Natasha the Halve

5 – Food! Talk! Rest?

The thing screamed high class hotel. Five stories of the same marble-like material with a definitely modern architecture. Warm light bled into the street and a low buzz of activity reached us as we approached. Rather than the fantasy inn I imagined it would be, it wouldn’t feel out of place in Dubai. Minus the nearby buildings almost sticking to it, of course.

Talk about suspension of disbelief. I sighed.

The hall that greeted us was wide and furnished with wooden tables, chairs, desks, all the works. Three people were sitting inside, each by themselves. A short man stood behind an exquisitely crafted counter, smiling at us when we came in.

“Welcome to West Cyr Inn.” he greeted us with a slight bow. “How may I be of service?”

Lapia put a gold coin in front of him. “One night, dinner and breakfast.”

“Certainly, Lady Lapia.” he turned to me. “Your Excellency, I must ask that you please return all heavy objects into your Storage. While we pride ourselves in the structural capabilities of the city’s buildings, anything too heavy would pose danger not only to your companion, but also other guests.” his smile tightened slightly and he avoided eye contact.

I turned to Lapia with an expression that would best be described as ‘shocked out of my wits’. This dude is amazing. The stance, the tone, the treatment. I was convinced we were received by the best employee there was.

“The armor’s not that heavy, but sure.” the receptionist relaxed visibly.

I reached up to my shoulders and unclasped the tight buckle that kept the shoulder plate in place. It fell into my hand and it dissolved into my storage. That’s apparently the name. I repeated the process until my chest plate was next and noticed him blushing profusely.

Oi. This is not a show. I thought. Then noticed him looking away uncomfortably. Ah. I realized. If a dude were to undress in front of a gal, that would be her reaction in his position.

I turned around and walked to a pillar, standing out of sight. The rest of the process went smoothly, as I had already done this a few times, the stress drilling the actions to memory. After finishing, I stood wearing only the stretchy leather garments, which felt more like sports clothes than leather armor meant for brutal combat. Feels like yoga pants. The material hugged my body in a comfortable way, at the same time revealing the shape of my body for all to see. That in itself was not a problem, as I had frequented beaches and events wearing even less. I felt vulnerable in a primal, instinctual way. As if something would come out of nowhere aiming for my vitals.

I took a deep breath. Focusing on the present. I’m durable. I told myself. The vivid memory of the bandit’s blade shattering against my unprotected skin replaying in my mind’s eye. A long breath leaving my lungs and my muscles relaxing.

I returned to the reception desk, my armor now in my storage. The man smiling and Lapia looking positively tired.

“Here’s the key to your room.” the man handed Lapia a metallic key.

She took it and headed to the stairs on the other side of the hall. I followed the Elf up to the third floor. We stood in front of a door with the number ‘305’ on it.

She opened it and we entered a spacious room with a large King sized bed and various other furniture; a desk, night stands and foldable chairs leaning on a wall. A window showed the city in it’s now late evening state, thousands of streetlights showing an image I was no stranger of.

I walked to a table on the left side of the room, opposite from the bed and took a seat. The cushion was comfortable and the height was just right.

Lapia sat directly in front of me.

“Dinner will arrive in around thirty minutes to an hour.” she informed me.

“Sounds great.” I supported my chin on my hands, leaning on the table. “So, as you might imagine, I have quite the number of questions.”

“I bet.” she sighed.

“First of all.” I pulled a golden potion from my inventory. If things would progress the way I hoped they would, I’d need the elf at her best and full of energy. “I need to know if potions, or elixirs as you called them, have any side effects or a limit to them.” I put the 500cc bottle between us.

“They do.” she eyed the item. “Much like most things in life, excess is bad.” she took the bottle and examined it closer. “Potions are everyday medicine. Elixirs are magnitudes higher in potency, price and quality.” she looked at me. “I assume this is better than anything you gave me?”

“It is, by far.” I wasn’t lying. The first potion I gave her was a Lvl 100 potion, of which I had a considerable amount. The second one was a Lvl 20 potion, those were scarce on my storage, but did their job properly; localized healing if I understood things. The golden concoction was a Lvl 300 potion, it restored health, mana, stamina and boosted stats for a short duration. Those I had in large quantities.

