After thinking for a while, Qin Shi suddenly slapped his head.

"Isn't this the attribute in the Pokémon anime?"

I actually have to think about it. I have played so many generations of Pokémon games in vain.

"A total of 18 attributes. These are the scientific research results obtained by the old professors of Tiangong College after decades of research?"

Teacher Qingzhi said on the podium.

"(⊙o⊙) What?"

Qin Shi was shocked.

I got the Pokémon setting for free, and you told me that it was the professors' scientific research?

Is this scientific research so easy to do?

I don't know what my students are thinking.

Teacher Qingzhi continued.

"Of course, the eighteen attributes are indeed a bit complicated."

"Especially some attributes, such as fairy and steel, there are not many monsters of this kind."

"So the old professors of Tiangong College also made a simplified version."

"Light, dark, fire, earth, wind, water, god!"

"This more concise classification method is more commonly used by us monster hunters."

After listening to Teacher Qingzhi's lecture.

Qin Shi's heart was full of grass mud horses.

Good guy, not only did they get the attribute settings of Pokémon for free, but they also didn't let go of the attribute settings of Yu-Gi-Oh monster cards.

These old experts are really shameless...

"So classmate Qin Shi, what use are the attributes of monsters for us monster hunters?"

Qingzhi looked at Qin Shi with a smile and continued to ask questions.

Qin Shi thought about it.

"You can use attribute restraint to cause greater damage to monsters."

He remembered the dense attribute restraint table of Pokémon.

In order to become a qualified trainer, I memorized the attribute restraint table with the same energy as memorizing words in the third year of high school.

Because it was too difficult to remember, he also used auxiliary memory methods such as "dripping water wears away stone" and "moths fly into the fire".

"Student Qin Shi is right!"

Teacher Qingzhi smiled and waved his hand, motioning him to sit down.

"If you use the eighteen attribute tables to distinguish monsters, you can use skills related to fire when facing grass monsters."

"When facing water monsters, you can use grass skills such as Wood Release."

"Of course, in addition to this, I want to tell you more."

"Our inheritance power also has similar attribute restraint."

""For example, the Demon Slayer inheritance in the Demon Slayer world has higher damage to evil monsters."

"And the Death God Captain inheritance in the Death God world has more suppression power against ghost monsters."

"Of course, evil and ghost, in a more concise classification, both belong to the dark category of monsters. ”

“When you face monsters of different attributes, you must learn to use the uniqueness of your inheritance to restrain them in order to achieve better results.”

“Okay, let’s take a specific monster as an example.”

“Let’s take the two-tailed monster in the Naruto world - Youlu as an example…”

He pressed the projection on the podium.

A monster with blue flames all over its body and a cat-like appearance appeared on the white projection screen.

“According to the description in the monster illustration produced by Tiangong Academy, this is a cat monster with blue spiritual flames all over its body. It will burn the enemy with scorching flames.”

“It means it is a fire monster. It is best to use water skills or ice skills to fight it.”

“Of course, we need to analyze the specific situation. Youlu is a sixth-level monster.”

“If you encounter it, your first reaction should not be to use any skills, but to run quickly, and run as much as you can! ”

“Now, let’s look at the next one…”

The eleven o’clock bell rang.

After teaching for the whole morning, Teacher Qingzhi was still not satisfied and planned to drag the hall.

But the fat Pei Bule had already rushed out of the classroom.

“The canteen is a battlefield. If you are not active in eating, you have problems with your thinking. Go!”

Under his leadership, other students were quickly infected and put down their books and walked out.

“This… these students are not easy to learn at all!”

Helpless Teacher Qingzhi could only pack up his textbooks and leave.

At 1:30 in the afternoon.

Cooking class, cooking teacher

Chef Dashan walked into the classroom with his unruly cigarette in his mouth.

“Chef and teacher again?”

Qin Shi exclaimed.

“Teacher Dashan is still awesome.”

“One person gets two salaries.”

Looking at the students in the audience, Chef Dashan spit out the cigarette butt in his mouth.

“For the people, food is the first priority! ”

“Eating has always been a big deal!”

“If you are not full, why fight monsters?”

A simple opening, Qin Shi looked around, only Pei Bule kept nodding.

The chef looked at himselfThe reaction of his students.

Obviously, no one was moved by him.

