Natasha the Halve

50 – Paarjo, Capital of Lumin Kingdom.

I looked down from the blue sky above while slowly turning my head around.

A whitish gray city filled my vision. Most buildings were towers and tall buildings similar to skyscrapers in height. It was oddly similar to Riverfield in architecture, but noticeably less varied in the shape of edifices.

A floating city is not enough, huh? My thoughts became a little acidic. You also want tall buildings on it for all that is fucking holy.

I sighed.

An uncountable amount of people filled a plaza in front of the platform we stood on. The large space had a multitude of stalls and stores on it. A massive fountain stood in the middle of it, where children played. Performers did their thing with instruments and sang songs for the people around them.

I glanced at the ground, and the same whitish gray material split the many buildings with paths, streets, and roads going in all directions.

People rode animals and vehicles of many kinds, including the weird and unnerving machine-looking construct I saw in Riverfield. The things let out a low thrumming noise. They also floated a few centimeters off the ground.

Magitech? I wondered. Well, advanced magitech... considering lights, showers, ovens, refrigerators and more work with enchantments people feed with E'er to work.

I was a little amazed.

“Welcome, Your Excellency,” Alastor bowed gracefully. “To Paarjo, Capital city of Lumin Kingdom.”

A growl came from above and I shot my head up.

A fucking Wyvern flew over, its large wings flapping and its long tail swinging around. On its back, a person sat holding reins of all things.

Oh, no. They are all psychopaths, I lamented the fate of the country.

The lizard was a bit too far to appraise, so I didn't know for sure if it was a Wyvern. It didn't have arms, so it wasn't a Dragon. It soon disappeared behind one of the many towers, which made me realize there were actually quite the number of flying creatures around as more came to view and circled the airspace above.

“How are you doing?” Lapia next to me asked, tilting her head and peeking at the front side of my helmet.

“Trying not to think about it,” I replied, escaping reality.

She smiled and looked to the front.

“Shall we?” Alastor gestured at the large plaza ahead.

I turned to the Watchers, and found them guiding the criminals to a building behind us. The now familiar Watcher office – blue with a red pickax and ship – welcomed the bound people inside.

I noticed Elena joining them, probably to get her case in order or something along those lines.

She has to go to the embassy after all, I recalled.

I turned back to the man and gave him a nod.

He moved off the platform and my group followed him. I did my best to ignore the fact there was an empty void below me while taking steady steps.

Alastor, now a tour guide apparently, began a short explanation of the surroundings.

“As you see around us, this is one of the many markets that dot our city. Here you can find foodstuffs and disposable tools,” he walked as he explained, nodding at each merchant along the way. “Further deeper, however, is one of the largest and most varied markets in Lumin Kingdom,” he turned his head to me and gave me a polite smile. “I'm sure Your Excellency will find anything that could be of interest there.”

We followed him to the street at the edge of the plaza, where an opulent carriage pulled by two Untu sat. A female Tigea sat at the front, holding the reins. She was dressed in similar clothes as Alastor.

The vehicle was adorned in royal blue with golden and silver details here and there. Its windows were tinted a dark gray so the interior was blocked.

The man stared at it for a few seconds, then turned to look at our mounts.

“Ahem,” he brought a fist in front of his face and his ears twitched a few times. “It appears a ride is not needed,” he turned to me with a tight smile, ”Would Your Excellency consider joining me inside nonetheless?”

I gave him a nod, “Sure, no problem.”

Sonya growled and pushed me with her big head.

I chuckled and turned to her, “Don't worry, girl. I'll be back before you know it.”

Alyssa let out an amused giggle and approached the Ratnak, then caressed the beast's scales with a scaly hand of her own, “I'll accompany Sonya.”

“Thanks, Alyssa,” I gave her hand a gentle squeeze and turned to the carriage.

I followed the man inside. He sat down at the front seat of the carriage and I sat opposite of him. His eyes flashed purple for a second and the bustle from outside disappeared. Only our breathing, the sound of my metallic armor, and the rustling of his clothes could be heard inside the vehicle.

“Nobody should be able to hear us,” he informed me. “I've read the newspaper and learned Your Excellency prefers to be called by name. Would it be too daring for me to do so?”

I raised my eyebrows behind my helmet, then replied in Kator, “Please do. Lady Natasha is fine.”

He smiled at me knowing the language, “Very well,” he fixed the neck of his vest and relaxed a little. “Lady Natsha, His Majesty the King is not well. We expected you to arrive next year, to be honest. We know how busy Protectors are. I personally appreciate your haste.”

That was a surprise.

“The letter I received mentioned the King not having much time left,” I moved my face behind my helmet to check if any snot or tears escaped while I was riding the Platform of Death. All was fine so I stored my helmet. “My companions and I assumed we had four months at best.”

“I was informed of the contents of the letter,” he nodded with a complicated smile, looking into my eyes. He knocked the vehicle's ceiling twice and the carriage started moving. “His Highness Prince Rinald is perhaps the closest to His Majesty the King. Being His Majesty's youngest Royal son makes the two of them pretty close.”


“I see,” I relaxed a little. “Could you describe the King's symptoms to me?”

“I have not met His Majesty since he became... ill,” he winced, and his left ear twitched once. “The fact he's under a dark spell is also kept secret to not worry the people. He's very loved, you see. No amount of volunteering would help, I'm afraid.”

Sheesh, I nodded, “When can I see him?” I looked him in the eye. “The faster, the better.”