“I’m about to go teacher mode. You okay with that?” she placed the potion on the table and looked at me.

“Go ahead.” I nodded.

“You use a potion to alleviate pain. A headache, a sprain, cramps, you get it.” I nodded. “Better potions treat light ailments. A cold, asthma, seizures. Instances of biological disorder, and light chronic illnesses.” she leaned back on her chair. “Keyword being treat. They do not cure the ailment. Higher quality potions can stop bleeding, cure minor ailments and in general better the drinker’s overall health. Those take time, though. Patients would drink them for long periods of time for them to show their effects. Master potioneers can brew something akin to what you gave me when I broke my finger.” she knit her brow at that, a hint of embarrassment on her face.

“True geniuses can create what you gave me first.” she continued nonetheless, her eyes set on mine. “Elixir of Life. Heal wounds, broken bones, bruises, the works.” she pointed at the bottle on the table. “The higher quality a potion or elixir, the less impurities it would have, leading to less side effects.” she scratched her forehead for a second. “I have drank many potions and elixirs in my life, and none were as positive as the ones you gave me. I believe they have no downsides. That’s how pure they are.” she put a hand on top of the potion. “What does this one do? All it says is ‘Rejuvenation’.”

[Elixir of Rejuvenation]

“Holy shit.” I exclaimed, a pleased smile on my face. “You summarized that so well. Damn.” I nodded approvingly at the Elf. “It shows you know your shit.”

“I would hope so.” she smiled. “And thank you.”

“It does a lot, really. I don’t know the exact extent, as I have yet to drink it. If it works as I think it does, it should restore you to your best.” I gestured to the potion. “What I’m worried about the most, is addiction.” My eyes drilled Lapia’s.

“A very sober thought.” she nodded at my words. “I have no antidotes or that kind of medicine on me, unfortunately.”

“Mhm.” I searched my inventory and found many antidotes to poisons and magical effects, but none for addiction. “Let me try it first.” I grabbed the bottle and undid the cork.

I brought the drink to my lips and noticed Lapia watching me intently. I took a sip and the moment the liquid came into contact with my tongue, I instantly recognized the taste of caffeine. My tongue, however, was not used to the flavor, having being reborn anew. I choked. Hard. The bitterness was all invasive, my eyes watered and I coughed like a madwoman.

“This cough! shit cough! tastes vile.” I continued coughing for a full minute. I quickly read my status and found the numbers raising slightly. I had only taken a sip, and little of that made it to my stomach.

“How do you feel?” she asked, worry evident on her face. A smile forced itself through the grimace the foul drink brought on my face.

“Normal, works as I thought it would.” I said after calming down. “Take a sip. It’s pretty strong.” I handed over the flask.

She carefully took the potion from my hands, a wary look on her face. She closed her eyes and took a tiny sip. Her eyes shot open.

“What do you mean it tastes vile.” she took swig, a pleased sigh escaping her lips. “This is divine.”

“New tongue.” I said. “Take it easy.” I warned, reaching for the bottle.

She let it go. Her eyes glazed and the effects were instant.

Her skin went from slightly discolored to a healthy tan in a second. Its shriveled state one would associate with a malnourished individual disappearing completely. Her so far unruly chestnut hair turned dark blonde and silky straight with a healthy shine to it. Her face filled in and her cheeks were no longer slightly sunken. Her body followed suit, filling out where fat had vanished due to starvation. Breasts, hips and legs thickening to a perfect triangle. Her hips widening to fill a meaty behind, thighs with a healthy tone to them and perky breasts. Her clothes were several sizes smaller than what she should have been wearing.

Dark blonde hair like soft sunshine flowed down her shoulders. Her skin like brown sugar looked supple, flexible and youthful. Her facial features were defined and sharp. Her dazzling almond shaped emerald green eyes looked at me for a second and I felt my heart skip a beat.

