The cooking box in Dashan's hand is a high-end storage device.

Tiangong College often makes different storage boxes according to the needs of different people.

This cooking box is designed for chefs.

Although the space is small, the time flow rate inside is almost zero.

So no matter what kind of demanding ingredients are put in this cooking box, they will not rot.

As long as it is not opened frequently, even the temperature can be maintained at the moment of taking out the pot.

Much more advanced than a refrigerator.

This is the favorite box for top chefs to collect precious dishes.

Of course, the disadvantage is that it is very expensive.

"It's not good for me to take away such a valuable gift..."

Qin Shi shook his head and did not take it.

Dashan stuffed the cooking box with potato cakes to Qin Shi.

"This is not a gift for you, it's an investment, you know, young man."

"When you become stronger and go to the demon realm for trials, if you see any special ingredients, please help me pack them in this cooking box and bring them back."

"I won't let you work in vain. I will pay you the corresponding coins or special dishes I made."

"This potato cake and cooking box are the gifts for our cooperation, haha."

Patting Qin Shi on the shoulder, Dashan laughed and was in a very good mood.

"It's hard to find a true friend. You can eat this piece of meat cooked with twelve spices slowly in the restaurant. I'm going to the kitchen to work."

"Put the plate on the table after you finish eating. I'll clean it up later."

He snapped his fingers.

All the dining carts turned around as if they had spirits, and then followed him to the kitchen.

Qin Shi put the cooking box in his ninja backpack, and then walked back to the dining table in the corner with the meat.

"Old Qin, you're right!"

Pei Bu was lying on two chairs, rubbing his belly with satisfaction.

"Really, this piece of beef is so delicious! I'm glad I listened to you and ate all of it."

"I was saying, how could the dignified chef of Dashan fool us about the food."

"Those stupid students kept saying it was unpalatable, so no one ate all the meat. What a pity, what a pity, haha!"

Qin Shi smiled.

Most of the students who come to the Demon Hunting Academy are from very wealthy families.

They have been living a life of luxury since childhood, and they really don't like this piece of beef that is so tasteless that it's not even cut.

"Sixth Brother, the point now is whether the beef is delicious?"

Huangmao Li kindly stuffed the remaining meat into his mouth.

He pointed at Qin Shi with a water cup, and couldn't speak clearly.

"The point... burp... the point is Lao Qin!"

"Oh my god... B-level inheritance... performs more vigorously than those S-level inheritance students."

"You two, one is from the richest merchant family in Jiuzhou, and the other is so powerful that he can't even beat the S-level students."

"Don't I live in the Osiris Red Dormitory? I feel so stressed..."

After drinking the boiled water in the cup in one gulp, Li Shanyi looked melancholy.

Qin Shi and Pei Bu Le laughed.

"You are talking so much nonsense. Is there so much mess in college friendship?"

"Drink, drink, and shut your mouth with the fruit beer that Lao Qin brought back."

Pei Bu Le took a can of fruit beer and threw it to Huang Mao, and "snapped" the pull ring of the beer can.

"Come on, Lao Qin, you also have some!"

"My elder brother and second brother told me that college roommates are good brothers for life."

"For our future friendship, let's have a clink!"


The next day, eight o'clock in the morning.

Qin Shi was disheveled, and he put on his school uniform jacket while running.

He was still okay.

Pei Bu Le and Li Shanyi wore their school uniform pants when they were running.

"Drinking will cause trouble, drinking will cause trouble!"

"I regret drinking that beer with you!"

Qin Shi's face was full of regret.

According to Teacher Qingzhi's arrangement yesterday, everyone should gather in the square at 7:30.

"That's right, but Lao Qin, you only drank a sip, and it was fruit beer!"

"Tsk tsk, you embarrassed our dormitory 304."

Pei Bu Le did not forget to backstab while running.

When the three people ran to the playground, the rest of the students had already lined up according to the color of their school uniforms.

Under the stern gaze of Teacher Qingzhi, the three people lined up at the end of the line in disgrace.

Another three minutes passed.

The naked-chested principal rumbled over.

He ran up to the podium, sat down in the middle seat, and then grabbed the microphone.

"Sorry, students, I drank a few too many glasses last night and overslept."

"But I hope you can adapt. I have never been a punctual person."

"However, I can be late, but if you dare to be late, as long as IIf I catch you once, I will let you know what it means to be a spoiled child. "

"Why are you so domineering? Because I am the principal, I am very strong, no one can control me. If one day you are as strong as me, you can also be late, that's it."

He coughed a few times.

"Let's get down to business."

"First, I will divide you into classes."

He yawned and pointed at a student in the audience.

"That cross-eyed student, yes, I'm talking about you."

"Using him as a benchmark, the students on the right collectively take ten steps to the right!"

The old man continued to glance.

"Cross-eyed includes the students on his left, and you will be in the same class from now on!"

"It will be called Class A1!"

"Remember, you must stick together, share happiness and difficulties! "

As soon as the old man spoke, the whole audience was in an uproar.

Just pointing casually like this, the class was divided.

Qin Shi immediately looked at the first batch of classes that were divided.

"This old man...did he really just point casually?"

He found that in the first class that the old man had divided, all the students were wearing yellow school uniforms.

And the number of people was no more, no less, thirty.


The old man slapped the table on the podium.

"Arnold, you will be their class teacher!"

In the group of lecturers.

The handsome man, who had recovered his vitality and had a rosy face again, nodded.

He closed the four-leaf clover magic book in his hand and walked to the queue of Class A.

The old man then pointed at people casually, and the students on the left were still divided into the same class, and then a teacher was assigned to be the class teacher.

All the students pointed at were students wearing yellow school uniforms.

As a result, in just one minute, classes A1 to A11 had been divided into classes.

"Students in yellow and blue school uniforms retreated to the edge of the playground. "

The principal shouted loudly, and the only students on the playground were those in red uniforms.

"You, and the students on your left, are in Class B1."

This time it was not thirty people, but sixty people.

From Class B1 to Class B11, six hundred students in red uniforms were quickly divided into classes.

Qin Shi's roommate was lucky enough to be assigned to a class, Class B7.

And the head teacher was actually their old acquaintance, Qing Zhi.

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