Natasha the Halve

133 – Departures are not as impactful sometimes. (Slight 18+)

After my lesson with Alyssa, I started drawing on my sketchbook.

Nothing specific, just posture doodles and stuff.

I doubted the muscle memory would go away now that I'm objectively better than a Human in all aspects.

Still, it's a fun thing to do anyway.

The Luzo got a book out and started reading.

Like that, the two of us enjoyed the silence.

I stretched a hand towards her.

She did the same and locked fingers with mine.

This is nice, I thought with a smile.

Her scaly fingers felt warm and comforting. The soft underside felt good against my skin.

“Alyssa,” I started, remembering something.

“Yeah?” She replied, still reading.

“Do you remember Clara? The Human that introduced us?” I probed, looking up at her.

She nodded. “I do,” she confirmed and met my gaze. “Why?”

“Earlier, when I went out with Bonte, I heard she was held at blade point to spill information about me,” I told her.

Alyssa's eyes narrowed a little at that. “Held at blade point?” She repeated.

I nodded in confirmation.

She slowly nodded. “Who told you that?” She inquired.

“Bonte's former mentor, Étienne Bonnot is his name,” I informed her.

“I see,” she muttered, then looked down at the table.

I gently squeezed her hand. “I'm sorry, Alyssa.”

The woman looked up at me and arched a scaly eyebrow. “What about?”

“You know...” I started, a little confused with her reaction. “Her being threatened...”

“Did you do it?” Alyssa interrupted me.

“No...?” I tentatively replied, a bit more confused.

“Was she killed?” She asked next.

“Not to my knowledge, no,” I answered.

Alyssa shrugged. “Then why be sorry? She's alive and you had nothing to do with it. It sucks, sure, but you have nothing to apologize for.”

I nodded. “Yeah, but... you know-” I started.

“People know what it means to get involved with a Halve, Natasha,” Alyssa sighed, interrupting me again. “If you take responsibility for what happens to others you're also taking their autonomy away. I get that you might feel guilty, but... that's not a healthy thing to do.”

I slowly nodded. “I just wanted to let you know,” I chuckled. “And thought it'd be a good thing if I said I was sorry. It's not that deep, Alyssa,” I assured her with a shake of my head.

She sighed and looked at her free hand. “Yeah... my bad,” she muttered.

I caressed her hand. “It's okay,” I comforted her with a smile.

“Mhm,” she hummed and continued reading her book.

I looked down and went back to drawing Queen Josalia. I guess that's it, then, I thought and mentally shrugged.

One of the feline ears on top of her head was a bit off, so I relaxed my fingers around Alyssa's to free my hand.

My girlfriend tightened her grasp on my digits.

I looked up at her.

She was still looking at the book, but her eyes weren't moving.

I guess that's not it, then, I concluded and held her hand again, a bit firmer than before.

Alyssa blinked and continued reading.

A few minutes passed by and, when I was finishing up the drawings, Alyssa started scratching my palm.

I smiled and flipped the page of my sketchbook.

The Luzo moved her fingers and started rubbing my hand with her index fingertip.

She drew a circle, then went from side to side, then up and down while pressing harder when going down.

My eyebrows slowly climbed my forehead. Is this... what I think it is? I wondered and looked up at her, not sure if the gesture had the same meaning on Galeia.

She was looking at me, but averted her gaze before our eyes met. Her cheeks turned a darker shade of purple and her lips curled into a tiny smile.

“Well, well, well,” I chuckled and stored my stuff.

Alyssa's eyes stopped moving again, just staring at the book in her hand.

I stood up and walked to the bedroom. Come, I sent to her through the Bond and crossed the threshold.

Lapia and Yolin were laying on the bed, making out... which was a surprise to nobody to be quite honest. The Oni was on top, hands all over our girlfriend.

I smiled and went into the bathroom, undressed and turned the shower on.

Alyssa showed up before I stepped under the waterfall, got naked, and hugged me. Her tail wrapped around us and she pressed us together.

“Someone's in a rush,” I teased her, running my hands down her scaly back.

She kissed my chest and grabbed my ass. “You were so hot today,” she breathed, running her tongue around my nipples. “When you froze everyone in fear... Natasha, I got super wet!”

My eyes widened in surprise.

