Finding the opportunity, Chen Ming raised the fishing rod in his hand.

Maybe it's because the picture is big enough, and the difficulty of hitting is much easier than Chen Ming imagined.

Then, he actually saw a big red fish being fished out of the water.

Then he turned into a ball of light, flew towards Chen Ming, turned into a text, and appeared in front of him

: [Successful fishing! Congratulations to the host for obtaining the S-level skill: laser eye!]

With only the three words of laser eye, even if you don't need to look at the skill introduction, it is not difficult for Chen Ming to be sure what kind of skill this is.

Unexpectedly, one day, Zeng stared at the TV screen, envious of the skills he didn't know how many times, and now he really has it!

The fish bit the hook, his hand sank, and Chen Ming quickly pulled it up!

Just like just now, it was a red fish, very expensive to look at, and its scales shimmered with pearles.

[Successful Fishing!Congratulations to the host for obtaining the

S-level skill: Thunder Gun!] [S-level skill Thunder Gun: You can condense the power of thunder into a gun and throw it, causing explosive damage!]

"Very good, another S-level skill is in hand!" Chen

Ming hurried up and threw out the next shot.

This time, it was still a redfish, but the reward type had changed.

[Successful Fishing!Congratulations to the host for obtaining +10 automatic machine gun turret!]

At first, when he saw a chance to guarantee the bottom, he actually drew a heavy machine gun, even if it was ten, Chen Ming felt the same feeling of loss in his heart.

But after detailed confirmation, Chen Ming found that he had picked up the treasure.

First of all, this machine gun is an absolute heavy firepower, which can store 30,000 rounds of ammunition at a time, and its size is very large.

It can be automatically recognized, and it can also be remotely manipulated to attack the enemy.

On top of that, this weapon works perfectly with the Infinite Bullet skill.

It means that Chen Ming has ten intelligent heavy firepower equipment that can output indefinitely.

Installing this thing on the steel wall below the mountain will greatly increase the defense of the post-apocalyptic refuge.

Chen Ming knew very well in his heart that it was a matter of time before the shelter was attacked by monsters just by the transformation of the security company.

If you want to last longer, you have to start fishing from the worlds.

End virtual reality mode.

In the blink of an eye, Chen Ming returned to reality.

Open the storage space and tap on the automatic machine gun turret.

The system panel directly displayed the map of the entire Dushan Villa in 3D mode in front of Chen Ming.

"As long as you choose a location on this and determine it, you can adapt to the terrain and complete the installation? Chen

Ming originally planned to install a heavy firepower output at each of the four corners of the villa wall.

Then go down the hill and place the remaining auto-gun batteries on the wall.

It can be intimidating, but it can also be like a tower defense game, even if the zombie tide does invade, so that they can be reduced layer by layer.

At present, this function saves Chen Ming a lot of trouble.

Click on the four corners of the courtyard wall of the villa to confirm the installation.

[In the middle ......of installing an automatic machine gun turret]

[Installation successful!]

The next second when the system prompted, Chen Ming turned his head to look at the courtyard wall again, and sure enough, four heavy fire machine guns with a diameter of three or four meters were erected, like a buckle, firmly stuck to the steel wall strengthened by the security company.

The barrel is almost as thick as the barrel.

The light is placed there, and it is already full of deterrence.

After confirming that this side was correct, Chen Ming installed an automatic machine gun battery in the northwest direction of Dong'an on the wall at the foot of the mountain.

The remaining two are equipped on the roof of the villa to achieve full-angle barrage coverage.

"Anyway, I have to report these things by enthusiastic citizens and let the officials pay attention......

" Before the words fell, Chen Ming shook his head again, "They are probably busy dealing with zombie monsters now, so they shouldn't have time to care about me." "


The sound of gunfire suddenly rang out, coming from the bottom of the mountain, but it was not the defensive weapon that Chen Ming had just installed, and the sound was farther away.

Chen Ming found the previously caught drone from the storage space, briefly familiarized himself with the operation process, and then transferred the receiving screen to his mobile phone to watch.

Successfully manipulated a small drone to fly out of the villa, soaring into the blue sky, chasing the direction from which the sound came from, and wanted to find out.

After a few minutes, adjust the lens and zoom in.

Under the high-definition picture, Chen Ming can see clearly that the special operations soldiers are taking cover and evacuating the masses from the villas.

Zombies have long since disappeared and poured into the villa area.

Fortunately, there are not many of them, and there is no tide of corpses, so for the special combat soldiers, the evacuation task is quite easy.

If the information Chen Ming learned from the Internet was true, the speed of these zombies' actions and desire to attack would be greatly reduced during the day.

And when night falls, they'll go completely crazy! more hungry, faster in action!, and ...... sharper hearing

If it can't be formed into a tide of corpses, if the special combat soldiers want to deal with these zombies, it is simply not too simple, and they can properly reduce the dimensionality.

Suddenly, a special operations soldier seemed to hear the sound of the drone, quickly turned around, raised the muzzle of the gun, and completed the lock.

After it was determined that it was a drone, the shot was not fired.

Chen Ming chose to turn on the sound transmission function to listen to what they were talking about.

"Drone, was it sent to supervise our movements?"

"I don't remember one of the drones in use now, so I guess who's checking what's going on nearby." "

Anyway, let's get done and get all the people out of this place as soon as possible before it gets dark and those guys go berserk. "

Yes, Captain!" the

team member walked a few steps and turned back, "Anyway, Captain, should we go and see that Dushan Villa first? The people who can live there must be very valuable, right? In case of an accident, we can't explain it."

"Indeed, the wisdom of these people is needed to rebuild after a disaster. The captain nodded in agreement and decided to personally take the team members and go to Dushan Villa to confirm the situation.

On the road.

"Captain, these rich people are very good, will they have run away early?" The team member drove the car and glanced at the captain sitting in the passenger seat.

"Whether he runs or not, we have an obligation to find out. The captain said with a serious face.

The team members are no longer bored with themselves, concentrate on driving, and at the same time be alert to their surroundings.

Worry about a person or a zombie running out of nowhere.

Fortunately, there was no danger all the way and I arrived at the foot of the mountain smoothly.

It's just that new problems are coming one after another.


Closing the door, the two stepped out of the driver's seat and the passenger seat.

Look at the tall metal walls that stand in front of you, and the exaggerated machine-gun turret.

"......" The two of them stared at each other, confused, very confused.


to mention ordinary people, the two of them have been soldiers for so many years, and they have never seen such fierce firepower!

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