There were three people left on the ring.

The second young master of the Yu family, Yu Que, had a pale face and blood flowing from the corner of his mouth.

The great master of the Mo family, Mo Shui, was panting and chewing pills.

And Qin Shi, who had his hands in his pockets and looked like he was watching a show.

The strongest woman among the sword ghosts who appeared, the third-ranked sword ghost Lin Yu, looked at Qin Shi with a smile.

"Young man, tell me, how did you see through my plan?"

The woman was a ghost, but she pretended to be a villain who came to find the blood of the ghost king.

She mixed in with the villains and even participated in the death fight on the ring.

Qin Shi shrugged.

"Because you are the first to kill someone in a death fight."

"Those villains obviously don't know about the death fight. They all think that they can get the ghost king's blood by sacrificing living people."

"When they are suddenly put in a death fight environment, their first reaction must be resistance."

"They are wanted criminals in various states. They are arrogant. How could they accept the arrangement of the old man Cang Jian?"

"Only you..."

Qin Shi pointed at the woman.

"You can't wait to attack, as if you are afraid that the scene will not be chaotic."

"There are nearly thirty villains in total. Even if you five knife ghosts are strong, it will be troublesome to deal with them."

"That's why you made up the lie that the ghost king's blood is too small and only those who survive the death fight can get it."

After hearing Qin Shi's words, the woman laughed.

"You have a clear mind, young man!"

"These villains are either on their deathbed, seriously ill, or desperate because they are wanted by the association."

"Joining the Hundred Ghosts is their last straw."

"As long as you join the Hundred Ghosts, you will get stronger power, longer life, and almost unsolvable self-healing ability."

"A dead end can be revived!"

"Under this gambler's mentality, they all lost their minds, and that's why they fell into my not-so-brilliant plan."

"But you are different."

The woman looked at Qin Shi with admiration in her eyes.

She licked her blade.

There was still blood on it from when she pierced the chest of the flower thief.

"But you got one thing wrong."

"I don't think there are too many villains to deal with, but I just want to enjoy the fun of fighting."

"Third sister, you have killed enough, but we are not satisfied yet."

The six ghosts holding the explosive knife Feimo rubbed their hands impatiently.

"Why don't you go down and take a rest first, and I and my fourth brother will go up and play first?"

The woman turned a deaf ear to her brothers' words.

She looked at Qin Shi with a wicked smile on her face.

"Young man, I admire you very much. It would be a pity to kill you like this."

"How about this, if you are willing to follow me, I am willing to talk to the ghost king and let you join."

"Our Hundred Ghosts Group has very high requirements for recruiting people. You must not give up this opportunity~"

As she said, the woman threw a coquettish eye at Qin Shi.

Qin Shi in the corner of the ring was speechless.

"Still... there is such a good thing?"

"But, it's very difficult!"

He pretended to be entangled.

"I'm not a man who is willing to eat soft rice."

The third ghost Lin Yu laughed.

"Don't worry, I'll give you time to think about it."

She turned her head and faced the two people behind her.

"Fourth brother, sixth brother, you can go up and fight, but don't touch that boy."

She smiled and looked very kind.

"That boy is my prey. If you touch him even a finger, I, the third sister, will be angry~"

The fourth and sixth ghosts looked at the woman's expression and couldn't help shaking all over.

That was the physical reaction of fear.

"Third... Third sister, don't worry, we will definitely not touch your people."

Just when the two ghosts were about to go to the ring to kill, the old man Cang Jian waved his hand.

"You can play here, I want to go and see the sword I forged."

As he said, he waved his hand, and a hemp leather bag floated above the ring.

The hemp leather bag gradually expanded, like a monster swallowing all the corpses on the ground.

The old man Cang Jian waved his hand and stroked the hemp leather bag.

"These corpses are all treasures for sword forging."

"With these blood corpses, the Sword of Earth will be ready soon!"

As he said this, he ran towards the direction of the abyss furnace with a crazy look on his face.

"It's actually a blood sacrifice!"

Qin Shi looked at the back of the old man Cang Jian leaving, and his face turned cold.

He finally figured out the old man Cang Jian's intentions.

In ancient times, there was a saying that swords were forged with blood.

And the reason why this old man sent out invitations to trick those evil people who needed the blood of the ghost king to come to Cang Jian Villa was to use the swords they forged for themselves as sacrifices.

"A sword made in this way is definitely an evil sword. "

While Qin Shi was thinking, the four ghosts holding the Broken Sword·Beheading Sword and the six ghosts holding the Exploding Sword·Flying Foam had already run up.

They looked at Qin Shi fiercely.

"Little bastard, the third sister won't let us attack you, so you'd better know better and don't mind the business of those two people."

After saying that, the two looked at the second young master of the Yu family and the grandfather of the Mo family on the ring, with a fanatical look on their faces.

"I'll go first!"

The four ghosts with short black hair and bandages wrapped around the lower half of their faces and necks held the beheading sword in their right hands and quickly formed seals with their left hands.

"Ninjutsu·Mist Hidden Technique! "

Thick fog suddenly appeared on the ring, and the visibility of ordinary naked eyes was less than one meter.

Seeing the thick fog all around, Qin Shi immediately understood the inheritance of the four ghosts in front of him.

His inheritance is the A-level inheritance in the Naruto world, Momochi Zabuza!

In the Naruto anime, Momochi Zabuza is a rebel ninja from the Hidden Mist Village and the second user of the Broken Sword·Beheading Sword.

He is a top killer with super hearing and is best at killing people silently in the fog.

Qin Shi's eyes condensed.

Three magatama appeared in his eyes.

Under the effect of the Sharingan, his vision was improved and he could barely see the movements of the enemy in the thick fog.

"The ghost who used the explosive sword·Flying foam should be the inheritor of Muri Jinpachi in Naruto. ”

Muri Shinpachi, one of the first "Seven Ninja Swordsmen" of the Hidden Mist Village, and the first user of the Bakuto Feimo.

Although he was killed twice in the anime, his strength was not weak, but the opponents he encountered were too strong.

After all, the person who killed him was Might Guy, the best physical fighter who was called "the strongest" by Madara Six Paths, one of the big bosses in the Naruto world.

"Hehe, it's still more comfortable in this thick fog. "

Although they were also wrapped in thick fog, the six ghosts didn't care.

As the descendant of the Hidden Mist Village Ninja, he also had his own way of fighting in the thick fog.

However, unlike the four ghosts who inherited Zabuza, he judged the enemy's position not by sound, but by smell.

He was born with a super strong sense of smell.

On the other side of the ring, the second young master of the Yu family did not dare to hold back anymore, and held the Western sword tightly in his hand.

And behind him, the old master of the Mo family also held the kunai in reverse, cautiously waiting for the opponent's attack.

After the fog was thick, they immediately realized the problem of low visibility.

The two took a cooperative attitude, facing the enemy back to back to prevent the opponent's sneak attack.

"So now!"

The two sword ghosts laughed sinisterly

"The killing game begins!"

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