Natasha the Halve

17 – Test of Strength.

I explored the small apartment for a while, testing the bed and the other sofa. There was no kitchen, since the inn served food to their guests. I found a contraption that looked like a washing machine in a small room next to the living room. Two bottles labeled as soap and softener on a small shelf above it.

Returning to the living room, I got dressed. White underwear covered my privates, a simple shirt and a skirt finished the outfit. My ‘trusted’ belted boots covered my feet.

I left the room and walked to the first floor, then left the building. I didn’t hear a bell this time.

Neat. I nodded as I crossed the street.

There, just as the clerk had said, a shop was open. ‘Rutia’s Trinkets’ was written on top of the door.

Moving a transparent curtain aside, I entered the store. Nobody in sight.

A good amount of clocks, watches, umbrellas, goggles, and many trinkets I had no idea of were on display.

Lapia said the rainy season is approaching. How hard will it rain? I wondered as I inspected the umbrellas.

“Those are one silver coins.” a female voice said from behind me.

I turned around and found the smallest person ever to exist. She was standing on the counter, looking at me with an amused smile as she leaned on a mug. Her skin was pale green and her hair an ocean blue. White eyes looked at me.

She was 20 cm tall, a silk dress covered her body. If she stood still, she’d pass for a figurine. And that’s what I thought she was when I entered.

What is she? Appraise, go!

[Tiny Laple, Lvl 227 Artificer]

“Hi, I was just looking.” I returned the items and faced the tiny person. “I was told I could buy a pocket watch here.”

“Hmm… I have a few that could suit you. Please wait a moment.” she turned around and started walking.

I nodded and followed her with my eyes. The sight was a little scary. She was small, slender, had weird colors, and her eyes had a glow similar to my own. I was expecting her to grow butterfly wings and fly off, but she just walked all the way across the counter to a small hatch door on it.

She disappeared into it and closed the door after her.

A little cute, a little nightmare fuel. I smiled. I bet a fly is an arch-nemesis.

While thinking what kind of animal or fantasy creature birthed such a tiny being, the hatch opened and she climbed back onto the counter.

“So, I have three that could be useful to you, Halve.” she produced a fabric and spread it on top of the counter with her arms and feet.

Walking over the thing, three watches materialized on top of the fabric.

One was gold, one was silver, and the last one pitch black.

They had intricately carved lids and backs. Chains of the same materials ended in rings.

“The first one.” she announced, walking to the golden watch. “Immune to stasis so you can store it and it’ll keep working. It works with Perekis’ Relative Eternity. Made of Gold and Inperim.” her hands glowed for a second and the lid opened.

The interior was a masterpiece of clockwork, in my humble opinion. A glass pane protected the gears inside, four hands from the center to the edges. The interior was completely visible, hundreds of gears and small parts moving. All in gold. It had roman numbers, for some cosmic reason.

“Enchanted with self-repair, water-proof, and impact-absorption.” she patted the thing with a tiny hand. “Ten gold coins.”

I can take being scammed. I nodded. Besides, I believe we Halves are overcharged.

“What’s the Perekis thing?” I tilted my head.

“As long as there’s E’er, it functions. It absorbs it passively to power the enchantments and gears.” she looked at me with her white eyes.

“I see. Got it.” I nodded.


“Next.” she walked to the silver watch. “Also immune to stasis. Made of Silver and Inperim.” her hands glowed again and it opened.

It was the same, but silver. “Enchanted with self-repair, water-proof, and impact-absorption. You have to inject the inner mechanism with E’er every ten days. Two gold coins.” she moved to the next.

“Finally we have this.” she rested a tiny foot on the lid. “Immune to stasis. Works like the first. Made of E’eral Obsidian, Inperim, and Platinum, making it almost indestructible. I don’t recommend testing that claim, however.” she smiled. Her tiny teeth looked like needles.

I nodded. “Noted.”

“Enchanted with self-repair in the unlikely event it breaks, water-proof, and has a compass on the back.” she opened it and it was surprisingly not entirely black, the hands were silver as well as a few gears. “Twenty Gold coins.”

