Natasha the Halve

61 – To catch a predator (4)

Lapia took hesitant sniffs around and her expression became confused, then turned to me, “I can't smell anything out of the ordinary, though?”

“I think that's good,” I nodded, taking a step toward the staircase. “The smell is anything but gentle.”

“Will you be okay?” Lapia placed a hand on my shoulder, “Mentally, I mean.”

I nodded, “With you next to me, probably yes.”

She chuckled, “I bet.”

I smiled and gestured to the staircase, “Let's go.”

We walked to it and I took a deep sniff. The smell was coming from the lower floors. A gentle breeze pushed the scent and I got a vague feeling of direction from it.

I went down the staircase, following the scent of the Demon and Lapia followed behind me. After descending three floors, we came into yet another hallway. The windows to the left illuminated the space, giving it a clean image in the afternoon hours.

I had to constantly swallow my saliva while walking and fight the urge to go on all fours and hunt the Demon like an predator. Snippets of memories from Hell flashed in my mind, increasing my heartbeat slightly. I tightened my hands and jaw, and a low rumble tickled my body.

I was excited, thrilled, worried, and a little horny. A smile made its way to my face and the rumble grew in volume.

“Natasha,” Lapia called out to me. “You're growling.”

I stopped breathing and the rumble stopped as well. A chuckle escaped me and I shook my head, “I'm a bit excited.”

“I didn't tell you to stop,” she replied in a playful voice. “That's really hot.”

I could only laugh in return.

We continued walking and following the trail. We left the living quarters behind us and approached the kitchens. The smell of food increased in intensity the more we walked.

I was thinking of the possible effects a mind Demon could have on the people close to it. I wasn't told of any unusual behavior other than the King's so I assumed he was the only victim. Perhaps the nature of sexual behaviors being more accepted in this world prevented others to realize the increase in debauchery if that was the case. Even though I had thought of the Demon as a succubus, I had no real proof that it was the kind I knew of. Perhaps the fact it engaged in sex while in dreams was what made me jump to conclusions.

Also, nobody mentioned missing people or the like. The possibility of the Demon being rather passive was another factor I had to consider. I was sure I would have been told if people died or became violent.

The evidence was, if anything, rather lacking.

To me, Demons are violent creatures that attack anything that moves with reckless abandon. Mindless violence was not present in what I saw, so it confused me a little.

The smell, too, was tame compared to what I remembered smelling in Hell. There was a sweetness to it that I was unfamiliar with, and I felt no real sense of danger from my Halven instincts. Other than the King's injuries, temperament, and mental health, I had no indication that the Demon was violent in the first place.

Regardless, I would not hesitate to cull the creature. Sentient or not, it was not something I would take chances with when considering the future. Maybe the King would eventually die and then it would possess another person, spreading fear and uncertainty to the point the Kingdom itself could be at stake due to the internal turmoil of the people governing it.

I believe people are free to think however they please. It's when thoughts become actions that problems arise. The short explanation the King gave me about taxes and the economic system was enough for me to see there was no totalitarian regime or financial abuse of the populace with predatory economic practices. Things were more complex than I initially thought but in a good way.

So far I had not seen a single homeless person or beggar in the streets.

My experience with Ren Dabrak had not been the best introduction to people with political power since the woman was a little too overbearing with treating me with too much respect. Royalty was different in that aspect, perhaps being in relatively secure power allowed for a closer relationship with my species to the point of allowing the Princess to act like a little shit. Something I honestly appreciated.

I stopped in front of a door in the middle of the hallway. The thick smell of food came from behind it, and the Demon scent pointed in that direction as well.

Lapia stood behind me.

I opened the door and walked past the threshold.

The walls and floor we tiled, and steam filled the air with the smell of boiled vegetables and roasted meat. Kitchen tables occupied the room, pots and pans on top of them in burners.

A few Tigeas wearing white aprons were cooking, giving me a single glance and then continuing with their work.

I walked in and took shallow sniffs while passing next to the cooks. They were drenched with the smell of food, so I moved on.

A door at the back of the kitchen led us to a small open space with a tree in the middle.

A single Tigea was sitting on a bench next to the tree, smoking a long cigarette and talking to a bird on her shoulder. She had red eyes and the brownish hair of a Shishi. A white apron covered her body, and leather boots wrapped her feet.

Her eyes widened and she looked in my direction the moment the door closed.

“Shit!” she hissed and stood up, then ran away to another door on the opposite side of the patio.

I equipped my helmet and appraised the woman, taking advantage of the 'True Sight' it had.

[Felyareth, Lvl 900]

A bestial growl left my throat and a smile of pure joy split my face.

“FOUND YOOOOUUUU!” I scream/sang, then leaped at it with all my strength.

It threw herself on the floor, making me miss.

I crashed into the wall, destroying the stone as if it was a sand castle and rolled into the room.

The people inside screamed in surprise, shock, and fear.

The room was a bathroom, and naked Tigeas in pools and bathtubs stood up with confused and angry faces.

I stood up and turned to the Demon, ignoring the naked people.

It was still lying on the ground, arms and legs spread wide open.