My jaw fell. I even looked under the table to see her legs. There was not a single blemish visible on her. I quickly looked away.

Oh no. She’s hot! I screamed inside. The woman in front of me was not the half corpse I had met. The few elves I saw earlier must have been way under the line that Lapia drew when it came to beauty.

I reluctantly turned my gaze back to her.

“How do you feel?” I asked. My voice came out as a croak.

Her emerald shining eyes locked with mine. “Like never before.” she smiled and I saw beauty for the first time in this world. The kind that would turn one stupid.

I felt myself gulping by reflex. I kept my face cool. This was an Elf that flirted like there was no tomorrow.

“I can see where that earlier confidence came from.” the words left me before I could stop them.

What am I, a teenager? I chastised myself.

Fortunately, my comment came out as a sarcastic comment rather than gay panic. She laughed and her voice tickled the base of my skull. Even her vocal cords improved.

The woman in front of me was such a surreal difference from the previous creature, it made me think how much abuse she went through. Also just how above average she really was, that even in that state of utter famine, she was not absolutely horrid. Like a diamond you find underground; you’d find it pretty, but until it was polished and processed, its true beauty would be hidden. My ridiculous comparisons returned, revealing my state of mind.

My feelings were a mess. I couldn’t simply say ‘wow you look way better’, that’d make her feel even more miserable about how ruined she was the past few days. Neither could I keep quiet. Were it me in her position, I’d like some encouraging words. Unless this world’s people mental strength is high as clouds.

She was examining her hands. Her fingernails, or claws, grew a couple centimeters and became sharper, her digits now sleek and refined. Her teeth were not the wretched grayed out bones they were, she wouldn’t look out of place in a toothpaste commercial. Their sharpness was delicate, hidden behind plump, full, soft pink lips that glistened like fine china.

I realized I was staring when descriptive words became over the top.

“Now I’m closer to your divine looks, though I still lack a bit.” she said with a smirk as she checked her changes.

“No way.” I snorted. “You’re way above.” I waved her comment away.

She stared at me with unimpressed eyes. “You’ve absorbed sunlight. Go check yourself on the mirror.” she pointed at a door behind me.

“What do you mean? I just glow with sunlight, don’t I?.” I tilted my head, having forgotten my own species features.

“Yes, you glow. You also absorb it and improve yourself with it.” she stood up. “Go, I need to change clothes in the meantime. This are too tight.” she said, pulling at the linen pants she was wearing. Those were about to burst, her bottom was that thick.

I went to the door, a bathroom inside. I was surprised for a second, but then again, in a world of magic, people with incredible lifespans could easily come up with construction technology. Egyptians had pipes thousands of years ago for fucks sake, why couldn’t a dwarf or something think of it.

I stood in front of a full body mirror and froze. My mind reeled for a minute until I understood that the reflection in front of me was of myself.

Gold. The color was everywhere. My skin, my hair, my lips, my eyes. I did, in fact, look like I was touched by King Midas. There was no uncanny feeling, however. I did not look like a statue, just a really golden person. My hair was braided as I did every morning, shades darker than my skin. I pulled it in front of me and it reached my knees. That didn’t change. My lips were a pale gold, full and plump. I pouted and even I was struck by the effect. I smiled and platinum silver teeth showed themselves.

What the fuck. I took a step forward. They looked like chromium.

“And then act like I don’t know nobody.” I imitated a dude from a video from years ago, and the image was hilarious. Though they were not diamond, it was still funny.

Though I was actively trying not to look, my eyes were next. Though fascinating, they were not something that overly shocked me. If my skin was a glowing gold, my hair a dull gold, my eyes were the color of molten gold. My pupils were strangely crossed horizontally by my iris. It was weird, but didn’t impair my vision.

“Quite pretty.” I whispered. I took my clothes off and admired my new body, keeping the underwear on.

Contrary to what I thought would happen, my skin was uniform in its golden hue, veins and arteries noticeable here and there along with muscles underneath. The nature of my skin left me guessing at their color, perhaps too thick or the color too rich. I hope I never see my blood.

