The whole skin cracked, and blood flowed out of his body.

He was no longer able to maintain the Eight Gates.

After all, he had not yet become Might Guy in the Naruto world. He used the Sixth Gate of the Eight Gates once, and he also used the Peacock.

It was far beyond the range that his body could bear.

He looked at the Zombie King, the Dancing Shatterer, who was moving towards him step by step.

Qin Shi struggled to get up from the ground.

The enemy approached step by step.

But there was no fear on Qin Shi's face. On the contrary, he showed a smile on his face.

The Dancing Shatterer was seriously injured, but his basic combat power was still there.

His spiritual power was exhausted, and the most important thing was that his body was so bad that he couldn't even use a little strength.

What else could he use to fight the enemy.

Half a minute later, the Dancing Shatterer finally came to Qin Shi.

As the smallest Zombie King, its strength is not weak at all.

And it has a very unique perception ability among the Zombie Kings.

It could feel that the human in front of it was like a broken bag with air leaking everywhere, and there was nothing left inside.

With a playful look at the dying human lying on the ground, the zombie king-Dancing Shatter blew a mocking whistle.

Then he raised the speaker in his hand high, leaned back slightly, and planned to smash the human in front of him to death.

But it saw the strange eyes of the human in front of it.

It was a playful look like its own.

A bad premonition surged in the heart of the Dancing Shatter.

It finally observed that a stone tablet appeared next to the man in front of it.

There was a plant painted on the stone tablet.

This was a mushroom with a dark body and angry eyes. .

Confusion appeared in the eyes of the Dancing Shatter.

Because it had never eaten this kind of plant.

"Have you never eaten it?"

Qin Shi's hoarse voice came out, and the sound of his voice seemed to be squeezed out with force.

"Then you have to taste it well this time, Zombie King, it tastes really good."


Qin Shi licked his cracked lips.

"This is the taste of death!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the stone slab disappeared and a black angry mushroom appeared.

This is the Destruction Mushroom.

It is a mutant plant with strong explosive power that Qin Shi harvested in the dark swamp.

Its power is like a small nuclear bomb, and even a third-level monster can hardly survive in its explosion range.

Like a puff of air, the shape of the mushroom began to bulge.

The strong uneasiness made the last Zombie King tremble and throw down the speaker, then turned around and ran.

"Haha, run hard."

Qin Shi laughed while lying on the ground, and the wound pulled his pain nerves and made him hiss.

"Because can never escape the range of death!"

A strong light shone from the Destruction Mushroom.

A huge mushroom cloud rose into the sky.

The terrifying explosion swept across the wasteland, devouring all the life on the wasteland.

Of course, this also included the Zombie King who was running away frantically but still didn't run far.

Zombie King - Dancing Shatterer, dead!

And in the forest a thousand meters away from the wasteland.

A flying sword fell down and landed between the branches of a tree.

Not long after, a figure appeared, slid straight down from the branches and fell to the ground.

"It hurts, it hurts!"

Qin Shi grinned.

"Can my luck be any worse? I actually teleported to a tree and broke the branches."

He lay motionless on the ground, his body full of horrible wounds, and a black pill in his mouth.

It was the healing pill given by the system - Bingliang Pill.

The person who suddenly appeared was Qin Shi.

When he used the gravity enhancement skill to deal with the Vulture fighter, he jumped off the flying sword.

Then he instructed the flying sword to fly quickly in any direction.

When using the Destruction Mushroom to deal with the Zombie King - Dancing Shatterer, he also used the system's storage function to directly hold the Soldier's Grain Pill in his mouth.

Even though it was difficult to swallow, the Soldier's Grain Pill in his mouth still restored a small amount of spiritual power.

Enough for him to use the Flying Thunder God Technique.

Just before the Destruction Mushroom exploded, Qin Shi successfully launched the Flying Thunder God Technique.

The destination of the Flying Thunder God Technique was the flying sword that he had controlled to fly away before.

Before the small nuclear explosion, he left the wasteland and appeared next to the flying sword.

Then... fell from the tree.


Although his body was still in pain, as the Soldier's Grain Pill was digested.

His dying body began to recover, and the exhausted spiritual power began to recover.

Looking back at the battle just now.

The five zombie kings, the time he fought with them was actually very short.It took less than five minutes.

But this five-minute battle was one of his rare dangerous battles.

Facing a powerful enemy with many skills and clear division of labor, he almost played all his cards.

Only then did he defeat the five zombie kings.

After recovering a little, Qin Shi struggled to get up from the ground.

Slowly moved to a tree.


After waiting for a while, he found that no new zombies appeared.

Qin Shi breathed a sigh of relief.

"I told you, it's already a zombie king, there can't be zombies behind it."

He closed his eyes.

"There are only ten minutes left... If nothing goes wrong, I should just wait for these ten minutes to pass."

"Fortunately, this forest has a unique ability. The moment people who are eliminated due to death leave the forest, all their injuries will disappear."

"I don't know if people like me who have passed through the forest will also be free of injuries."

"Please, the reason why I dare to be so extravagant is because I see the unique recovery ability of this forest."

Qin Shi understood that he had already left a lot of damage to his body by forcibly opening the sixth gate of the Eight Gates of Dunjia.

In addition to the superficial treatment, more internal injuries still need to be repaired by oneself, and it will take at least ten days and a half months to recover completely.

But fortunately, he is in this forest, and as long as he goes out, all his injuries will completely disappear.

"The last ten minutes, I'll take a nap."

Just when Qin Shi closed his eyes and planned to enjoy his last peace.

A middle-aged man's deep and somewhat lonely voice sounded.

This is the announcement of the game.

{Congratulations... the only survivor. }

{I really didn't expect that this game is so perverted that someone actually cleared it. }

{Hey, handsome boy, I'm talking to you, don't sleep. }

{Anyway, there are still ten minutes left, and there are no zombies behind. If you clear the game, let me get off work ten minutes earlier! }

Hearing the game announcement, Qin Shi slowly opened his eyes.

"Look, I told you... Even if I'm the only one left, it's enough to clear the game."

"Give me the reward, and you can get off work."

There was a moment of silence.

The announcement of the middle-aged voice sounded again.

{Secret Realm: Dave's Paradise was successfully cleared for the first time. }

{Clearer: Qin Shi}

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