That’s a new element. I rested my hands on the counter.

“What’s Inperim?” I asked the tiny woman.

“Found beneath the Bulukuru Sea, this material is very useful when it comes to enchanting tiny parts, perfect for clockwork.” she closed the watches one by one.

I don’t want to doubt the woman, but it sounds like bullshit to me. I gave it a thought.

“I’ll take the three.” I decided.

Turning my palm up, gold coins materialized on it. I put thirty two pieces in three small towers on the counter.

The tiny woman stared at them for a few seconds, turned to me and smiled. “Thank you very much for your patronage.”

I took the watches and stored them.

“Thanks a bunch.” I smiled and left the store.

Back on the street, I let out a sigh. Summoning the golden watch, I injected a little E’er and it opened.

Six… forty. I nodded and appraised it.

[Rutia’s Gold-Inperim Pocket Watch (High)]

(Perekis’ Relative Energy) (Complex Clockwork) (Durability B)

-Water Proof (Enchantment)

-Stasis Immunity (Enchantment)

-Self Repair (Enchantment)

-Impact Absorption (Enchantment)

It has the maker’s name. Pretty cool. I put it back into my storage and crossed the street towards the parking lot.

Sonya was drinking from the water trough. I lowered my body and closed in on her. When I was a few meters away from her, I jumped forward and grabbed her left hind leg.

“Gotcha!” I imitated a kidnapper.

She let out a surprised yelp/roar and jumped back, taking me with her.

Turning her head around, she saw me, then growled in annoyance.

I laughed and she pushed me with her claws. I looked down to see if my clothes got ripped, but they were completely fine.

“Hand!” I extended my right one.

She complied and put the limb on mine. I rubbed her fingers and scratched her chin.

What should I do while waiting? I wondered as I played with the drake-looking beast.

We playfully pushed each other, I was careful not to use too much force.

I hugged her neck and focused on her heartbeat.

‘Blue’ Lapia’s silky voice entered my mind.

‘Church’ Alyssa’s gentle, deep voice said.

“I guess it’s time.” I put the saddle on and mounted up.

‘Going’ I sent back to the two, then replaced my clothes for my combat gear.

Alyssa has my form, so she can make a copy and update it. I rode the beast into the street and followed the Bond.

I got lost. Two times. The city was a maze. I decided to ask a Watcher for directions.

Finally, I reached Mountroad’s Church. I had to look up while crossing bridges, and face walls while we passed near the edge of roads.

I hate this city. I grumbled as I dismounted in a parking lot near the house of worship.

A black wolf the size of a horse was laying on the ground a few spots away. It reminded me of the dudes that transformed into big dogs in that movie with the shiny vampires.

Is that someone’s mount? I wondered as I stored Sonya’s saddle.

[Fekir Lvl 704]

My eyes widened at the level of the thing. The owner must be pretty high level too.

“Don’t pick a fight with the dog, okay?” I rubbed the Ratnak’s head.

She nodded and neared the water trough. I left the parking lot and walked to the cathedral.

The building was similar to Riverfield’s, but smaller and without gardens. Built with granite, it was a dull gray. Not many people loitered around, and most were clerics and Watchers.

Crossing the entrance, a Dwarf approached me.

“Lady Natasha?” he smiled at me.

He was wearing a white robe with golden embroidery, a hood covering his hair. He had silver eyes and the little skin that was exposed was a gentle tan. A well kept beard of the same color as his eyes done in many braids and adorned with jewelry went down to his waist, covering the front of the attire.

[Argo Dwarf, Lvl 210 Pardoner]

“That would be me.” I said back.

“Your partners are waiting for you.” his eyes squinted a little with his smile.

“Lead the way, please.”

He turned around and gestured for me to follow, then walked off. His short legs made it easy.

My armor disappeared into my storage, leaving me in my stretchy leather armor.

The walls were covered with paintings, mostly abstract art. A few depictions of individuals bathed in light caught my attention.

Are those Gods? I wondered.

I knew better than to ask about it, so I kept quiet.

