After picking up the remaining cards.

Qin Shi spitted his fingers and counted the cards like counting money.

Fifty , three .

The system task also sent a prompt, showing the task completion rate: 10/30.

"It's a great deal..."

He put all the cards into the system space.

"Although it's a very dangerous flower garden, once you can escape, the rewards are also very rich."

"Just this trip, the lighting cards I need tonight are basically complete."

He was just happy when he suddenly heard a faint shouting in his ear.

"Is someone calling for help again?"

Qin Shi listened attentively.

"The voice is as gentle as an oriole, and the cry for help is sometimes high and sometimes low."

"It must be a girl."

He rested his hand on his chin.

"But this cry for help doesn't seem to have any emotion, and I can't hear the fear in her words."

"It might be a trap..."

"How about going to take a look?"

After making up his mind, Qin Shi put on his cat-faced mask and walked in the direction of the sound.

A few minutes later, he came to a river.

In the middle of the river, a girl in a yellow school uniform was holding a broken log and struggling desperately in the water.

Seeing a masked freshman coming over, the girl's eyes lit up.

"I... I'm a student in Class A9, please help me."

"My feet are entangled by the plants in the water."

Qin Shi looked around the girl.

Many green vines were around the girl, and a few red eyes could be vaguely seen.

This was a water-based mutant plant, entangled with water plants.

Seeing the girl trapped, Qin Shi stood on the shore.

He had a thoughtful look in his eyes, and did not go into the water to save people.

Seeing that the man on the shore was motionless, the girl became a little anxious.

"You...if you save me, I will give you the cards I have."

"In my pocket, there are powerful cards and three , all for you!"

But Qin Shi still stood on the shore, with no intention of going into the water.

The girl's face changed, and after hesitating for a moment, she gritted her teeth.

"As long as you save me, I will agree to one of your requests, no excessive it is."

"If you feel it is inconvenient in the forest, I can also satisfy you after you get out."

"Don't worry, I will never break my promise, as long as you save me out..."

"I...I am afraid of water, and I really don't want to drown in the river..."

"There are lotus leaves on the shore, people can stand on them, you just need to stand on the lotus leaves and paddle over, and I will be saved."

As she said, the girl gave Qin Shi a look.

The look was charming, and the meaning conveyed could not be clearer.

Qin Shi was silent for a moment and smiled.

"Okay, I'll save you."

Qin Shi, wearing a cat-faced mask, walked toward the river.

The river water was a little turbid, mixed with a lot of mud and sand.

Lotus leaves were floating on the water near the shore.

Water lilies, a plant prop in Plants vs. Zombies, can plant other terrestrial plants on the water.

Heavyweight plants such as tall nuts, watermelon pitchers, and even corn cannons can also stand steadily on the water.

Therefore, it is no problem for lotus leaves to carry one or two people.

When he came to the river, Qin Shi looked at the floating lotus leaf closest to him.

Only this lotus leaf was within his one-step distance.

The other lotus leaves were floating a little far away and could not be reached at all.

He raised his feet high.

When he was about to step on the lotus leaf, Qin Shi suddenly stopped.

He looked at the girl in the middle of the river with a smile on his face.

"Girl, let me tell you something."

"With your little tricks, you're far from being able to trick me!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he quickly retracted his raised foot, and then exerted force on his foot.

He spun into the air.

Then he aimed at the lotus leaf and kicked it down.

C-level physical technique, lion combo!


With a series of smooth movements, the lotus leaf was smashed into the water with a strong force.

But the lotus leaf did not sink to the bottom as expected, but it seemed to kick something.

The lotus leaf suddenly opened.

A figure rushed out from under the lotus leaf.

He held two thin threads in his hand.

One end of the thin thread shot onto the tree on the shore and pulled him up.

The man was wearing a blue school uniform, with blond hair and sunglasses.

Under the lenses, the man's eyes were like an eagle.

Qin Shi knew him.

The man in front of him was the one who had challenged the chef of Dashan on stage among the freshmen of this year.

From a mafia family, the legacy is the Pirate King, S-rank Doflamingo's Mingge.

The blond man wearing sunglasses wipedBlood on the corner of his mouth.

He was still slightly injured by Qin Shi's powerful physical skills.

"Tell me, how did you find me?"

The man fiddled with the silk thread in his hand, his tone fierce.

"Maybe I'm happy to leave you a whole body!"

Under the cat-faced mask, Qin Shi's mouth corners rose.

