"I don't know how long I can fool around..."

While recovering his spiritual power, Qin Shi thought about the battle just now.

"The superb skill of turning people into puppets, the incomplete Hundred Machines Maneuver, and the mysterious blood ghost technique..."

"This strength is incredible, almost catching up with me."

"This is a hit on the wall."

After a quarter of an hour of rest, his spiritual power and physical strength have recovered a lot.

"A good man will not suffer a loss in front of him, I, Qin Shi, will pat my butt and leave~"

He stood up and walked out of the cemetery.

Ten minutes later.

"I remember that I didn't walk long when I came in..."

Qin Shi walked past one tombstone after another, and felt more and more strange.

"I have walked for so long, why haven't I reached the exit yet?"

He felt strange and looked around.

Not far away, there was a dead tree broken into two pieces.

The cross section of the dead tree was black, as if it had been burned by fire.

He remembered this dead wood, which was the wood that he accidentally broke when he was fighting with the puppet Annie.

"What's going on... After turning around for a long time, you're back?"

Qin Shi was shocked.

"Could it be that I'm stuck in a wall?"

"Is this the characteristic of the graveyard terrain that prevents players from getting out?"

"I can't even run away!"

Looking at the familiar environment in front of him, Qin Shi couldn't help but get a headache.

"How about a Earth Escape - Earth Dragon Hide, get into the mud and walk with your eyes closed, and see if you can escape by chance?"

Just when he thought about it and couldn't find a better way.

An old man's voice suddenly sounded in the sky.

{Gulala, my lovely students, are you having fun in the forest? }

The voice was clearly audible to everyone.

This is the full map broadcast.

{I'm going to interrupt your happy game temporarily because something unexpected happened. }

{According to the intelligence department of the academy, a member of the Hundred Ghosts has infiltrated the freshmen group and also participated in this survival trial. }

{The Hundred Ghosts is a well-known dark organization. You only need to know that the members there are very dangerous. }

{And they all like... to eat people! }

{At present, we do not know the appearance and specific information of this intruder. }

{However, according to other intelligence, this member of the Hundred Ghosts disguised as a freshman has taken a large amount of inheritance enhancement potion. }

{This potion can greatly increase the inheritance level in a short period of time. The disadvantage is that the upper limit will be locked, and you will never be able to break through the fifteenth level in this lifetime. }

{Especially the Hundred Ghosts members have powerful self-healing abilities and blood ghost arts that enhance inheritance abilities. }

{So according to the teachers' judgment, the strength of this intruder is close to that of a two-star demon hunter. }

{Once a student discovers this intruder, it is recommended to escape directly without fighting. }

{However, if a student can kill this intruder and teleport him to the elimination zone where our teacher is waiting...}

{We will allow the student to enter the treasure pavilion and select a legendary skill scroll or treasure. }

{Please hold on for another half an hour. After half an hour, the teachers will take advantage of the opportunity of the forest changing from night to day to enter the forest to capture the intruder. }

{Finally, I wish you good results, gula la la! }

The principal's full map broadcast verified Qin Shi's guess.

"There really are people from the Hundred Ghosts Group coming in... and they are so strong, it turns out that they took medicine."

"Tsk tsk, when in Linhai City, the father and daughter of the Su family also took the enhancement potion given by the [Pillar] organization. I didn't expect that the Hundred Ghosts Group also had similar drugs. Is it a coincidence?"

However, compared to these trivial matters, there are more important things in the broadcast for him to pay attention to.

"Treasure Pavilion, legendary skill scrolls or treasures?"

Qin Shi immediately stood up from his squatting position, and rubbed his hand that had been pressed to the ground, ready to perform earth escape, on his body.

His current strongest lightning escape - Chidori, is only an epic skill.

Legendary level, skills and treasures higher than epic level.

Just thinking about it makes him excited

"People die for money... No, for the safety and health of other students, for the safety and peace of the academy."

He comforted himself righteously.

"If I, Qin Shi, don't go to hell, who will?"

"The man in black, right? Hehehe, I, Qin Shi, am here!"

"Legendary skills (treasures), I, Qin Shi, am here!"

During the time of being trapped in the ghost wall, he has completely rested, and his spiritual power and physical strength have returned to the peak.

Although the man in black disappeared, he disappeared in the huge tomb terrain.

But Qin Shi was not worried about not being able to find him.

"I have the Eye of Inheritance, little guy, can you hideWhere?"

He clicked on the light spot on the small map, and the arrow indicating the direction of the Eye of Inheritance appeared again.

Qin Shi followed the arrow forward, step by step into the cemetery terrain.

"There are more and more tombstones... This man in black, who is obviously a puppet master's inheritance, why does he like to stay in the cemetery."

Qin Shi muttered, and his steps did not stop.

Fifteen minutes later, he finally saw the traces of the enemy in a dead forest.

However, compared with the looming figure of the man in black.

There was a huge thing that shocked Qin Shi even more.

"This... Is this a grave?"

In the dead forest, there was a huge raised grave.

The grave was round, but as high as a five-story building, which was particularly conspicuous in the dead forest.

There was a stone tablet in front, and there was no name on the stone tablet.

This is a blank tablet.

"Good guy, such a big tomb, won't it bury monsters? "

Qin Shi looked at the huge tomb from a distance, and suddenly found that there were strange blue flame runes around the tomb.

"Is this... a formation?"

Qin Shi stared at the runes that lit up around the tomb, and found that there was a shadow on each rune.

The shadow flickered, and it was clearly a human figure.

Qin Shi was surprised.

Because he noticed that there was a shadow that looked familiar to him.

It was the puppet he had fought against on the periphery of the tomb, the girl in the yellow school uniform inherited by Annie.

The figures on the runes all looked painful, and they tried desperately to break free from the shackles of the blue flames, but they couldn't escape.

"This ritual... looks evil at first glance."

Qin Shi's face was solemn.

"Are those shadows the souls of the freshmen? "

"I said that after being eliminated, the whole body of the students will turn into light spots and disappear, but their bodies were made into puppets by the men in black..."

"So this is the incomplete death prompted by the system. Although the body is dead, the soul is forcibly retained, so it is not considered complete death and cannot be eliminated."

"Could it be that there is something horrible in that tomb that needs to use the souls of these students as sacrifices?"

The more Qin Shi thought about it, the more frightened he became.

No matter what is hidden in that tomb, he can't let it out.

Otherwise, it must be something he can't deal with.

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