hundreds of meters down.

I felt time stretch, imprisoned in an eternity of terror. In truth, not a second passed, the ravine replaced by ground and Sonya landing.

My body went limp and I leaned on her neck, trembling all over. My fingers dead cold and my face numb.

Sonya came to a slow stop and turned her head around. I was breathing heavily.

“Sonya, if I ever tell you to jump over another ravine, don’t do it.” my voice was shaky. “I think I shit myself.” a warmth was spreading between my legs.

I dismounted and fell on the ground, my knees weak. I undressed and touched my crotch.

“No, just pee.” I sighed in relief. I took a towel out of my storage and dried the pee off. “Natasha, you stupid bitch.” nervous laughter left me.

I replaced my underwear and stopped for a second.

“How did I pee if it was shrunk?” I looked down. “Can I pee while not having my penis out?”

What witchcraft is this? I shook my head.

I finished dressing up and got on Sonya.

“Let’s go. Nice and easy.” those mysteries escaped my simple mind, and I didn’t want to pee myself several times to find out.

I rode her into the forest, avoiding trees and flattening bushes. I enjoyed the scenery of green everywhere. Birds singing, and small critters fleeing the massive drake-looking monster I was riding. I started singing while we advanced.

"Hi, how are you? Are you calling up my phone?" I chose an old song from an eldritch abomination disguised as a school girl.

A few minutes later I saw a pond and stopped next to it as I finished singing. I dismounted and Sonya lowered her head to drink. The clearing around the pond was silent, the suns shining on us.

I took out a sketchbook and a pencil. Turning to Sonya, I started drawing.

A cracking sound came from behind me, making me stop my hand. I slowly turned my body and saw a moose a good thirty meters away, behind us.

Or something that resembled one, at least. It was staring at us. Brownish, tall, thick, and a long tongue dripping with blood.

That’s no moose.

I noticed its feet. Paws like a wolf instead of cloven hooves. Its black eyes looking directly at me.

I slowly stood up facing it. I had no idea if moose were aggressive back on Earth, but the animal looked like it wanted to charge at us. Its head lowered and its massive antlers pointed at us.

It scraped its feet on the ground, and growled.

Definitely not a moose.

Sonya was right behind me, growling back at the animal. I raised my hands in front of me, trusting in my strength to stop it in case it decided to charge. I took a step toward the animal and it barked, then charged at me.

A moment of pure genius ran through me and I appraised it as it closed in at a fast speed.

[Me’ik, Level 212]

So low! I was disappointed at the low level of the creature, but didn’t relax my body in the slightest.

Its paws raked the ground as it advanced, sending dirt and grass flying back. It further lowered its head as it prepared for the collision.

I took another step forward and shot my hands to the base of its antlers, halting the beast completely as we clashed.

A cracking noise came from its neck and it crumpled down, a pained howl leaving its open maw. I quickly stepped on its neck and twisted its head, silencing it. The action crushed its spine and throat. There was no effort in my actions, it felt as if it was made of paper. Red blood oozed from its open maw.

I saw fangs and serrated teeth peeking out as I let the head go and it hit the ground with a loud thud.

“Well… that was something. At least it didn’t suffer more than needed.” I sighed. It definitely wasn’t a moose. Those teeth look like a wolf’s.

I heard the dying cry it let out echo into the forest. A low rumble followed. The ground shook with something coming.

Not something. I turned to Sonya and mounted her. Many things.

The rumble grew louder and louder. The clear sound of a stampede heading my way.


I sent to Alyssa. I had no clue what to do. I could run away, but they may follow me all the way to Riverfield. I wasn’t that far away, after all.

'Hundreds.' was her reply.

'Fight.' Came Lapia’s voice.

“Shit!” I took my pike out. “Fuck!” I hissed.

Should I go all out? How many even are there? One hundred? Two hundred? Nine hundred? All level two hundred? The average level of people I've seen so far is one hundred and twenty.

“Sonya, get ready!” I pushed E’er into Initiation, Dragoon Might, Preparation, and Monster Hunter while thinking about two hours. My muscles surged, tightened, then relaxed. A wave of power running through my body.

I contemplated using Intimidate Prey, but decided to wait and see how many of them would come.

My face turned into a deep scowl as the first wave of beasts appeared far ahead into the forest. A wall of animals were rushing to me.

“Fuck it, then.” I took a deep breath.

How do I even activate a warcry? Well, it’s a warCRY. I pushed E'er into Intimidate Prey, thinking of two hours.

Then, I spoke.

“COME AND DIEEE!!” an unladylike scream left me, the sound loud as a jet engine. I saw trees being uprooted as my voice traveled towards the beasts.

Sonya roared. The sound sending pleasant shivers up my spine.

I checked my status and almost fainted at the number in parenthesis. TEN THOUSAND? Wait... Is there a limit to it?

When my voice reached them a few fell down, while others picked up speed. Trees were pushed back and some crushed a few Me’ik.

“Not as bad as Hell, anyway.” I smiled. “Let’s go, Sonya!”

Sonya charged at my command. I pointed my pike forward as we sped up, and pushed E’er into Rhongomyniad aiming at a beast on the back of the masses.

The world slowed down and we picked up speed.

We crashed into the wall of moose and I saw bodies exploding in slow motion. Sonya’s scales shining with a magical glisten.

The sheer speed breaking bodies left and right, gore covering the both of us as we broke into their numbers.

My sight was unimpeded, the helmet granting vision even when covered in blood, organs, skin, and more.

