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[Limited-time mission: Zombie Master Completion: 600/700. ]

"There are still 100 kills left, and the mission is almost completed."

Qin Shi looked at the Zanpakutō in his hand.

"However, the easy points have been taken, and the rest are the hard bones to chew."

Qin Shi adjusted his breathing while concentrating on restoring his spiritual power.

After the zombie convoy disappeared, the entire battlefield was briefly peaceful again.

"It seems that even in the endless mode, the players' consumption has been taken into consideration and a little rest time has been arranged."

"With just such a short time, how can ordinary players recover their lost spiritual power?"

"Only a strong man like me who has almost no consumption can use such a short time to return to the peak state."

After meditating for a while, Qin Shi stood up.

The spiritual power that was not consumed much was now full again.

"Here they come!"

Feeling the ground shaking, Qin Shi knew that a new wave of zombies was coming.

A group of zombies came from a distance.

In the front, there are ten zombies that are over ten meters tall, sturdy, and holding a long electric pole.

On its back, there is also an iron bucket.

Inside it stands a small zombie in red clothes.

The small zombie holds two white hemp ropes and drives the tall zombie in front of it like a horse-drawn carriage.

"Is this... Gargantuar?"

Qin Shi looked at the giant zombie in front of him that shook the ground when he walked.

Gargantuar, also known as the giant zombie, is a tall zombie in Plants vs. Zombies and one of the zombies with the highest health.

In addition to having a lot of health, Gargantuar has two other characteristics, the first of which is throwing imps.

When Gargantuar's health is less than half, it will throw the imp zombie behind it at the enemy to launch a surprise attack.

The second characteristic is knocking.

Gargantuar will use the electric pole in his hand to attack, which has a one-hit kill effect on plants.

"Instant kill plants? I'm afraid it will also kill players in one shot..."

Qin Shi looked at Gargantuar, who looked like he was in a daze.

"But it's not moving fast."

In addition to the giant zombie Gargantuar, Qin Shi also noticed a group of zombies as big as adults coming out from behind them.

"Rugby zombies... There are about eighty of them!"

"This is a force comparable to the Gargantuar zombie group."

The two waves of zombies made Qin Shi cheer up.

Rugby zombies not only have high vitality, but also move very fast.

The group of rugby zombies that appeared behind the giant zombies had already run ahead of the giant zombies.

"The vanguard?"

Qin Shi smiled coldly.

"Whoever comes first will die first!"

Outside the forest.

"Look at the time. This survivor has come to the third wave of zombie attacks."

"In the endless zombie mode, the number of zombies in each wave can be described as super large, and a single zombie is stronger and more difficult to deal with."

Principal Bai took a few sips of wine, wiped his mouth, and continued to enthusiastically tell other lecturers about his heroic achievements in the forest that year.

"I used all my strength at that time. The ability of the Tremor-Tremor Fruit is suitable for group attacks. I directly stunned the driving zombie, and barely won."

"But just after I killed the zombies in the convoy, new zombies came, that is, giant zombies."

"Tsk tsk, the giant zombie gave me a lot of oppression. I measured it with the combat power meter. The giant zombie has reached the strength of a one-star monster!"

As soon as the old man finished speaking, a gasp sounded around him.

"One-star monster? Is this something that freshmen can deal with?"

"After studying in our college for three years, being able to kill a one-star monster is enough to get a diploma."

"Hehe, more than..."

The old man touched his beard.

"It's not just one one-star monster, but ten!"

"And behind them there is a group of first-level monster-strength rugby zombies, tut tut."

"This last level is far beyond the scope of freshmen!"

"This principal dares to pat his chest, this surviving student can't possibly defeat the giant zombie."

"You know, I also realized the domineering color domineering at the critical moment, and that's how I escaped from the hands of these zombies..."

"If this student can survive this round, doesn't it mean that he is almost the same as me?"

Arnold on the side flattered directly.

"How can someone be as strong as the principal."

"You are the strongest in Kyushu, and even the strongest in history!"

"It seems that we can disband and go back to rest soon..."

Just as the teachers were packing up their things and planning to go back as soon as the last survivor showed up.

In the forest.

Qin Shi ActivitiesHands and feet.

"Giant zombies and rugby zombies..."

"First, let the rugby zombies fight with me, and then use the giant zombies' special attack to end the enemy. It's a good idea."

Qin Shi looked at the rugby zombie army running over quickly.

They were wearing steel rugby player uniforms and surrounded Qin Shi.

"Clow Card, sword!"

Qin Shi threw the card, and a white feathered long sword appeared in his left hand.

With the effect of the Clow Card, his swordsmanship attainments were instantly raised to LV3.

And his right hand was holding the Zanpakutō.

He waved his left and right hands in front of his chest, and the swords and swords collided.

"Lightning Release, Raikiri!"

Qin Shi roared, exerted force with both hands, and the swords and swords slashed towards the ground together.

Like two flints colliding and rubbing sparks.

The Zanpakutō and the Clow Card sword were instantly wrapped in purple electric light.

Thunder and lightning entangled, without the chirping of thousands of birds, but more like the low roar of wild beasts.

The sword with the blessing of Raikiri was far more powerful than before.

Like the king of thunder and lightning, Qin Shi looked down at the football zombie army in front of him.

"The premise of your joint attack tactics is that this football zombie can hold me back~"

He snorted coldly, exerted force on his feet, and his whole body was like an afterimage.

"Quick battle and quick decision!"

"Sharingan, open!"

The three magatama rotated rapidly in his eye sockets.

"Eight Gates of Dunjia, open the door, open!"

Spiritual power emanated from his body violently.

With the blessing of LV4 physical skills and door opening, Qin Shi moved his feet and was already several meters off the ground.

At this moment, his figure was running like an afterimage, and even without the instant body technique, he had the speed of the instant body technique.


He swung his sword and his left and right hands quickly.

Under the effect of the Sharingan, Qin Shi's figure shuttled among the football zombies like a ghost.

The high-level swordsmanship of LV3 allowed him to dance with multiple swords like a master's dance, always hitting the zombies' faces accurately.

They all wore masks made of steel on their faces.

"But iron is conductive!"

The purple lightning was like a thorn in the flesh, and it directly struck the zombies' heads along the steel masks.

After a moment, Qin Shi's figure stood still.

Behind him, eighty football zombies stood still for several seconds as if they were frozen.

Then, they fell down with a loud bang.

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