National Awakening: I Activate Nianhuang's Inheritance

Chapter 155 Unlock Single-Target Explosive Skills! Mind Qi Battle Spear! ! !

In the vast Valley of the Ice Monkeys,


Because of the previous blizzard,

King of the Two Ice Apes,

including the corpses of the Frost Horde,

I don't know where I was thrown,

Looking at Han Hu's corpse in front of him,

Chen Fan frowned,

lost in thought,

Needless to say,

He can't let this person~ get out of here alive,

Otherwise, according to the other party's conceited character,

Will definitely find someone - looking for their own troubles,

But kill words directly,

It does have a series of consequences,

After all, the identity of the other party is here,

Deputy Commander of the Azure Dragon Legion,

if found,

The consequences could be disastrous,

"Let's destroy the corpse first."

Chen Fan thought,

The spiral thought aura expands,

Directly evaporate Han Hu's body in situ,

And destroy all the traces within a radius of 100 meters,

"That should work."

Chen Fan said to himself,

After all, the only ones who know about it are the two Ice Ape Kings,

No one will doubt themselves,

Even if you are thoughtful,

It's okay to delay for a while,

By then own strength,

There will definitely be a qualitative leap,

Looking at the experience value,

Upgrade first,

After upgrading,

Then take twelve snow fruits,

"Ding! Consume 6 quadrillion upgrade points, and increase the perception of energy to level 78!"

"Physique increased by 234 points!"

"Agility increased by 234 points!"

"Increased wisdom by 234 points!"

"Spirit boosted by 234 points!"

Strength increased by 234 points!"

"Spirit increased by 110 points!"

"Agility increased by an additional 108 points!"

"Physique increased by an additional 105 points!"

"Strengthen the spiral mind field: Concentrate the mind energy, center on yourself, and generate a powerful spiral mind field with a radius of 100 meters. Any enemy that enters will receive twice the host's intelligence every second. Light, thunder dual-attribute magic attack hurt this!"


Chen Fan blinked,

Good luck?

It turned out that the first thing to be strengthened is the big skill Spiral Mind Aura,

The damage didn't change,

But the range is directly doubled,

becomes a radius of one hundred meters,

Coupled with the addition of artifacts,

That's a radius of 200 meters,

Keep upgrading!

Ding! At 7 quadrillion upgrade points, the sense of energy perception has been raised to level 79!"

"Physique increased by 237 points!"

"Agility increased by 237 points!"

"Increased wisdom by 237 points!"

"Spirit increased by 237 points!"

"Strength increased by 237 points!"

"Physique increased by an additional 110 points!"

"Agility increased by an additional 108 points!"

"Physique increased by an additional 105 points!"

"Strengthen Nian Qi Wave: The Nian Qi wave reaches five meters in size, and can launch three Nian Qi waves in four directions at the same time, causing light attribute magic that doubles the intelligence of the enemy.


"Strengthened the mind wave."

Chen Fan took a glance,

The main reason is that the size has changed to five meters,

Damage increased from 2x to 3x,


After all, it is only a small skill,

"Ding! Consume 8 quadrillion upgrade points, and increase the perception of energy to level 80!"

"Physique increased by 240 points!"

"Agility increased by 240 points!"

"Increased wisdom by 240 points!"

"Spirit increased by 240 points!"

"Strength increased by 240 points!"

"Physique is increased by an additional 110 points!"

"Agility increased by an additional 108 points!"

"Physique increased by an additional 105 points!"

"Strengthen the steel and iron bones: every time the sense of energy perception increases by one level, the host's physique corresponding to five times the level will increase!"


Chen Fan was taken aback,

look again,

Just to make sure I was right,

Reinforced steel and iron bones,

However, the physical attributes of each level increase,

From three times to five times,

what concept,

Next level 81,

Physique attributes suddenly increased by 405 points?

It seems that as the level of awakening increases,

In the future, the perception of mind and energy will be improved by one level,

five-dimensional properties,

Maybe ten times? Twenty times?

Even a hundred times?

Thinking of this,

Chen Fan couldn't help feeling a little excited,

not bad,

The system also knows how to keep up with the times,

After all, the five-dimensional attribute of the fifth-order awakened person is only 100,000 points,

If it is Tier 6, legendary,

Attributes are easily a million points,

When you level up, you will add hundreds of attributes,

How is this enough to see?

those other Awakened,

every practice,

The same is true for the improvement of strength.

"This time the strengthening is steel and iron, so strengthening the other four passive skills is also a matter of course."

"Ding! Consume 9 quadrillion upgrade points, and raise your perception of Qi to level 81!"

"Physique increased by 405 points!"

Agility increased by 240 points!"

"Increased wisdom by 240 points!"

"Spirit increased by 240 points!"

"Strength increased by 240 points!"

...asking for flowers...

"Unlock a new skill: [Spirit Spear]!"

"[Nian Qi Battle Spear]: Nian Qi condenses into a 50-meter giant spear, stabs forward, and after hitting the enemy, it will cause ten times the penetration damage of intelligence, and there is a certain chance that the target will enter the state of electric paralysis. Immediately, it triggers an explosion of mind energy to cause huge damage to the target that is fifty times the intelligence of the host.

"A new skill has been unlocked?"

Chen Fan was surprised and delighted,

He is still thinking that he should continue to strengthen the passive skill of wind breath next,

As a result next time,

The Nian Qi War Spear is unlocked,

"Is it in the form of a fifty-meter giant gun?"

At the first sight of the introduction,

Chen Fan's eyes straightened,

good guy,

fifty meters huge spear,

fell from the sky,

There are two stages of damage,

The first paragraph is through,

Only ten times the damage of intelligence,

The second segment is the explosion,

Generates massive damage fifty times the intelligence!

That adds up to sixty times,

Based on my current 20,000 intelligence points,

1.2 million damage?

Counting the various skill damage bonuses,

Enemies below the legendary tier,

Basically, one shot of Mind Qi War Spear can solve it,

"It's very strong."

Chen Fan nodded secretly,

On the one hand, this single-target explosive skill is indeed extraordinary,

on the other hand,

It is the potential for future enhancement.

Just imagine,

What if the Nian Qi War Spear reaches 100 meters, 500 meters, or 1,000 meters?


Chen Fan looked at the properties panel,

The next reinforcement,

The required experience value is 100 million,

"Ding! Consume 1 Beijing upgrade point, and the perception of energy will be raised to level 82!"

"Physique increased by 410 points!"

"Agility increased by 240 points!"

"Increased wisdom by 240 points!"

"Spirit increased by 240 points!"

"Strength increased by 240 points!"

"Physique increased by an additional 110 points!"

"Agility increased by an additional 108 points!"

"Strength increased by an additional 105 points!"

"Strengthen [Wind Breath]: Every time the awareness of the breath is improved by one level, the host will increase the speed attribute corresponding to five times the level."


Chen Fan looked at the first paragraph,

Consume 1 Beijing upgrade point?

The unit has changed to Beijing?

Unit conversion?

One capital is equal to one billion billion?

that's not bad,

It becomes clear at a glance,

He continued to look behind,

Sure enough, it strengthened the breath of wind,

Like steel and steel,

The attribute has been increased by five times. .

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