National Awakening: My Damage Is As High As 100,000,000 Points

Chapter 301 Sky Fox King: Intruders From Outside The Territory, You Will Surely Die!

Zhou Yi shook his head and smiled wryly.

A whole backpack of medicinal materials, goji berries, ginseng, deer antler, tiger penis, and almost all of them are of mythical quality.

Almost all the best kidney-reinforcing medicinal materials were brought.

"What is this all about?"

"Put it away, it's their kindness." A voice as ethereal as moonlight sounded.

It was Qingyou who came, looking at Zhou Yi playfully.

But now Qingyou is not in the form of a necromancer, but has a real physical body.

That's right, Qingyou took back her physical body and turned into an ordinary person to live with Zhou Yi, so as to prevent someone from sneak attacking Zhou Yi when he was weak.

"Where's Xiaoyou?" Zhou Yi asked curiously.

Qing You said with a smile: "She, your sister, and Jiang Xiaoyu are taking care of Zhou Xi."

All right.

Ever since Qingyou established a teleportation array in the Sky Garden and Minghuang Xingyu Palace, my sister also runs here every day.

The good name is to take care of Xiao Zhouyi.

The scene suddenly fell silent.

The two of them just sat quietly, enjoying the afternoon sun and the peace of mind.

For a moment, Zhou Yi felt that it would be great if time could stay at this moment forever.

What a pity.

No one can stop the flow of time.

Qingyou suddenly broke the calm: "Are you ready? A new version upgrade is coming, and the 16th is scheduled to be a month later.

No one can stop their arrival, and someone has already sneaked in using special props. "

"Really?" Zhou Yi sighed lightly.

Ever since the god of desolation was instantly killed by Zhou Yi, Gu Lingya became the sole ruler of the desolate race. Although it hasn't been stated clearly, almost everyone knows that the desolate race has become a subsidiary race of the federation.

Victory is a matter of time.

Version update is also a matter of time.

It just seemed to come a little too fast.

But it doesn't matter, he is not what he used to be now, at least in terms of attributes, he has reached the edge of Tianzhuan.

Coupled with the blessing of taboo occupations, at least killing a low-level ten-turn is not difficult.

"Well, it looks like I have to go again."

Zhou Yi stretched himself.

All the bones in his body burst into crackling sounds.

It's time to continue fighting monsters and upgrading.

However, there are not many places where he can level up.

The forbidden area in the beginning is considered one, but that place is connected to the abyss, especially after Xiao Qi left, it is hard to say that it will not be swallowed by the abyss.

The stakes are too high.

Once falling into the abyss, it is difficult even for him to get out. The terrain kill is much more terrifying than the world boss.

Forget it, it's better to be steady.

Going to the 180-level area, although the experience is a little less, but it is better to be safe.

Ok, deal.

But before leaving, let's go back to Minghuang Xingyu Palace, I haven't been back for a long time, let's see how Jun Yan and the others are living there, are they used to living there?

When the evening was approaching, Zhou Yi returned to the Minghuang Xingyu Palace, but he felt a commotion as soon as he entered the door.

The atmosphere is wrong.

Various racks are placed on the small square in the center of the guild, and a large group of people have an open-air barbecue there.

Ming Yuexin led a few women to cut the meat, Slime was in charge of marinating, Jun Yan was in charge of lighting the fire, Zhu Dapang was in charge of the test, and the group of people cooperated quite tacitly.

Obviously not the first day.

Seeing Zhou Yi approaching, Jun Yan excitedly raised the things in his hand: "Grandfather, come and taste the freshly roasted lamb scorpions here.

In the end Zhou Yi accepted it calmly.

Then he looked around in surprise: "Why are there so many strange faces? What happened these few days?"

Several 180-level professionals are helping out from afar.

When did Minghuang Xingyu Palace become so overbearing? It even used level 180 professionals as odd jobs.

Jun Yan replied nonchalantly: "They are the envoys of the Federation, and their task is to meet all our requirements when needed."

"Actually, we don't need it. We live happily here, but the president can't refuse, so he let them join."

