Soon, consciousness becomes blurred and the image in front of him cannot be focused.

until completely unconscious.

Basham made the same move as before, twisting his body on the ground, his limbs flipping at angles that a normal person could not achieve, and his bones clicking.

Suddenly he stepped up, and the whole person stood up like an arched bridge.

"Wait!, he wasn't bitten, why did he get infected with the virus and have a corpse

?" "Could it be that it's just because he accidentally got zombie blood in his mouth?" Charles behind the cell door was completely panicked.

"Poof!poof!poof!" desperately trying to spit out the bloody taste in his mouth.

Yes, that's right, he accidentally swallowed a little splash of blood just now!


In the blink of an eye, the fish belly on the horizon is white.


Twisting your head and neck, clicking.

It was decided that it would be better to sleep in bed tonight, and it would be comfortable when the sofa was asleep.

But after waking up, this body and bones, as if I didn't sleep last night and went to the construction site all night, something was wrong.

Walk into the bathroom, simply go to the toilet, and then wash your face and brush your teeth.

These things are just as well equipped.

Get out of the toilet and sit back on the couch.

Chen Ming picked up the remote control and turned on the TV news.

The main focus is on the virtual panel in front of you, picking out the breakfast to eat.

In the end, I chose a carton of milk, a hot dog meat floss bun.

For breakfast, Chen Ming didn't eat much, and he didn't want to eat too greasy.

Unwrap the plastic bag, insert the straw into the milk carton, take a bite of bread, take a sip of milk, and keep your eyes on the TV screen.

watched the hostess broadcast the news, "At six o'clock in the afternoon of hawkish time, a mysterious explosion occurred in Wharton No. 13 Prison, and at present, the official has implemented a strict blockade within a radius of 10,000 meters of the prison, and no one is allowed to enter."

"Even so, we can still see the billowing smoke directly above the prison, the specific reason, the hawks refused to disclose to the public, saying that after the matter is properly resolved, a press conference will be held, and our reporter Tian Hui will continue to follow up and report for you!"

"Mysterious explosion?"

Use five fingers firmly, pinch flat, and suck again.

For some reason, Chen Ming always felt that this was not good news.

"I hope those hawks don't mess up and cause trouble to the world, even though they are in a lot of trouble now.

Chen Ming is very sure that if there were no hawks in the world, the so-called world beacon, it would be more peaceful and reduce many troubles.

Eat and drink to your heart's content.

Chen Ming was not in a hurry to open the Wanjie Fishing, first found the chat method of the head teacher, and sent a message to the other party.

casually fabricated a reason, saying that his relatives who had taken care of him since he was a child were sick and hospitalized, and he planned to take a break from school for a period of time, take care of him, and earn medical expenses part-time.

The head teacher agreed.

And told Chen Ming that if he had difficulties, he could apply to the above to hold a fundraiser.

Chen Ming declined the other party's kindness.

There are two advantages to taking time off, one is that Chen Ming can spend more time on fishing and development.

Another advantage is that if the world is so calm, I can go back to school life at any time if I want to.

I made two preparations.

After dealing with everything, Chen Ming quickly started fishing in the world.

Started my first fishing of the day.


【Fishing Success!Congratulations to the host for getting Gatling +1!Gatling Special Bullet +5000!】

"Is it so fierce when you come up?" Chen Ming has a hunch that he may be able to draw a few more skills today.


】【Successful Fishing!Congratulations to the host for obtaining +5 free attribute points!】

"Free attribute points?"

After checking the details, Chen Ming learned that the difference between free attribute points and strength, speed, and defense attribute points is that it can be added to strength, speed, and defense attributes at will, and is not limited by type.

Chen Ming added two free stats to defense, and the remaining three points were allocated to speed.

The main focus is a lewd development.


【Successful Fishing!Congratulations to the host for obtaining Explosive Rune Paper +3!】"

Explosive Rune Paper?"