I made an angry face and I noticed the line in my eyes turning into an X. Weird, but acceptable.

Truth be told, it was mostly the same face I had before with slight adjustments and a higher quality of beauty. Sharper eyes, better skin and finer features.

I turned my head to the side and noticed sharp ears. Though not long as Lapia’s, they had a pointy end. My tongue was longer, easily reaching the underside of my chin. It too, was golden. Compared to running water, a mirror showed way more details.

I moved my top aside and saw light golden nipples. Figures. I chuckled.

I held my breasts and pushed them up, not feeling a difference in weight. I supported them with an arm and with the other held my chin, smiling seductively. Pretty effective. Gonna take a while to get used, I might turn into a narcissist.

I took a long look at the reflection. Broad shoulders, strong arms, medium sized breasts, sculpted abs, a tight muscled waist and wide hips with a meaty bottom followed by thick toned thighs. Pretty hot. I agreed with Lapia. I imagined my body would have looked like this if I went to the gym when I was a teenager.

I looked at my hands and examined my digits. My fingernails were a far cry from Elven claws, though looked like they would rend skin and flesh nonetheless. Half the length of Lapia’s, they were a silvery color similar to my teeth. I looked closer and noticed my fingerprints were straight, vertical lines.

Then I looked down. The final hurdle. My penis.

I took a deep breath and took my underwear off, returning them to my storage when they came off.

There it hung in its golden glory. I gently grabbed it and raised it, checking underneath. No testicles. I felt myself release a breath of relief I did not register I was holding. There was no pubic hair either. The only noticeable details were the veins under my skin. I could not hold the entire thing with my hand, and my fingers barely closed around it. I felt a shudder run down my spine to the pit of my stomach. I had experienced one of these monsters a few times in the past.

Moving past glorious memories, I began slowly pulling back. The foreskin retreating and the glans coming in contact with the air sent a paralyzing shiver from my tailbone to the top of my head. I powered through. Every freed centimeter sent stronger signals to my brain. I clenched my teeth. The sensation was extremely alien. It reminded me of stimulating the clitoris, but in a much, much larger scale. My butt hole was tightened and my legs tense.

At last, I had finished the process. There, a dull golden glans connected to the end of the member. The urethra was considerably darker in shade. I sighed, the stimulation was too much.

As I finished checking that, I reached down and confirmed my vulva was just behind the penis. I checked and the mythical clitoris was there. It hadn’t been replaced. That raised many questions inside my head, but I ignored them. Those were not important, really. I slowly traced a finger across my labia, checking if anything was amiss. Everything was fine under heaven.

However, I felt a pulse coming from my phallus. Slowly but surely, I was having an erection. The entire thing was beating at the rhythm of my heart, bouncing as I let it go. In but a few seconds, there stood what could be called a massive cock. A few memories made my breath quicken, and I tried to quash them.

I took deep breaths, closing my eyes and letting my mind wander into whatever it was it wanted to explore. Two minutes later, my rhythmic breathing and hands on my hips helped return my new partner back to its regular, though still large, shape.

Was that stress or tiredness? I wondered. I wasn’t aroused or excited. Maybe the pulling back did that. Or all the above. I was satisfied with that conclusion.

I put the underwear back on and ran a hand through my now shrunk manhood? Pecker? Dick? I found nothing that would indicate I had one in the first place. Truly magical panties.

I turned around and flexed my back muscles.

"Hmmm." I purred at the sight of my own muscles.

I took a last look at my Halve body and summoned a regular black t-shirt, a white hoodie and gray sweatpants. I stopped and returned them. I tried wearing them directly from my storage.

The first time nothing happened. I then visualized them on me and made the mental exercise of pulling them to reality. The shirt was on, but the hoodie was backwards, the pants had only one leg in, falling to the tiled floor. I repeated the action in reverse, and they disappeared into my storage.

Five minutes went by and results were varied. Finally, I imagined myself dressing up and summoned the clothes. This time it was a complete success. Praised be E’er affinity! I raised both arms in a Y shape.