We reached a double door and he opened it. A room with two sofas and a table between them. Lapia and Alyssa were sitting on the right one, and a red woman on the left one.

They stood up and I focused on the unknown person.

Red skin. Lots of it. She wore a black eye patch, covering her right eye. Her good eye was blue, looking over at me. White hair like snow tied in a short ponytail revealed short, pointy ears as red as her skin. Strands framed her face.

Her chest was wrapped with a white fabric, going over her shoulders. Her chiseled abs and muscled waist were revealed for the whole world to admire. She had muscular arms and had her hands in her pockets. Loose shorts covered her hips, ending at her knees. Her feet were bare, black fingernails on her toes. She had thin, white markings on her body. They covered her shoulders, armpits, and ribs.

Two red horns on her hairline divided short bangs. They were short and thick, at around ten centimeters in length, and going up. A golden ring rested at the base of the left one.

Her lips were a shade darker than her skin, short fangs and tusks at the edges. She was similarly built like me, and equally as tall.

Why are all women hot? I smiled. Bless this world.

“Hello, m-” I began.

“Halve! Fight me!” she said with a wide smile.

Her voice was soothing and mature. Quite the contrast to the content of what she said.

She walked over to me and crossed her arms under her chest, pushing them up.

[Red Oni, Lvl 305 Asura]

I turned to the other two and they smiled.

What is going on here? I tilted my head. What about the kiss when first meeting?

The Dwarf next to me chuckled and patted my lower back. “Good luck, Lady Natasha.”

He turned and left, closing the doors behind him.

I gulped and took a step toward the Oni. She took a step of her own and I mentally prepared myself for a punch or whatever.

“No violence.” I shook my head.

“Not violence.” the Oni shook her head. “Just a fight for fun.”

She walked over to the table and took a paper, then came back and offered me it.

I took it and gave the form a read.

Name: Yolin Makav.

Species: Oni (Red)

Request: Lost my right eye to an Ur’en recently. Cool if you heal it. My skills can’t restore it.

Gender: Female

Age: 201

Likes: Fights, strong alcohol, nature, any food, honest feelings.

Dislikes: Betrayers, people who abuse the weak, stupid titles.

I tolerate: Snoring. Smelly feet.

Offspring: None.

Interested in: 50% men. 50% women.

Languages: Red Tongue. Blue Tongue. White Tongue. Orkish. Common.

My motivations are: Fighting strong beings. Reach the limit of mortal growth.

Hobbies: Fighting. Training.

Highest Class: Asura. (Tank Cleric)

Total Level: 800+

Her likes are pretty nice, her dislikes too. So she just likes to fight the strong. That was a scare. Her level is pretty high.

I looked her in the eye. Her good one, at least. She stared back, a carefree smile on her face.

“Natasha Novak.” I softly said.

“Yolin Makav.” she answered in her soothing voice.

Her tongue was black, much to my surprise.

“So you’re a tank?” I asked in Russian, or Orkish in this world.

Her eye widened and so did her smile.

“You know Orkish? Good!” she nodded. “Your form didn’t say anything about Languages. I guess you haven’t heard enough of them, yet. As you asked, I’m a tank. Cleric base, Monk, Paladin, and Asura. I have various skills to redirect attention and increase durability, knowledge of fighting techniques, and I can inflict enemies with a few effects.” her soothing, mature voice did wonderful things to my mind. “How about you?”

“I fight with a spear. Warrior base, Hoplite, Lancer, and Dragoon. I have a few auras and warcries, and skills to fight big monsters. My Lancer class benefits from riding a mount. I have a Ratnak.” I answered.

She was staring at my lips as I talked. I glanced at Lapia and Alyssa. They sat back down on the sofa and were looking at me.

I guess they approve of her, since they called me over. I returned my attention to the woman in front of me.

“Let’s fight, then.” she gave me a toothy smile. “We can Bond later.”

“Why do you want to fight me?” I asked.

I don’t even know if I can fight bare handed. No way I’ll use a weapon. I felt conflicted.

“You’re a warrior.” she shrugged. “I’d like to test my strength against a Halve.”

Is she a battle maniac? I giggled.

