Epic scrolls are extremely precious items on the market, and sometimes they cannot be bought with money.

At the graduation ceremony before Qin Shi, his opponent Su Xiaoxiao, who was backed by the local wealthy Su family, only had two epic scrolls.

And now, as a freshman, he was rewarded with an epic scroll by the academy as soon as he arrived.

"The Demon Hunting Academy is really rich and powerful."

Pei Bu Le sighed.

Qin Shi looked at the scroll in his hand.

It showed a big-breasted woman in green, with her palms together, and her hands were still glowing.

"Could the big-breasted woman be... Tsunade?"

He looked at the text description on the side.

[Palm Immortal Technique, an A-level medical ninjutsu in the Naruto world. ]

[Outputting chakra from the palm can improve the healing ability of wounds or affected areas. The amount of chakra is adjusted according to the severity of the disease. Not only external injuries, but also diseases in the body can be effectively treated. ]

"Palm Immortal Technique!"

Qin Shi's face lit up.

This kind of medical ninjutsu is difficult to learn, but once you learn it successfully, you can deal with most injuries.

I now have the attack skill of Raikiri and the auxiliary skill of Flying Thunder God, but the medical skill is still vacant.

"I was injured several times in the forest before. Once I relied on the special food given by Master Dashan, and once I relied on the system reward of Bingliangwan."

"But the system reward is also random, it is impossible to reward me with medicine every time."

"And I can't always ask Chef Dashan for special food..."

Qin Shi looked at the scroll in his hand.

"The Palm Immortal Technique has solved my urgent need!"

He immediately tore the scroll open.

The method of using the Palm Immortal Technique seemed to be engraved in his mind.

"This time in Dave's Paradise Secret Realm, I gained too much, and my strength has been greatly improved."

Just when he was about to click on the system panel to review.

Pei Bule came over and pulled him.

"Lao Qin, hurry up, we're waiting for you."

"Teacher Qingzhi said that we'll take a day off today and start school tomorrow. Tsk, tsk, I'm so busy."

"Hurry up, let's play Landlord."

"......Come on!"


"Three of a kind!"

Pei Bu Le threw out the two cards in his hand and shook them.

"I only have one card left~"

"How about I remind you, this is Zhang Da Wang, hahaha!"

Li Shanyi sighed.


"Lao Qin, it's up to you."

"This... is also very difficult for me."

Qin Shi looked at the cards in his hand, with a tangled face.

Pei Bu Le looked proud.

"Lao Qin, stop struggling."

"Can you beat me with eleven cards?"

Qin Shi shook his head.



"A pair of 2!"

He clapped his hands.


Pei Bu Le opened his mouth wide and watched the other party play his cards smoothly.

"...... Lao Qin, you played your cards very low-key at the beginning."

"No one knows how to play the pig and eat the tiger better than you."

Qin Shi laughed and picked up a table while his roommate was shuffling the cards.

"Monster Beast Studies, Monster Domain Survival Studies, Introduction to Acting... There is even Cooking!?"

"This table is quite full..."

Qin Shi looked at the table filled with courses in his hand.

This is their schedule for the next week.

"And there is only one week of classes."

The fat Pei Bu Le said while shuffling the cards.

"What do you mean?"

When they heard that there was only one week of classes, Qin Shi and Li Shanyi beside him became curious.

"Well, how should I put it..."

Pei Bu Le thought for a while.

"It's not that there is only one week of classes, but this week is all compulsory."

"After this week's classes, we will have a 'demon hunting internship'."

"Demon hunting internship? What is this?"

The two people on the side asked at the same time.

"Our college is called 'Demon Hunting College', right? Everyone knows that this is a college that mainly trains demon hunters."

"There are nearly 100,000 registered demon hunters in the entire Kyushu country. Some of them are from various universities, and some are strong people who have never been to school in society but have earned enough points in the demon domain."

"But in terms of the quality of demon hunting training, no institution can compare to the Demon Hunting College."

"The higher the star demon hunter, the rarer the number, and the higher the proportion of the Demon Hunting College."

"Such a strong history score cannot be obtained by being a good student in class."

Pei Bu Le shook his head and took out a king and put it on the table.

"If the most important mission of demon hunting is to resist the attack of those demon beasts outside Kyushu."

"Then, the internship demon hunter is mainlyResponsible for the domestic affairs."

He put down another little king.

"The existence of the inheritor and the small amount of infiltration of the gray fog."

"All these make our Jiuzhou country not peaceful, and all kinds of strange things happen frequently."

"And our demon hunting internship is to solve these tasks related to the inheritor and the gray fog, and even some evil forces as interns."

"These tasks are formulated by the Jiuzhou military headquarters based on reports from various places, and are ranked according to difficulty into four types: heaven, earth, black, and yellow."

"In addition to studying, we have to unveil various tasks and complete them to obtain certain credits, contribution points and rewards."

"And there are rewards?"

Qin Shi asked in surprise.

"That's for sure. These tasks are also reported from various places, and they have to pay the college to solve them."

"The final reward will be split in half between us and the college."

"And the credits are related to whether we can graduate from school."

"Contribution points can be exchanged for various magical items including skill scrolls and treasures in the college's treasure pavilion. ”

“From the moment we step into this academy, we are not just students.”

“We are also intern demon hunters who are involved in the security of Kyushu Country and play an important role.”

After listening to Pei Bule’s introduction, Qin Shi nodded.

It looks like his internship in college in his previous life.

However, the internship in college is in the last two years, and the demon hunter academy starts to go out for internship.

It seems that the demon hunter academy pays more attention to students learning in practice than theoretical knowledge in the cultivation of students.

“Alas, I really don’t want to do the mission.”

Pei Bule said, sighing.

“That’s why I don’t want to come to this academy.”

“Not attending classes well, but arranging students to go out for missions. Whether it’s dangerous or not is another matter, but it’s mainly troublesome.”

“I really want to go to a second-rate university and be a salted fish.”

“Just stay here safely when you come...”

Qin Shi patted Pei Bule’s fat shoulders.

“It’s good to run more missions. "

He thought of the nightingale he met in the forest.

Has her letter of withdrawal of engagement been sent to Pei Bule's home?

After some hesitation, Qin Shi told him about it.

Although he cut out the beginning and the end, he still told him the girl's bad comments about him and her plan to withdraw the engagement.

Unexpectedly, Pei Bule's eyes lit up.

"Is there such a good thing?"

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