A few days later, on the Wanli Sunshine.

The huge anchor fixed the hull, and the big ship slowly approached the shore.

Along with the Sunshine, there were several ships from other merchants.

"Toot toot" a few times, the whistles of several trains came from not far away.

Looking up, there were even a few planes slowly landing overhead.

This is the Great Wilderness Station, the largest platform in Jiuzhou that combines a ship port, a train station, and an airport.

They have arrived in the Desert State, Chang'an City.

The most prosperous place in Jiuzhou.

It is also the city closest to the monsters.

Even though it has the function of protecting the barrier, such a close proximity can cause the strange gray fog in the monster domain.

It also caused many mineral deposits, vegetation, and animals in the Desert State to mutate.

So there are treasures everywhere here, but there are also dangers everywhere.

In addition to being a political and economic city, this place is also the location of the three first-class colleges and dozens of second-class institutions in Jiuzhou.

Looking at the crowds rushing past.

Qin Shi, Chen Fu, and Zhang Hao stood close together, holding their suitcases tightly.

In front of them were tall buildings and crowds of people.

Just like Liu Laolao entering the Grand View Garden, the people of Xiacheng District saw the prosperous high-rise buildings in the big city for the first time.

The three of them stared straight.

Passively walked out of the platform under the surge of people.

"Remembering the experience of going to Beijing to attend university for the first time before crossing..."

Qin Shi sighed in his heart.

After leaving the station, a number of Totoro buses and alpaca taxis sped past.

"Look, Lao Qin, it's the welcoming teams of various colleges!"

Zhang Hao excitedly pointed to the People's Square opposite Huangzhou Station.

There stood welcoming teams from many colleges.

Qin Shi looked along Zhang Haodong's finger.

Wow, the banners are more creative than one another.

Some college students held a flying broom in their hands, holding hands to pull up the welcoming banners in the sky.

Some universities are plain and simple, with ten Maybachs opening their doors to welcome new students.

Some universities hold various musical instruments, welcoming new students with beautiful notes and beautiful uniforms.

But these are not the most eye-catching universities.

What made Qin Shi Sannin stunned was a golden airship floating in the sky.

24K pure gold.

The words "Tiangong" were engraved on the body of the airship.

Lightning flashed around the airship, with the power of Thor faintly.

A huge banner hung from the bottom of the airship, reading "Welcome to Tiangong College".

"Wow, Xiaofu, your college is great, and you look like a rich man."

"It's worthy of being the richest college among all colleges."

Zhang Hao was shocked.

Qin Shi also raised his eyebrows.

"This is not a simple golden airship, it can't be... Ark Maxim!?"

Ark Maxim is a flying battleship built by Enelu, the King of Lightning, using gold over decades in the world of One Piece.

However, in the world of One Piece, Ark Maxim is driven by Enelu's Thunder Fruit.

However, the Ark of Tiangong Academy uses formations to collect and store the power of heavenly thunder as the power source of the airship.

It can be said to be ingenious.

"Where is our academy?"

Zhang Hao couldn't wait to find Jiuzhou Huatuo Academy in the crowd.

An ambulance engraved with "Jiuzhou Huatuo Academy" drove over from a distance.

The door opened, but it was not people who got out, but eight identical monsters.

A pink chubby body, big curly ears, and a kangaroo bag on the belly with a big white egg in it.

"Happy... Happy Egg!?"

This time it was Qin Shi's turn to drop his jaw.

These monsters turned out to be the god-level nurse Happy Egg in the "Pokemon" anime.

Eight Happy Eggs lined up in a row, holding up the signs in their hands with their chubby hands.

"Happy! Happy!" they shouted.

The signs read "Welcome, welcome, warm welcome!"

A beautiful nurse sister in a low-cut white coat walked in front of the Happy Egg and threw a wink at the group of students rushing over.

The school emblem of Jiuzhou Huatuo College was pinned on the nurse sister's proud chest.

"This... is so sexy, no, I mean such a loving welcome."

Zhang Hao wiped the saliva that flowed down.

"Is this my future alma mater? Love it!"

The three walked towards the square and headed for the college's welcome team.

Ten minutes later.

"Xiao Fu, Lao Qin, you must be happy when we meet again, okay?"

"You must be happy, you must be happy, okay! !"

"Wow, Xiao Fu, Lao Qin, how can I live without you!"

With the joint efforts of Qin Shi and Chen Fu.

They finally put the cryingChen Hao, who was in tears, was stuffed into the welcoming ambulance of Hua Tuo College.

Chen Fu also boarded the golden airship after saying goodbye to Qin Shi.

After seeing off his two friends, Qin Shi started looking for them in the square.

From the moment he walked out of Huangzhou Station, he had already started looking for the welcoming team of the Demon Hunting College.