“Sure. I’ll hold back, though. I don’t really know the extent of my strength.”

“No problem. Let’s go outside, then.” she walked to the door and opened it.

Lapia and Alyssa stood up and walked over to me.

“Did you find an inn?” the Elf asked.

We turned and followed Yolin.

“That’s the first thing you ask?” I chuckled as we left the room. “I did, big bed, comfy place. They serve food at set times, so we don’t have to worry about that.”

“Hmm.” the Luzo tilted her head. “Sounds expensive.”

“I’ll cover that. Don’t worry.” I held their hands. Then, I asked in a quiet voice. “What’s the deal with the duel, anyway?”

“Pretty normal, really.” the healer answer. “Tanks test the vanguard’s power, that also allows them to show their resilience and skills.”

“Sounds a little barbaric, to be honest. Makes sense, though.” I nodded.

“It’ll be fine, her level is very high.” Lapia squeezed my hand. “Relax, Natasha.”

I was staring at the back of the woman leading us. The white markings covered her entire back, a symmetrical pattern that reminded me of Polynesian tattoos.

We crossed the hall and turned to the back of the cathedral. The Oni opened a big door and a spacious yard welcomed us.

What looked like a fighting pit with pressed dirt was surrounded by stone stands. It was around twenty meters wide. It was more like a low-budget coliseum.

“Let me heal your eye.” Alyssa walked to her.

“Right! Almost forgot.” the tank laughed and removed the eye patch.

A nasty acid burn covered where her eye should be. I grimaced, a queasy feeling going up my spine.

The healer raised a hand and her eyes shone with white light. The scarred tissue fell off and her eye socket emptied. Then, an eye regrew inside, followed by eyelids, eyelashes, and the skin around the organ.

She blinked a few times and nodded, giving Alyssa a big smile. “Thank you very much.”

The Luzo giggled. “No problem.”

I took a deep breath and looked away. That was disgusting.

Yolin walked to the middle of the pit and turned to me.

“Come!” she took a fighting posture.

Her fists were at eye level, her legs at shoulder width. Knees bent a little and her left foot forward.

Lapia and Alyssa walked over to the stands and sat down.

I sighed and walked into the circle, replacing my clothes for the sport set I wear while exercising, my feet bare as well.

“Any rules?” I asked.

“Monsters and bandits don’t have any. Why should we?” she simply said.

“Alright, then.” I raised my hands in front of my face.

I don’t know how to fight barehanded! I’m gonna get my ass kicked...

“Let’s start!” Yolin announced and advanced on me.

A set of four floating arms materialized behind her, her tattoos and eyes glowed bright white. White wrappings covered her hands and feet like a Thai boxer.

What is this bullshit? I screamed in my mind as a white fist flew towards my face. I felt my pulse quicken and everything slowed down. Bless high dexterity!

I ducked and took a step to the side, keeping the Oni in my field of vision.

The other three arms were on their way towards me. Yolin advanced between them, looking me straight in the eye.

She reached me before the arms, raising her right knee and pushing forward with her hips, aiming at my stomach. I dodged, stepping aside. A flying fist grazed my nose as I leaned my head back. I met another fist with my own, the thing burst in a small explosion of light.

I didn’t blink, since the brightness was not enough to blind me. I headbutted another fist, making it burst again. She brought her leg down, sinking a little in the ground, then spun. The same leg going up and around, her heel on its way to my temple.

Holy shit! I ducked again. I felt a soft impact on the back of my head, probably another flying fist.

I closed in on her and almost punched her lower back. I gently pushed her instead.

That destabilized her, but she lowered her leg and jumped forward while turning around.

She had a huge smile on her face. “You’re fast and strong!” I heard her say in slow motion.

But I don’t know what to do! I retorted in my mind.

She rushed me and more arms materialized around her. This time, they formed a circle and flew toward me at an even higher speed.

I raised my arms in front of me, blocking them. The impact was negligible, and they all dissipated in light.

A fist appeared beneath my elbows, going up towards my chin. I leaned back and avoided the uppercut. Her left leg went in for a kick on my leg. I instinctively raised it, receiving the blow with my shin.