I waited for it to stand up, but no matter how long it remained on the ground.

“Your Excellency?” one of the naked Tigeas approached me. “May I asked what is going on?”

“Halve business,” I replied, not looking at him. “Go inside to safety.”

The man nodded and walked away, saying things to the other naked people.

After a few seconds I was left standing alone in the bathroom looking out through the hole in the wall.

I clicked my tongue and walked out of the bathroom and towards the Demon.

It still didn't move.

[Felyareth, Lvl 900]

Still alive, I observed.

I flipped it on its back using an armored boot and stared at its face.

Terror would be the most accurate word to describe the face I was looking at.

I chuckled, “But there's one they fear. In their tongue I'm HaalVak... Hellwalker! Tatataaan tatataaan~”

The Demon twitched when I spoke infernal.

I placed a foot on top of its chest and looked around for Lapia.

The Elf was still standing near the door to the kitchen, staff in hand and ready to cast spells. Her eyes were glued to the Demon under my foot.

I glanced at the Demon and pushed my foot down with a little strength, “If you hurt her I'll eat your body and heal you for as long as I can.”

Tears came out of the Demons eyes and it gave me a shaky nod.

“Good,” I turned to Lapia. “You can come closer.”

She walked over to us and stopped five meters from the Demon, “Natasha... That's a Tigea.”

I shook my head, “Use the sunglasses I gave you in Mountroad.”

She retrieved them and put them on, then looked at the creature.

“I see,” she whispered. “Why is she not moving? Did you use a skill?”

“It, Lapia,” I corrected her. “Demons are animals, not people. And no, I think that's an instinctual fear. I didn't use any skill.”

She shook her head with a sigh.

I looked down at the Demon, “Why do you still look like a Tigea? That's in bad taste.”

Its shape shimmered and the form of a Demon was revealed. The clothes were the same, covering most of its body.

My foot moved by itself at the increase in chest size, but I pushed down.

“Better,” I nodded and removed my foot from its chest. I squatted down and stared into its black eyes, “Tell me, Demon. Where do you come from?”

Its breathing increased and more tears poured out of its eyes, “Hellwaker... p-please. Don't kill me!”

“Tsk tsk tsk,” I clicked my tongue in disapproval. “Not what I asked.”

I retrieved my spear and swung it at its left leg, cutting the limb clean.

“Argh!” it gasped in pain and shock.

Lapia gasped and looked at me with wide eyes, “Natasha! What are you doing?”

I tilted my head, “Getting information?”

She sighed, “Yeah, but what if she dies before you can get any information?”

I chuckled, choosing to ignore the fact she treated it as a person, and pulled a potion from my storage and showed it to her, “It won't.”

“Natasha,” Lapia spoke in a calm voice. “If you do this, you'll be no better than the bandits that captured me.”

That got me quiet for a second.

I took a deep, calming breath and focused on the Demon's bleeding leg. The liquid was a dark red instead of the bright yellow I saw in my dreams. All I saw in front of me was an animal that could only serve for consumption. To be butchered and eaten, or discarded for its inherent lack of value. Below an animal, even.

“Lapia,” I let out a complicated sigh and looked up at my girlfriend. “I genuinely can't see this as a person. I don't want to burden you with the responsibility of pulling me back if I go too far, but I'd appreciate it if you help me avoid committing atrocities.”

She laughed, “Isn't that the same? Well, I'll be happy to help you.”

I chuckled and nodded, then looked at the Demon. I swallowed my saliva and stood up, dropping the potion on its chest.

“Drink that,” I gestured at it and stored my weapon.

The smell of the Demon's blood tickled my nose and tempted my senses. My fingers itched to rip the spine off its back and suck the blood dry. To crack its head open and slurp the brain.

Ew, I winced in disgust at my thoughts. I'm going to need therapy after that mental image.

The Demon grabbed the potion with shaky hands and popped the cork, then drank the liquid.

The femur grew first, followed by nerves, blood vessels, muscles and skin. Then the knee, then the calves, and finally the hooves.

The other leg laid next to its body, so I grabbed it and stored it. I was going to kill it either way.

The Demon took deep breaths and tried calming down. Every time its eyes looked in my general direction, however, it was paralyzed by fear.

Hmm... I checked my Hellwalker title.


-Before you woke, as every individual of your species, you went through a trial. You grew powerful in an endless battle in the depths of the umbral planes. To survive, you had to adapt. You know the languages from Hell: Infernal and Abyssal. Lower Demons shall fear you and, as the second Halve to have gone through Hell, Higher Demons refer to you with this title. The trophies you earned this way are in your storage. Memories of that time will return to you with time or as you interact with said trophies.

So this is a lower Demon? I wondered, looking at the fearful creature. But it called me Hellwalker... Or is it that all Demons call me Hellwalker but the lower ones fear me and the higher ones hate me or something? I bit my lips, considering the title in a more serious light. This shit is confusing.

I looked down at the demon and scowled, “You asked me not to kill you. Why should I spare you?”

The Demon's eyes widened with a drop of hope and it gulped, “Because I'm not corrupted by the Abyss.”


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