"I know what you are thinking."

A black round pill appeared in his hand at some point.

"Bingliang Pill, from the Naruto world, a supply pill developed by Tiangong Academy."

Then, he took out a yellow bean-shaped object.

"Senzu Bean, this one is more expensive, from the Dragon Ball world, not only can fill your stomach, but also can heal injuries in an instant."

He put the two items on the table.

"You think that with these supply items, you can have enough food in the demon domain, so there is no need to learn cooking, right?"

Many students began to nod.

Most of them came from wealthy families from all over the country, and they all had various storage spaces on their bodies, and they often kept these replenishing pills in them.

Worse, put more compressed biscuits, meat jerky and other long-lasting food in it, and you don't have to make a fire to cook in the demon domain.

Master Dashan smiled slightly.

"Coincidentally, the hundreds of demon hunters who died in the demon realm due to lack of food also thought so."

He said leisurely.

"You thought you had planned well, replenishing pills and compressing food. How could a demon hunter starve to death?"

"But you ignored the unexpectedness of the demon domain!"

"Some of those who starved to death in the demon domain lost their way, and as a result, their supplies ran out and they starved to death."

"After all, no matter how large the storage space is, no demon hunter can carry food for too long. Once lost in the demon domain, it will eventually run out."

"Some people met with unexpected events."

"For example, they fell into the black water, and the storage items on them became ineffective due to the strange characteristics of the black water."

"Another example is that in the battle with the demon beast, the storage items were accidentally damaged."

"These are all common things."

"By then, you will know that a knowledge of survival and a cooking skill can save your life in the strange demon domain."

After listening to what Chef Dashan said, Qin Shi realized how precious his system space was.

Other people's storage props are either storage watches, storage belts, storage rings, etc.

These props seem to have no problem in the peaceful Kyushu country.

But in the strange natural environment of the demon domain, in the repeated fights with demon beasts.

It is very likely that the storage props will be damaged.

At that time, it will really be helpless.

The storage space in the Qin Dynasty is a function of the system, invisible and intangible.

There is no possibility of damage.

It can be called god-level storage.

After Master Dashan's education, many students finally put away their previous contemptuous attitude, sat up straight, and began to take classes seriously.

"In the cooking of the demon domain, the first thing you have to learn is not frying, roasting, but the most primitive."

Master Dashan wrote two words on the blackboard.

"Cold dishes!"

"No matter how strange the demon domain is, it conforms to the general principles of survival in the wild."

"That is, don't make fires."

"Many demon beasts react to fire. If you make a fire to cook rashly, you may attract powerful enemies."

"So the first thing you have to do is to learn to identify which plants are edible and which parts of the demon beasts are the most non-toxic and can replenish energy."

"You have to learn to eat raw food!"

Qin Shi remembered the "raw beef" dinner that many students complained about not long ago.

"It turns out that from that time on, the Demon Hunting Academy began to teach us some principles."

"Okay, next, let's take the demon beast Onion Duck as an example to explain which parts of the demon beast can replenish your energy..."

"Remember, the dead demon beast will be swallowed by the gray fog quickly. If you don't move fast enough, you won't be able to leave any meat..."

Another afternoon.

Although cooking is an interesting thing, the Dashan chef's class today is to teach them how to identify edible food and how to process food quickly.

All hardcore theoretical knowledge, not a single spark of excitement.

"A bit boring..."

Qin Shi observed.

Among all the students, the one who studied the most seriously was Pei Bule, who was the least serious in the morning.

He actually wrote down such boring theoretical knowledge in a notebook.

"Old Pei, you are good..."

Qin Shi joked.

"With your enthusiasm for learning, it's a pity that you don't become a chef."

Pei Bule smiled.

"Old Qin, you don't know, one of the rules of Jiuzhou is that you must be a team of three or more to enter the demon domain."

"The collective dormitory system of the college is forTo let everyone get used to each other in advance, so that we can cooperate better in the Monster Domain."

"When the three of us go to the Monster Domain, I will definitely not be the main output, and I have to take good care of your and Huangmao's stomachs."

Qin Shi was stunned and thought about it.

"You are right!"

"Hurry up, study hard, I will supervise you!"

"After all, it is related to whether I can eat delicious meals in the Monster Domain in the future..."

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