I see.

There are a total of eight master-turned-professionals, plus Xiaoqi's 185-level world boss, it's no wonder the Federation didn't send someone to watch it.

If these few were to start a storm, they would definitely be able to razed the entire league to the ground.

Zhou Yi didn't pay much attention either.

I joined the barbecue team directly, the world is big, and the meal is the biggest.

Nothing can stop him from cooking.

So at the same time.

The land of endless wilderness.

The strong wind was blowing, and the thunder was roaring, as if a natural disaster was about to come.

Suddenly, a flash of light and shadow flickered.

It's as if the TV suddenly flickered.

But it didn't last long, only a few tenths of a second.

Four mysterious black figures suddenly appeared in the center of the ruins.

The leading swordsman rubbed his eyebrows: "It seems that we have arrived, and the feeling of traveling through time and space is really uncomfortable."

The magician took out a map, which was originally blank, but with the passage of time, surrounding content began to appear.

【Living map】

[Special props. 】

[Introduction: The surrounding terrain will be automatically entered to form a map. 】

The magician said calmly: "Yes, according to the map, we are now within the range of Region 144, and we have successfully invaded this new-born region."

"Hehe, let's start from here to conquer the world." The wrestler with a huge ax grinned.

They're not here to be touristy.

They want to conquer this world, rule this area, and become the rulers here.

"Remember that rule is not important. The battle of the true gods is about to begin. What we want is strength, and what we want is the power to survive in the future, even if we have to destroy this area for this."

The last priest said quietly.

The four fell into silence for an instant, yes, a new battle of gods is about to begin.

That's Dawn's cruelest activity

In this battle, everyone must fight to fight for a chance.

Otherwise, the only end is death.

At this moment, the magician said: "Okay, I have connected to the regional channel, and found a small race, let's just go there and destroy it."

Thunder tore the sky.

That night.

The gathering place of the Tianhu clan was full of flames.

There were repeated roars.

But it was a massacre.

Terrible flames mixed with wind and thunder fell from the sky, burning the sky foxes to ashes.

On another battlefield.

The leader of Tianhu rushed up to fight with the swordsman, but facing a real god-level powerhouse, the attack of the leader of Yinhu was completely ineffective.

But the swordsman's sword energy can easily cut off the limbs of the leader of Tianhu.

The battle has been fought until now, every corner of the battlefield has been splashed with the blood of the leader of Tianhu.

The entire Tianhu clan is shrouded in despair.

What happened? The Tianhu family loves peace, why did this happen to them?

"Ahem, who are you 680? Why did you kill us?"

The leader of Tianhu hangs his arm weakly, he can no longer hold the sword in his hand, the enemy is the ten-turn true god.

He has no resistance at all.

The swordsman said indifferently: "Is there any reason to kill you? The weak do not deserve to live, they can only be the food of the strong.

The leader of Tianhu said: "Then you are not afraid of the punishment of Black Moon and the Federation?"

"Black Moon and Federation? They're just two bigger bug nests. I can destroy them with a single hand."

Hearing this sentence, the leader of Tianhu was suddenly stunned. Is this person mentally ill?

How dare you ignore the Federation and Black Moon?

The former has the Death Star with a record of killing gods, while the latter has a permanent presence of true gods.

Even a true god would not dare to offend these two forces, right?

Unless this group of people don't know.

Where did they come from? The leader of Tianhu suddenly thought of the records in the clan. Hundreds of years ago, someone came across time and space.

The group of visitors said they were from another area.

So are these people also outsiders?

At this moment, the blood-stained warrior rushed over excitedly, holding a fox in his left hand and a blue long sword in his right.

"Brother, I'm lucky, I found a taboo item, it's a good start."

The leader of Tianhu was desperate for a moment, that fox was actually his son.

"Hehe, no matter where you are from, don't be complacent, you will die, you will definitely die.

The 144 districts are not as simple as you think. "

The leader of Tianhu let out a maniacal laugh, and at the same time sent a message to the Federation.

The God of Death in the Federation will definitely be interested in these gods. .

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