Her raised arm came down, supporting her on my shoulder. She closed in, bending her other arm and approaching my face with her free elbow.

I decided to take it and see what would happen. It made contact on my temple and I felt a tickle.

Now is the time where the protagonist awakens her hidden martial arts! Come!

Nothing happened.

I decided to copy her, my knee instantly hitting her stomach. It felt like a wall made of steel. It didn’t hurt, and she didn’t budge either. I didn’t use much force either. Otherwise I would have killed her. I had no doubts about that.

She smiled and punched me in the face while distancing herself. It felt like a playful slap.

Shifting her hips, her right leg went for a high kick. I blocked it with a hand.

Lapia, come pick me up, I’m scared! I whined in my mind.

She advanced and went for another kick, her left leg lashing out.

I took a step forward, placing my right foot behind her supporting ankle, then pushed her with my shoulder. She was heavy. More than anything I had moved before.

She bent backwards and supported her body with her arms, her legs following the inertia. I dodged a foot going for my face. She landed on her feet and righted herself, taking another step towards me.

So pushing works. I smiled. And it doesn’t hurt her.

We circled each other and I dodged more punches, kicks, knee strikes, and elbow blows.

Her right fist went for my face, I moved it aside and pushed her again. She had put her left leg behind her for support, canceling my action. Her arms shot around my neck, and she went for a knee strike on my solar plexus. I tightened my body and prepared for pain.

It felt like a slightly heavy pillow hitting me, however.

So this is five hundred levels of difference. Feels like cheating. I exhaled and relaxed, taking two steps back. It won’t matter how big the difference is if I can’t fight back, though.

We continued sparring for a few minutes, I pushed her whenever the chanced presented itself, but she adapted incredibly fast to my movements. When she realized I was focusing on dodging, she stopped and smiled.

The tank summoned more arms, this time connected to her body. Two above her shoulders, and two on her armpits. Their white color a heavy contrast with her red skin.

A large white mandala floated vertically behind her, a horn of the same material grew from her forehead between her actual horns, her skin darkened, and twenty blue spheres circled around her.

That’s an Asura, alright. I felt a little turd threatening to escape me.

“Wooah!” I heard Lapia to the side.

“Let me buff you too!” Alyssa betrayed me.

Yolin’s body grew brighter, the markings on her body, the extra arms around her, and her eyes changing to a golden color. No halo floated above her head, fortunately.

She brought her real arms together with a clap, the upper pair took the gesture of shoonya mudra, the lower pair had one palm facing up, while the other faced forward with the gyan mudra.

The spheres shot towards her, merging with her body. Three symbols floated above her eyebrows.

I demand a refund! I want those classes! Fuck spears! I grumbled in my mind.

The woman in front of me looked like an accurate Asura. I thought of stopping the fight, but that would prevent me from testing my own body as well.

I clicked my tongue and pushed E’er into Prevention, Monster Hunter, and Dragoon Might while thinking of four hours.

She smirked and rushed me again.

She threw a punch, and I dodged to the left. A white arm hit me square on the chin. The rest hit me in the stomach, both ribs, and chest. It felt like a tap.

I leaned forward and tried to push her.

She dropped her body, dodging my hands. My momentum made me lose balance. The six arms supported her body and she bent her legs up, kicking me in the stomach and lifting me an entire meter above ground.

Alright. I’m scared. I admitted to myself.

I clenched my butt as she followed the kick by grabbing my legs. She spun and I saw the world shift to my left. I punched to the ground, hoping to stop the carousel. My fist lodged into it and she let me go.

Jumping back, I took deep breaths. This woman is serious.

She rushed me again, all six of her arms punching different spots on my body. I raised my arms again, blocking my face. Her fists rained on me. Although the impact was negligible, I was worried of hurting her if I hit back, even if she was a tank.

An idea came to me. I could just punch her extra arms, and block her actual fists.

My fists lashed out, meeting white punch with golden punch. I palmed her real fists, my sped up reflexes fortunately allowed me to achieve it without hurting her.

Every time I blocked her actual arms, the extra ones were already replaced.