I raised my pike and brought it down with all my strength, cleaving bodies wherever it reached. The blade cut the air, a whistle followed. Pained barks and whiles of agony leaving the creatures as I reaped their lives.

Aiming forward, I thrust with all my speed. Piercing heads, flanks, chests, and whatever was close to me.

With my other hand, I grabbed antlers and pulled with brutal violence. Heads leaving bodies, necks cracking, and using the beasts’ bodies to slam others.

A cacophony of violence and death surrounded me. Heads impacted both me and Sonya, necks cracking and antlers breaking. The sound similar to an avalanche.

When we reached our target, the poor animal’s body burst in a shower of gore.

I looked back and noticed the entire herd turning around towards us. We had only killed about ten percent of the animals. There were easily four hundred of them, a sea of brownish animals with antlers. Barks, howls, growls, and sounds no moose should produce surrounded us.

“Use your claws while advancing, Sonya!” I shouted and picked up speed as I stabbed those in reach.

I heard barks, wails, howls, and more from behind. Barely perceptible impacts hitting my armor and Sonya’s rear. I swung my pike around, decapitating and cleaving bodies around me.

Sonya’s claws tearing the bodies of animals that came too close, her body buffed by my auras. She bit into necks and spat the meat out, their corpses littering the ground around us.

I kept at it. Thrusting, swinging, impaling, dismembering, beheading.

My heart flooded with panic when I saw a Me’ik bite Sonya’s neck, but laughed when its teeth broke on her scales.

“HAHAHAHAHAHA!” I laughed like a berserker. “BREAK YOURSELVES UPON OUR BODIES!!” I screamed as more bodies piled around us. “WELCOME TO THE CARNAGE!!”

It reminded me of Hell. The rush there, but the insanity absent. There was no hunger, thirst, pain, nor rage.

My pike flew as I threw it with all my strength, impaling tens of beasts and sending shock-waves when it impacted any surface. Tree or ground.

As I waited for my weapon to return, I punched, kicked, pulled, and crushed heads with my hands. My body and Sonya’s covered in blood.

A group jumped over the corpses towards us, at least twenty. As my pike materialized in my hands, I jumped from Sonya’s back and spun in the air, using Dragonclaw. The tearing of flesh and bone deafening their dying howls.

An exhilarating feeling pumped through my veins. I remembered Lapia’s words. A Halve would find their second killing cathartic. I smiled. It felt like having an orgasm.

Their numbers thinned as we brought havoc upon them. Their relentless charge influenced by my deadly invitation forced them to throw their bodies directly into my weapon, arms, or Sonya’s claws.

My pike blurred as I stabbed to the sides and back with all that my strength and speed allowed. The length of the weapon going beyond Sonya’s reach, keeping her from being overrun. The sheer speed of the action sending their dead bodies back like rag-dolls.

Minutes turned into hours as fewer and fewer rushed to us.

When the last fell, I took a deep breath and calmed down. I cut the stream of E’er off and relaxed.

I looked around and saw the product of the violence.

My warcry had pushed and flattened the trees around us for hundreds of meters. A ridiculous number of corpses painting a vicious scene. Ground drenched with blood and innards.

“Nature is fucking brutal.” I whispered, storing my weapon.

I dismounted Sonya while sighing.

“Are you okay?” I asked as I checked her body for any injury. She let out a low growl and I noticed a limp.

I took out an Elixir of Rejuvenation and popped the cork.

“This is going to taste like shit.” I walked to her front and showed her the bottle.

She nodded and opened her maw. I patted her cheeks as the liquid went down her gullet. She swallowed with eyes closed.

A weird whimper left her and she shook her big head. She retched a few times and then licked my helmet.

“Good girl!” I scratched her neck. “Guess who earned a snack? You did!”

I took out a ball of metal and gave it to her. She let out a pleased growl and nodded her head.

[Sonya, Lvl 203 Ratnak]

“Holy shit!” my eyes went wide. “What is this sorcery?”

I read the skill for companions and relaxed.

She leveled up a lot, but I was still the same. All three of my classes at four hundred and fifty.

“Whatever, let’s get out of here.” I mounted up and guided her out of the forest.

We jogged south towards the river, where I cleaned my equipment and washed Sonya’s scales.

Returning to the fields, we continued with our exercise as if nothing had happened. She was full of energy thanks to the elixir.

I got off and ran along with her. She couldn’t catch me when we played tag.

Sonya was surprisingly smart. She understood how the game worked, and even how to cheat. Jumping high into the air when I approached her and gaining few precious seconds.

When she was getting tired, I heard the Church’s loud bells from inside the city.

“That’s pretty loud.” I shook my head. “Sonya! Let’s go back.”

She jogged to me and I jumped to her back. We went back to the city and I had to pay the gate tax, no discount this time, and adding a 'rare' mount. Five silver and fifty copper.

“Robbery in broad daylight.” I clicked my tongue as I guided Sonya to Punten & Co.

When we arrived at the building, I noticed a few adults with an army of children walking in the same direction I was going. Well, to call it an army is an exaggeration. There were easily thirty kids. Lupum, Humans, Tigea and a pair of Elves.

Haven't seen that many Dwarfs or Luzo. Maybe they live in another district or something.

I came to a stop next to the sidewalk as they crossed the street. The adults nodding their heads and waving at me, saying something to the children.

“Hi lady!” a childish voice came from beneath.


Natasha in the bathroom:

Comissioned on Fiverr. Drawn by marinaczygi

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