Natasha the Halve

143 – You spin me right ’round, baby, right ’round.

I squinted my eyes. 391 times 3 is... 1173, I'm 178 levels higher than him if all his classes are the same level, and 958 if his other two classes are level 1.

“A bold one,” Hanna commented, stopping her mount next to mine. “Should I dispatch him?”

“Hmmm...” I hummed then turned to the group. “Give me a second,” I requested and dismounted Sonya.

People around us started whispering among themselves and gathering at the edges of the road leading to the gate.

Pokora shrugged. “Do your thing,” she agreed in a bored tone.

“Have fun,” Yolin grumbled, probably wanting to fight the Goliath herself.

“Try not to kill him,” Alyssa cautioned.

“Beat his ass,” Lapia cheered with a smile.

Bonte was observing with interest, nudging Bromisnar's and Thelea's shoulder to pay attention.

Elena had a worried expression on her face.

I turned to the challenger and walked to him.

The man towered over me, at least 270 centimeters tall of pure muscle.

I raised a hand and made a motion for him to get close.

He slouched to meet my eye level. “Do you accept my challenge?” he inquired.

“What's your name?” I asked, looking him in the eye.

The Goliath had very beautiful green eyes that contrasted his yellowish gray skin.

“Asilo,” he replied with a smile. “It's an honor to meet you.”

I nodded and gave him a big, friendly smile. “Asilo... can we do this later, maybe tomorrow?”

His face turned disappointed then shook his head. “A Warrior challenging another...,” he started, a little confused. “The Warrior's code demands we fight or you admit defeat.”

My eyebrows climbed my forehead. “First time hearing about this,” I pointed out.

Asilo bit his lower lip and his eyebrows jointed in concern. “Really?”

I confirmed with a nod. “No Warrior has challenged me before.”

He let out a complicated sigh. “I'm sorry,” the boulder of a man said. “I didn't know you didn't know.”

“Hey,” I chuckled and tapped his elbow. “It's okay. We sorted it out.”

Asilo nodded. “We did,” he chuckled. “Now, do you accept my challenge?”

I closed my eyes and took a calming breath. “My dude,” I started with an exasperated sigh. “Just retract the challenge.”

“I can't,” he insisted. “That's not how it works.”

“Блядь,” I sighed and looked him straight in the eye. “I have been on the road for ten fucking days. I would like to have a bath. You are on the way.”

He nodded and smiled. “Then let's be quick about it.”

A vein threatened to pop on my forehead.

I wasn't about to admit defeat to nobody without a proper fight. I have an image to maintain. What would people who depend on us Halves think if one of us just surrendered to a mortal?

I'd rather have a spider crawl into my ear canal.

As such, I replaced my string top and swimming trunks with my leather undergarments, then my legendary Starforged Eternium plate armor. I retrieved my mythical spear and clasped it with both hands.

A wave of 'ooh' came from the improvised audience.

Asilo did the same, replacing his leather and linen clothes with a proper armor fit for combat.

“Where do we fight?” I inquired, looking around.

“Right here,” was his response. “No skills, just swings. The first to fall loses. You can block, parry, and dodge, but you can't move from that spot.”

“Pshh...” I let out an unimpressed huff. “That's boring.”

“I'd like to have a chance at victory,” the Goliath chuckled.

“Right,” I muttered, having lost interest in the duel already. “You go first.”

“Here I go,” he announced, lifting both axes above his head. “As soon as I am done with my attack, you do yours.”

I nodded in agreement.

The Goliath swung both axes down on me.

When it comes to the perception of time during combat, I understand that it's not time that's slowing down but my perception of the world speeds up.

The axes took 5 seconds to reach my shoulders.

The clang that followed the impact of the blades hitting my shoulder plates was extremely loud and strained my ears a little. That also was slowed down, lasting more than it should have.

Both impacts hit at the same time and directly on the spot that connects the shoulder to the torso.

The sharp metal bent, then broke in a thousand little pieces.

Asilo's forearms also bent in ways they shouldn't, and the crack of fractured bones could be clearly heard even through his armor.

I grasped my spear with one hand and swung at his waist.

Now, I will explain what I initially envisioned would happen.

As someone with very little understanding of physics, I thought my weapon would hit the man and send him flying.

I seriously did think so.

I also wanted that to happen.

I wanted to send the annoying man that blocked my way to a nice bath... flying off into the distant horizon.

I learned something new.

When an object moving at several times the speed of sound impacts something, it doesn't send it flying.

I made an oopsie.

Asilo's body got split in half.

The top half, consisting of his torso, arms, and head spun in the air some fifty or so times in the span of two seconds.

Those two seconds were in that odd slowed-down-time-thing.

The lower part got sent tumbling on the ground backwards until it hit the city wall.

Guts, blood, and pieces of armor flew everywhere.

Time resumed its natural flow.

My eyes widened and I sucked air through my teeth. “Fuck,” I whispered.

“WOOOOOOOOOOAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH” the crowd cheered and clapped, not taking a second to digest Asilo's absolute defeat.

The Goliath's upper body fell to the ground with a wet thud, splattering blood all around it.

I turned to the brutalized person and appraised him to check if he was still alive.

[Asilo, Barogh Goliath Lvl 391 Exekus]

“Hmm...” I hummed and walked to him. “Uh... you good?”

“Kha!” the man, or what was left of him, coughed. “Andskoti!”

I winced and turned to Alyssa, who was sitting on top of her four-eyed horse a good distance away.

She nodded and her eyes glowed with white light.

Asilo's body regrew in a matter of seconds.

I produced a towel and dropped it on top of his genitals to at least give him some dignity.

Weapons are force multiplier, after all, I considered. Yolin took a punch to the gut like an absolute champion. Tanks are fucking tough!

The man stayed on the ground, breathing heavily. “That was... indescribable,” he blurted out. “Holy fuck!”

I felt blood running down my neck, having seeped in through the tiny gaps in my armor. “Yeah, well... you had your duel. See ya,” I told him and walked back to my mount.

“Your Excellency!” Some called to me.

“That was marvelous!” Others praised

“Such power!” Others voiced.

I looked around and pointed at the man on the ground. “No more duels or challenges!” I announced. “I won't go easy next time!”

The crowd clapped, cheered, and whistled at the show of unrestrained violence.

Chasers are fucking unhinged, I concluded and mounted Sonya. “Now, bath.”

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