“Hahahahahaha!” she laughed like a maniac. “So this is a Halve! Wonderful!”

What do I do?! I was getting worried. My strength, reflexes, and speed increased by the second.

Her eyes were wide open, a smile befitting an Oni on her face. She looked like she was enjoying herself to no end.

I punched fists, they exploded in light. I blocked her real hands, the arms reformed. I didn’t dare blink in case I missed a hand and punched her actual fists.

A smile slowly formed on my face as we traded blows. I was keeping up with six arms. Sometimes she would add a kick to the mix, spicing things up. I would raise a leg and block with my shin.

She changed the order of punches, hitting with three arms at the same time. I dodged and leaned forward, trying to bait her into lowering her body. She didn’t.

She’s 200 years old. Of course she won’t, you pancake! I chastised myself.

Taking a step forward, she spun around. Her heel connected with my temple. I didn’t budge.

Laughter escaped her. The soothing sound was nice. She took a step back and stopped her barrage of attacks.

“Can I hit you with all I have?” she excitedly asked.

I relaxed. Finally. A long sigh escaped me.

“As long as it doesn’t kill me, go ahead.” I nodded and spread my arms wide.

I had already resigned myself for a beating, anyway. Hopefully Alyssa can heal whatever comes out of this. Something told me nothing would happen to me. I decided to trust that feeling.

She brought her six arms back and took a deep breath. Then, she breathed out and her arms moved.

In perfect synchronization, her fists hit me all at once. Her upper arms punched me in the face, her actual arms on my ribs, and the lower ones on the sides of my abs.

Comfortable. Her strength was not enough to hurt me, but was more noticeable than before, and pushed my head back a little. The parts she hit became numb, and my breathing was interrupted by the impacts on my thorax.

“Yeaaahh!!” Lapia cheered.

Whose side are you on?!

Yolin was way stronger than Sonya, but the Ratnak had caught me off guard with the headbutt. Plus, I got a little scared back then.

We locked eyes. Her sky blue eyes shined with excitement and she smiled. “You’re really durable, Natasha.”

I nodded. “You’re quite strong yourself.”

“Why do you need a tank?” she crossed all her arms.

“I don’t have skills to defend them.” I nodded towards Lapia and Alyssa. “And I don’t want to take risks.”

She nodded. “Good enough for me. Now, you punch me.”

I raised my eyebrows and crossed my arms. “No, I could kill you.”

“Not with everything. A mid punch will do. I’m more durable than strong, after all.” she smirked.

“How about this.” I began. “I will start with a weak strike, then use more strength. I haven’t fought without the intent to kill, so I don’t know how to control myself.”

“What have you killed?” her eyes sparked with interest.

“Human bandits and a herd of Me’ik.” I reared a fist back.

“That sounds boring.” she laughed and opened her arms, offering her stomach. “You’re doing it wrong.” she pointed at me with one of her many arms.

She took a stance and punched me in the stomach. It was a perfectly executed strike.

“Like that.” she straightened.

I nodded. “Okay.”

Taking a deep breath, I copied her. I had seen Thai boxing before, so the picture wasn’t exactly foreign. I put my right foot forward, and my fists at eye level.

Using very little force, I punched her stomach. It felt like a boulder.

“More.” she nodded.

I complied, and used a little more force.

“More.” she gave me a wide smile.

I did it again, stronger.

“Hmm. Now I felt it.” she gave me a shit eating grin.

I chuckled. I was scared inside, however. I didn’t want to hurt her, but knew this would give me an idea on how strong I actually was.

Putting more weight into it, I quickly punched her stomach. She let out a sigh.

“That’s more like it.” her upper arms rested behind her head, her actual arms crossed in front of her chest, and the lower ones rested on her hips. “Think of using an exact amount of strength. Just like when you use a skill and think about the time you want it active.”

“That helps a lot more.” I smiled at her.

Let’s go with two thousand strength, then. I brought my arm back and punched her.

“Good!” she exclaimed. “More.”

That worked?!

“Okay. Clench your butt, hottie.” I tightened my fist.