I left the bathroom and saw Lapia sitting on the table, wearing a white dress that covered both front and back. Her long legs were bare along with her arms. The piece of clothing hugging her body.

“That was fast.” she said, setting a thin book aside, her eyes going over my body. “What are those?” her eyebrows raised.

“Comfy clothes.” I gestured at her choice of garments. “What are those?” I asked back, sitting down at the table.

“Everyday clothes.” she said reaching for my hoodie. “May I?”

“Suit yourself.” I extended an arm, allowing the Elf to feel the material.

She ran a hand up my arm, grabbing the hood of the item. “Feels nice.” she said leaning back looking me in the eyes and smirking.

“Beats wearing leather.” I pulled the neckline. “More room to breathe.” my face heated up and I looked away for a second.

“You look...” she stared at me for a few seconds. “More relaxed.” she smiled.

“I do feel that way.” I looked at her. “You too.”

“All thanks to you.” she supported her chin with a hand, elbow on the table.

We looked each other in the eye for a few minutes. “I don’t really know what to say.” I giggled, unconsciously pouting.

Lapia smiled. “Me neither.” she sighed. “I feel really grateful, and I know that saying ‘thank you’ all the time is tiring. So I don’t.” she offered her hand across the table. “Sometimes...” I took it, her warm digits entwining with mine. “Silence and action is the best.”

I nodded, relaxing on my seat and caressing her hand with my thumb.

“Is there anything you want to ask?” she said. “In terms of the world, I mean.”

“What’s up with the numbers I see when I read my information?” I recalled them and though I understood the growth rate, not much else was clear. Reality too different from the game I was accustomed to.

“Those are representations of your might. Strength is self explanatory, constitution shows how tough you are, intelligence is your potency when manipulating E’er, and it has nothing to do with a person’s mental capacity when learning things. Wisdom represents how much E’er you have available for manipulation. Dexterity is also self explanatory.” she smiled. “Growing up, people absorb E’er from their surroundings and improve their bodies. One can train the body and mind to absorb E’er in different ways. Once enough skills are learned, the 'system' labels them with a globally agreed upon term.”

“What are skills, then?” I tilted my head. “Is reading and writing not a skill?”

“Not specific enough to belong to a class. Not anymore.” she shook her head. “Accessibility to education increased to the point that everybody would have the same class if it was treated as such.” small purple sparks flew from her finger. “I studied E’er, becoming a Wizard. Then I specialized my knowledge in Pyromancy. I first learned to manipulate E’er into thermal energy, then controlling enough of it to produce flames. Fire has many uses, and the system recognizes such skills under that class.”

“Would you not be a Pyromancer if the system didn’t recognize them?” I asked.

“I’d be a higher level Wizard, though specialized, becoming a High Wizard.” she nodded. “Classes are founded that way, a group of people share their knowledge and the system recognizes their skills to be specific and attainable enough to be a class.” she smiled. “That is an amazingly good thing. It forces the scholastic elite that prides themselves in being unique to get off their high horses.” she chuckled.

“What happens to being a Wizard, is it replaced by the new class?” Reality turned fantasy was astonishing.

“Not entirely. Basic techniques remain, and the rest either transform or change into something else.” she raised a finger. “Take a warrior for example.” and pointed at me. “Basic training would require you to be aware of your surroundings, to exert yourself and survive combat. Techniques would be learned so that you act accordingly. Then a warrior takes up a spear and trains with it. Previous techniques would still be there, but the most important ones would transform into spear related skills, due to the warrior understanding and linking them to newly acquired knowledge.” she tapped her temple. “This rules everything, the 'system' just shows you.”

“How do you learn skills, then?” I got a little confused.

“Take your own example, how do you learn to read?” she smiled, then realized something. “Except Halves, you are born knowing.”

I nodded. “Repetition, then.”

"That's right. When you have mastered knowledge of something, you integrate it into yourself, allowing E'er expenditure, transforming it into a skill."

I thought of something. “How many classes can be obtained?”

