National Awakening: I Activate Nianhuang's Inheritance

Chapter 95: Close The Door And Release Poisonous Spiders! (Three More)


Chen Fan is planning to see after equipping the fourth artifact,

When the property grows to what extent,

But found some changes in the data panel,

Physique: 3977(+1300)(+795)(+397)





Awakening abilities:

Mind perception, level 45 (0 to one trillion points)

Available upgrade points: 280 billion

Skills to be unlocked: [Thunderbolt Palm]

Skills unlocked:

【Thousands of lotuses in full bloom】

【The Profound Meaning of Thought】

【Nanju·Magic Cat】

Equipped: Sun Gloves (artifact), Brilliant Star Ring (artifact), Ring of Allure (artifact), Guardian Ring (-artifact)

"this is?"

Chen Fan is wondering,

The five-dimensional attribute suddenly becomes a long string of numbers,

suddenly understood,

perhaps because,

Now it's a fixed bonus, and it's a percentage, plus passive cloth armor proficiency,

It is easy to confuse them together,

So the system was simply disassembled,

In terms of physique,

The first 3977 is the value of its own naked attribute,

The +1300 behind is the gain of the fixed value artifact,

In the back +795, is the gain of the percentage artifact,

The last one is brought by cloth armor proficiency,

Adding up the four values,

It is the sum of my current physical attributes, 6459 points.

However, it seems that the percentage artifact and the gain of talent cloth armor proficiency,

It has been changed to calculate based on naked attributes,

Not only physique, strength and spirit are the same for other four dimensions,

A bit of a loss?

Chen Fan frowned,

Shouldn't it be modified for the convenience of calculation?

But it is also simple and clear,

can see,

If you don't have the bonus of the four artifacts on your body,

own five-dimensional attributes,

That is to say, the level of middle and low-level fourth-level awakened people,

The distance reaches the threshold of the five senses,

about twice the difference,

Chen Fan suddenly felt some pressure,

Still need to upgrade as soon as possible,

But one thing to say,

The improvement brought by the equipment is indeed obvious,

The total attribute of physique is 6500 points,

The mind mask itself is 30 times stronger,

Plus an extra ten times the guardian ring,

That is to say, the health value and physical defense of the Nianqi mask have reached nearly 250,000 points,

It's about the same as the middle and low-level sixth-level awakened people,

at this moment,

Suddenly there was a voice in the front,

"Hey, this is what we call the fight between the snipe and the clam, and the fisherman wins. We take advantage of these poisonous spiders and the bloodthirsty ants to fight each other, and catch them all in one net.

A man hacked to death the remaining two bloodthirsty ants, proudly.

"Brother, you are awesome! With so many poisonous spiders and bloodthirsty ants, how can you sell them for a lot of money?"

A person next to him cast an admiring gaze.

"Of course, I have stayed here for several years at least. I dare not say anything about other monsters. I know these two very well."

The man was even more proud, and said: "Take this bloodthirsty ant as an example. Don't look at their bad eyes, but their sense of smell is very keen. Once the smell of poisonous spiders appears in the territory, they must come over and tear them apart." ."

"Poisonous spiders also like to eat these bloodthirsty ants, so they know that they will be found if they invade the territory of these ants, but they will come down without hesitation. How many years have passed?

Fight to the death. "

"Brother, you are really good, you know so much.

The younger brother gave a thumbs up.

"That's right, hahaha, after all, I come here to make a living and don't know much about monsters, so I really don't know how I died."

As he spoke, he glanced at Chen Fan who was walking past, his eyes lit up suddenly, and he said loudly:

"Hey? Brother, are you alone?"

Chen Fan was taken aback,

Then he declined politely and said, "Sorry, I don't form a team."

The man smiled awkwardly,

to speak out,

swallowed again,

After Chen Fan walks away,

The person next to him retracted his gaze and said curiously: "Brother, you are so good, why did you invite a kid to form a team? If there is one more person, our income will be reduced by one point.

"You are young to say you are young."

The man rolled his eyes at him, and said: "Didn't you see the pair of gloves in his hand? They are magic weapons.

"God? Artifact! Brother, you read it right, right?"

The man was dumbfounded.

"Misunderstood? My brother's eyes are sharp. Forget it, people are gone. What's the use of talking about it? Hurry up and put away all the monsters. It's a pity that there are so many, and there is no attribute crystal."

...asking for flowers...0

Chen Fan didn't care about the little episode just now,

With gradual deepening,

The number of people around has gradually decreased,

At the beginning, poisonous spiders appeared sporadically,

later on,

Basically bloodthirsty ants,

The key is not too much, not too little,

are dozens,


Chen Fan settled the battle by popping out a few qi jade casually,

Even if there is a leak,

He was also crushed to death by prayer beads,

After watching for a long time, less than one billion experience points have been added,

Chen Fan has a big head,

With this efficiency,

When can I upgrade?

If the queen can be found,

There should be a lot of bloodthirsty ants, right?


But here comes the problem,

I don't know where the old nest of these ants is?

On the map given by Xie Jing,

It is also just a macro map of the Black Rock Mountains,

about the Wailing Caverns,

It simply marks the monsters that will appear on the third floor.

I don't know how far I've walked,

Chen Fan suddenly had a flash of inspiration,

He recalled when he passed by two people just now,

What one of them said.

Poisonous spiders and bloodthirsty ants are sworn enemies,

And bloodthirsty ants have a keen sense of smell,

Once the breath of poisonous spiders appears in the territory,

will come quickly and tear them apart.....

Chen Fan's eyes lit up,

if this is true,

Doesn't that mean that if you want bloodthirsty ants to gather,

Is it enough to release the poisonous spider?

Chen Fan looked at the storage ring on his finger,

This is the leader of the wolf adventure group,

In addition to the corpse of the spider king,

There are also several elite spider monsters,

"I don't know if the dead poisonous spider is useful?"

Chen Fan took out the corpse of an elite poisonous spider five to six meters in size, and placed it beside him,

"It should be useful, whether it is dead or alive, breath or poisonous spider?"

He comforted himself like this,

wait slowly,

I don't know how long it has been,

A soft rustling sound,

coming from all directions,

Chen Fan was shocked immediately,

look around,

Good guy!

I saw dense bloodthirsty ants the size of a washbasin,

He angrily killed the poisonous spider!

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