Three thousand strength. I punched her and she moved two steps back.

“Nice! That actually hurt for once!” she motioned me towards her with her six arms. “Break a bone or something. I have seven layers of defenses active right now.”

“That’s a lot!” my eyes widened.

“Come on, Halve!” she gave me a wink.

My cheeks heated up. I want to kiss her, not hit her.

Four thousand strength. I clenched my fist and punched her.

“Oof!” She bent over and fell on her ass.

My heart sank. “Nononono!” I rushed to her and went on my knees, supporting her back. “Yolin! Are you alive?!”

“Ahh…” she groaned in pain. “How long has it been since I last felt this much pain?”

Her eyes were closed, a huge smile on her face. I sighed in relief and felt like fainting.

“Alyssa!” I called. “Please, heal her!”

I heard a giggle as the Luzo walked over to us. “She’s alright. That’ll leave a bruise at worst.”

Lapia stood beside Alyssa, both held hands and smiled at us.

“That was pretty hot, both of you.” the Elf bit her lips.

The Oni relaxed and sighed. “How much was that?” she looked at me with sparkling eyes.

“Ehh…” I started counting on the palm of my hand.

Four thousand out of five thousand four hundred. Battle Trance increased my strength by two thousand, and Monster Hunter by five hundred and forty. Five plus two is seven. Uhh… I’ll round it up to eight thousand. So half?

“A little over half.” my cheeks heated up.

“Not bad at all!” she tapped my stomach. “You’d instantly kill me with all your strength.”

She laughed and I shook my head.

That gave me a good idea of how strong I was, and why the bandits and the Me’ik exploded in showers of gore. A level 800 plus tank-focused person could take only half my strength after fighting for an extended period of time.

“That scared the shit out of me.” I sighed again.

My heart was still going fast. Yolin stood up and I helped her. All her buffs dissipated and her skin returned to its original red color. The wrappings around her hands and feet disappeared as well.

“Thank you, Natasha.” she said in her soothing, mature voice. “That was really fun.”

I felt a pleasant shiver going up my spine.

We stood facing each other.

Should I kiss her now? I looked her over and liked what I saw. Same height as me, lean body, her chest was bandaged, so that didn’t tell me much. Her abs looked like a work of art. Her voice was really nice, and she seemed like a relaxed woman.

I licked my lips. Her eyes darted to my tongue, and she licked her own as well with her black one. We already shared basic information. I should get a book on how this works.

We were standing at arms reach. Yolin had bow-shaped, full lips. They glistened with her saliva. Her fangs and tusks were apart enough that they wouldn’t get in the way.

Everyone has kissable lips, apparently. I smirked. Her white eyebrows arched in response. Her blue eyes reminded me of the sky.



The conversation died and I froze up.

Why am I so nervous?! I’ve had threesomes already!

I gathered all my courage and raised my right hand, placing it on her left cheek. Her skin was warm and soft. I was imitating what Lapia and Alyssa did when they Bonded. My gold against her red was fascinating.

She reciprocated, her right hand on my left cheek. I felt the weight of the universe leave my shoulders. Her hand was warm and rough. I liked it.

My heartbeat was picking up speed. A tiny anxiety at the back of my mind.

Just kiss her, you pancake! I told myself and slowly closed in on her.

We connected our lips and I licked hers. A soft, warm tongue touched mine. We shared a gentle, soft kiss and then invaded each other’s mouth with our tongues. I closed my eyes, embarrassed and excited. My left hand went around her waist and I pulled her against me, our abs touching made me sigh.

My heart was going as fast as it could. I was kissing a woman I met barely an hour earlier, and in front of my partners at that. It should be a shameful thing to do, but I didn’t let that feeling last long.

She returned the embrace and we shared a passionate kiss. She tasted a little like smoked salmon. Her body was both hard and soft. The supple skin and hard muscles were really nice.

I separated and sighed.

“Will you have me?” she asked before I could say anything.

“Yes.” I gave her a peck on her dark red lips.

She smiled and turned to the other two. They walked over and Alyssa blushed as she kissed Yolin first.

