National Awakening: My Damage Is As High As 100,000,000 Points

Chapter Three Hundred And Fifty: The Fox Emperor's Decision To Save The Taboo At All Costs

Zhou Yi walked on the streets of Tianhu City, admiring the scenery of the alien race.

He didn't need Ye Lingyun to come looking for him, just waited for Qingyou's news to arrive, and he would immediately kill him.

at this time.

Two people stopped him.

They are two demon foxes with human appearance, but with fox ears and fox tails.

The strength of the fox demon is particularly easy to distinguish.

One tail is one turn, two tails is two turns.

And the two foxes in front of them have ten tails.

"Yo? Do you have anything to do with me?" Zhou Yi asked curiously.

He didn't do it directly.

It was because he didn't feel any malice from the two foxes, but only a little fear.

It seems that these two foxes should know his identity and are afraid of him, but they have to come to him for some purpose.

Su Huan on the left cupped his fists, saluted Zhou Yi respectfully, and then said solemnly:

"A taboo from District 144, my fox emperor wants to meet you, it's a matter of your life and death."

Zhou Yi smiled: "Do you want to be my enemy too?"

"No 16 no no!" The two foxes were taken aback.

You can't talk nonsense.

They don't have three hundred true gods in Tianhu City, but they can't stop the taboo's attack.

Su Huan hurriedly said: "We got the news that someone wanted to ambush you, so Emperor Fox wants to have a chat with you in person.

Zhou Yi was just about to say something.

Suddenly there was a ding-dong sound, and the chat interface flickered for a moment. It was a message from Qingyou, saying that the other party's location had been found.

It's time to go on a crusade.

Seeing this, Zhou Yi could only shake his head: "Then say sorry to Fox Emperor for me, I'm short on time, and I don't have time to chat with her.

The two foxes were a little confused.

Brother, this is a matter of your life and death, do you really stop asking?


Su Huan was about to say something, but saw the figure in front of him gradually darken, and finally disappeared directly in place.

The two foxes were dumbfounded.

This taboo has really gone, is it really so unafraid of death?

Su Huan's face changed, and he quickly contacted Emperor Fox: "Report to Emperor Fox, Taboo didn't agree to talk to you, he just left."

The fox emperor Su Mei on the other end of the communication was stunned.

Taboo is really taboo, so arrogant?

According to the news she received, Ye Lingyun invited a puppet comparable to taboo to assassinate Zhou Yi.

If you do mental arithmetic without intention, if it is a sneak attack, I am afraid that the taboo will not be able to bear it.

Su Mei is sitting on the throne, her brain is spinning rapidly, what should she do?

We must find a way out.

It's time to decide the fate of Tianhu. After thinking about it, Su Mei waved her hand.

"Convene the top ten protectors, come with me, tell them to write a suicide note, this time there may be no return.w

Su Mei decided to take someone there to save Taboo.

As long as you block the first wave of sneak attacks, you will have the ability to escape from the battlefield after advancing.

They remain taboo allies.

But the Shadow Assassin and the Light Empire may have to face a taboo of the Assassin family.

She admits it was a big gamble.

If they win the bet, they will gain taboo favor, if they lose the bet, they will be forever lost.

But at this time she didn't have much choice.

Su Mei glanced at the document in her hand.

This is a letter of surrender, from the Guangming Empire.

[Tianhu Su Mei, by the order of Princess Guangming of the Gongming Empire, you are ordered to surrender within ten days and hand over the Tianhu Garden. 】

"How is this possible?"

Tianhu Garden is a forbidden area of ​​the Tianhu Clan.

There are all kinds of precious medicinal materials planted in it, which is the main source of income of the Tianhu clan.

Once handed over, it is equivalent to handing over 80% of his property.

More importantly.

The light is hot, and they hairy ones don't deserve to be near the light.

Once you choose to surrender, it is very likely that you will become a slave, and there is no possibility of turning over.

This has happened many times in history, and the races enslaved by the Guangming Empire don't know much about it.

Su Mei is not reconciled.

She has been in business for so many years, and finally built Tianhu City into a powerful force.

Why are you enslaved like this?

But it is almost impossible to protect herself in the hands of the Guangming Empire, so she can only ask for foreign aid.

But the Guangming Empire is protected by taboos.

So only taboo can protect them.

Soon ten celestial foxes walked in, each of them was a 200-level powerhouse, and they were also the real background of celestial foxes.

They held all kinds of weapons, and their faces were terrified.

When they came, they already knew everything.

"Fox Emperor, we are ready, when shall we set off?"

The leader, Sky Fox, asked empty fantasy.

No complaints, they all know what their gods are doing.

This action is very likely to drag Tianhu into a doom.

But they came anyway.

All for Tianhu, give up freedom or give me death.

"I have received the news." Su Mei took a deep breath, and then said with firm eyes: "The Guangming Imperial Master and the leader of the Shadow Assassin will ambush Taboo in Luoshenyuan, we will go there and wait, and rescue them at the critical moment." Taboos in Area 144. 17

"Obey, I am willing to obey my emperor's score!"

The ten voices were in unison, without the slightest hesitation.

"Hehe, that girl Su Mei is quite interesting, she is not afraid of being killed if she takes someone out at this time.

Seriously, isn't it just being threatened by the Guangming Empire, isn't it enough to come to this old man?"

On the top of the building, an old man was holding a monkey that had been dead for a long time.

Beside him stood several bright knights in bright armor.

The old man is also a top powerhouse.

Although it is only level 200, level 200 is different from level 200.

Some people can't even beat level 190 professionals.

But some people's fighting power, although not taboo, already has the style of taboo.

The old man is such a strong man.

So he faced twelve 200-level light knights, but he didn't have the slightest timidity on his face.

A group of local chickens and dogs, who put in bids to sell the first 850, are not worthy of his attention.

A knight of light said coldly: "Fengyunke, do you really want to be an enemy of the Empire of Light?"

Feng Yunke just smiled: "You should consider another question, are you really going to be my enemy?"

The Knights of Light were choked and speechless.

It doesn't matter if it's other people, they will swarm up and kill each other on the spot.

But Fengyunke itself is powerful, and the origin is even more important.

They didn't dare to offend rashly.

After saying this, Fengyun Ke turned into a gust of wind and chased after Su Mei.

He wants to see what this little girl wants to do.

As soon as Feng Yunke left, the Bright Knights looked at each other one after another, and then chased after him.

Their mission is to monitor Su Mei.

Now that Su Mei is gone, they naturally have to follow, otherwise they will be punished by Princess Guangming.

at the same time.

The corner of Zhou Yi's mouth curled up slightly, he received a message from Ye Lingyun.

【Ye Lingyun: Three days later, Luoshenyuan will decide to die, do you dare to come?】

So is the trap ready?

But this time, Zhou Yi didn't respond, and just walked in the direction of Luoshenyuan.

The hunting time has begun.

There is no need to respond to any questions from the prey.

In Luoshenyuan, Ye Lingyun frowned, a little irritability emerged in his heart.

Taboo didn't reply to his message, could it be that he ran away?

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