"Go, go together, or we will all die!"

"I'll come too. I was the president of our university's magic club and I know some elemental magic."

"I'll come too. My inheritance is Luo Sanpao, which can fart and kill these monsters!"


At the captain's call, the passengers gathered on the deck.

More and more passengers joined the battle.

Some of them could wave their folding fans to send out wind blades.

Some could shoot ice arrows.

Some called for holy light, which fell and purified the monsters.

But after all, small virtual beings have the ability to float and dodge in the air.

Many people often attack four or five times, but they may not be able to kill a small virtual being.

"Oh oh oh!"

On the other side, a virtual being near a teenager was quickly eliminated.

Everyone looked at him involuntarily.

Compared with the speed at which they killed monsters, the teenager was much more efficient.

"The Lord! The mask of flesh and blood, the myriad things, the flying wings, the things named after humans! Scorching heat and strife, rolling back to the south across the sea, marching forward!"

"The 31st of the Broken Path, the Red Fire Cannon!"

Qin Shi stood on the periphery of the crowd, using his fingers as a gun, firing fireballs.

Although the power of the Red Fire Cannon is not as strong as the Great Fireball Technique, it is better in that it can attack from a distance and consumes little spiritual power.

The floating Voids are also small resentful ghosts. As long as there is a method of attribute attack, it is not difficult to kill them.

"It is also a long-range attack, but his accuracy is too high..."

The middle-aged woman who shot ten ice arrows and finally killed a Void panted and sat on the ground.

"That's...that's it. I fanned out so many wind blades, but only hit two monsters. He...he killed twenty."

"If he participated in the shooting competition, he would definitely win the championship!"

Another young man waving a folding fan exclaimed.

Raise your hands, shoot, raise your hands again, shoot again!

Qin Shi's movements were smooth, and the Hollows turned into smoke one by one while howling.

With the blessing of the Sharingan's strong dynamic vision.

The Hollows flying around in the air looked like crawling snails in his eyes.

There was no difficulty in shooting.

He shot a Hollow with one shot, and every shot was successful.

"You are good, kid!"

"You are worthy of being a student of the Monster Hunting Academy."

Captain Lei Bo looked at the fighting Qin Shi and couldn't help but praise him.

"But I am the captain, I can't be compared with you!"

He was so excited that he simply took off his clothes.

Holding a fire extinguisher in one hand, two fire dragons were fired at the same time.


"Come on, come on, burn you monsters to death!"

And Zhang Hao and Chen Fu also joined the battle.

Half of Zhang Hao's body turned into an elk, holding a fire extinguisher in each hand.

White foam sprayed out and hit Xu's face directly.

Chen Fu also took out a tiny spider bomb.

The spiders nimbly ran to Xu's front and then exploded.

A series of piercing sounds rang out.

This is a sonic boom bomb.

The noisy noise made Xu like a headless and tailless fly, temporarily losing the ability to perceive human souls.

Then he was burned to death by other sailors with flamethrowers.

Qin Shi was delighted to see his friends fighting on the edge of the crowd to protect tourists.

"After going through the gates of hell, their inheritance levels have all improved."

"It seems that life and death crisis is the fastest way to improve inheritance."

The battle was stalemate.

Everyone didn't know how many small Xu were killed.

Finally, someone couldn't help but complain.

"We killed one after another, why didn't these Xu die!"

"Huhu, not only did their number not decrease, it seems to have increased!"

The female tourist who was blowing out wind blades with a paper fan was panting.

Her spiritual power was almost exhausted.

The other tourists who participated in the battle were in a similar situation.

There were more than a dozen small virtual beings when they first appeared.

Good guy, now there are only thirty or forty of them.

If the defensive position had not been established.

The crowd would have been slaughtered.

"If we continue like this, there will be no air in the flamethrower!"

A sailor shook the fire pot that had no air, shook his head and retreated to the protected crowd.

"This is not a solution!"

Qin Shi thought desperately.

"These small virtual beings can't be killed, as if they all came out of the sea..."

"And they don't look very smart, but they know how to besiege. There must be a leading monster."

"Catch the leader first. Only by killing the leading virtual being can the other small virtual beings disappear."

Thinking of this, Qin Shi came up with an idea.

He rushed out of the crowd and quickly jumped into the encirclement of the virtual beings.

Seeing the prey coming to the door by itself, several small virtual beingsAttracted by Qin Shi's delicious soul, he pounced and bit him.

"You little monsters want to devour my soul!"

Qin Shi sneered.

The black jade in his eyes rotated rapidly.

With the dynamic vision of the Sharingan, Qin Shi evaded all the attacks of the Hollows.

"Shadow Clone Technique!"

A figure exactly like Qin Shi appeared.

"Fire Style, Great Fireball Technique!"

The two Qin Shi stood back to back, and the scorching flames erupted in two directions.

The fire curtain burned nearly ten small Hollows in front of him.

Finally, the system made a sound.

[Ding, because you killed too many small Hollows, you are locked by a malicious force. ]

[The Eye of Inheritance is activated, and the source of malicious force is being detected...]

[Ding, the source of malicious force has been found, fifty meters northeast, the monster name: Kilian Juvenile]

"Found you!"

Following the instructions of the system, Qin Shi finally found the leading monster.

On the bow of the Wanli Sunshine, there is a sculpture that looks like a lion and the sun.

There is a floating Void that looks exactly like the other Voids.

But unlike the other Voids with a hollow chest, a gray demon core appears and disappears in its chest from time to time.

This unique Void just stands quietly on the bow, watching its own tribe attack humans.

"Is that you?"

Qin Shi frowned as he looked at the Void floating on the bow in the distance.

It was not until then that he noticed an important detail.

The Voids on the ship are not distributed in an irregular manner.

Instead, they extend along the bow to the crowd, and along the way, they are densely packed with floating Voids.

All the Voids are protecting the unique Void with a demon core, intentionally or unintentionally.

And more Voids are coming out of the sea water next to the Void on the bow, and then flying towards the crowd.

In a short time, the number has exceeded fifty.

"Too many..."

Qin Shi retreated to the defense circle.

"How is it, have you found the leader monster?"

The captain was smoking a pipe and holding a musket to burn another approaching Void to death.

"Well, I found it, at the bow, but unfortunately there are too many Voids along the way, so I can't get through..."

Qin Shi said, and suddenly his eyes lit up.

"By the way, using that skill, maybe..."

He turned his head and looked at the crowd.

In the corner of the protected crowd, Yuan Baiwan was holding his head in his hands, squatting on the ground and shivering.

Beside him, the lizard man Meiwen was also standing next to him, and did not go outside the circle to kill the Void.

Qin Shi walked over quickly.

"Is your skill called 'God's Accomplice', which can hide others and yourself together?"

Mewen looked at Qin Shi and nodded hesitantly.

"I want you to use this skill to lead me to the Void near the bow."

"It is the only Void with a demon core among all the demon beasts. Once it is killed, these small Voids will scatter and flee."

"This is the only way to save the tourists present. I need your help!"

Qin Shi stared into Meiwen's eyes and said.

"You must help me, otherwise, you will die too!"

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