“Well, it depends.” she gave me a wry smile. “At first, your body can only hold so much E’er, so the number of skills that can be recognized are somewhat limited. At the age of ten, as you reach level ten, also, the E’er within you reacts to your knowledge, some can choose if they know too many skills that can be recognized. Then when one reaches level one hundred, E’er within you has become dense enough to allow further recognition. Then at two hundred and fifty in both classes, then five hundred in three. The rest is up to speculation.”

What? Is this a cultivation world?

“What do you mean choose?” I asked, that caught my attention.

“Well, will you follow the path of a warrior, wizard, scout, archer, craftsman?” she looked at me like the answer was obvious. “Who has the time to learn it all? A wizard who exercises regularly won’t gain combat classes, their time is mostly occupied with learning the Laws of E’er.”

“What if some classes share some general knowledge?” A few classes from the game coming to mind. “If an archer crafts their own bows and arrows, for example.” If the classes were similar, that’d be easier for me in the future.

“They’ll be a Fletcher.” she answered instantly. “A warrior that crafts their own armor and weapons will be a Squire. Though none like the name.” she chuckled. “A wizard that does similarly will be an Enchanter.” she smiled. “There’s enough variety in classes to cover most niche activities, because there was a group of individuals that shared their knowledge and were recognized, receiving a name.”

“I see.” those classes I remembered. “What if I started studying the laws of E’er, then?” I remembered the formulas from the staff. I grimaced internally.

“You’re a Halve, E’er would become second nature faster than any species. But depending on its nature, the new class wouldn’t complement previous ones.” she thought for a second. “Most people who go out and venture the world group with others that compensate for their weaknesses. Perculis joined with Helena and Rozaria, a healer and a warrior respectively.”

“What was he?” I asked, this Perculis fellow was brought up again.

“An Archon.” she said as someone knocked on the door. “Our food is here.”

She stood up, and went to opened the door. A middle aged lady pushed a trolley into the room, the smell of roasted meat permeating the previously odorless space. She was wearing a white apron on top of a black dress of sorts. She looked like a maid. She smiled at us and gestured at the various containers on the trolley.

“Roasted boar, boiled vegetables, fruits and rice.” they were covered by silver domes. She took them off one by one and the smell intensified. She carried the pots containing the vegetables and rice to the table, the meat laying on a slab of metal.

The fruits sat on a basket she placed next to me, smiling. She put two wooden plates on the table along with silverware I doubted was silver. She grabbed a thick cloth, covering the sides of the metal slab holding the meat, and put it in the middle of the table on top of another piece of thick cloth.

From under the trolley, she produced three glass bottles and a medium sized barrel. One bottle was what looked like wine, the others juice and water. The barrel had a tap for serving the contents. She put glasses and cups on the table and pushed the trolley to the door.

“Have a nice meal, and an even better night, ladies.” she smiled and left, closing the door behind her.

I glanced at the food, feeling a rumble on my insides. I wasn’t particularly hungry, but the display was seducing my senses.

“Let’s dig in, then.” Lapia said with a wide smile, her sharp teeth peeking from under her succulent lips.

Stop that. I halted the line of though. People’s lips aren’t succulent.

My attention back on the food, I took a slice of pork and some vegetables that were actually just potatoes, broccoli and cauliflower. The meat was delicious and the vegetables rich in flavor. I finished eating quickly. I reached for the water bottle, but was stopped by Lapia’s hand.

“That’s alcohol.” she warned me.

“What kind?” I took the bottle anyway and inspected its contents.

“Potato spirit.” she said, taking a bite from her food.

My eyes went wide. Vodka?! I removed the cap, squashing the thin metal under my grip in my haste. I sniffed the contents and surely enough, the overpowering smell of high percentage alcohol assaulted my nose and my face scrunched up. My lips met the bottle and long gulps went through my throat.

“Yooo...” Lapia’s surprised voice matched her face.

“This is pretty good.” I said, licking my lips. I drank a third in one go. It was pretty mediocre if I was honest, but high quality is not necessary for vodka to be good.

“Let’s hope your liver is as strong as you are.” she shook her head. “I don’t want to deal with a drunk Halve.” she shuddered at her words.

