National Awakening: My Damage Is As High As 100,000,000 Points

Chapter 358 This Mission? Is The System Embarrassing Me?

Early the next morning.

Why another day? This is a question worth pondering.

Zhou Yi got up from the bed, and couldn't help sighing in his heart, happy times are always short.

After washing up, Zhou Yi went to the roof and opened the mission panel under the breeze.

Then click Transfer.

It's time to start the ninth job change.

【Ding, respected taboo professionals, have you noticed some abnormalities and want to explore the deepest secret of Dawn?】

As expected of a job change task of a taboo profession, even the title has changed, and he is no longer the adventurer he used to be.


Zhou Yi is also very curious, what is this deepest secret?

【The new job transfer task begins!】

[It is detected that the professional has already possessed the highest authority of time and space, do you want to start the enhanced version of the job transfer task?】

Is there even an enhanced version?

Zhou Yi was amazed when he saw it, this task became more and more interesting.

Since there is an enhanced version, of course choose the enhanced version.

"Choose the enhanced version."

【Ding, what is life? What is death?】

[Task 1: Delete key]

[Task introduction: Use time and space to unify to create a forbidden weapon. 】

System are you kidding me?

Assassins are not blacksmiths, so they can't forge weapons at all, right? This task can't be completed at all.

Zhou Yi glanced at the task and found that there was a detailed button below it.

This has never been the case before.

This task really has another world.

Open it and look, it really is an introduction about the task.

[How to use time-space normalization]

[Create a death-type taboo magic weapon at will, and reserve an inlay slot, and after inserting the time-space unity into the taboo magic weapon, the effect of time-space unity can be exerted. 】

"But you still have to hit the forbidden weapon."

Zhou Yi rubbed his eyebrows.

Time and Space Unification is detachable, and the core is also Time and Space Unification, that is to say, you can just build a taboo weapon.

As long as there are sockets, it will do.

But here's another problem.

First of all, he really has the materials to create taboos.

Last time I rescued a group of adventurers, the leader gave him a bone of 犼, which is an excellent material for creating taboos.

But there is a lack of candidates to build.

At least no one in the Federation has been able to forge forbidden weapons.

After thinking about it, Zhou Yi contacted Jiang Xiaoyu, that girl is now the person in charge of Xingyou Town.

With the ability to directly contact the Federation and Black Moon, he has a lot of power in his hands.

"Okay, I see, I will help you find out, but you need to wait patiently."

After Jiang Xiaoyu heard this question, she immediately contacted Xu Biao and Heiyue Nvwu.

With each command issued.

Federation and Black Moon started busy together, and the two races collected information together.

Long Chen sat on the table under the old tree in front of the door, and the table was filled with all kinds of fine wines, which was originally a beautiful thing.

But the people coming and going made her very uncomfortable.

The footsteps were too loud.

Finally letting her find a chance, Long Chen grabbed Jiang Xiaoyu who was passing by, and couldn't help asking: "What are you busy with? Why are there so many people here?"

Jiang Xiaoyu explained helplessly: "It's not Zhou Yi, he wants to forge a forbidden weapon, so we are looking for a master who can forge a forbidden weapon.

Those people are here to send information, I'm sorry to disturb you, but there is no way to do it, bear with it.

Long Chen frowned slightly, how could he bear this?

With so many people walking here, how can she still drink quietly?

But it can't stop Zhou Yi from doing the task.

But she can choose to help Zhou Yi complete the task, as long as Zhou Yi's task is completed, no one will bother her to drink.

Thinking of this, Long Chen showed a smile.

"If you say a blacksmith who can create forbidden equipment, I really know one."

Jiang Xiaoyu was stunned for a moment, and then her face was ecstatic. She was worrying about this matter, but she didn't expect the answer to be by her side.

"Then tell me quickly."

Long Chen shook his head lightly, then looked at Jiang Xiaoyu jokingly, putting on a lazy look.

"If you want my information, do you have to pay something?"