“Here, check for yourself,” she suggested while looking me in the eye, then took my right hand to her crotch.

My fingers touched her labia and slipped at the amount of lubrication.

“Wow,” I uttered, unable to construct complex sentences.

Alyssa giggled, moved her kisses to my neck, and her hands to my genitals. She wrapped her fingers around my cock and started slowly stroking while her other hand went for my pussy. “You like that, Queen?” She whispered into my ear with hot breaths.

At the sign she was going full throttle, I responded kindly.

“I love it, princess,” I replied. “Now, back to the wall,” I told her, using my most convincing commanding tone.

She let go of me and did as told. Her eyes were glassy with excitement and her breathing was fast.

“Good,” I praised with a nod. “Now, stay like that,” I instructed and went down on my knees, facing her pussy. “Your Queen will make you feel really good, but you have to keep quiet.”

Alyssa's eyes widened and she nodded, face flushing deep purple.

“If you make a single sound... well, I'll have to punish you,” I bullshitted with a serious face, not exactly knowing what constituted as punishment in that scenario.

Alyssa gulped and nodded.

I noticed she didn't reply with words, which made sense for a 104 years old woman with such a kink.

And so, I gave it to her to the best of my ability.

For about two hours.

The next morning, we got ready to leave Paarjo.

Fortunately, delivery services work as advertised. The new bags of feed I requested from the concierge was waiting for me when we went down the stairs.

Anette, Rinald, and Agnes arrived just in time to see us off. Alastor Lafin, Duke and Minister of Higher Relations accompanied them since it was the point of his position.

We made our way to the closest levator without much fanfare.

“We apologize once again, Your Excellency,” Rinald repeated for the fifth time, sitting next to me in the carriage. “My Royal Father is busy this morning, he teaches orphans who'll become merchants. My Royal Mother is busy with the group that conspired against the crown.”

I nodded. “I got it the first time,” I insisted with a smile. “Teaching kids is more important, truth be told. And that business of your mom is pretty serious.”

Annette smiled and nodded. “We appreciate your understanding.”

“Well, if you did you'd let it go already,” I muttered with a chuckle. “Like, I get it and all... Just chill, you know?”

The three Royal children – who were all older than me by centuries – nodded.

“I sincerely hope Your Excellency found the city up to expectations,” Agnes chimed in with a smile.

This one gets it, I thought, thanking every star in the cosmos for the fact she wasn't bringing up our first meeting. “Beautiful city,” I praised. “I wish I could stay longer, but you know... busy life.”

“I can't express how thankful I.. we are that you came to our aid, Your Excellency,” Rinald repeated for the third time. “Although ours is a relatively small country, you have our full support should anything come up.”

“I'll keep it in mind,” I replied with a nod and saw the plaza next to the levator through the window. “And please make my next visit one of relaxation,” I joked.

The three gulped and nodded.

I looked each for a few seconds, then nudged Rinald's shoulder. “I was joking!” I laughed.

Annette chuckled, Agnes smiled awkwardly, and Rinald nodded.

Fucking hell, I sighed in my mind. “Well, this is it,” I muttered and opened the carriage door. “I can't promise when I'll be back, but I'll make an effort to,” I told them and offered a hand.

Rinald smiled and shook it. “Let's hope it's for relaxation purposes,” he used my joke on me.

“Ahh!” I pointed at him and laughed. “See, you got it.”

Agnes and Annette laughed at their brother's words.

I got off the vehicle and gave them a nod. “Have a great life, you three. Tell your dad to chill on the workload. Tell your mom I said thanks. And send my best wishes to your siblings.”

The three nodded and replied similar words of farewell.

I turned around and faced Alastor.

After a boring official talk about saving monarchs and how valuable and important my actions were, the man let me go.

Fucking finally, I groaned in my mind, stepping into the platform of death.

A Watcher joined us and the levator began its descent.

I closed my eyes and checked my Bond with Pyotr.

It pointed north. Very far away.

I nodded and sighed. Was pretty good, I concluded. A shame I was too busy to visit a church and read everyday like I initially wanted, but yeah. Life is a bit busier than I thought.

When the platform touched ground, I opened my eyes and gave Paarjo a last glance before mounting Sonya and taking off.

To meet the Gods.

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