Chen Ming confirmed, which is similar to the literal meaning, a rune paper that will explode after urging.

Much more powerful than high-explosive bombs.

Finally, there is a sense of déjà vu from the heavens and all worlds.

Although the element of rune paper often appears in film and television works, it does not have any effect in reality.

"Good luck, let's do it again!" [

Fishing ......

] [Successful Fishing!Congratulations to the host for getting a box of 666 cold spirits!]

"Hmm...... Not bad?"

Get in order and move on.

If you have that time, you might as well start your next fishing.

In today's Chen Ming's opinion, there is nothing that fishing can't solve, if it doesn't work once, then twice

!【Fishing...... Successful!【

Congratulations to the host for obtaining B-level skill: Night Vision!】

"Although it is B-level, it allows me to see the enemy clearly in the dark night, and I don't have to worry about being sneak attacked." "

Best of all, this skill can be turned on and off as you like.



【Successful Fishing!【Congratulations to the host for obtaining 1TB of action romance HD movie resources!】

"......" Chen Ming.

[Successful Fishing!Congratulations to the host for getting a roll of scotch tape!] [Successful Fishing!Congratulations to the host for getting a pair of 50kg dumbbells!] [Successful Fishing!Congratulations to the host for getting a treadmill!] [Successful Fishing

!Congratulations to the host for getting a box of Nagumo Baiyao Band-Aids



Chen Ming seriously doubted that his luck for today had run out.

The difference in the quality of the rewards fished out before and after is not ordinarily large.

Chen Ming did not give up.

【Fishing......】【Successful Fishing!Congratulations to the host for getting a pig-killing knife

!】【Successful Fishing!Congratulations to the host for getting the Playboy Collector's Edition Photo Book

+1!】【Successful Fishing

!Congratulations to the host for getting the life-size two-dimensional sleep pillow

+1!】【Successful Fishing!Congratulations to the host for getting the real doll +1!】


". Chen Ming's brows tightened tightly, feeling that the prize pool was developing in a very dangerous direction.


] [Successful Fishing!Congratulations to the host for obtaining the full level of Archer proficiency!]

"The proficiency of this individual weapon is not considered in the skill category?" "

Forget it, it's better than nothing, care about these details." Chen Ming shook his head and cleared his thoughts.

Determined to be a ruthless fishing machine.


】【Fishing Success!Congratulations to the Host for Drawing Paper

!】【Fishing Success!Congratulations to the Host for Obtaining Brand New Unopened Stockings

+1!】【Fishing Success!Congratulations to the Host for Getting Nail Clipper Set +1

!】Chen Ming is becoming more and more suspicious, this prize pool is connected, could it be a supermarket daily necessities warehouse?

【Fishing Success......

】【Successful Fishing!】【Successful Fishing!】【Successful Fishing!】【Successful Fishing!】【Successful Fishing!】【Fishing Success!】【Successful Fishing!】【Successful Fishing!】【Fishing T Congratulations to

the host for obtaining the Siku Quanshu +1!] [Successful Fishing!Congratulations to the host for obtaining 5 million Daxia Coins!] [Successful Fishing

!Congratulations to the host for obtaining the hardcover national style cheongsam +1!] [Successful Fishing!Congratulations to the host

for obtaining 2TB mobile hard disk+!]


Dozens of rounds of fishing have passed, but they still failed to fish for a reward that satisfies Chen Ming.

This time, he was really thinking about whether to rest for a while and wait for his luck to recover.

Or is it up to me to take my life?

While Chen Ming was thinking wildly, he suddenly noticed a news report on television.

"At present, a number of biochemical companies marked with epidemic prevention signs have entered the lockdown area, they are the three top biochemical research groups of the hawks, Taylor Technology, Brent Biochemistry, and Emera Bio......" "Biochemical companies

?" Chen Ming's already frowning brows tightened tighter, becoming a Sichuan character.

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