"You don't even know how you exposed yourself, and you still want to defeat me?"

A smoke bomb in his hand fell to the ground, and the thick smoke immediately covered his figure.

After the smoke, two figures of Qin Shi appeared in the same place.

Ninjutsu, Shadow Clone Technique!

"Oh, you can clone? What a coincidence, I'm also good at this!"

The silk thread in Ming Ge's hand flew quickly, interweaving in the air, like knitting a sweater.

After a while, another Ming Ge appeared beside him.

Thread Thread Fruit Skill-Shadow Riding Thread!

"Hehe, let's fight!"

The two Ming Ge laughed sinisterly at the same time, and the shadowy silk thread appeared in their hands.

Under the Sharingan, the almost transparent silk thread was particularly clear in Qin Shi's eyes.

He looked at the five taut silk threads in Ming Ge's hand and slowly pulled out his Zanpakuto - Shallow Strike.

In the previous system reward, Qin Shi obtained the Kendo Ninjutsu "Three Moon Dance".

The mastery of this ninjutsu also improved his swordsmanship to a certain extent.

Although it is still LV1, it is almost touching the threshold of LV2 and has the ability to fight.

"Five-color thread..."

Five-color thread, the basic skill of Doflamingo in the anime One Piece.

Each of the five fingers creates a nearly transparent thin silk thread, and the five silk threads are grasped towards the opponent in the posture of animal claws.

The silk thread as sharp as a piano wire will cut or even cut off the opponent's body.

But this skill also has obvious disadvantages, that is, the attack distance is not long, and it must be at a close distance to exert its power.

After the five-color thread appeared on Ming Ge, he immediately moved.

In the anime, Doflamingo not only relies on the fruit power, but also has strong physical skills.

Mingge, as an S-class inheritor, has reached LV2 level in physical skills.

The two Mingge rushed towards the two Qinshi clones respectively, intending to defeat them one-on-one.

The moment Mingge took action, Qinshi also moved and rushed towards the other party.

"Make clones with me? How dare you!"

Qinshi smiled and kept his feet.

What is the most important thing about the clone technique?

It is to make it impossible to tell male from female!

If the opponent cannot find his original body, then the clone technique loses its effect.

Under Qinshi's Sharingan, all clone techniques are in vain.

The moment Mingge wasted his spiritual power to make a thread clone.

Qinshi has already determined which clone is the original body.

Then, it is the time to fight. How can I play one-on-one with you?

The two Qinshi raised their long swords and slashed at Mingge's original body.

"Damn it!"

Ming Ge raised the five-colored thread in his hand to block, and a long knife was blocked.

But the long knife in the hand of another Qin Shi clone successfully stabbed the opponent at the moment he blocked.


The long knife cut into the opponent's body, but no blood splashed.

Qin Shi frowned.

This light touch was like a knife cutting on a ball of thread.

He looked up.

Ming Ge, who was still the original body just now, has now turned into a ball of flying silk threads.

"Hehehe! Masked boy, you really dare to underestimate me..."

A cold laugh came from behind.

The two Qin Shi turned their heads to look.

The position where the silk thread clone stood before has been replaced by Ming Ge's original body.

"My shadow riding line can not only create a clone that uses my ability, but also exchange positions with my original body in times of crisis..."

Ming Ge's palm stretched back.

Dozens of nearly transparent thin threads spurted out of his palm.

These threads intertwined together to form a thick thread column like hair.

"Haha, kid, you lost!"

"Thread Thread Fruit Skill - Super Strike Whip!"

Ming Ge laughed wildly, pulling his hands back with all his strength, like swinging a heavy whip.

The thick thread column swept forward violently.


Countless trees around were cut off by the thread column, rumbling and falling to the ground.

The two Qin Shi not far from Ming Ge were also cut in the waist by the thread column.

"Hehe, haha, win, win, I killed another ignorant brat!"

Ming Ge shouted excitedly.

But in a short moment, his pupils suddenly shrank.

The two Qin Shi, after being cut in the waist, also did not bleed.

Instead, with a "bang", they turned into two streams of smoke.

"Fake... Both are fake!?"

Ming Ge stared at the disappearing Qin Shi's clone.Position.

Suddenly, there was a sharp pain in his chest.

He looked down and saw a silver blade stuck in his chest.

Qin Shi stood behind him, holding the knife with both hands, and pushed the knife forward another inch.

"Sorry, S-level classmate..."


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