Natasha the Halve

162 – Settling in…?

“HAHAHAHAHAHA!” Shorvanna laughed, but her lack of lungs, throat, and face meant she stood still while doing so. “That would kill you, young Halve! Desseyr, Miraztor, Nilenna, and Yulianna would chase you to the ends of the world, and even beyond. Galeia doesn't need a Halve that kills a God just because of feelings.”

I clicked my tongue. “Fuck off. You know what I mean,” I grumbled.

“I do,” the Goddess confirmed. “I remind you anyway, young Halve.”

“I remind you anyway,” I imitated her in a mocking tone, then sighed. “I know what you mean, as a Halve. The whole demonstration of power to ease mortals... I get it. Flying? My asshole tightens at the idea of it. The fact you disregard it makes me angry. True, I survived a long fall, but when I climbed up and looked down my stomach still did a nasty turn.”

“But you're willing to face it, no?” Shorvanna inquired.

I nodded. “Yeah.”

“That's what I'm going for,” she explained. “I see that in you and push it. I am a Divine, a Goddess, whose specialization is to shatter the chains that bind you so you can forge weapons with them. I can see inside you, and disregard your rejection precisely because I am aware of your desire to shatter the yoke. You can whine, scream, complain, or insult me all you want. But the fact you're not closing off and instead choose conflict is telling of your struggle and willingness to overcome it. You got angry because you want to change something you're unhappy with, not because I'm pushing something unreasonable. If that were the case, you would have just ignored me. And those that fully ignore confrontation are not fit to be Warriors.”

I took a deep breath and sighed, “Yeah... true.”

“You see, young Natasha,” Shorvanna began, placing a hand on my shoulder. “Each Halve has a meaning. Yulianna, for example, has the expectation of furthering the understanding of E'er since she's a Wizard. She symbolizes research, wisdom, and power of the mind over the intangible. Nilenna, who's an Archer, has the expectation to find everything that is lost. She symbolizes patience, diligence, and the vigilance required to go into nature. Miraztor has the expectation of charity since he's a Cleric. He symbolizes compassion, fairness, and empathy. Desseyr... well, he didn't show himself to civilization for a very long while so he hasn't had the time to receive expectations. As a Scout, however, he symbolizes secrecy, mystery, and subterfuge, which fit him perfectly. You, Natasha, will have the expectation of peace or safety. As a Warrior, you may symbolize violence, physical might, and restraint.” She moved her hand up and gave me a few pats on the cheek. “How mortals see you will depend on your interactions with them. Give them a few centuries and ideas will start to solidify. That's why showing your absolute might is crucial. It deters those who wish to do harm, and ease those who want peace of mind.”

I arched an eyebrow. “Didn't I tell you I got it?”

“And I will repeat it many times in the following months,” she told me. “Now, go back to meditating.”

“Eh, had enough today.” I shrugged. “I think I'll go check up on Danuva's group, then Saravia and Bromisnar.”

“Sure. But meditate after that,” Shorvanna insisted.

“Will do,” I agreed and looked at the wall next to us. “How do I get to where I want to go?”

“Think of who you want to see,” she shared. “There are rooms for your companions, too, so think of your name and you'll get there. Orators furnished them in case any of you came since we Divines have no need for rest, food, nor clothes.”

“K. I'll be back in a bit,” I told her and walked into the wall while thinking of seeing Danuva.

After going through, a room similar to the previous welcomed me. This one, however, was much smaller. It was square and 10 meters by 10 meters. Alyssa, Yolin, and Lapia sat on the ground with their eyes closed. Elena floated horizontally a meter from the ground facing up, and had her eyes closed. Danuva stood in front of the Faeton Elf's head, and her arms were stretched over the woman's face.

They're deep in meditation, Danuva spoke into my mind.

Naturally, that made me flinch and do a double take. Do I just think, then? I wondered, more like a question to her.

Yes, she replied into my mind, which was not creepy at all. Your voice will interrupt them.

Riiiiight, I nodded and looked around the room. This is so weird... Anyway. How are they doing?

Good, Danuva said back. A few more hours and I'll send them to sleep. We're reviewing at the moment.

I blinked a long blink and tried to rationalize what was going on. After a few moments, I nodded. So... you're speaking with them as well?

Yes, the Goddess confirmed.

You can split your consciousness? I asked in surprise.

We Divines can do that, and much more, she replied. That way we can teach multiple people as if we're in a one on one lesson.

Are the Bond Messages an attempt at copying this way of speaking to others? I scratched my left eyebrow.

They are, the Goddess confirmed again. But mortal minds are limited when compared to ours. Some Classes have skills that have successfully replicated the intent, but not the amount. Mortals are quite crafty with the knowledge we've imparted. Take Yolin Makav, for example. She has managed to make her body more resilient than a Halve's when activating all her defensive skills. Truly marvelous.

A smug and proud smile made its way to my face. I told you she's smart, heh!

I never doubted you, young Halve, she giggled softly.

Well, I came by to see. I'll be back tomorrow or whenever I'm free. I turned around and went into the wall while thinking of seeing Saravia.

The first thing that hit me was the smell.

The overpowering fragrance of jasmine heabutted my nose like an angry Ratnak at full speed, while the dusty and invasive aroma of lavender punched me on the throat like it was Mike Tyson. An eartly odor that was both pungent and sour made my nostrils itch.

“Üëgh!” I immediately gagged with how concentrated and abundant they were. I scrunched up like a cat smelling cheese, then covered my mouth and nose. It was almost as if I was chewing a mouthful of flowers, so I retrieve a face mask from my storage – courtesy of gacha pulls – and put it on to escape the brutal violation of my olfactory organs.

The Satyr was lying on a couch that had a raise on one side, resting his head on a pillow, and an elbow on an armrest. He was nodding and exquisitely laughing at something.

Saravia was in a similar pose, lying on a similar sofa.

A tiny table sat between them, and what looked like an incense stick burned on a plate on top of it. The white and thick smoke went up to the ceiling and filled the room.

“...Yinka Plavas' latest work. The detail of norms is crucial to convey verisimilitude...” Saravia was saying, but stopped and turned his cloudy head in my direction.

“What in the world is that smell?” I inquired, waving a hand in front of my face to clear the smoke with no results. Fortunately the smells went away the moment I put the mask on.

“Dragon's Lament”, Bromisnar replied, then made a flowery gesture in the air. “Clears the mind,” he added with a smile and a chuckle.

I nodded. “I see you two are getting along,” I pointed out and turned to the wall. “See ya,” I told them and made my escape.

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