“Will you have me?” The Luzo asked.

“Yes.” the Oni answered.

Lapia was next. They kissed and the Elf asked the question. The tank gave her okay.

“So the lower level one asks?” I tilted my head.

“Yes, since the stronger decides in the end.” the healer smiled at me and hugged me, giving me a kiss.

Lapia gave me a kiss too. I was getting flustered with so many women kissing.

I relaxed and focused on the Bond. Three heartbeats accompanied mine, I could tell each other apart, calm and clear.

Realizing something, I literally froze. Does she know I have a penis?

“Uh… Yolin, I uh… have a… penis...” I wrung my hands.

“A penis? Yeah, I was told. And your form said so as well.” Yolin gave me a thumbs up.

“I’m sorry I didn’t mention it before.” I looked down.

“Don’t sweat it. We clerics have a scan skill to perform diagnosis, so I knew when I appraised you.” she laughed and playfully pushed my shoulder.

What a refreshing attitude. I relaxed.

“Does it bother you?” Lapia asked me.

“Not at all. It feels natural to me, but other people may find it disgusting, or a deal-breaker.” I shrugged. “I can’t realistically expect everyone to accept me.”

Alyssa turned to me with a face of cosmic confusion. “Didn’t Lapia tell you of the species?”

“She did, but I forgot most of them, to be honest.” I played with my hair to avoid looking them in the eye. “Why?”

“Changelings.” Yolin said. “They can change their sex on the fly, and are very popular as partners. A little chaotic, but they’re good people.”

I nodded. I had heard of those from fantasy before, so I had an idea of what they could be in this world, if they were similar in any way.

“I see. So it’s not such an alien concept?” I sighed in relief.

“Well, hermaphroditism happens. Having both properly working as sexual organs? Very rare.” Alyssa explained.

That relaxed me a little. I nodded and turned to the Oni. She gave me a smile.

“Where do you come from?” I straight up asked.

“Red Island. A country to the far north, between the three continents. I came to Leks over a century ago.” she shrugged. “Lumin Kingdom about ten years.”

My eyes widened, then it clicked. Right. Long lived. 200 years old.

Alyssa took my hand and giggled. “It won’t matter in a thousand years.”

“That’s another red flag.” I winced.

“When I reach level one thousand, I want to tell you something.” Lapia gave me a cheeky smile.

I shook my head. “Not listening.”

The three laughed and I joined.

“What should we do today?” I asked, a wide smile on my face.

“We came across some interesting forms.” the Elf gave me a wink.

More?! I felt like fainting.

“Let’s go inside, then.” the Oni offered and led the way.

We followed her and returned to the room where we met. The cool air was comfortable.

Alyssa sat with me, and Lapia next to Yolin in front of us.

“We found two individuals.” Alyssa commented. “They would not become partners, however.”

I sighed in relief inside my head. “Okay. Why?”

“They’re men.” she simply said. “And belong to the medium species.”

Okay. I nodded. So you can have male friends without having sex? Who would have thought...

Lapia offered me and the Oni a paper each. “Me and Alyssa already went over them.”

“Before that.” I looked at Lapia. “Can I see your form?”

She smiled and nodded, adding another form. “Here.”

I reached over the table, took them, and went over the contents.

Name: Lapia Pofeta

Species: Elf (Domi)

Gender: Female

Age: 80

Likes: Ale, fruits, seafood, honesty, forwardness, tidy spaces, studying, the smell of the ocean.

Dislikes: Liars, Gyk’els, hubis mushrooms, bandits, ropes, being underwater, discrimination.

I tolerate: Smokers.

Offspring: None.

Interested in: 90% women. 10% men.

Languages: Elvish, Low Tongue, Common, Earthen Tongue, Kator, Sign Language (Elvish, Common).

My motivations are: Furthering my research while growing in power.

Hobbies: Reading, studying.

Highest Class: Pyromancer (Fire-based Wizard)

Total Level: 300+

Partners: 2 (Alyssa Pruvik, Natasha Novak)

Finally. I smiled. Lapia is revealed!


The party is shaping up!

How was the fight scene?

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