Natasha the Halve

136 – There is one type of person that gets a Halve’s respect.

I produced a person-shaped sleeping bag and went to sleep with angry thoughts.

My girlfriends tried talking to me but I knew better than to engage when I'm fuming, so I ignored them like a spoiled little shit.

The next morning came and I did my own thing. I washed by myself and ate breakfast by myself.

Fucking... I grumbled, walking around the camp. Tried to make a fun little activity and got torn to fucking shreds.

The suns bathed the world in their light while I fed Sonya.

A distant croak caught my attention and I saw a black bird flying towards me between the trees.

Pyotr came down and landed on the Ratnak's back. “Letters! Delivered!” he announced with a few small nods, then offered his left leg where a few letters were tied together. “New! Letters!”

I absentmindedly nodded and took the mail. “All good?”

“Oni. Woman. Loud!” he croaked and shivered, rustling his feathers. “Luzo. Mean! Try. Take. Letters. I. Fight. Successful. Delivery.”

I stared at Pyotr. “You didn't kill anyone, right?”

“I. Took. Eyes. Only!” he informed.

“Brutal,” I muttered and produced meat, then offered it. “Good boy.”

The bird took it with his beak and started eating.

I checked the letters in the meantime. There were six in total.

Nilenna and Miraztor wrote back so I checked those first.

'Lil' sis,

Call me big sis! Calling me Nilenna feels cold. I know we're not blood related, but there's so few of us in the world!

Elena's matter is unfortunate, and brings up more questions while explaining a few things. Big sis Yulianna introduced her to me over a thousand years ago. I sent a few letters her way, but had no response. If she was mind-controlled, how come Yulianna didn't aid her? Did the Bond cut off, informing Yulianna Elena was in danger? If the Bond did not cut off, does Elena know where Yulianna is? Did the Bond cut off, making Yulianna think Elena had died? Is that why she hasn't showed up? Did big sis Yulianna, in her deep grief, descend even deeper because of that?

Did Yulianna and Elena plan on having her be mind-controlled to infiltrate into whatever group would do such a thing?

So many questions.

Big sis Yulianna is a master of E'er, so circumventing her spells and enchantments is a fool's errand. I would recommend finding a person not bonded to a Halve and taking Elena's items away, but the enchantments may not activate if you're nearby.

I'll say it right away: the Halve conditional used in spells is an unknown to the world. We've made sure it stays that way for obvious reasons. You'll understand why when they try to discover it again.

The memory loss sounds problematic, and I'll explain a few things to you.

The newspaper mentioned Alyssa Pruvik having joined you. She had a bit of a reputation among Chasers for being an excellent healer. Cardinals can heal all mortal species, hence the name of the Class. You telling me Elena needs help from Danuva means Alyssa can't heal her, which means that the memory loss is the result of something abnormal. You said Elena's memory loss is a result of your actions. This lead me to the conclusion that you did something only Danuva or Miraztor can fix... and I hope you didn't mention that to nobody but those close to you.

I understand if you do not wish to tell me the specifics, but be mindful of who knows. Information is crucial, after all.

About the Demon. Good job! They had a bit of a rough time coming here and, as any living being, some make mistakes that can't be overlooked for the greater good. I hope this encounter didn't form a bad image of them in your mind. The great majority live their lives just like any other mortal, and as protectors of the world, it is our responsibility to ensure their overall prosperity and keep them in check. If mortals know of an outsider species causing trouble, you can imagine the rest.

Please let me know how Gordon reacted. A King's actions can have greater consequences than a lone Demon. If it comes down to a systematic persecution, we'll have to intervene.

Your kind words fill me with determination, little sister! My heart squeezes with joy!

Your suggestion is sound, little sister. My next stop is the mines of Tolona, where Perculis was first seen.

Please let me know of any progress you make in regards to Elena.

If Yulianna shows up, be kind to her. Also, knock her out if you can. A solid punch to the nose should do the trick. Our duty is greater than our personal lives, and she should see to the consequences of disappearing for 300 years!

In the subject of kicking ass, you won't be able to sit for a century after we play Galeian Armory. My deck has been curated for a thousand years by now. You stand no chance. I will clap your cheeks like Boris does mine!

Tight hugs,

Nilenna Atarka.”

I chuckled and noticed the anger had lessened a good amount. "A bit yikes, and I think I fucked up a bit," I muttered.

Miraztor's letter was next.

'Salutations, Junior Novak.

When it comes to the attempt at my life, it hardly can be called that if I am to be completely honest with you. It was a rudimentary and honestly quite mediocre affair. I found myself ambushed by a group of audacious Changelings who tried to poison and curse me. It was bound to fail, naturally.

I expeditiously disarmed them and brought them to the pertinent authorities. One of my companions at the time tried to remove them from this realm of living, but I talked sense into him.

You see, my Junior, violence begets violence. The mortal species have enough on their plate and it is below us to respond like primal animals.

The only way to truly kill an opponent is to change their minds and eliminate their past self. Physical violence has no place in civilized discourse, and to treat a person like a monster is morally reprehensible.

I have no enmity towards Changelings. They have had their fair share of tribulations, and you don't strike a child for misbehaving. You nurture them and raise them to be competent and independent.

Wishing you the best,

Miraztor X., your Elder.

PS: Good job on Lumin Kingdom. Swift, clean, and precise.'

I shook my head and stored the two letters. “So he's a pacifist or something?” I wondered.

The next letter made my heart stop for a second.

It was a red envelope with black writing. It read 'To Her Excellency Natasha Novak' on one side, and the other had 'From Yolin's Mother' on the other.

I bit my lower lip and checked the others.

Yolin's parents had written back, and had sent a letter for their daughter and one for me.

I'm a grown ass woman, I mumbled in my mind. I don't need to be nervous about some thousand year old parent who may or may not agree to their daughter's relationship with one of the most dangerous beings on the planet who may or may not put them in dangers no average mortal has faced before. No reason at all.

In truth, I was a little nervous.

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