I ate more meat as I drank the vodka. Lapia took her time with her meal, annihilating the vegetables mostly by herself. When we finished, the rice pot sat almost untouched, the Elf eating very little and me not bothering with it. The fruits were juicy and sweet, an assortmentof tiny apples and pears.

“That hit the spot.” she sighed and leaned back on her seat.

I had finished the alcohol, a pleasant buzz at the back of my head, a smile on my face.

The Elf was drinking something that looked and smelled like beer, served from the small barrel.

“Hey, Natasha.” her voice was tired and smooth. I perked up at her calling me directly by my name for the first time. “What’s it like, waking up as a Halve?” she took a long sip from her drink.

“Confusing, exciting, scary.” I recalled the first days. “I thought it would be an epic tale of adventure, friendship and romance. Then I killed ten people in the blink of an eye.” my hand shook and a jolt went up my spine, a queasy feeling in my chest.

“Want to know a little something?” she looked at me with a smirk. I nodded. “You are the second Halve I’ve met, and you both show the same symptoms after your first kill.” her smirk turned into a shit eating grin. “Your body will remember the rush. It will try to reenact the flood of adrenaline and emotion until you do it again. Whether beast or people, the second kill is cathartic.”

I had recognized the withdrawal, but didn’t want to label it as such. Both because I thought it was mental trauma and because it was too fast to form an addiction. I wasn’t particularly haunted by the faces of those I killed. It was the memory of the shower of guts and blood that made me quiver. The very next day I realized my reaction to the events was more an emotional overload than disgust, and yet I did not address it.

“How come?” though the alcohol buzz was there, it was not enough to impair my thoughts. My liver lived up to expectations.

“No clue.” she shrugged. “Your minds are constructed for conflict, perhaps?” she waved that off. “Matters not. I see you struggling with something when you mention the bandits you killed, and that is perfectly normal. If you choose not to kill again, it will fade with time. If you choose to kill, it will instantly disappear.” she gave me a gentle smile. “Both choices are fine.”

“Sounds more complicated than I feel it.” I told her. “However, I see your point. Thanks.”

“Not at all.” she chuckled. “Anyway. Do you have a general idea of what you want to do from now on?”

“Go around, explore, see the world.” I shrugged. “I’ve no need for money, I don’t like the thought of staying behind walls, and a whole world sounds too exciting to pass on.”

“Great.” she had a weirdly excited smile, but covered her mouth and let out a long yawn. “I’m spent.”

“Same.” I said, the buzz from the alcohol and the relaxation of being out of relative danger allowed for tiredness to creep in. “It’s pretty late.” I looked out the window and the dark sky was surprisingly not stained by the many streetlights.

Lapia stood up and walked to the window, closing the curtains. I removed my underwear with the super amazing power of storage and sighed in relief as my chest was liberated from the constrains of the surprisingly comfortable swimsuit. No piece of garment in existence would beat the feeling of freed breasts. My new partner dangled inside my sweatpants, slightly uncomfortable, but not out of place. I also removed the hoodie, leaving me in my sweatpants and t-shirt.

The King sized bed was bouncy and comfortable, the sheets smooth on my naked feet and arms. I saw Lapia undressing and entering her side of the bed naked, she lied on her stomach and her butt stuck out from under the covers. That’s a thicc ass. I commented in my mind.

She waved towards the lamp on the ceiling and the light turned off. I closed my eyes, relaxing my breathing and mind.

“Hey.” a whisper next to me made me turn. Lapia grabbed my arm and closed in. “Good night.” she gave me a quick kiss on the lips.

“Sleep well.” I said back, caressing her face and smiling.

I closed my eyes again, and this time no horny flirty Elf kept me from falling asleep.

Screeches and growls surrounded me. The source of the aggressive cacophony rushing to me. Corpses littered the ground of a massive cave. My naked feet tread on a yellow sticky liquid that filled the air with the stench of vomit, piss and shit. The first creature reached me, flinging clawed hands on my naked torso. Gashes as wide as my fingers and just as deep spurted crimson blood on both the creature and me.

