There was silence at the scene.

Half a minute later, Qing Zhi coughed first.

"The trouble has not been completely solved."

"So many monsters just emerged, which means that the Dark Gate is connected to a gathering place of monsters in the Monster Domain."

"Although the monsters were temporarily eliminated by us... by Principal Qin, as long as the Dark Gate is still there, there will be a steady stream of monsters."

"These Dark Gates still need to be dealt with."

Looking at the ten giant stone gates floating high in the sky, Qing Zhi sighed.

These ten Dark Gates were too solid, even Xiao Wu's full-strength attack did not break the gates.

And his own ice skills, single-point physical damage is far inferior to Xiao Wu's Thunder Gun.

Even if the [Ice Hell] that can freeze the soul is extremely domineering, facing this extremely hard dead thing, Qing Zhi still feels that he has no way to start.

"I have an idea."

While everyone was thinking about a solution, Lin Long raised his hand.

"The Dark Gate is a teleportation portal, right?"

Qin Shi nodded.

After getting the affirmation, Lin Long continued.

"Reviewing the whole thing, it is actually that the [Pillar] organization arranged an undercover in the gatekeeper team of the Locking Demon Tower, and the undercover monster is a treasure chest monster."

"The treasure chest monster contains a full thousand naughty bullets, right?"

Qing Zhi nodded.

"I originally thought that the other party's plan was to use these thousand naughty bullets as explosives to destroy the Locking Demon Tower, but I didn't expect that there was another secret in these naughty bullets."

Although they have captured the undercover demon hunter, there are still a full thousand naughty bullets in the treasure chest monster that may explode at any time.

It is precisely because of the need to deal with the naughty bullets that they came to this wasteland, hoping to minimize the damage of the explosion.

But unexpectedly, the enemy still has a backup plan.

"Each naughty bomb swallowed a piece of Dark Gate brick. Because a single Dark Gate brick is very small and dead, we couldn't sense it before." Lin Long continued to explain. "After detonating a thousand naughty bombs, the bricks in the naughty bombs flew out and combined into the ten Dark Gates floating in the sky now." "The Dark Gate, as a portal, connected to the demon domain full of demon beasts specially prepared by the enemy, causing a large number of demon beasts to pour out." "The enemy's back-up plan is to use the Dark Gate to teleport a large number of demon beasts to destroy the Demon Locking Tower." "My analysis is correct, right?" Everyone nodded. These are all facts that have already happened, but they are still amazing when strung together. Their enemy, the organization called [Pillar], not only has powerful members, but also has great strategies. Almost all of the plans they arranged have back-ups, which makes them exhausted. "Since the [Pillar] organization has prepared the Dark Gate, and the Dark Gate is a strange gate connecting two places, then the enemy can come in, and we can go in too."

Lin Long smiled coldly.

"We will go in through the Dark Gate, find the [Pillar] organization's lair, and annihilate them in one fell swoop."

A sudden silence again.

This time it was Qin Shi who spoke first.

"Lin Long Senior Sister... good idea."

"It's just that the teleportation point set up by the [Pillar] organization is the gathering place of monsters, not their own lair."

"If I were the enemy, I could have set these monster gathering places far away from my own base to prevent the enemy from counterattacking. These enemies are very smart, and I think they have also considered this."

"However, although I can't go over and hit the other side directly, I already have a way to deal with these Dark Gates."

"In fact, if you think about it carefully, this is a great gift from the enemy."

Qin Shi said with a smile.

Great gift! ?

Lin Long and Qing Zhi were both stunned.

Hey, as long as these gates are here, the monsters can bypass the defense barrier of Jiuzhou directly.

You know, in the world of Warcraft, the Dark Gate is used to transmit the orc army.

Although the size of the monsters is larger than that of the orcs, the number of transmissions through the Dark Gate has decreased.

But if there are ten Dark Gates left like this for a month, Jiuzhou will suffer a catastrophe.

But unfortunately, Lin Long and Qing Zhi have no way to deal with the Dark Gate.

"The two ends of the Dark Gate are now set up. One end is the wasteland here, and the other end is a gathering place of monsters in the demon domain."

Qin Shi said quickly.

"This kind of large-scale teleportation gate is a legendary item."

"As long as the two ends of the Dark Gate are set up, the Dark Gate can be reused."

"For example, set one end of the Dark Gate at the Demon Hunting Academy and the other end at the Demon Hunting Academy."Set up demon-suppressing gates in various places..."

Before Qin Shi finished speaking, Lin Long and Qing Zhi's eyes lit up.

If it is true as Qin Shi said, the teleportation point of the Dark Gate can be changed, then a big problem will be solved.

Since the demon beasts invaded Jiuzhou, the vast territory of Jiuzhou has become the most troublesome problem for the demon hunters guarding it.

You never know where a large-scale demon beast will launch an attack on such a huge border line of Jiuzhou.

Even if the human guards have divided their forces into nine parts and distributed them in the nine towns, Near the demon pass, once Jiuzhou is in trouble, the nearest demon pass can provide timely support.

But facing ordinary demon beast tides, the demon pass troops in one place can still face it alone.

But if facing the attack of demon beasts at the level of the Red Moon Beast Tide, the troops of one demon pass are far from enough.

For example, during the period of the second generation dean, after the arrival of the Red Moon Night, the other eight demon passes were very calm, but the Black Water Pass in Canglanzhou ushered in a super-large-scale monster group attack.

Although there were demon hunting troops stationed at the Black Water Pass at that time, facing hundreds of thousands of monsters, The army was not strong enough.

At that time, the Black Water Pass was quickly breached. When the second-generation dean led the human demon hunting army to arrive, it was already the third day after the city gate was breached.

Even if some human strongmen have space inheritance, the quantity and quality of transmission are greatly limited.

For example, a graduate of the Demon Hunting Academy inherited the Shirai Kuroko (Misaka Mikoto's junior and roommate) in "A Certain Magical Index", and could instantly send the things he touched to a distant place in a way that ignored the rules of three-dimensional space.

But he could only teleport two people at the same time, which was not enough for a large-scale battle. It is simply a drop in the bucket for a war.

Others, such as the instant movement in the Dragon Ball world and the Flying Thunder God Technique in Naruto, cannot move the number of people on the scale of the army.

Because the rescue team was not timely, after the Black Water Pass was breached by the monster army, countless people fled to other areas, and corpses were everywhere. The monster army was also distributed in various parts of Canglanzhou, making it extremely difficult to clean up.

It was also because the entire Monster Hunting Academy was mobilized that the academy was empty, and even the dark organization took the opportunity to besiege it, and almost destroyed the academy.

"But if there are these ten dark gates, it will be different! If these gates are arranged in each demon-suppressing pass, and the teleportation location of each gate is the Demon Hunting Academy..."

Qing Zhi said in surprise.

"The Great Wall Pass where the Demon Hunting Academy is located has the top demon hunting combat power. No matter which demon-suppressing pass is attacked by a large-scale beast tide, the reinforcements of the Demon Hunting Academy can arrive quickly. "

"Not only that..."

Qin Shi added with a smile.

"The combat power of any demon-suppressing pass can also use the Demon Hunting Academy as a transit hub to quickly reach other demon-suppressing passes."

"No matter which demon-suppressing pass is invaded by the beast tide, they will face the combat power of all the nine provinces."

"This... this can greatly increase the defense capabilities of our nine provinces."

Imagining the scene of free travel between various demon-suppressing passes, Qing Zhi's pale face due to the exhaustion of spiritual power also became a little rosy.

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