His expression darkened a bit, growing more complicated, “His Majesty is... addicted to his work, never taking a break longer than a week. Her Majesty the Queen is similar in that regard, unfortunately. Both work too hard for the country,” he let out a regretful sigh. “Today is Fifthday, so an appointment could be scheduled for tomorrow afternoon.”

So, a workaholic. Got it, I nodded, “Sounds good. I will explore the city in the meantime.”

“Would you like me to show you around, Lady Natasha?” he gave me an amused smile, “Or would you rather find Paarjo's little beauties by yourself?”

I smiled and looked outside for a second.

My companions were riding the mounts next to the carriage. Alyssa was riding Sonya, and the image of the horned woman on top of the red drake was breathtaking.

“I was thinking about visiting somewhere I could read a lot of books,” I admitted with a chuckle, turning to him. “ I would appreciate if you could point me to the most complete library.”

He nodded and thought for a second, “We are heading towards Split Tower, where I hope you will find appropriate lodgings that would fit your taste. There is a Church two blocks to the north. You can find every record there.”

Split Tower? I gulped. I have a bad feeling.

“Every record?” I inquired with a raised eyebrow, more interested in that part of the conversation.

“Ah, I see you're a Lady of culture,” he gave me an approving nod, perhaps misinterpreting my gulp as thirst for knowledge. “Yes, every record. At least those that are publicly available. As you might already know, Divine Records are kept by the respective schools under each God.”

I nodded. Had no clue about that. I smiled and appraised the man.

[Alastor, Egys Tigea Lvl 203 Archivist]

Cultured, indeed.

I leaned back on the seat, “Do you know where I can purchase a piano?”

He nodded, “There is a Performer School of the Arts near our destination. You may purchase any instrument you may fancy there, or you can visit the main market and find a wide variety of goods. Paarjo may have just the thing for you, Lady Natasha.”

I gave him an appreciative nod. How do I ask about sex toys? I wondered, staring at the man in front of me.

He just smiled back.

Asking a man is a bit... I better ask Yolin. She came here before, apparently.

The following minutes were spent making small conversation. Alastor asked about my dungeon dives so far, and I told him it was fun and interesting.

After about thirty minutes the carriage stopped and he opened the door, then came out.

I followed him out and was greeted by the noisy bustle of the city.

Much to my endless relief, the building in front of us was not a literal tower, but a thick building of medium height. It was probably a hundred meters wide and fifty tall. It looked like a supermarket. Taller edifices surrounded it, however. The whitish gray material they were built with looked pretty nice under the suns.

The building had 'Split Tower' written on a slab of stone that hang on the front wall.

“This way, if you would,” Alastor called to me and walked towards the building. “There is a rest post inside.”

We followed the man and entered the building through a very broad and tall gate. Inside, a large number of animals were lazying about. Untu, Tateli, Bhin, and more I didn't know the name of. The smell of animal waste hit my nose with the force of a supernova.

I smiled as I had gotten used to Sonya's dumps. A metallic diet was... the smelliest I had ever encountered. Worse than hangover diarrhea.

A young-looking Shishi Tigea came out a person-sized door at the back wall and approached Alastor.

They shared a few words and the newcomer nodded, then went back inside.

My companions 'parked' our mounts and I approached Sonya once Alyssa got off.

“See?” I told the Ratnak, playfully pushing her head from side to side. “Mommy is back before you knew it.”

Yolin laughed and dismounted Pochi, then walked to me and nudged my side, “Mommy? You're spoiling her too much.”

I shrugged, “I like her, and she's my little Sonya. Nothing wrong with that.”

The Oni smiled and pinched my left cheek, “Are you doing better?”

I sighed, “Probably will sleep like shit.”

“I bet,” came Lapia's catchphrase from the side. “Don't worry, we can cuddle all you want.” She walked to us with the rest of the group and gestured at Alastor with her head, “Any news?”

“An appointment will be scheduled to meet the King,” I sighed, running a hand through my hair. “I'm told he's a workaholic.”

“A what?” Alyssa chipped in, confusion on her face.

“Addicted to work,” I explained.

Everybody nodded in understanding.

“If you would?” our guide called to us.

We followed him deeper inside through the smaller door and came to a reception of sorts. We registered and I tried to get the lowest floor available. Unfortunately there was no vacancy for floors below the twentieth. The towers next to the building were the actual lodgings, not the supermarket-sized building. I contemplated my entire existence as I signed the paperwork. I could simply not look outside.

A few minutes and a seemingly endless staircase later, we got to our new temporary residence.

Alastor stayed outside and caught my attention with a small gesture.

“Lady Natasha,” he began, giving me a well-practiced bow. “I will inform you of any update. It has been a pleasure, and I hope you enjoy your stay. If you need anything, don't hesitate to contact me through the concierge.”

“Same,” I smiled, offering a hand. “It's been a pleasure.”

He hesitated for a few seconds, but decided to reciprocate the handshake.

That's the good stuff, I thought, giving his hand a gentle squeeze to avoid shattering his bones. None of that Excellency shit.

We shared a smile and he turned around, then left with energetic steps.

A bit bland, but helpful in the end, I stared at the man walking away.

I went inside the apartment and let out a quiet laugh while walking to the living room. Then walked to Yolin and prepared myself to annoy the shit out of the Oni.

“So, Six Fists of the North,” I hugged her waist and lifted her, then spun a few times among the furniture. “Care to tell me how that came to be?”

She groaned.


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