I screamed in pain and rage, grabbing the offender by the horns it grew on both temples. I jumped on the spawn and wrapped my legs on it, twisting my upper torso, breaking its neck and separating the head from the body, a shower of the same liquid that covered the ground from wall to wall fell on me.

I bit the stump and sucked with all my strength, the all consuming taste of urine bringing me to the edge of ecstasy. Falling down and quickly standing up, I heabutted the severed head with all my might and split it in three pieces, now holding its horns as makeshift weapons. I ran at the approaching horde, my wounds closing and my energy renewed.

Pain. Agony. Suffering. Death.

Kill! Kill! Kill them all!!

Consume! Pain! Death! Consume!! Survive!!! Live!!!

Annihilate! Obliterate! Exterminate! Extinguish! Eliminate! Kill!

I jumped into their numbers, swinging my improvised weapons around, kicking, and biting.

"DIIIEEE!!!!" my throat bled as my loud scream injured my vocal cords.

Demonic beasts fell as fast as they approached. Those that had any body part resembling weapons I could use fell first, twisted, broken, ripped open and apart by my bare hands to be used as tools to bring death upon their kind. Beheading, dismembering, bisecting, impaling. My body cleaved, impaled, cut open, crushed, and destroyed in equal amounts.

Every time I received injuries, I’d feast on the corpses of the fallen, consuming blood, flesh and all manner of fluids I could get my hands on to heal and strengthen the most important tool I had access to.

Spawns were slowly replaced by bigger, stronger demons as time passed. Their bodies magnitudes tougher, though ultimately useless in the path of my unending thirst for death.

I felt primal, unending hunger. Such starvation caused madness to break my mind, finding the briefest of respite when consuming those I butchered. Nothing more than prey for me to slaughter.

I lost legs, arms and sections of my torso. The sheer amount of blood and flesh I consumed changing my body to regenerate even mortal wounds. The pain, however, was crippling, bringing waves of insanity and unhinged madness which empowered my rage, breaking my body time and time again to end those in front of me.

Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill.

My mind broken by unimaginable pain and rage. My body abused to its limits and forced to adapt or die.

Until there remained one demon among a sea of carcasses. A female like me. I could smell it.

"L̶̷̲̅ö̶̷̲̅ ̶̷̲̅ғ̶̷̲̅ᴇ̶̷̲̅ɴ̶̷̲̅ ̶̷̲̅ᴋ̶̷̲̅ᴀ̶̷̲̅ᴊ̶̷̲̅ʜ̶̷̲̅!̶̷̲̅ ̶̷̲̅R̶̷̲̅ë̶̷̲̅ ̶̷̲̅s̶̷̲̅ᴋ̶̷̲̅ᴜ̶̷̲̅ɴ̶̷̲̅ ̶̷̲̅ᴍ̶̷̲̅ᴀ̶̷̲̅ᴀ̶̷̲̅s̶̷̲̅ᴛ̶̷̲̅!̶̷̲̅!!"

She snarled something and the world around me shook. Her wings kept her floating high above ground, near the ceiling.

I hated that.

Beasts such as them should not enjoy power.

I did not.

All should suffer. Pain. Anger. Hunger. Kill. CONSUME!!

I leaped and reached her in an instant. She tried to dodge, only to expose her back. Holding onto her wings, I placed my feet between her shoulder blades and pulled until my muscles screamed and bones creaked.

"DIE!!" I screamed as I plucked her wings off.

She screamed in pain and rage.

The fall was a storm of blood and flesh as I grabbed everything I could and ripped it from her. My body tattered as she fought back, claws and teeth rending my body. I ate what I took from her, forcing the flesh down with her own blood, and sometimes even mine.

Her screams shook the world, saying things in a tongue alien to me.

I locked her in position when her struggles ceased, my legs around her head and my arms keeping her own legs open, devouring what was between them. We crashed on the ground, her head first, bursting like many creatures before.

Screeches and growls surrounded me. A new wave approached. A savage smile twisting my face in anticipation, insatiable hunger and unquenchable thirst. As long as I lived, all would die!

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