Natasha the Halve

158 – Teachers pick.

I kept an ear out while I sketched.

“We shall grant you knowledge in the following months,” Shorvanna told the mortals using a strict tone that wasn't overbearing but carried authority nonetheless.

“In order to efficiently do that, we'll need to get to know you on a more personal level,” Saravia pointed out in an energetic tone, like a freshly graduated teacher meeting his students for the first time at the start of the school year.

“Stand,” Danuva requested in a gentle tone, but didn't say please. “And tell us who you are, what have you achieved, and what you truly want in life.”

My companions hesitated for a second.

Pokora stood up right away, looking at the Gods with uncertainty on her face.

The rest followed her example, slowly standing up and facing the Gods.

“You are not rulers seeking counsel,” the Goddess of the path of the Warrior pointed out. “Nor are you high-ranking clergy who'll spread our message.”

“As such, we are simply mentor and apprentice,” the God of the path of the Performer announced.

“Just like the time before civilization,” the Goddess of the path of the Cleric reminded them, then muttered with melancholy, “When we lived together.”

My companions nodded in understanding.

Alyssa and Bromisnar wiped their tears and blew their noses with handkerchiefs. The Luzo's eyes glowed with white light for a second and Thelea's shakes calmed down.

I finished my sketch and stored the tools.

The Elmari Elf took a step forward and spoke, “My name is Pokh'Orra Pezh'Che, an Elmari Elf. I follow Her Divinity Pitela's path as an Archer. I was part of the Organized Preventive Armed Forces of Uuruhk and commanded a small group of brave people when defending the trading settlement of Bokh'Ila from an unusual Gyk'el migration until Her Excellency Nilenna Atarka arrived. I am now in search of something I hope Your Divinities will advice me with.”

So she can be formal, I thought with a smile. Taking the opportunity, too.

“I will guide you, then,” Shorvanna told her.

Poko-Poko nodded. “Thank you, Your Divinity,” she said back.

The woman was talking as if to a superior instead of a God. Nothing wrong with that, in my opinion.

The Domi Elf took a step forward and spoke, “My most humble of greetings, Your Divinities. My name is Lapia Pofeta, a Domi Elf. I was born a Noble in the ancient Queendom of Maaruhk where I became a teacher to spread His Divinity Photem's legacy while following the path of the Wizard. Her Majesty Queen Lofrada Tilensis III gave me the task of teaching His Excellency Desseyr Idgaeh for a decade when he made his appearance forty years ago. My time as his mentor opened my eyes to the gap between mortals and Halves, and as such made it my life's goal to research and arrive at empiric evidence of the differences that exist, along with a concise path to follow in order for mortals to achieve a higher affinity with E'er. I became a Chaser and abandoned Nobility to look for answers that I couldn't find behind walls.”

You go, Lala! I cheered for her in my mind.

“I will guide you,” Danuva announced.

Lapia nodded and curtsied. “Your Divinity has my heartfelt gratitude,” she said back and straightened.

Next was Alyssa.

She walked up to Danuva.

The Divine held out both hands.

Alyssa gently placed hers on top of the Divine's. “Greetings, beloved Great Mother,” she giggled with a big smile. “My name is Alyssa Pruvik, a Kyrstaali Luzo. I follow Your Divinity's path of the Cleric, and took the vow of Healer. I have joined people in marriage, upheld the vow of truth and fairness in front of justice, and given appropriate healing to any who seek it. I have carried your light and love during my life as a Chaser, preventing untimely deaths and praying for a better life whenever death finds the living. My goal of healing all sentient species has placed me at the seventh rank among the clergy. I have found beauty in the crafts of people, and made it my goal to fully explore what they can offer.”

Greath Mother? I wondered, then recalled that Clerics treat each other as family. Also, that's a unique way of saying you want to eat pastries around the world, Alyssa! Don't be cheeky!

“My child. I will happily guide you,” Danuva replied in a tone full of love and care.

“Thank you, beloved Great Mother,” Alyssa said back, let go of Danuva's hands, and took a few steps back.

Yolin walked up next, facing Danuva.

The Goddess held her hands out again.

Yolin copied Alyssa, placing her hands where the Luzo had. “Beloved Great Mother. My name is Yolin Makav, a Red Oni. I follow the path Your Divinity set as a Cleric, and took the vow of Protection. I have guarded the weak, the unfortunate, the ill, and the wounded. I have made a name of myself with the teachings of your legacy, traveled the world, and met more people than I thought possible. Life's journey has placed me in the third rank among the clergy. My aim is to reach the limit of mortal growth while aiding Natasha in her task as a Halve.”

My eyebrows went up in surprise. Aww! Yolin, you smooth woman!

“I will happily guide you, my child,” Danuva announced with glee.

“I will as well,” Shorvanna declared.

Yolin's eyes widened in surprise. After a few seconds she nodded. “Thank you, Beloved Great Mother. Your Divinity Shorvanna has my gratitude as well.” She let go of Danuva and took a few steps back.

The Ork took a step forward and knelt before the Gods. “The most auspicious of greetings, Your Divinities. My name is Hanna Intarr...” she stopped, hesitated, then continued, “...with two r's at the end. I am an Ork. I follow Her Divinity Yvanna's path as a Scout. I have helped Her Excellency Natasha Novak in infiltrating, eliminating, and subverting a group of people who dared show their fangs in the absence of Her Excellency Yulianna Kavun after she departed Leks due to the passing of His Excellency Perculis Valerius Sylla. My current aim is to rid the world of the insolent and ungrateful who would dare have the audacity to aim at Halves and Divines.”

Damn, I winced. I feel a little yikes for wanting a relationship with her, even if just physical. I'd have to gaslight the shit out of her to ease that ultra devotion almost bordering in fascism. I considered for a few seconds, then concluded, Eh, doable.

“I will guide you,” Shorvanna announced.

“Your Divinity has my unending gratitude!” Hanna exclaimed.

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