Jiang Xiaoyu cast a glance at Long Chen, and then said lightly: "The moon-watching wine specially provided by the Black Moon Clan royal family, three altars."

Long Chen shook his head slightly: "Shitan, otherwise this matter is out of the question, after all that person has something to do with me, and I have to pay some price.

Jiang Xiaoyu replied directly without thinking: "Deal, you can tell the information."

Long Chen was slightly taken aback, his eyes straightened.

She looked at her hands and couldn't help muttering, is there going to be less?

In fact, Jiang Xiaoyu is willing to give everything for Zhou Yi's mission.

Not to mention ten altars of wine, she would spend even one hundred altars.

After thinking about it, Long Chen still didn't ask for more.

Now that you have already spoken, don't go back on your word, or you will be too unladylike.

Long Chen stood up slowly, staggered towards Zhou Yi's house.

"The person I'm talking about is an ancient god, who has lived for an unknown number of years and has acquired countless superb weapons.

But it is not an easy task to invite him, Zhou Yi and I need to go ten times in person. "

Ten minutes later, Zhou Yi opened the door in a daze, and learned the whole story from Jiang Xiaoyu's narration.

"That is to say, I want to go on a long trip with you?" Zhou Yi looked puzzled, "But what I'm more curious about is, haven't you lost your memory? How do you remember your friends?"

Long Chen shook his head slightly: "I just lost part of my memory, not all of it, let's go.

...... Ask for flowers.

Let's go early and come back early so I can come back for a drink. "

Zhou Yi rubbed his eyebrows.

This Long Chen is indeed unreasonably strong, but he is also addicted to alcohol, and it always feels unreliable to go with her.

Shouldn't it be sold?

But he had no choice.

Zhou Yi couldn't help asking: "Is that person you're talking about safe? I don't want to have an enemy after the weapon is finished.

And this matter is very important, related to my future. "

This is what Zhou Yi is most worried about.

He can make weapons at a high price, but he is most worried that the blacksmith will steal the materials, and there is no problem at ordinary times.

But now he was changing jobs, and he couldn't afford to delay.

Long Chen waved his hand gracefully: "Don't worry, he is very reliable, if he is not reliable, I will make him very reliable."


Now that he said that, Zhou Yi could only choose to believe it.

"Okay then, but how do we get there?"

Long Chen threw out a wine gourd, and the wine gourd grew in the wind, and soon became a big gourd with a diameter of tens of meters.

Long Chen jumped on top of the wine gourd, then waved to Zhou Yi: "Come on, I'll take you to fly there."

Zhou Yi nodded, jumped onto the gourd, and the two of them flew off into the distance.

This flight is a day and a night.

During the period, he went to a big city and invited Long Chen to drink two fine wines, and in the end he was teleported to a volcano.

【Doomsday Volcano】

【Recommended Adventure Level: 200~205】

[Introduction: The place where the ancient sun fell, is full of the power of fire elements, and it is also extremely dangerous. 】

Zhou Yi narrowed his eyes slightly.

This place is no ordinary danger.

Although there are no monsters above level 200, there are highly poisonous hot springs all around.

From time to time, magma is ejected from the cracks in the rocks, which is extremely dangerous.

"Is this place really inhabited?" Zhou Yi couldn't help asking.

This environment can no longer be said to be harsh, and it is not an exaggeration to describe it as a restricted area of ​​life.

Long Chen replied: "Don't worry, he's right here, I won't lie to you."

At the same time, Long Chen put his hands around his mouth to make a trumpet shape, and shouted into the distance: "Big Goat, where have you been? There are guests at home, hurry up and greet me.

If you don't come out again, I'll steal your hammer. "

Zhou Yi was sweating profusely.

Are you here to find fault?

"Okay, he should show up soon." After shouting, Long Chen said with a smile.

But after waiting for a long time, there was no sound around.

Long Chen still had some doubts.

But suddenly, there was the sound of weapons colliding in the distance.

Zhou Yi immediately became vigilant.

Someone is fighting here!.

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