The audience gradually became silent.


Su Xiaoxiao chuckled, her eyes full of disdain.

"You are a bunch of lowly people, how dare you question me, Su..."

"I don't accept it!"

A loud shout rang out from the crowd.

Qin Shi walked steadily onto the stage, his face cold.

"I don't accept it!"

"And, Su Xiaoxiao, I will go to the end and defeat you!"

"You will pay the price for the evil you have done to the Su family!"

Qin Shi's domineering speech excited countless students in the audience.

For a while, everyone went from being silent to whispering in groups of three or two, and finally everyone was boiling.

"That's right, why are you so arrogant, Su family!"

"You keep calling me a pariah. How come you are still in this small city?"

"After all the tricks and schemes, the Su family doesn't dare to compete. They are scared!"

"Qin Shi, we support you. Defeat this narcissistic girl and give our residents of Linhai City a chance to vent their anger!"

"Brother Qin, I want to give birth to a baby for you."


The suppressed public opinion only needs a burst point.

Qin Shi stood up and inspired everyone with his speech.

For a while, the public was boiling.

"We don't accept it!"

"We don't accept it!"

"We don't accept it!"

The shouts of the students resounded throughout the People's Square.

On the rostrum, Su Xiaoxiao saw the boiling shouts and cheers, and her face turned pale.

"Qin Shi, you pariah from the lower city, you should just play the next game first!"

The referee on the side also hurried up and shouted at the top of his voice.

"The next match, Qin Shi from Xiacheng District High School vs. Chen Fu from Xiacheng District High School!"

The last match of the semi-finals started.

Chen Fu, a petite girl with a ponytail, walked onto the stage.

Unlike the previous match, she did not have a gun in her hand.

The bear doll that was about the same height as her and was carried on her back before was held in her hands.

"Qin... Brother Qin."

The two were still at a certain distance, and Chen Fu's little mouth moved.

Her face was full of tears.

It was a look of despair.

"I have no choice, my mother is in their hands."

"Forgive me, Brother Qin, forgive me!"

Chen Fu walked forward while lowering her head.

Her voice was as light as a mosquito, her lips moved slightly, and she talked to herself.

But the observation power of the Sharingan allowed Qin Shi to clearly see and understand what Chen Fu was talking to herself.

The two were still keeping a certain distance at this moment.

Chen Fu did not attack, and her abnormality made Qin Shi stunned.

Chen Fu raised the bear doll in her hand.

A burst of red light lit up.

A huge explosion sounded.

The hot air wave blew all the students near the ring to the ground.

Explosion, a huge explosion.

The smoke enveloped the entire ring.

The hard stone brick floor was now pitted and shattered.

The students watching were shocked.

"What happened?"

"Isn't this a competition? How could such a powerful bomb be used?"

"My God, this power can overturn even a house."

"This girl is too cruel. She is willing to die together to win?"

"Fortunately, Cuihua is far away. If she was right next to the ring, wouldn't she have had plastic surgery?!"

"The upstairs, your plastic surgery is equivalent to beauty treatment..."


The explosion caused black smoke to rise, and all the students felt cold.

This is no longer about winning.

This is... killing!

And it is suicidal... killing!


The smoke dissipated.

Qin Shi's figure was revealed.

He was bleeding profusely, and small wounds covered his body.

Two almost shattered light shields were in front and behind him.

Binding Path 39 Round Gate Fan!

It can form a light shield with spiritual power to resist the enemy's attack.

In the previous match, Xu Taotao only used the round gate fan once.

It was copied by Qin Shi with the Sharingan.

Qin Shi looked up.

At the other end of the ring, Chen Fu was lying on the ground.

Her clothes were torn, and her beautiful body was almost exposed to everyone.

Horrible wounds covered the girl's body.

There were also scars on her face.

Blood kept flowing.

"Chen... Chen Fu!"

Qin Shi walked to the girl with his bleeding legs.

He took off his shirt and covered the girl.

At the last moment of the explosion.

Qin Shi saw the girl holding the bear doll tightly in her arms.

The bear doll was the bomb used by the girl.Chen Fu hugged the bomb with her body, bearing most of the power of the explosion.

"Qin... Brother Qin..."

Chen Fu opened her eyes with great effort, blood continued to flow out of her mouth.

"I'm... sorry..."

"Don't talk..."

Qin Shi fumbled in his ninjutsu backpack and took out a black pill.

Bingliang Pill, a pill that can restore spiritual power and treat injuries in a short time.

The only healing pill Qin Shi had.

"Open your mouth..."

He put the pill next to the girl's mouth.

The girl didn't eat it, but just spit out words with all her strength.

"I'm sorry... Brother Qin... They told me... It's just a hypnotic bomb..."

"I don't want... I don't want to hurt you..."

After saying this, she fainted.

Qin Shi opened the girl's mouth and forced the pill in.

Then he carried the girl and slowly walked down the ring.

Calm down!

Be calm!

Take a deep breath, and keep taking deep breaths.

Anger filled his chest.

Qin Shi tried his best to suppress himself, just like suppressing a volcano that was about to erupt.

In a flash, he had figured out the whole story.

From beginning to end, it was all the conspiracy of the Su family.

First, it was the duel between Tao Baibai and Chen Fu.

The reason why Tao Baibai deliberately touched the bomb.

It was to let Chen Fu advance.

So that she could fight against herself in the next game.

Everything was the conspiracy of the Su family.

And they wanted to give themselves a big gift.

A strong bomb!

The Su family held Chen Fu's mother hostage and stuffed a bomb into her, deceiving her that it was a hypnotic bomb.

Forced her to detonate the bomb during the game and let Qin Shi lose the game.

Chen Fu was from a single-parent family, and her mother was the person she loved most.

So she had no choice but to take the bomb to the ring.

But at the moment the bomb exploded, relying on the special nature of her Jinx inheritance.

She discovered that this bomb was not a so-called hypnotic bomb at all.

It was a powerful and high-powered bomb!

The Su family's goal was not to make Qin Shi lose the game.

But to kill him!

Qin Shi carefully lifted the girl onto the stretcher of the medical staff who rushed over.

"Young man, you have lost a lot of blood, do you want to get a bandage?"

A doctor in a white coat asked kindly.

Qin Shi shook his head.

His injury was not serious.

Chen Fu wrapped the bomb with her body, blocking most of the damage from the bomb.

The two of them were separated by a distance.

With the protection of the binding path [round gate fan], he had almost no internal injuries.

The wounds on his body were mainly caused by scratches from flying stones, all of which were skin injuries.

Moreover, at this time, he could not leave.

Su Xiaoxiao had already walked down the rostrum with a smile.

Came to the ring.

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