But unfortunately, he didn't find it.

Very embarrassing.

There is a circle of spectacular fountain buildings in the center of the People's Square.

Qin Shi searched for a long time and finally found the contact person of his organization behind the fountain.

There stood a young man who looked to be in his thirties, very tall, estimated to be two meters.

He wore a white V-neck long-sleeved shirt, black trousers and black boots on the lower body, and a green coat all over his body.

But the most eye-catching thing was the man's curly hair and the green eye mask on his forehead.

This one reminded Qin Shi of an anime character.

One of the three admirals of One Piece, Kuzan, codenamed "Aokiji"!

Qin Shi walked up quickly.

If it weren't for the gray ribbon tied around the man's wrist.

On the ribbon was written "Demon Hunter Academy Welcome Director", Qin Shi would have been unable to find his contact.

The tall young man was lowering his head, his eyes were fanatical, and his fingers were tapping on his phone.

"Tap, tap, I've never won!"

After a shout of "VICTORY!", the tall young man put down his phone and groaned with satisfaction.

He then realized that Qin Shi had been standing beside him for ten minutes.

"Oh? Are you a newcomer this year?"

The tall young man opened the album on his phone and drew on Qin Shi's face.

"Let me see, Qin Shi?"

"Well, it's the same person in the photo, ahem!"

He put the phone in his coat pocket and adjusted his collar.

"Nice to meet you. I'm Qingzhi, the new lecturer of the Demon Hunter Academy. You can also call me Brother Zhi."

"Finally I've waited for you, newbie. Let's get going!"

The young man named Qingzhi took off the silk scarf in his hand.

Looking at Qin Shi staring at the green eye mask on his forehead.

"Why, student, do you have any questions?"

He asked enthusiastically.

"Teacher Qing, you look a bit like the one in the pirate world..."

"Aokiji, right?"

The young man replied with a smile.

He pointed to the green eye mask on his head.

"This is called 'acting method'! It can speed up the speed of your inheritance. The academy will teach you this in the future."

"Besides, I do like to sleep, haha."

"Any more questions, newbie?"

Looking at his teacher's approachable attitude, Qin Shi also laughed.

"I would like to ask one more question," he looked around.

"Am I the only freshman here!?"

Just now he saw that other colleges were picking up freshmen in cars.

"There is one more, but he won't arrive for another hour. I'll take you to the college first, and then come back to pick him up. This way I can earn two welcome credits..."

"Our Demon Hunting College is different from other universities. Other universities recruit tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of students every year, but we only recruit less than a thousand."

Qing Zhi smacked his lips.

"Besides, many new students are either rich or noble. Many are children of major families and have their own private planes to pick them up."

"There are very few people like you who come here with free tickets issued by the college."

"No problem? Then..."

As he said this, he shook his green coat, and two sets of mechanical devices fell off with a "clang".

Each set of devices looks like the following.

A safety suit that covers the shoulders, waist, and legs.

Two rectangular metal launchers connected to the two ends of a cylindrical gas tank.

Two suction cups with belts extended from the launcher.

"This is..."

Qin Shi's eyes lit up.

"Three-dimensional mobile device!?"

The device in front of him was exactly the same as the three-dimensional mobile device he had seen in the anime "Attack on Titan".

This is a device that controls the belts on the waist, legs, and feet, and uses a jet device to slide through the woods and buildings.

The only difference from the three-dimensional mobile device in the anime is that this device does not have a saber, and the trigger is naturally not installed on the handle of the saber.

Instead, there is an additional pair of control gloves, and the trigger is installed in the palm of the glove.

The catapult does not eject a sharp claw hook, but a suction cup.

"You actually know this kind of device? That's much easier."

Qing Zhi said to himself while tying a set of devices to himself.

"This is my favorite toy. It was the trophy that dropped when I killed a one-star monster for the first time."

"I still remember that one.The monster looks like a human, is as tall as a building, and drools. It's a naked giant. "

Qing Zhi grumbled as he helped Qin Shi put on his equipment.

"Later, I modified this device. When you press the trigger on the palm of the glove, a powerful suction cup will pop out. "

"Then with a 'whoosh' sound, we can move like Spider-Man. "

"Then classmate Qin..."

Qing Zhi suddenly grinned.

"Do you understand?"

Qin Shi nodded in confusion.

"Since you understand, you have to follow closely!"

"If you lose it, you won't be able to reach the academy."

Qing Zhi grinned and suddenly pressed the buckle on his waist.

Two buckles shot out from his waist and shot towards the bell tower not far away.

The jet shot out, and Qing Zhi jumped into the air with the help of the pulling force.

"Classmate Qin, by the way, be careful. "

"If you break something, it will be deducted from your school allowance, haha!"

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