After a busy day, many students, including Qin Shi, didn't even have lunch.

Their stomachs were growling with hunger.

A group of people rushed to the cafeteria of the Demon Hunting Academy like hungry wolves.

The freshman military training was before the start of school for students of other grades.

"Cafeteria, cafeteria!"

Li Shanyi touched his growling belly and stared at the campus card in his hand.

Then he looked up at the front. He was surprised.

Qin Shi, who was walking behind him, also stopped.

"This... is this, a lake?"

Following the map, they came to a lake?

It's called a lake, but the lake is surging with fragrant soup, and it's boiling soup.

It's like a hot pot.

Qin Shi suddenly remembered where he seemed to have seen this lake.

In the comic "The Prisoner of Food", there is a unique lake where the top ingredient, the lady fish, lives - the Hot Pot Lake.

But in the comic, the Hot Pot Lake is frozen.

The hot pot lake in front of him was boiling and fragrant.

"Here we are, hot pot lake!"

Pei Bu Le shrugged his nose excitedly.

"Three hundred years ago, when the border barrier had not yet been established, gray fog filled many places in Kyushu continent."

"Not only did it bring monsters, but it also teleported some secrets and magical buildings from other worlds."

"This hot pot lake is one of the secrets teleported to Kyushu at that time."

The so-called secret realm is the gray fog that caused the original area of ​​Kyushu to change.

The area formed by the integration of special buildings or terrain in the other world.

Give an example.

For example, ordinary lake water became the hot pot lake in the captive of delicious food.

For example, the prison that held prisoners became the Impel Down in the world of One Piece.

The emergence of secret realms is often accompanied by dangers and opportunities.

Pei Bu Le rubbed his hands.

"Did you see the big ship in the middle of the lake?"

"That's the restaurant of the Demon Hunter Academy, Barati."

"This is a lake restaurant that ranks among the nine most delicious restaurants!"

"It is said that it was modeled after the 'Barati' restaurant in the One Piece world."


Pei Bu Le sniffed, as if he had already smelled the deliciousness of top-notch food.

"If there is anything else that attracts me to this academy, it's this five-star restaurant."

Qin Shi also looked up.

A giant, three-story circular restaurant with a fish-shaped figurehead and four large sails in white and yellow.


Qin Shi exclaimed wow.

I said why it looks so familiar!

Isn't this big ship the famous battle restaurant Barati in the East China Sea Sambas Sea in One Piece, the sea restaurant?

It becomes a lake restaurant here?

Many freshmen have arrived at the lake.

Everyone is even more hungry when they smell the aroma of the hot pot lake.

But everyone looked embarrassed.

"The restaurant is in the middle of the lake, how can we get there?"

No one dared to swim over.

Are you kidding? The boiling hot pot soup will bubble up if you touch it a little bit, and you still want to swim in it?

And look at the bubbles rising in the lake.

There must be a lot of scary fish in it. After all, it is a secret place in another world, how can it be so easy to get there.

"I want to eat, but the food is not delicious!"

Pei Bu Le sighed.

"Oh my!"

Teachers Qingzhi and Arnold came over.

There were three Kentaro behind them, pulling six carts.

"Don't you want to eat, students? The restaurant is just opposite, and you can taste the amazing skills of our Dashan chef when you go over there!"

"What are you waiting for? Go quickly..."

Just as Qingzhi urged with a sly smile, most people were still embarrassed and said they couldn't go.

Teacher Qingzhi waved his hand helplessly.

"That's all I can do. I still have some food here, but it's far inferior to the food from the chef in the mountains."

"If you don't mind, take it!"

Everyone rushed forward.

"Is this... can you eat it?!"

After seeing the food, several students shouted immediately.

The food on the cart had been sorted one by one according to the number of portions, and there were only two kinds of food in each portion.

A piece of raw beef and a cup of bitter vegetable juice.

"Raw meat! How can you eat this? There are no parasites?"

"And the bitter vegetable juice has a pungent smell. You will vomit stomach acid after drinking it!?"

"Junk food, even dogs won't eat it!"

"I protest, you are abusing students!"

Many freshmen present looked disgusted, saying that they would not eat such food even if they were hungry.

Hearing their words, Teacher Arnold laughed coldly.

"Even dogs won't eat it? When you enter the demon domain and survive in the wild, you will know."

"To have a piece of raw meat,How exciting it is to drink the juice of the rhizomes of plants!"

"This means you can survive, understand! You can survive!"

Teacher Qingzhi rarely showed a cold expression.

"I tell you rookies, you can eat or not, but!"

"The military training of the Demon Hunting Academy will not reduce the amount of training just because you are hungry!"

"If you are so hungry that you can't get up tomorrow, don't blame me for not reminding you!"

He pointed to the boat restaurant in the center of the hot pot.

"Want to eat good food? Sure, I've given you a way!"

"Go to that restaurant by yourself, there are delicious foods in it!"

"If you stay here, there are only these two kinds of "junk food", damn, I still spoil you! ? "

For a moment, the group of freshmen was silent.

Some were the descendants of Harry Potter, summoning their own flying brooms and flying to the restaurant in the lake.

Some were the descendants of the dumplings in the Dragon Ball world, and they activated the air dance technique and floated towards the restaurant.

"Hehehe, it's just crossing the river, I have plenty of ways."

A man with blond hair, a grin, and sunglasses shot a silk thread and hit a flying bird in the sky.

Then he swung over like a swing.

"Cullo Reed's magic card, flying card!"

A girl in a blue school uniform holding a star wand, after chanting a spell, stretched out white wings on her back and took her to a high place.

The freshmen present all showed their magical powers.

Some even threw out the universal capsule, took out a skateboard, and prepared to surf over.

But more students stayed by the lake and had to go to Qingzhi to get food.

"Too... too bad!"

"No, I still can't eat it, woo! ”

After struggling, many students finally gave up trying and walked back to the dormitory hungry.

There were less than ten people who actually finished the food.

“Lao Qin, Huang Mao, why don’t you come with me and have a big meal at the restaurant on the lake?”

Pei Bu Le threw a universal capsule into the hot pot lake.

A handsome motorboat stopped steadily on the lake.

Qin Shi thought about it and shook his head.

“I have a way to get there, you take Li Shanyi there first!”

“Well, hurry up, we’ll wait for you to eat together!”

Pei Bu Le believed in Qin Shi’s ability and left with Li Shanyi first.

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