As Su Ming said, he walked slowly towards the mission hall with a few of them, because the mission hall was a place in the middle of the inner city and the outer city.

Here, there is a hollow area, and some office facilities in the base are set up in this place.

Most of the inner city is the place where some dignitaries live, and the failure is where some ordinary people live.

In this hollow area, there are some basic office facilities. In this case, whether it is people from the inner city or the outer city, it will be very convenient for them to come and do things.

Su Ming pushed Alice slowly and leisurely to this middle area.

Look at the people coming and going in the mission hall. Alice couldn't help but flinch a little, because he was really reluctant to meet some unfamiliar people, and because of this, he was afraid of everyone's pointing at him.

Jack looked at Alice like this and shook his head, he was so timid towards Alice. Really feel sorry for him.

"Alice, what are you afraid of? Isn't everyone like this? You see, some of them lack arms and legs, can't they still live in the sun? You are just legs now. Not good for running.

Sister Cuihua has already said that as long as you can think about it yourself, he will definitely be able to help you. So now, you don't need to talk about it. Maybe it won't take long before you can stand in the sun with great generosity.

Look at how magnificent this task hall is, and there are also many tasks in it. I will push you to take a look at it in a while, maybe the two of us can really receive some The mission.~. ""

Li Guo and Song Ye looked at Jack so elated, and directly took Jack and Alice aside.

"The two of you quietly stay away from this loud noise, there are no rules in this mission hall, as long as you have the strength.

No matter what kind of mission, you can receive it, have you seen it? The entire mission hall is divided into four levels.

ABCD. The four grades A grade is the highest grade, and D grade is the lowest grade.

As for your master and I, we usually take B-level and C-level tasks, because for us, these two tasks still give us more points.

And the most important thing is that the task is also relatively easy to complete. As for those A-level tasks, if it is not for lack of points or something, we will never accept it.

Take a closer look at the people around here, the kind of eyes they have (how is Zhao), and how enthusiastic they are for these tasks.

You can see that these tasks are really difficult to accept, and you can see that the electronic version above the task hall is also constantly rotating.

And these tasks are not cultivated all year round, so the two of you must observe carefully here, watch more and talk less, so that it will be beneficial, but you must not be rude. "

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